- Last OnlineApr 14, 2016 4:50 AM
- GenderFemale
- BirthdayNov 2, 2000
- LocationCanberra, Australia
- JoinedApr 14, 2014
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I, Mnemofysh, the one and only, owner of the Slenderwhale domination device, 153 (finally!!) cm, ex-braces-wearing, almost fifteen-year-old senile teenager, have finally returned!
I'm sure you all missed me very much *cough cough* during my lengthy leave of absence procrastination. On my side, I'm very glad to once again lay my eyes upon the glowing pixels on my computer that symbolise all I know about you. Yay! During these long months (can't even be bothered to count them =____=)*, I have lived through many average adventures, including but not limited to: almost stepping on my disgustingly old retainers, depression, my 14th birthday, mentally debating whether or not to even begin to try and appease a pubescent eternally horny friend of mine with on-and-off suicidal thoughts in close relation to his now-maybe?-ex-girlfriend and thoroughly, voraciously, COMPLETELY breaking my own rules pertaining to anime-watching. Fascinating stuff. There's also getting into manga, drawing (I got a tablet :D) and being horrifically disappointed with the results as well as the beyond-words-horrible Personal Project *shudders while typing*. I'll be making an effort to log on regularly and actually sustain conversation with all you lovely MAL users and friends and actually write helpful reviews. Yoroshiku onegaiitashimasu. (is that even right?) Also, due to me being a massive hoarder as well as very scared of losing the links to my wonderful profile photos, I'm just going to leave the entire thing under a massive spoiler. Please feel free to waste your time. Welcome, gypsy, to my secret lair. Ugh, the about me section. Its not that I hate this section, in fact quite the opposite, I think I love it too much. I tend to rant on and on and on about myself because that's really the only thing I know. Oh well, here goes. In an imaginary kingdom of the rainbow-vomiting brain of the thirteen-year-old teenager a unicorn the colour of mud mixed with hot chocolate freshly brewed thanks to the water boiled in a blue and white Sunshine brand kettle leaped deftly across a river which bore enormous resemblance to the night sky above it. A girl with hair the color of a supermarket-bought Swan brand highlighter stared up at the aforementioned space hoping she might find some living entity amongst the stars that shone like little lights or fireflies. *gasp* Need... air... *cough cough* Oh, so you're not gone? Just as well. I believe an introduction is in order. I am Mnemofysh, a 150.5 cm, ex-braces-wearing, sarcastic, intelligent, cat enthusiast, anime loving, cantankerous caterpillar teenage girl. And that only begins to describe me. I am much too complex for my own brain. I have so many conflicting personality traits that I don't even know myself at all. According to the MBTI, I am an ISTP, and according to the enneagram types, I am a type 3. Personally, I think that these results are only partly accurate although it is possible that it is precisely because I do not know myself that I consider all the results of countless personality tests to be false. I think I’m also part INFP In any case, what I do know is that I am an energetic, passionate and loving girl who however may rub off as the complete opposite to some people. Whether I come off as apathetic, overly excited, annoying, constantly happy, sad, pleasant, shy or obnoxious, I am living proof that first impressions are not always true. I also have somewhat mild but mostly justified mood swings, mostly ranging between happy, angry and depressed. My Internet persona is far more fun and interesting than reality, since my computer has what is commonly known as a backspace key. Explanation through a couple of gifs: How I act around my parents and people I don't like: How I act around teachers and most friends: How I act on the Internet and around other friends: Though I suppose that maybe I am flattering myself a little with all these pointless adjectives. In any case, I've found that the most straightforward, accurate ways of describing myself are "tsundere hybrid" (extreme sarcasm, may come across as unpleasant, however pleasant around friends and does not disclose feelings), type A personality, and the color red. It is in my nature to assume leadership, though not always responsibility, to give without asking in return, to worry, to be a perfectionist (thus demanding the same from everyone and everything), to be a little jealous at times (especially when people are pretending to be smarter than me) and to be quick to anger. I've got a need to be better than everyone around me in everything, except for things in which I suck at royally (sports especially, though I think that's more linked to a general lack of motivation than actual lack of skill). Just like your average Type A, I have a need to be in control, mainly because everyone else pisses me off with their stupidity (needless to say, I’m not a great team worker), a need to be better than everyone, but also a need to be loved and accepted. I am one of the few adolescent girls who doesn’t act with ulterior motives on her mind, who is loyal, loving and protective. And that doesn’t apply to only real life situations... Is there anything else you should know about me? Probably