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Okinawa de Suki ni Natta Ko ga Hougen Sugite Tsurasugiru
Okinawa de Suki ni Natta Ko ga Hougen Sugite Tsurasugiru
Mar 22, 9:53 PM
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Mamotte Shugogetten!
Mamotte Shugogetten!
Mar 22, 8:37 PM
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Ao no Hako
Ao no Hako
Mar 22, 12:15 PM
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Hai to Gensou no Grimgar
Hai to Gensou no Grimgar
Feb 8, 7:38 PM
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Shizuna Mar 5, 6:56 AM
Heh, while I wouldn't call him my favorite character by any metric I can think of, I actually liked Gaius a lot. I like how chill and honest he always is, it really shows up his background - and I loved Nord Highlands: no intrigues, no abusive relationship between the people and the government, everyone helps each other, etc. Oh, and the OST there is my 2nd favorite music composition from CSI. Gaius is the type of a guy you can always count on. But yeah, it doesn't change the fact that his involvement in the game's events wasn't as important and noteworthy as, for example, Randy's. With Machias, he's not very interesting, yes, but I don't dislike him. Actually, Kiseki doesn't have that many characters that invoke negative feelings in me. The only one I can think of is Angelica, but even for her it's not hatred either - I just didn't enjoy seeing her whenever she appeared. Judging by my observations, Estelle seems to be the most universally loved protagonist, Lloyd is rarely mentioned and Rean has mixed reception; not sure about Van. You're likely going to enjoy him. I wonder if you're going to finish the series this year? :D

Huh, I didn't expect you like Celine so much, that's interesting. I really loved her dynamics with Rean in CSII.

Hmm, I think Rixia is still bigger than Elie, no? But Elie is definitely one of the prettiest girls in the series regardless of the caliber of her assets.
I like Renne. Seeing her growth from a mentally unstable loli to a cheery teen and then a competent young lady was fantastic. Given her story and amount of appearances throughout the series, I think it's impossible to not like her. That being said, when I've been remaking my favorite characters list (the one I posted in the thread where I pinged you) she was very close to missing the spot. I was internally debating whether I should use the Hajimari slot for her, Lloyd or Nadia. Also, as you can see, Rixia and Altina didn't make it in the end which is a shame.

Well, even if you end up not liking her for some reason it'll be okay to tell me that, I won't get disappointed or anything like that :P.

Even if Falcom decides to finish everything in one game, I think they'll be perfectly able to close all loose ends because on average one game has ~100 hours of gameplay/story, so there is enough time for everything, but I feel like there will be plenty of new releases before we actually reach the ending. My only real concern is if internal structure of the company or their goals/methodology start to change for the worse, a lot of series have been ruined by such things. I really hope nothing like this ever happens.

Huuh, my CSIII playthrough was 126 hours, so almost exactly the same as yours, what are the chances? CSIV took me 160+ to finish though, so get ready for an even longer game ha-ha. Personally though I enjoyed every moment of both games, so the length was a plus, not a minus for me.

Oh, nice - I think you're my second friend who likes Claire, she is usually rarely mentioned. I think her best moments were in Ymir in CSII though.

What a dreadful though. Imagine what you'd miss if you started with CSI instead of FC and decided not to continue exploring the series further.

I meant 37.5 degrees Celsius fever, not number of hours it took me to finish the game :D
I think the full fan translation should be finished in a few months. I played it this way:
- Some parts were already manually translated.
- Some parts I played with MTL - and you know what? Even with all its errors it is still more accurate than whatever NISA is making.
- Parts that have Shizuna in it I played in Japanese, I had to constantly alt-tab to help me understand words/kanji which I don't know yet though, so it's wasn't the smoothest of experiences.

Rance isn't just raunchy and perverted, he pretty much assaults all attractive women he meets, so you probably won't be able to enjoy it if you don't like such characters. Still, the story and worldbuilding are insanely good, and all in all Rance is very unique protagonist.

The reason so many AAA games are terrible nowadays is likely because the industry was infiltrated by people who don't care about video-games in the first place, mostly in managing/PR positions. Indie games, on the other hand, are made by people who are passionate about the project they're making.

