Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.

Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day

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Alternative Titles

Synonyms: AnoHana, We Still Don't Know the Name of the Flower We Saw That Day.
Japanese: あの日見た花の名前を僕達はまだ知らない。
English: Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day
German: AnoHana: Die Blume, die Wir an Jenem Tag Sahen
Spanish: anohana: The Flower We Saw that Day
French: Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day
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Type: TV
Episodes: 11
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Apr 15, 2011 to Jun 24, 2011
Premiered: Spring 2011
Broadcast: Fridays at 01:15 (JST)
Studios: A-1 Pictures
Source: Original
Genres: DramaDrama, SupernaturalSupernatural
Duration: 22 min. per ep.
Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older


Score: 8.291 (scored by 10074221,007,422 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #2972
2 based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #70
Members: 1,654,164
Favorites: 32,762

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What is death? What is friendship? Both series explore these themes in different ways, but in ways which touch the target audience. The audience is also likely to fall in love with the characters of either series, making for a rather nice slice-of-life watch with a supernatural twist. 
report Recommended by Yemi_Hikari
It's a "light" feeling anime about a group of friends, just like AnoHana. I would definitely recommend it. They both have fantasy elements and are about how a group of friends' lives are changed forever by different circumstances, including love, among other things. 
report Recommended by renchan
Utilizing similar romance tropes, viewers can expect to find themselves emotionally drawn in by the ups and downs, but a touch of mystery added in. 
report Recommended by Yemi_Hikari
Both will make you cry with their tales of love and loss. With the help of a supernatural force, the characters learn to cope with their grief and accept the fate of their situations. 
report Recommended by Mauru23
Released within a year of each other, the two series utilize similar art styles, but focus around a group of friends hanging out during the summer time period. More specifically, there is a mystery to be solved, but the thoughts of only having that one summer for one last time to make memories as friends. 
report Recommended by Yemi_Hikari
A group of friends struggle to move on from the death of a loved one. Both are sobering, emotional stories that will light your tear ducts on fire and never let you forget the importance of quality friendships in life. 
report Recommended by 84DaysWithout
Both Clannad and Ano Hana are good dramas featuring the development of friendship and a bit of supernatural events. The main difference between thoso two is that Clannad has a lot more of funny scenes and jokes, while Ano Hana is on the cute side and deeply focused on its long drama. If you want a soft drama, Clannad is your call. But if you really want the tears to flow, Ano Hana is the choice. They are two sides of the same coin.  
report Recommended by Superman
Two shows with a focus on drama and the personal relationships between a group of friends. 
report Recommended by Jax
Group of friends torn apart by some event that happens in their childhood. Both story are focus around the female lead that was unintentionally responsible for these events and follows the characters in their journey to fixing the relationship of the group 
report Recommended by kiimsz
Anohana is a dramatic, intense and emotional train ride about overcoming childhood trauma. Erased is similar, with a science fiction twist with more of a mystery element.  
report Recommended by VHaruV
There is a ghost only one person can see. The characters need to get over the death of the ghost to move on, or find some other kind of solution like getting along with said ghost that only certain people can see. The mood is melancholic and yet interesting as it pulls one in. 
report Recommended by Yemi_Hikari
Despite Ano Hana tries to keep scenes on a more happy stage, the sad moments don't ever miss a single episode to have some space. Those two anime might result way different from eachother, but i think if you try to watch them both you'll get to understand and have the same feeling that they both will give you. Plus both stories are very good, the art and the colors are very well cured. Highly recommended both~ 
report Recommended by EtnaEraclea
There is a ghost of a girl that only one character can see, the male lead character. There are some things that the group needs to figure out revolving around the ghost, for good or for bad. What that is helps draw one into the series. 
report Recommended by Yemi_Hikari
In each show the main cast is forced to suddenly forced into a situation where they have to work together as a team to accomplish one goal. All the characters are quite different from one another in both Kiznaiver and AnoHana. Their friendships gradually develop along with their differences. The art style is also very similar in each show. The main difference is the plot and the end goal. If you enjoyed the unique characters in either series or liked the way the story unfolded I would recommend the other. 
report Recommended by Nikoru-san
Sora no Method is basically the same as AnoHana, except SnM being a bit more childish and not having any romance in it, the plot and character setup is pretty much the same though.  
report Recommended by PokeL
At one point the cast of Cross Game ask themeselves "do ghosts grow older too?" the cast of Ano Hana would tell them "yes,they do". It's fascinating how both of these can be so similar and yet in a way so different Similar because the premise is very similar,making a friend's wish/last dream come true. Also the 3 main roles of Ano Hana are played by voice actors that were in cross game Both have very gripping first episodes that make great use of their ED songs at the end of the episode Different because while in Ano Hana ghosts are very much real in Cross Game it's left to  read more 
report Recommended by totoum
Both shows deal with 'death' in a sense or saying goodbye to a loved one, both are very emotional shows and take you on a roller coaster of emotions. Though they have different settings you get similar vibes from both. 