not, except that I live in an Australian household where all my personal flaws are attributed to two things: electronic devices and anime. Personally, I would rather have anime and be flawed than have no anime and be perfect. I mean, because imperfection is totally trendy now, right? I'm also part of a dying breed of humans who feel repugnance instead of attraction towards chocolate and bacon. Yes, you read that right - come at me with your flaming torches and pitchforks. Furthermore, I get bored very easily, but I'm not entirely sure how this piece of information would fit in the current context, except for perhaps an explanation as to why I changed my fantabulous profile, and why I'm always the first to notice BBCode crashes and the likes on this site. Although, with the new update, hopefully that won't be a problem anymore. I have firm reasons to believe that I do have adolescent ADD, though only a mild case. I suppose I should talk about what I like...? Listing all the things I like would take up something between 1 line and half a page, so let's just say they are, but not restricted to, my computer, listening to music, anime, drawing, writing, hanging out with friends, being annoying making people laugh, sounding witty and cool even if it is only in my head, being better than everyone in sight and brooding if I'm not, obsessing over characters, taking character quizzes (I will not be happy until I know what character I am most like), doing completely unproductive stuff such as checking out (and reading through to every little detail) people's profiles and repeatedly (obsessively, perhaps?) checking my fanfiction account to see my story stats, if anyone has looked and/or commented. As you can see, most of my spare time is spent on completely useless and unproductive things. Though, I guess, I am on this site to discuss anime and manga. So yeah, let's do that. In terms of anime, I am quite picky. Though I do not have favourite genres, I do like action/adventure, psychological, with a bit of horror thrown in as well. All in all, I like Battle-Royale type things, if you could call it a genre. I have no tolerance for romance and slice of life; since romance is more often than not either soppy or entirely composed of love triangles and unrealistic elements; and slice of life just plain bores me. I have enough experiences of life as it is - I would rather accommodate the thirst for adventure which is close to my heart and that I will probably never achieve, at least not in the foreseeable future. I steer clear of ecchi, hentai (that goes almost without saying), harem to a degree (since anime of this genre usually contain sexual undertones), and what I call "mainstream anime" such as Naruto, Bleach and Fairy Tail. They are what's hot at the moment, and the target audience is kids my age, but I find their premises quite uninteresting. The sheer amount of episodes is also just too big of a commitment to me. My ratings might be considered inflated by some, but personally I believe I grade some quite harshly. Sure, I'm not someone who gives out 4s to everything, but I don't plan to ever give out a 10. If such a feat ever happens, by the time you find out about it, I will probably already be dead from a heart attack. It is only when an anime is that bad that I will start having mercy on it (Pupa). Although I try to be as consistent as possible in my ratings, two anime that are rated the same may not necessarily hold the same level of enjoyment. Oh yes, and the things that matter most to me in an anime are story, characters, and enjoyment. Aesthetic appeal and good music are a bonus, and their importance ties. Enjoyment rules the day, though. That means that sometimes my scoring may not represent what I felt. Updated overview of my ratings: 1/2: Failed Once I've actually given this score, I will be able to explain better. It would probably be a failure of anime, a nightmare, even. Absolutely terrible and I recommend you avoid it unless you're exceptionally into that kind of thing. Definitely dropped. If asked my opinion, I would probably go on a rant about how terrible it is. 3: Horrible Why spend your time watching this? It's horrible, horrible in everything. I didn't enjoy it at all. Probably dropped. If asked my opinion, I would say, "Don't watch it. It's really bad." 4: Bad A bad anime. I wish I had spent my time more wisely instead of wasting it on watching this. For the most part, I did not enjoy it. May have been dropped. If asked my opinion, I would say, "I didn't like it. I wouldn't recommend it." 5: Mediocre/Average If I grade an anime with a 5, it was watchable, but disappointing in one or more ways, boring, mediocre in general, and I didn't get into it. If asked my opinion, I would say, "It wasn't that great." That feeling when you're like, "it was ok... I guess? I don't really know." 6: Okay/Average This wasn't that great of an anime. It is a little better than average, kind of like a C+. It was decent enough. I did like some of it, but didn't really feel anything in particular, it was kinda forgettable. If asked my opinion, I would say, "It was decent." To summarise: Meh. 7: Good This was a good anime, above average. Enjoyable mostly, but some elements may be sub par. It's safe to say that I liked it. If asked my opinion, I would say, "It wasn't bad." 8: Very Good This is the first of what I call 'a good score'. Anime that get this mark are very enjoyable in my opinion. I may put it in my favourites list. If asked my opinion, I would say, "It was really good, you should watch it." 9: Great This is an anime I really enjoyed, that I will recommend to all my friends (not so much people on the internet, though). Will most probably go into my favourites list. If asked my opinion, I would say, "Watch it! It's fantastic!" 