I think Crazy one was the best among Mitas, although not for romantic reasons - I'm already taken after all. The Glasses Mita could be a great friend to hang out with given her personality and hobbies though.
Shizuna Feb 15, 8:17 AM
The last time I drank alcohol was in late 2023. I never was a big fan of it but at least previously I could enjoy it on occasion - sake, whiskey, red wine, etc. That time, however, I bought myself a bottle of sake, drunk ~75% of it, noticed that my heart performs weirdly and poured the rest of the drink into the sink, deciding to never drink again :D. I never tried German beer, though.

When it comes to the main parties, even to this day Llloyd/Elie/Tio/Randy remain the best when it comes to the overall mood of the group and the way they interact with each other as well as what role they play in the story. If you look at the things cynically, you can, in theory, replace some of the Class VII members, for example, and not much would change overall, but either of these 4 is very important to both Crossbell games and the group they belong to. When it comes to Lloyd though, I think the fact that he's just a normal guy is a good point of his. Paradoxically, that what makes him kind of unique as a protagonist. As for Van, he is a great protagonist too, not as noble, polite and straightforward as someone like Rean, but a guy that is nonetheless good at heart. Essentially someone who has a tough exterior but is very sweet inside.

I felt similarly about the relationship between Randy and Lloyd, although probably not to the same level of appreciation as you did - do you feel the the same way about Crow and Rean or nah? And yes, family is family, so it was nice seeing Randy not go full hate mode for Shirley and Sigmund despite their differences. Also, looks like you've spoiled some things for yourself, that grown up Fio could've been a surprise :P With Elie, I didn't appreciate her as much at first, but over years she grew on me. Definitely agreed on everything that you mentioned about Tio; also, when it comes to harems, Mishy can rival both Lloyd and Rean - there are a lot of girls who love him.

Rixia gets only better with time, although ironically, recently - after I finished playing Kai no Kiseki (which is now my favorite game in the series by far, by the way), I realized that if I were to make a ranked list of sorts, then it would likely have a lot of guys there and girls like Rixia wouldn't reach it; well, Shizuna would obviously still be at the top - nothing about my love for her changed, if anything - it only grows stronger by the day.

To answer your question about the Ouroboros plans - "no" is much a closer than "yes".

What many people don't realize when they complain about harem undertones is that it actually makes perfect sense for girls to be interested in guys like Rean and Lloyd. In fact, it would be strange if they weren't interested in them given the circumstances. And it's not like they end up dating them all at the same time anyway.

As far as I remember, starting from CSIII the things like optional quests and even rare items like books are being displayed on the minimap, so it gets easier to avoid missing them. I remember feeling a bit disappointed by it because I loved to go around and search for that stuff haha. But yes, the series gets better with each new game due to how everything builds up together and how the developer improves things technologically. When Kuro released I was very surprised at how better it felt compared to Cold Steel III-IV/Haji (which were already better than Cold Steel I-II), but Kai managed to become even better than Kuro.

You are right about the difficulty, though. Starting from Cold Steel I even Nightmare becomes very easy to play through. The only exceptions I can think of are Abyss in Hajimari and Nightmare in Kai - these can provide some fun challenge. To be fair, however, the gameplay itself gets more fun starting from Kuro. There is a real time battle mode now that you can use to grind through normal monsters (doesn't work on bosses) and during turn based combat there are a lot of great new improvements, like S-crafts costing exactly 100 and you being unable to spam them.
That mech fight in Cold Steel I was so crazy to me. As someone who managed to completely avoid any spoilers at that time, experiencing it was so bizarre but also incredibly fun.

My ranking would look different to yours. Up until I played Cold Steel IV, Cold Steel I used to be my favorite. It's the game I replayed the most, actually. My previous favorite used to be Kuro II which is probably the most hated game in the series by other players lol, but I loved Kai even more.

Ooh, nice seeing Bleublanc, Osborne and Vita so high in your tier list. A bit surprising Rean got only the B rank though. How'd you evaluate Claire overall?

I guess by now you're already done with CSIII?

As for me, I'm not doing that good overall due to some life-related matters, but not all is bleak. For example, this was my first birthday that I had a new Kiseki game to play and it was unbelievably fun to me; even getting cold and fever didn't prevent me from enjoying it (it was only ~37.5 though, so nothing too serious). Also, a few days ago I finally finished studying all Shizuna's Kuro I Japanese lines - not only I can read them all (there are more than 300 of them) without any external assistance, I can even recite a lot of them from memory. This makes me a happier person.