report Recommended by Nikoru-san
Both have a set of characters with friends whom they have known since childhood with the very ambitious goal of being the protectors of peace! Each characters share some of their dramatic/traumatic past. And both deal with the hard journey of growing up through the age adolescence. 
report Recommended by IchiroEX
Shichisei no Subaru is basically a rehash of AnoHana mixed with MMORPG. +6 friends, 3 girls, 3 Boys +Plot also centres on one person +same personalities +same love interests and love polygons +all are friends that hang out when they were kids till something happened AnoHana is slice of life/drama though while Shichisei no Subaru is action/sci-fi but tells almost the same story added with online elements and conspiracy .  
report Recommended by DarkwindJR
- Similar art, design, and highschool setting. - Male protags who appear to be deadbeat trash but actually has a heart of gold. - Relationship drama. - A group of highschoolers gather together for whatever reason with wildly different personalities, more or less working on a common goal. - Drama. Heavy drama. 
report Recommended by Lemon
Most of the ToraDora! staff returns to make AnoHana. With a similar comedic yet melancholic feel to every episode and the effect of seeing noticeably alike character designs, you can't go too far into either series without noticing that the other shares analogous characteristics. ToraDora! is for those who prefer realistic and well-paced drama while AnoHana holds true for the opposite. 
report Recommended by Detective
Both shows have main characters suffer from social withdrawal and have flashbacks showing them during happier times. 
report Recommended by dinho
Both have the "nostalgia" thing going for them with the plot jumping back in forth from past to present. Both also have something happen in the past that has caused the characters to change somehow through the years 
report Recommended by ShindouNagi
I find both shows very sad. They both easily get people to cry. They are both sad but in a good way. When watching Violet Evergarden I constantly got Anohana vibes! 
report Recommended by NowiFate
Both deal with death, and how much it effects people. Both are also tragically depressing, yet beautiful. 
report Recommended by PrincessKenny
Both of the anime are touching, also have a good story plot and will make you cry. These shows are more on supernatural and has a dramatic story and is worth watching and not time wasting. 
report Recommended by ginkei
Same kinda vibe with the forgotten unseable girl trying to overcome personal issues to move forward. 
report Recommended by MangekyoMinato
Hanasaku Iroha and Ano Hana has both tear jerking drama and splendid animation. Both are also original works. 
report Recommended by underMebius
Another heart-wrenching anime that deals with death and receiving a chance to redeem or complete something that you once were unable to. Colorful is much more slow paced than Ano Hana at the beginning and the character designs are fairly plain and "normal", taking the realistic approach. As the you continue to watch, the movie really draws you in like Ano Hana and sets up to be a real masterpiece in animation.  
report Recommended by animaxx
Ano Hana & Glasslip have very similar features including art, genres, and location. Although Ano Hana is the repairing of characters' friendships while Glasslip is involved in causing drama between friends, both stories gives a very similar feel involving friendship. 
report Recommended by Aleron
Although they have very different plotlines they both have magnificent animation, as well as that melodrama slice of life feeling. They both deal with sadness, seperation, and moving on. If you like one you will definitely like the other. 
report Recommended by Jimbo_X
Both are drama/slice of life anime that revolve around a group of friends growing up, an accident involving one of these friends and how this accident affects the relationship between all of them. Love triangles appear in both shows and result in the friends driffting apart, though while Kimi ga Nozomu Eien focuses on the love like relationships and "drifting apart", AnoHana is more about those friends finding back to each other. AnoHana has slight "supernatural" parts while KNE tries to be a more realistic show. Both shows have a very sad and kind of melancholic last episode and the girl involved in the accident is  read more 
report Recommended by PokeL
It has great story, the art is lovely, its also unique, characters are great *but a few in kanon* , but it has great emotional stories. For all characters, and they are both not overly overrated. Unique characters and music. There are also similar things in the story, like disappearing main girls. Secrets that you dont discover till the end. etc. 
report Recommended by kiryustiddies
-Both are very touching story with little bit of romance. -Both story surely make you feel like wanna cry. -Both has a very nice and touching song that surely make you fall for it. -Both are about teamwork and friendship. -Both story shows that everyone has their own past. -Both story shows the sadness and the difficulty when departing with your friends or someone you treasure the most. -Both has a peaceful ending and all the character continue to live their own normal usual life. 