10: A+ This is the mark that every student dreams of getting on their report card, yet will never be printed on it, no matter how well they perform. If you do get it, you've obviously done something right. This is the hardest mark to obtain by my standards - an anime which gets this must be approaching perfection to about a centimetre. If asked my opinion, I would go on a rant about how amazing it is and force everyone to watch it. Hahaha. Basically, my average will probably be going down. Scores in already written reviews and previously graded anime/manga will not be altered, but future scores will be different. I try to be as organized as possible when it comes to watching anime, perhaps in a desperate bid to make for my terrible organization (or total lack of thereof) in real life. I make a numbered list of anime that I want to watch and in what order, I attempt to diligently watch every anime that I start without any interruptions Wait, did someone say 'Danganronpa'?! *explodes* As you can see, I get distracted very easil- Oh, look, a bumblebee! I vent out my criticism in long, often poisonous reviews which I pat myself on the back for, only to mope about when I see that others find them more unhelpful than helpful. Me when I’m writing a review: *evil laugh* "Full of sarcasm and complaints? Tick. Unnecessarily mean and insulting? Tick. Focusing only on the bad things and going on mini-rants? Tick. This will be perrrrr-fect. GYAHAHAHAHAAA!" Others when they're reading my reviews: "What on Earth is this load of crap that I'm reading?! It's certainly not a review..." *clicks unhelpful button* Someone, make a list of top 20 'least helpful reviewers'! I'm bound to be on it. If you’re here because of a review of mine, please leave a comment to tell me what you liked/didn’t like and how I can improve! However I accept only constructive critscm (you should all know what that is). I'm asking you to tell me how I can make my reviews more helpful, not to criticise the roots of my writing style. If you want to write a mean comment laden with swear words, you are very much welcome to do so - just know that I will believe you to be a jerk and I will delete your comment straight away without gracing you with a lovely and much treasured reply of mine. Lately, anime has lead me to other things as well. I've gotten more into reviewing, I guess, which is harder than I thought it would be, I've got into fan fiction, and lately, thanks to Ahhel, I've also started getting into VN's such as Grisaia and Rewrite, although I don't have a lot of time to play them and have to use my dad's computer to do so, which of course he's not very happy about. Anyways... To pretty much summarize everything, I leave you with this, self-explanatory meme: (The short one is me) But now, I have some anime to watch, cookies to eat and characters to fan girl and obsess over in a way that is neither natural nor healthy. [center] Thank you, have a nice day, yadda yadda yadda. [/center] I’m only part cactus. If you want to start a conversation with me, leave a comment. I will most probably respond in a calm, civilized manner. I like to think that I am interesting to talk to. Beware, however, a simple comment will eventually grown into a page-long one if we get into a serious conversation. Major spoiler to my/your entire life that will no doubt give you a heart attack and bring forward the date of the extremely gory, nightmare-inducing extinction of the entire human race which will then be entirely your dead self's fault because you so blatantly ignored my numerous warnings not to click this spoiler: No one actually said Danganronpa. Except for me, of course. ↑ Click it! * lies. I did. And the number scared me. 1st anime: Danganronpa 25th anime: C3 50th anime: Papa no Iukoto wa Kikinasai! 75th anime: TBC 100th anime: TBC 150th anime: TBC 200th anime: TBC |
All Favorites Favorites
Anime (4)
Manga (1)
Character (10)
Nanami, Chiaki
Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Zetsubou-hen
Fujisaki, Chihiro
Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation
Sakura, Kyouko
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
Hachikuji, Mayoi
Naoi, Ayato
Angel Beats!
Dekomori, Sanae
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
Komine, Sachi
Grisaia no Kajitsu
Shindou, Ai
Kyoukai no Kanata
Nakatsu, Shizuru
Uryuu, Minene
Mirai Nikki
All Comments (404) Comments
Hey, not pretentious at all. If you want to go to Harvard, then goddammit aim for Harvard I say! If you aim that high, you're gonna land on something good for sure, even if you don't land on Harvard. I wish you good luck!
We do ACTs over here rather than SATs, but I remember the stress well. All I can say is, take as many practice tests as you can. It's the only thing that really helps. I took 3 or 4 practice tests and scored higher on each successive one, if I can do it, you can do it, too.
Lol, all that means is that you're getting more and more into this thing! Go deeper and deeper I say!