Some other stuff:
- Finished Rance 9.
- Played a short game called MiSide (I expected it to be an overhyped memey game, but it ended up being very good).
And that's probably all that is worth mentioning.
karemi_ Jan 27, 1:24 PM
Tyy I'll be sure to check out the ones that I don't know! Tbh I'm more into metal when it comes to heavier music, but I still really like listening to rock, so thanks for recommendating some more bands to check out <3

And yeah ik what you mean but ahh it's so hard to get into them! I bought the visual novel of Steins;Gate a few years ago and I genuinely still can't get into it because I'm scared of getting some bad ending on the first try 😭 Ik that different routes are the whole point of VNs but for some reason it feels so stressful to me
On the other hand I love the Ace Attorney series but it's just because it literally doesn't have different routes lol
karemi_ Jan 25, 12:23 PM
Heyy i saw the music you posted on FG and love your taste!! I used to listen to sum 41 as well, maybe should go back to it. What are your favorite bands? I need some more recommendations

Ah and btw I didn't reply earlier but thx for explaining what Wonderful is! I have a big problem with getting into visual novels so i haven't checked it out yet, but maybe someday~
Shizuna Jan 7, 6:42 AM
It's OK. Things happen, sometimes we're too busy with other stuff or just not in the mood to reply.

Is that the girl from the old police anime? Hmm, yeah I think it's her, I remember liking its 4-episode OVA, but when I tried watching the TV series dropped it fairly quick. The main duo was pretty hot though.

Agreed on Crossbell arc having the the best main party, and when I finished Zero/Ao Tio was the best girl from that arc for me too, but later Rixia overcame her. Overall, I'd put Tio on 4th place of all Kiseki girls and Rixia on 3rd. Sara is definitely one of the best in CS and I liked her ship with Rean more than the rest, but I like Laura more than her. As for the lack of voices, it's definitely a flaw, but to be fair to Cold Steel, Liberl and Crossbell arcs originally didn't have much voices either. Also... Translation gets MUCH worse starting with Cold Steel III because that's when NISA took over. So get ready for getting irritated a lot :(

And Happy Birthday! May everything you wish for come true!
fausifahrial Jan 6, 10:42 PM
Happy birthday! :)
fausifahrial Dec 31, 2024 4:08 PM
Happy New Year ~
Shizuna Dec 31, 2024 2:11 PM
Happy New Year!
izzyb1027 Dec 20, 2024 6:45 AM
I have risen
karemi_ Nov 16, 2024 1:28 PM
What is Wonderful? 👁️
sockerdricka Oct 25, 2024 10:11 PM
Thanks, you kind of gave me all the answers I wanted since I was curious if I should pick up DanMachi again :)
Guess I'll have to give it a try again, dangit!

Yeah I also saw we talked before, didn't realize that. Your post is gone but sounds like a fun one haha.
sockerdricka Oct 25, 2024 3:04 PM
I stopped at S3, really disliked it and thought it was especially bad. Sad cause S1 was really nice.

And screw you man for tempting me with a damn ED. Dat Freya though...
sockerdricka Oct 25, 2024 1:11 PM
DanMachi S5 is worth watching? :o
tinshard Oct 5, 2024 3:03 PM
I'm not sure what you used the default video editor for but I can totally recommend you LosslessCut. As the name says, it's for cutting video, but it's the most convenient one you can find. And it's completely free, unless you look at the Windows store version which is essentially a "supporter edition". It has one key difference though: it can be installed while the open source version is portable so you have to unzip it and make a shortcut for the exe file.
Sir-C Sep 29, 2024 10:51 AM
Yeah, Higurashi's great. Just know though that Umineko is a different kind of story. Less of a focus on horror or slice of life and more of a focus on mystery, philosophy and metafiction.

I've been really wanting to try Muv Luv, but yep it's one of those very long VNs, so I've got no clue when/if I'll actually get to it. Sometimes I just wish VNs weren't so insanely long so that I could read more of them, but alas.

Tsukihime Remake is phenomenal, plus it got an official localization recently. It's only on consoles at the moment, but a PC port has been announced. If you want to read it on PC now though, you could find a no-commentary playthrough on YouTube or use a Switch emulator. Alternatively if you want to check out Nasu's other VNs, Witch on the Holy Night and Fate/stay night are up on Steam.
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