report Recommended by Yumii1606
Both make you sad and have a similar premise  
report Recommended by JamalzA23
Similar main love triangle - "Special" female lead that has lots of people attracted to her unique personality, a secondary female lead that is really talented and more down to earth but has her own issues and the male lead who is in love with the special female lead. Both shows have a similar setting - a normal town, a group of friends, partially school setting. Also, the script writer is the same and both are the type to induce feels. 
report Recommended by Mayuka
Both series are tearjerkers with a plot revolving around all the hard work put in so that a girl can have her wish granted. There are other similarities as well that I will not mention due to spoilers. 
report Recommended by Numi
What if you could fulfill the last wish of someone you love? To what lengths would someone go to grant this last wish. Both series explore these concepts and slowly the viewer finds out more about the characters as the series progress. There is also a persuasive melancholy through the entire piece. 
report Recommended by Yemi_Hikari
- Love troubles - Teenagers - Similar art style around the face - Lots of crying (by the characters mostly, but idk I guess if you cried at one maybe you'll also cry at the other???) Most importantly, the MC has very similar backstories: popular smart kid who fell behind somehow but is back because of the sudden appearance/reappearance of a magic manic pixie girl. MC's more chill in FranXX though. AnoHana is easier to take seriously because there aren't overt in-your-face sexual overtones every shot, but the voice acting is smoother in FranXX. 
report Recommended by Lemon
They both revolve around love and friendship..both are based around multiple friends who love each other. Both will make you cry, laugh and experience tons of emotions and feelings at once. Both are amazing. Both are masterpieces. 
report Recommended by AidanTheGreat
both are emotionally driven downbeat sad stories that also have a white hair lead in it as well too and also a focus on supernatural storytelling as well too. 
report Recommended by Disapeared_Ghost
Both series have the same atmosphere to them, and both of them deal with groups of friends and life changes. Both are quite serious or have serious undertones. 
report Recommended by aliliyah
Both are slice of life shows with well developed, realistic characters, and both involve friendship helping to deal with the loss of a loved one. 
report Recommended by Niiniel
A group of children who breaks the friendship after the death of one element. Then the dead one reappears in the form of spirit or ghost. Finally, after some years the friendship is fixed. 
report Recommended by Disillusion
Two stories about grief, growing up, and friendship. (With two beautiful soundtracks, too.) 
report Recommended by Duckielover151
A ghost story filled with melancholy, teaching us about the meaning of life. A beautiful tale of a group of friends, met either by coincidence or fate, longing of a way to move on and express themselves. While their character relations are quite different, friendships and bonds are what it all ties down to. If you're down for some dramatic tearjerkers, this is for you. 
report Recommended by BlackRose_1210
"The ghosts of ones past..." For anyone whose seen one of the series, I am hoping that clues them into why these two series are similar without providing spoilers for those who haven't seen either series, yet also draw in those looking for that particular element the moment they see that line and realize what I'm talking about. For those who don't, both series handle the above theme I mentioned quite well, but I found them both memorable for that above reason. Neither is a series one can easily forget as they're sure to have an impact on the viewer. 
report Recommended by Yemi_Hikari
Both are series that rely on cheap drama and emotional twists hinged around shallow unconvincing characters who are based around these twists. They both construct their emotional drama recipes similarly, and contain elements of romance, so I assume appeal to a similar audience 
report Recommended by Claptrap
After Anohana ended for Spring, I was heartbroken. I really missed this show. Then, the Summer animes started and Usagi Drop is a really good replacement for Anohana. Anohana is more about friendship, and Usagi Drop is more about family, but they are both shows with amazing relationships. They are both such cute shows with such beautiful meanings! If you loved Anohana, you will love Usagi drop! (or the other way around) They both are such amazing shows! *o* 
report Recommended by ImNotLulexiaa
Both are deeply emotional and focus a lot on memories and how painful they can be, but how they also make us stronger and are necessary to let us move on. They are both animated by A1 pictures. 
report Recommended by TaliaMatsuo
Both lead characters (Natsume and Jinta) are able to see spirits, in Jinta's case its only Menma. Both are slice of life/dramas, but AnoHana is much more of a tear-jerker.  
report Recommended by apolloisfine
Both anime are of the slice of life genre and revolve around a personal past being overcome. 
report Recommended by Enigmation
- A group of friends dealing with the death key member of their friendship group. - Emotion heavy - Slow pace - Similar character personalities - Unexpectedly good and understated voice acting (Japanese ver.) AnoHana is slice of life and Grimgar is set up with a suddenly-dropped-into-a-fantasy-RPGesque-world premise, but the overall themes are actually surprisingly similar. AnoHana has a more heavy-handed approach to the drama though. 