I've heard of Osomatsu-san, can't say I have that much interest in it though. Wasted time though?! Non non non, 'tis not wasted time at all! The glorious best character debate is only second to the great best waifu/husbando debates! The pits of depravity are great! We have cookies! Join us~ Joins us~
I've progressively become more optimistic about it after seeing a couple of the trailers and interviews, if nothing else it kinda seems like they are trying hard to make it as close to the original as they can. In the end, I think their biggest limitation is going to be length and the way they approach animating different routes, if they choose to not do a single one. The day it comes out gets closer and closer, we can only wait and see I guess.
I'm not much into music, never heard of her. As far as music goes, all I've been doing is getting super excited over RWBY volume 3's soundtrack~ XD Maybe I'll check her out sometime.
This is pretty good, I like it. Good to see you're still going strong with your poetry.
That's great, really. I'm really happy it seems as though things have been (mostly) straightened out between you two, it really would have been a shame if it had gone like you told me it was going to.
I... have no idea what that is, google is my friend lol. In NA huh? Well, I wish you great luck. I kinda know a bit about having no life at this point... Between my classes, fansubbing, and other stuff lately I just don't have the time for some things anymore. If you'll notice I'm barely online these days myself, when I used to idle here almost all day. Ah, the freedom of youth, how I miss it. Though I'm sure I'll have much much less when I eventually enter the workforce as a nice worker drone. T^T
Lol, sounds like a lot of fun. One of the things I always hated the most about high school was how early I had to get up for it. The other was having 7 classes every day with homework for a good portion of them every day as well.
Russian huh? I don't know the slightest speck of Russian. Good luck with that, knowing more languages is never a bad thing. I myself am currently self studying Japanese, but well... It's not going so well since I really don't devote enough time for it. *shrugg* Still holding out hope that someday I'll be able to experience all those things that never get localized. My current source of sadness for that is the Legend of Heroes series, of which Sky the 3rd, Ao, and Zero seem as though they have low chances of getting localized. T^T
Lol, don't expect that anime to be worth a damn thing. I have basically no expectations for it whatsoever. 8bit did Grisaia after all, and while Meikyuu and Rakuen weren't bad, Kajitsu... Well, yeah. Oh, the fault didn't lie solely with them, they didn't make the script for Grisaia, but still... Rewrite is even harder to adapt than Grisaia could ever be.
Welcome back, what have you been up to? I pretty much thought you were kill, as Ahhel likes to say haha.
I'm not even sure where to start on catching up. I think in between the time you were gone I got a PS4, a new favorite game, a couple of my favorite anime might have changed, I become an editor for a fansub group, etc etc etc.
I play on smartphone myself, its a bit harder to play with your thumbs rather than will fingers but the difference is not big really. Sure about ID, I will post it a bit later though. I have no idea where it is, my mom was doing laundry and took it out of my jacket. Oh, and its a middle of the night too.
Starters dont matter that much, and it was actually Nico for me too. I started playing the game before i watched anime so I didn't know.
Wanko is my profile pic girl. She's from vn Majikoi, and I love her as much as Eden loves Michiru. Actually more, he dumped Michiru for Haru after all.
DereSute is a term for Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls SS (Starlight Stage, not schutzstaffel in case you wonder) its a game similar to SIF.
My favorites are mostly Lily White songs. Binetsu kara no mystery, Shiranai Love, Otohime Hato etc. From u's as a whole, hmmm.... Angelic Angel, Snow Halation and Aishteru Banzai? I actually like all of their songs so its hard to pick favorites.
Yup, but I just download from erogedownload if I really can't get it.
It's not as hard as it may sound. There are programs called Viewers that translate most important stuff. You just need to know where is what in the menu and you're good to go. It looks like this btw:
Nah not really, there's no point in watching it if you didn't/don't play the game. It's all just Kancolle inside jokes and memes, lol. Not to mention the director went and made irrevelant ship girl a MC. It's fun if you play the game though
I meant art of KC of course!
I dont even know how to talk about it. Well it's basically a JRPG series with some VN elements. The games take place in a planet Ar Ciel with an SF-Fantasy setting. On Ar Ciel live humans and Reyvateils, with the later having a power to use Song Magic to fight, heal, and do all sorts of miracles in general. The story of these games are awesome, setting is awesome, characters are AWESOME but the things that are the best is the dive system and the song magic system.
Dive is something that lets you (or rather the MC) and the Reyvateils (they're all girls exclusively, man can't really craft songs) craft the new song magic. You basically "dive" into the reyvateil consciousness (its called Cosmosphere/genometrics) and you must solve her hidden problems, heal her mental scars etc.
Cosmosphere are like the deepest, hidden feelings of the Reyvateils that they dont want other people to know/ are not aware of themselves. This parts play like VN, pretty much.
