All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 112.9
Mean Score:
- Watching50
- Completed769
- On-Hold61
- Dropped82
- Plan to Watch832
- Total Entries1,794
- Rewatched40
- Episodes7,606
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 10.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries122
- Reread3
- Chapters1,307
- Volumes83
All Comments (151) Comments
I started Tian Guan Cifu and I was not really a fan, but I liked how it starts in the donghua/manhua (haven't read novel). Maybe I will pick it up again, or the novel version. As for SVSSS, I have not seen or read, but I really, really want to so maybe I will pick it up soon. Probably the novel, since I prefer reading.
I also completed the second season of Link Click. It was pretty cool, and the OP and ending is once again amazing. I have heard of Hanhua Riji but have never watched it. I might check it out since deities and fantasy is a genre that I grow more and more interested in. Anyways, hopefully we share more interest, I am very curious what a fan of SVSSS is into because from the description alone I have been very interested in it, which is rare for me. Usually just a description isn't enough to keep my attention.
> Some stories I can't even remember the last chapter and have to go back to re-read it.
Yeah, in case I really want to read a long story, I simply focus on the main plot (or the side plot) that I'm invested in, and ignore all the other characters and plots. In such cases, when a character is re-introduced and I don't know who they are, I just roll with it lol. I mean, what's the point in reading about them when I'm not interested and I won't even remember them a few chapters later.
Ah, nice name. I just assumed it must be an amalgamation of the names of your fav Chinese characters. Sonal means "golden" in Sanskrit.
> If not losing interest though, after 500 chapters I start to forget what happened before, until suddenly some character from chapter 23 comes back in chapter 562 and I'm like... Wait a second who tf are you?!
Exactly this, except it takes me barely 30 chapters to forget a forgettable side character. What's even the point in investing in stories where I can't even remember characters or plot points?
BTW, what does your name mean?
Yeah, the censorship sucks. Not sure how the uncensored versions often find their way online, when only the censored version can be procured legally. I'm guessing dedicated fujos draw the dicks over the censored portions lol.
Happy New Year(●'◡'●)Hope this year comes to you with wonders and happiness
and yes!! i totally agree w you😭😭I also love how they depict his everyone else moved out far away but only he's here, like a calm river with depth. I wanna hug him soo bad...hope they give him a happy closure. This patch was first patch without Jing Yuan....I am gonna miss my pookie😭😭😭