report Recommended by Lemon
Similarities: Both lead muchachos can see ...........DEEEEEAD PEEEEOPLE!!..!!!....WHUUUUU,HU,HU! Both ghosts can eat, play and physically interact with the lead muchachos. Both lead muchachos suffered a terrible loss. Dissimilarities: In AnoHana only one muchacho (male lead) among the 5 former amigos (friends) can see their dead amiga (friend feminine). In H2O, the ghost has special ability to grant what the muchacho wishes, It can also leave whenever it wishes. In AnoHana, the ghost don't have a slightest idea as to why she can't cross-over and why she can only manifest herself to only one muchacho (the lead male character). In AnoHana the ghost has the body of a 15 year old  read more 
report Recommended by Nasty001
Even though Ginban Kaleidoscope is about figure skating and has more comedy, the story is similar to AnoHana, both deal with death and can make you cry. 
report Recommended by NyanIina
It's a surprise this isn't within the top recommendations. The art style is similar, creating an environment of surreal and realism at the same time. Main characters are similar, with both main lead male roles fighting desperately against fate for the person they care about. Menma= Mayuri Daru= Hasida Anju= Kurisu 
report Recommended by celephaise
Both have a bunch of children. The theme is basically also about getting over the loss of a loved one. Light-hearted. Slice-of-life. Somewhat cute and funny. 
report Recommended by BasicallyTNG
Both the main male characters are hikokomori boys that refuse to go to school due to a traumatic event. They both encounter a supernatural phenomenon that changes their way of life and gaining the courage to venture the outside world and work at fixing their prior relationships. Both series focus on overcoming social isolation all the while realizing that they aren't the only people in the world. 
report Recommended by moezy-chan
"Childhood Memories..." something that we all treasure for and remember it as we grow older. But, is your childhood a happy one, or a difficult one? Both of these shows are know to have a lot of childhood scenes where the main characters had fun when they were kids. However things go bad, as when they get older, conflicts issues about their past. They must, however, complete a certain task to help them achieve their goal. The difference is that Anohana is somewhat adventuring through the city areas, and much more a normal show. Little Busters Refrain takes place in one school area, and a fantasy  read more 
report Recommended by omega_d94
With a mix of romance, supernatural elements, and character growth through overcoming grief, these shows walk very similar thematic ground. 
report Recommended by TheKillerAngel
They both involve people who can see spirits. 
report Recommended by NavyCherub
In both series characters are slowly becoming friends (or reviving their old friendship, as is the case with Ano Hi...) being bound together by circumstances. Both series are filled with touching emotions and make the audience cry with good heartwarming tears. 
report Recommended by happyoyster
A girl who dies gets a second chance at life in some respect. In AnoHana, Menma reappears from the beginning of the series - several years after her death - as an older version of herself, only visible to her friend Jinta, and asks him to help grant her wish. In MP, Himari dies of a terminal condition, but has her life extended by a mysterious being, and several chubby penguins appear that are only visible to Himari and her brothers. The brothers have a special condition to fulfill as the price of having their sister's life extended. 
report Recommended by Numi
Both anime feature the ghost of a girl who has died, but cannot move on to the afterlife. She haunts the male MC, with the hopes of solving her regrets. 
report Recommended by quercifolia
The current life of the characters are strongly linked to the past. Both are enjoyable, simple and sweet. You will see many similarities between these two if you check them out.  
report Recommended by Tshuki
Both Anime use bright colors and have a similar fluid style for their characters. The stories focal point is around a rather innocent girl who has a wish that is unsaid. It is also about friendship and strengthening relationships which draws the viewer in. 
report Recommended by Yemi_Hikari
Both are based on lingering regrets of a friend group from the past involving a spirit which helps those in the friend group. 
report Recommended by Learyan
Both shows are about the struggle to move on from the death of a loved one and to cheerish every single day you can share with the people you care. 
report Recommended by otacu
Both Ano-Hana and Irozuku Sekai are similar in the following: - both have a bittersweet feeling throughout the anime - both protagonists do not belong in the time/place they are in - Menma being a ghost and Hitomi (Irozuku) being from the future - about friendship with a hint of romance - both animes ended similarly (no further spoilers!) - the main pairs had a special connection between them that no one else had - in Irozuku the protagonist is lacking something that makes her different (her lack of emotions and her inability to see colours) while in Ano-Hana the protagonst, Menma, is a ghost hence nobody except  read more 
report Recommended by KajiAoi19
Deals with similar themes of depression, grief and trauma surrounding the loss of a loved one. At its core it is the same story (a group of friends dealing with the loss of a childhood friend and reconnecting) but less graphic with the violence and a different sort of paranormal twist.  
report Recommended by zerofox75
The twins look/feel very similar to Yukiatsu in Anohana. Yuuta is the one that resembles him the most. 