And Song Magic is just an awesome idea, even better because its Akiko Shikata that sings them. Song Magic is sung in an language made just for this series (language is called Hymmnos)
Let me show you a few examples:
Feel free to listen if you want. There's a lot more of beautiful songs like that and those are just the ones that I'm fond of the most. Oh, there's a bunch of songs in russian too, like this one:
So yeah I basically really love the series.
Well if you read the manga it has its share of slice of life too, but overall its darker. Anime was changed a lot.
I remember saying back then how much of a difference two years make at your age, lol, but I guess not. I feel like retard if I read my only year old posts so maybe its just me.
Its just me being stupid. It would make no difference if I slept first but I just have some kind of OCD or something, I just can't leave a comment unanswered.
Its hard to have strict parents huh. Haha well, I guess I kinda understand. Or maybe not.
It killed any dreams and hope that I had left in the world.
Google is your friend. ;) Oh, and really now? Good thing I'm your friend then AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA are those sirens I hear?
Maybe I am a neet atm, big whoop, wanna fight about it?
Nah, I'm way too S. It's not like I choose to be, it just is what it is.
Majikoi does that. But the other routes are totally worth playing, even if there's a harem-like route with the main plot in it.
To me it sounds like he was just a perverted kid that wanted to get lucky or something, judging from the little knowledge I have of how he acted. You should remember to respect yourself enough to know that you don't owe him anything, even if he didn't respect you enough for him to go and act like that. Not that my opinion really matters.
Yeah, I've heard a good torrent's impossible to find. The only way might be direct downloads now.
Reading back my hopeful comments about the anime made me cringe.
I know right? I have no faith in any adaptation ever, since Kajitsu. The damage was just too great. But still, a good adaptation of it would be amazing. It's something where they can't cut the small details out to really get the overall story, though. Sooo... Who knows.
Puni-punied? Are you Katsuragi?
Obviously Michiru is my significant other, psh. Come on now. You might think I'm joking, but I'm infinity percent serious.
I'm not really in anything right now. Which will probably change within the next few months. Maybe. Idk. Shut up.
Don't think I'll forget about that social link delevel where you said Ahhel's amazing and I'm literally less than dirt so easily, miss. Also, that guy sounds like a real winner. Yep. Totally. No wonder he's always so tired with all that fapping, though. Has he ever heard of moderation? Rookie mistake, I must say.
Haru's route was the only one that mattered anyway. The other routes are basically just there to be there, or to maybe make the final scenes with them in Haru's route have more impact or something.
Have you played Sharin no Kuni? It's from the same company that made G-senjou. If you liked G-senjou at all, you're bound to love SnK. Haru's route was amazing, but Snk was overall amazing. The setting's also really great and original. Anyway, it's awesome.
I-I mean, yeah, I'm not like Dexter ahahahaha
Seriously though, I'm not a serial killer. Where are you getting these ideas about me having an MO, hm?
How could you say something like that to me? Now MAL makes me feel unpopular instead of popular like you. :o *Social Link level -1!*
Yeah, I was. That...existence is the worst thing to ever...exist. Yeah, exist.
I played the God Eater game on PSP years ago, but I haven't really been keeping up with the anime. But still, Alisa ftw. I'd rather have had a 999 anime, though.
Ponytails? Twintails? flat-chested? *Reads my year-old comment* Wow, why am I trying to go to jail with that sexual harassment? Stupid younger me. What a dumbass, lol. I hate that guy, seriously.
Wow, stop making me read my old comments to see what I wrote! I didn't want to lose more of my self-respect like this, by seeing how much of a weirdo I ammmm ahhhhhh
I only speak English, other than basic weaboonese that all no-life fanatics of Japanese shit learn. I play a mean recorder. Well, actually I was pretty bad. I don't even know what a SO is, lol. Interesting things? Does socially retarded and waifu-obsessed count as interesting? I don't know, all my interests have pretty much lied solely on Video games, anime/manga and stuff as far back as my memory goes. Recently my main interests in those fields have been with the newly localized Danganronpa, Senran Kagura 2 and One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3. I guess that's just video games. Wellllll, my main interest is always Michiru.
So you regret adding Ahhel? I knew it. I'll let him down easy for you, if you want, don't worry. It'd probably be better coming from someone he admires like me I bet.
And oh yeah, so you loved G-senjou's ending? I'm assuming you obviously agree that Haru's obviously the best girl, right? Unlike Ahhel who doesn't care about her psh. Okay, maybe I'm making fun of Ahhel too much. I'm doing it on purpose to tease him, but stilllll... Meh, oh well. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Okay.