report Recommended by Sammi4ever
Ano Hana isn't about body-swapping like Kimi no Na wa. But what significantly makes them similar is the way the shows are extremely emotional. They both shock us with sad twists. The two shows also have similar background musics that trigger your sense of sympathy. They both also deal with superstitions involved around the main female characters. If you want to cry again, I'd strongly recommend this anime. (Plus, they have the same character designer). 
report Recommended by Rythme
Both anime give off a nostalgic vibe, although Robotics;Notes story is not even close to unraveling its story as well as Anohana. To keep this short: Robotics;Notes - Mechas + a ton of feels = Anohana 
report Recommended by MinusLinus
-Both series are tragic. -Both series have romance that slowly builds while dramatic events happen. -Both series have really small amount of comedy. If you don't like comedy much. -Both series has a character/s that doesn't exist or just an illusion. 
report Recommended by Psychedelios
- Meiko’s appearance and subsequent character arc is VERY similar to Shizuka’s in one crucial regard (although I can’t say why, as that’d spoil it) - Both follow a group of teenagers as they struggle to overcome challenges, and eventually pursue their dreams - Both have one particular supernatural element, with everything else being set in the real world - Both will probably make you cry towards the end 
report Recommended by Atsunome
A group of friend regrouped because of the death of an another character in the anime. The history of the both anime will be centered around this death.  
report Recommended by azer467
If you want a movie with the same plot line or similar themes then these two anime aren't similar in the slightest. However there is something that draws a connection between the two anime’s. Both have a beautiful art style, completely different but still a pleasure to view. Both end with you blubbering like a beached whale. And both have a simplistic plot-line that makes the overall feeling to be peaceful and satisfied despite the beautiful tragic aspect of the anime’s. Worth the watch. 
report Recommended by LittleMissHugs
Both feature a silver-white haired female companions who show love or affection for a male character. Difference is one is an outdated android and the other is a resurrected being. Both pack emotions and feels down your throat  
report Recommended by -Hyper-
Both feature characters going through and overcoming drama and broken friendships. Anohana is more slow-paced, while BRS is action-packed. The scripts for both series were written by Mari Okada.  
report Recommended by GreyStoneFlinger
Not sure why no one made a similar recommendation yet. MCs are socially isolated people,escaping from reality, not attending school in fear of being judged by peers. Both also have a good amount of bullying. Sakura and Anjou are pretty much the same person just really really similar and they both want MC to come back to school. 
report Recommended by Hirugiku
They are about summer and are very touching. Ojamajo Doremi Naisho is an OVA based on a magical girl anime, but I can't help but compare the two for giving the same feels. It still can be watched without seeing the other seasons of Ojamajo Doremi. Ojamajo Doremi Naisho, minus the magic, is about a bunch of kids during the summer, with some flashbacks and surprisingly emotional moments. It gives off a strong feeling of the lessons and purity of childhood, and highlights a theme of growing up. The twelfth episode of Ojamajo Doremi Naisho pulls on the heartstrings. It's a story that will bring you tears, much  read more 
report Recommended by PastellRain
Anohana: Imagine if "ghost hound"was light and set in summer instead of dark and psychological. Both focus on an MC trying to overcome the death of a childhood friend (in anohana) and his sister (in ghost hound). 
report Recommended by jetkn
both are tragic stories about young kids who were best friends and drifted apart as they got older, but are reunited. 
report Recommended by lifeiscrazy
Want to watch a show about coming to terms with loss, especially loss of a dear friend? This is what both AnoHana and Gakkougurashi are largely about, and they both succeed in making the viewer cry waterfalls in the process. The slice-of-life feel is handled differently in the shows; AnoHana is about more realistic relationships and drama, while Gakkougurashi goes to both extremes with comedic scenes and horror/suspense. Without giving away too many spoilers, it can be said that both series also have melancholic yet emotionally satisfying endings. 
report Recommended by mimiiria
In both stories the protagonists has become a shell of their former selves due to the trauma of losing a loved one. Both protagonists used to be the "leader" of all activities in their respective groups. And both stories are about them eventually re-awakening a childish/energetic part of themselves that they once lost.  
report Recommended by Zako_Murabito
This movie and series are both pretty chill and go into some detail about regret  
report Recommended by -glas
they have a lot of similarities and both of them are one of the best. +love,friendship, feels 
report Recommended by yukyakyuk
Anohana isn't really too similar to Yuragi-sou because it focuses more on individual corrections and more realistic. However both do involve a spirit/ghost girl that they have to help them finish their wish so they can move on while no one else can see them. Its a tear jerker while Yuragi-sou is more comedy/fan-service  
report Recommended by ryokkeno
Immediately after being introduced to the main cast, I thought of Anohana: 5 childhood friends, seemingly inseparable, that were torn apart by a traumatic event, only to reunite many years later fighting for the same goal. This is certainly the case for Daisuke and his friends Keisuke, Marimari, Gai, and Gai's sister Lu. They rebuild their friendship much like the cast in Anohana. 
report Recommended by phiraeth
A group of long estranged childhood friends reunite and rediscover their old dreams. Relationships are tested, old feelings resurface, and the fragility of futures that were imagined together 
report Recommended by UnliExp
These are two great animes that share elements of loss and grief. The complications of both stories involve forgetting something vital that is needed in order for a character to achieve happiness. They are similar in terms of themes and story development. Watching it makes you feel warm and nice inside but your heart will probably be wrenched out by the end of it.  
report Recommended by m3dama_star
+there's drama, supernatural, tomodachis, Love and feels 
report Recommended by yukyakyuk
Ghost girl aka childhood friend and drama? 
report Recommended by zhigalin
Both anime makes people realize the importance of a certain someone . 
report Recommended by Kawai__Imouto
-both have teenagers -both have a character with gray hair -both have boys and girls -both have love troubles -someone dies  
report Recommended by Ohoboyy
Basically its idol multimedia version ... Just change Menma with Mana, change Jintan with Makino, and change Super Peace Busters with Hoshimi Production. However, you will find new story forms here, such as the story about the Nagase sisters, and some like Angel Beats-styled story of Kawasaki Sakura ...  
report Recommended by teofilusSW
You talk about another banger from Mari Okada. The script has something that calls attention towards each character. Being able to command viewers on a emotional level that helps anyone connect to the things that the characters go through. AnoHana and Maquia have the heart warming affect on the viewer. Mari Okada helps you get involved in her world and has a coherent story you can follow in both scripts she writes. Just a emotional rollercoaster!  
report Recommended by ImWalrus
Both Anohana and Golden Time are emotional anime series that deal with the theme of moving on from past traumas and finding closure. They both feature well-developed characters with complex relationships and emotional struggles. 
report Recommended by FAKECROSS97
A crazy recommendation, but as I am part of the minority who have watched Bakegyamon, I can't let this similarity be unknown to people. Bakegyamon and Anohana share the theme of friendship, as well as having a ghost/spirit female character with a mystery that gets unfolded later in the series. Though Bakegyamon is a bit slower due to being a 51 episode long shonen aimed for a younger audience. Now, the sole reason I made this recommendation is mainly that both series share a very similar, if not the same, sad and heartfelt scene. Both occur around the climax of their series with the same  read more 
report Recommended by LeWind_God
The story is different, but both focus on a cast of characters who are struggling with healing after deep trauma in the past, these being more important than the actual plot. 
report Recommended by Khashishi
Very similar character designs. Place the characters from Anohana and add mecha, aliens, and a futuristic setting. Anohana is a slice of life filled with friendship, drama, and regrets. While M3 has CGI and a mysterious realm yet to be explored.  
report Recommended by AnimeFan500
Both shows share the same drama that can make u cry till ur out of tears. Both also the bonds with friends principle and getting through hardships together 
report Recommended by Yurihyuuga
The animation is similiar to the animation in REBORN! near the end. especially the male characters. 
report Recommended by Lyydea
Both anime are about a group of childhood friends meeting up with each other again after many years, for a cause, promise or because of some kind of lingering regret. 
report Recommended by MagicFlier
-Both animes involves love problems as the main plot. -Slice of life/Drama 
report Recommended by MagicFlier
Two shows with a focus on drama and the personal relationships between a group of friends. Saikano has a war scenary, you can see the degeneration while the war for a friends group and some couples. If you are looking for a drama, love triangle and slice of life while the war, this the best anime (better in manga) 
report Recommended by DarkGabo
Both animes have a 'real life' aspect that is played upon but also riled up. Both set in modern times they focus on characters who may not be the generally accepted 'normal' to society, and show how people like this can connect to each other. Though Working is definitely less serious, I think they hold a lot of a similar feel. 
report Recommended by selvania
On the surface Ano Hana and Shinigami no Ballad don't have much in common, as Ano Hana has a set cast of young people and Shinigami has a varied cast that changes every episode, as well as a big different in quality of art and music in Ano Hana's favour. However, both stories deal primarily with accepting death and overcoming loss. Momo and Menma are both young girls who linger in-between the earth and afterlife in order to guide the living. Ultimately both series handle the idea of loss and moving on with sensitivity and a high amount of emotional drama, focusing especially on adolescents.  read more 
report Recommended by marusamarento
they are the same because both the main character girls aren't a human. both of their personality are the same. the main guy character in both anime both aren't able to move on from the past until the main character girl came and changed them, and helped them move on. both a very happy warm anime ^___^) i love these two animes so much. 
report Recommended by iNinjeek
At first there wouldn't seem like there's much in common between these two. But at the core they are about a supernatural girl looking to remember or find out why she exists. That and interesting cast of characters around what is going on makes me feel like these two could be enjoyed side by side. 
report Recommended by fiore777
I would recommend AnoHana along with Twin Spica, why? I suppose Twin Spica is more mellow and is about a smaller group of teens that wants to travel to space, however, the dynamic of both shows feel the same. These two anime first focus on bright, optimistic, gifted children as they grow up and begin to realize how challenging it is to adapt to a much bigger picture of life than any child can possibly imagine. Well, of course, some of the angst will go off the meter because these peeps are still maturing, changing, fluctuating and all that good stuff, but I  read more 
report Recommended by zewho
It's always difficult on a group of friends when one of them dies suddenly. Both series work with this theme. The lost friend contacts the others in a way and the memories of the past show the way in the present for the remaining friends. What will they do and how will they find their path back to their old friendships? 
report Recommended by Lopika
Both series deal with the supernatural and being able to move on with life. While "St. Luminous Mission High School" is an older series, it has a simular charm to the storyline that draws the viewer in. There is also a mystery as to why the things are happening around them. 
report Recommended by Yemi_Hikari
The storylines of both animes are standing on totally different edges, but the real core of them have some similarities: a group of friends that deals with new and different feelings and endure hard challenges (and bullets, in Gunslinger case) to stick together. Good dramas with very touching endings. 
report Recommended by Superman
Ano Hana is similar to Noein executed in reverse, without the sci-fi. If you got a lot out out of the slice-of-life parts of Noein, and found yourself moved by how time changes even the best of friends, then you'd LOVE Ano Hana. Noein focused on the bonds of a group of childhood friends before a tragic glimpse into their future showed how they'd all drifted apart. Ano starts with five childhood friends having drifted apart; the ghost of the sixth inspiring one to reunite them. 
report Recommended by AironicallyHuman
A group of child hood friends have to deal with a tragedy that occurred when they were younger. What draws the viewer in for both is the varying healing process each of the characters goes through as the series progress. This allows the high school students to move on with their lives. 
report Recommended by Yemi_Hikari
The story line is soft and fluffy and makes a person feel good even when some bad things do happen. Both story lines also touch upon growing up. The struggle the characters go through in both series is worth digging into. 
report Recommended by Yemi_Hikari
Both anime has a very bitter sweet ending leaning towards the bitter side. lets just leave it at that. As well both animes are relatively short so it wont really take up a huge chuck of your time. As well since both animes are rather short, you will get episode after episode of intense action.  
report Recommended by muggy8
Both have a slow and reflective plot with supernatural events in both shows, and a slight melancholy tone. Both are about a Wish of one of the main characters. Both are about the value of family and friendship bonds.  
report Recommended by Orulyon
Both are heart warming stories that deal with the daily lives of teenagers and an occurring supernatural event. Both have a clumsy naive goody goody heroine, and some very sad moments. Also the main group is a group of friends who has a goal (in FB is to end the zodiac curse and in AnoHana is return Menma to Heaven).  
report Recommended by Orulyon
For both Anohana and Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi, they both involve the concept of death and its aftermath. Thus, expect some supernatural themes. The main female character from both series are kind and is selfless in helping others. Although the settings are a bit different, they give off a similar feeling of mystery. For Anohana, involves the main girl (Menma). For Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi, it involves the origins of its world setting.  
report Recommended by Stark700
Although the concept is a little different. The idea of romance is quite similar. Both involve the guy being, what you would call "shy". Furthermore, both have the sense of romance triangles flushing through flashback memories. 
report Recommended by SakuraHughes
Okay so there may not be many obvious links between AnoHana and Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii, but I feel like there is one main thing they both do: they make you think about the world, about life, and show you in the most beautiful way possible how much there is to it all. While AnoHana is more about bringing friends together and Soredemo is about romance, they both do an excellent job at making you reflect on the beauty of the world and they both give off the same sort of feel. 
report Recommended by despairdaze
I watched this two animes a couple of mounth ago.To be honest,I had a great feedback from them.Both of them have the romance theme but they are a bit different. In Kaichou,you will see that is the typical boy-girl relationship but with their ups and downs. The main reason i like this anime is because i like the personallity of Usui Takumi.He makes the anime more funny and I like how he protects the girl he loves. In Anohana(abbreviation) you can see a special relationship between a boy and a girl,who's a ghost.The ghost died when the boy was little and he was trying to save her  read more 
report Recommended by CosminAMV
An odd boy ends up living with an already dead girl (a ghost in Ano Hana, a zombie in Sankarea). Note that the "odd" and "already dead" parts are portrayed differently. Then; as the days of living together go by, some romance starts to bloom. The two are very different in what they're trying to be though. Ano Hana aims for drama while Sankarea aims for a romcom type of story. 
report Recommended by IrMaXuS
The main characters of of similar personalities, down to their hidden perversion. They both have a group of friends they would rather not be with, and are dragged around by a girl and forced into some rather funny situations.  
report Recommended by Mythical_Truth
This anime is what most moved me, who loves and is anime fan is obligated to attend. Put only one, but all animes of my list are great, there are those who even declined in its other seasons but may assist yes, you will not regret it. I add skyp andresjuchem, face andres Juchem. some games lol wow dragspeed DragSpeed Smite DragSpeed. Thank you so much. 
report Recommended by dragspeed
Let's just think for a while, what can this titles similar in? First of all they both about supernatural things. Maybe AnoHana is more drammatic and Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo is more comedy anime but they are both fantastic, emotional stories. Both are about a group of friends that go through many situations. Two shows with a focus on supernatural and the personal relationships between a group of friends. 
report Recommended by Commandorcmd
While this might seem extremely far fetched, both series deal alot with the loss of childhood friendships. Everything else about each series is completely different, but if you're looking for some angsty drama about broken best friends, these two seem to be at the top. 
report Recommended by plaidapus
I am making this reccomendation espacially after watching episode 8... well both of these anime have the feature of the after life and although Anohana is much more serious both anime try to make us behave ''cool'' around ghosts and other stuff!!! But you should watch Anohana if you liked especially Re-kan's episode 8(or you generally like Re-kan) and you should watch Anohana after you have watched Re;kan because you will be more ''touched'' about the supernatular feature and you will be more prepared to accept it after you have watched Re-kan! 
report Recommended by kelpiechan
There will never be any replacement for anohana. You get the chill, tears falling, a true masterpiece out of it. However i would like to recommend this anime. It is full of comedy for the first half season. However the late part, it is full of sadness...  
report Recommended by xtamsia
Both of these series deal with death, some supernatural aspect, and moving on from one world to the next all the while maintaining and incredibly bittersweet vibe to them.  
report Recommended by bakcheia
Both are heart warming stories that deal with the daily lives of teenagers and an occurring supernatural event. There is a ghost only one person can see. The characters need to get over the death of the ghost to move on. 
report Recommended by Princes
It is very similar because both are about this girl who everyone seems to get a crush on. There's sad moments and moments that will make you laugh. Both main guys care very much about the main girl.  
report Recommended by happiness_love
Although the storylines are different, these two anime have the same kind of atmosphere to them, and both are very innocent romances. Ano Hana is more "intense", while True Tears is on the softer side. 
report Recommended by AriaFlame
Though it is nesesarry to see the OVA's and the first season of tamayura (Hitotose), both series will give you this emotional feeling. Though in AnoHana you get that towards the end and Tamayura will give it to you every other chapter. 
report Recommended by Zaraquiel99
I personally think that this is quite similar to Kannagi the fact that this anime is mostly about each characters trying to find there true self just like Kannagi e.g Nagi trying to find out the truth behind her self , Jin is also trying to find the truth behind Nagi aswell as for him self, Tsugumi wants to find out the true meaning behind her feelings for Jin and ect... As you can tell Kannagi has also quite a few of romantic scene well Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai has also quite a few of a romantic kind  read more 
report Recommended by xCozmoBlossomzx
An antisocial, emotionally-wounded teenage protagonist encounters a young girl's ghost (?) and tries to solve the mystery of why she suddenly appeared. In the process, the two of them become very close and end up helping each other work through their respective regrets. Both shows are lusciously animated and tell stories set in the present day with more than a hint of magical realism. The biggest difference between the two is the gender of their protagonist, which has some effect on the story but not as much as you might expect. 
report Recommended by q_3
Both anime are romance comedy. This one is a little different since it's sad, but the art sort of seems alike in some ways. The anime styles are different, but the fashion and interiors are alike. I recommend this tear-jerking romance! 
report Recommended by ggoodd
Both anime ghost only exist during the summer 
report Recommended by pzeepst
Both shows are: - Ladden with heavy drama - Full of love problems: X likes Y, Y like Z, Z like everyone etc. etc. - about self-absorbed, self-loathing teenagers The artstyle is very different. but the atmosphere is similar; both make attempts to appear smart, mature, and full of depth much like the teenage protagonists the two shows focus on. 
report Recommended by Lemon