Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World

Kino's Journey

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Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Kino's Travels: The Beautiful World
Japanese: キノの旅 -the Beautiful World-
English: Kino's Journey
German: Kino's Journey
Spanish: Kino's Journey: The Beautiful World
French: L'Odyssée de Kino
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Type: TV
Episodes: 13
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Apr 8, 2003 to Jul 8, 2003
Premiered: Spring 2003
Broadcast: Tuesdays at 18:30 (JST)
Studios: A.C.G.T.
Genres: AdventureAdventure, DramaDrama, FantasyFantasy
Duration: 24 min. per ep.
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)


Score: 8.281 (scored by 101288101,288 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #3042
2 based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #771
Members: 335,334
Favorites: 7,276

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These are both episodic anime that center around someone who travels from town to town and they usually wind up helping someone through a difficult situation at each stop. While Kino's purpose is only to travel and to see different countries, Ginko's is to find and research "Mushi." Both stories have beautiful animation and offer up "life lessons." Although these lessons may be a little easier to see in Kino's Journey, they're there in Mushishi, as well. Enjoy ^_^ 
report Recommended by Chelle
Both are about travelling a fairly bleak and imperfect world, stopping only briefly before moving on. Similar moods and themes throughout, exploring lots of varied philosophical topics, especially mortality and what it means to truly live. These are two of the best of this genre; slow paced and intentional, focusing on things just long enough to keep you interested before moving to the next destination. The characters are also perhaps the best travelling companions you could ask for.  
report Recommended by Xaeveax
Pieces of Anime Literature. Contextually speaking, both should be viewed in the perspective that places the protagonist in a neutral position and can only act within their limitations of what they can and cannot do in their respective worlds. Morality and the human condition is greatly explored in these episodic chapters within a beautiful and yet sometimes twisted world. Kino no Tabi focuses more on the antithesis of a world that is not beautiful yet brings some sort of beauty and Majo no Tabitabi explores the similar conceptions but within the realm of fantasy & magic. The morals of these stories can lead you to  read more 
report Recommended by IchiroEX
If you're interested in thinking about the world that the characters live in when you watch anime, what important concepts are expressed in anime, or want to still think about a show long after it's over, these two shows work well. While they cover different ideas among those concepts, I feel they both cause similar responses.  
report Recommended by TheBigN
Similar protagonist with a talking object as their companion, although Shigofumi isn't all about exploring different people and so on like Kino's Journey is, as Shigofumi actually contains a major story. Also, the character designer of the original Kino no tabi did the first draft character design for Shigofumi, just thought that was worth mentioning out of interest. 
report Recommended by Siing
A protagonist and a comrade, traveling through planets/countries. On their journey, they meet people who live in these places, and learn the different customs, cultures or tragedies they experience, trivializing the world we live in.  
report Recommended by Siing
Slow-paced anime about travelling and encountering different cultures.  
report Recommended by Teddy
they both similar animes , both have adventures each episode in another town they checking each episode have mysteris about the town ^_^ ,two great animes ;D  
report Recommended by -SeRg-
Young girl travels around the world and interracts with various people, learning their stories and maybe helping them. Both girsl also scarcely shows emotions, have military experience and can defend themselves without a problem, thought their look might suggest otherwise. 
report Recommended by abystoma2
There are significant parallels between these two shows in relation to storytelling & characters. Character wise, Frieren & Kino are both vagabond travellers by nature; who share rather similar dispositions and personalities. They can be stoic, kind, charitable, sometimes aloof, and yet won't hesitate to be decisive, cold and will be willing to kill when needed. They're both taught and trained by a master who impart rather important philosophies and lessons when it comes to combat & life lessons. They also travel with a companion(s) as they journey around various lands; sometimes lending help to others and learning about the plight of the people. Both of  read more 
report Recommended by IchiroEX
Ergo Proxy, like Kino's Journey shows human psychology through a series of travels. A major difference is that this study of human nature is embedded within a larger plot in Ergo Proxy, while Kino's Journey's main point seems to be the study of human nature. Also, both animes involve a bit of philosophical thinking.  
report Recommended by nanyate
Both have the same director, and a similar atmosphere. Both are equally excellent, but each with it's own theme and story. If you watched one of them and enjoyed it, then you will love the other. 
report Recommended by G0dSlay3r
Traveling to different societies and meeting people. Lots of philosophizing.  
report Recommended by Danish
They both go on journeys, discover things that they think is unique and such. Kino travels for three days while Tortov Roddle travels according to his diary. 
report Recommended by neow_neow
Both are science fiction series about a journey... Kino no Tabi is about a journey through human nature and society. Casshern Sins is a journey to the end of the world, through isolation, death, despair and hope. Both are great introspective series that will challenge your view on the world. 
report Recommended by wakka9ca
A story about travelling and meeting people.  
report Recommended by Teddy
Both shows explore the human nature, have a philosophical tone and give you an eerie feeling. The artwork is somewhat similar, both being simplistic with pastel colours. Princess Tutu has some comedy and more action, though. 
report Recommended by zBliss
Both are very surreal in their setting and presentation. They feel much the same in terms of mood and atmosphere, although Jinrui is primarily a satirical comedy while Kino's Journey is more about the slice of life aspect. If you like witty humor and want to become lost in a strange world, both of these are a great pick. 
report Recommended by Veronin
Both follow an episodic structure with a slower, gentle pacing. The vignettes are often somber in tone, with quite a few sad moments in both series. If you enjoyed the thoughtful nature of one, you'll like the tone of the other.  
report Recommended by iwantcandy2
amazing female lead that kicks everything but that she fights. they both also have a talking electronic friend. they both also have an episodic playing style. if you like the third you will love kino's journey. 
report Recommended by zefiris26
Both have quiet MCs traveling to different countries/districts of various cultures and political structures.  
report Recommended by NuttyNUTTS
Both series feature lovely scenery and music, the effects of war as seen by a girl who is essentially outside of the conflict, and just generally leave you with a good feeling. Kino's Journey is more laid-back than Sora no Woto's outright upbeatness, but overall I'm definitely reminded of Kino while watching it. 
report Recommended by tozoku
Both series are about an MC who travels to very different cities and gives insight to how these cities are unique. Kino no Tabi's story focuses more on the cities while Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi focuses more on the MC. 
report Recommended by FireFly1
While not entirely similar in their stories, they both consist of an individual who travels by way of bike (bicycle and motorcycle) far and wide to see the beauties that the world holds. They both don't stay too long wherever they go. And they both have the same goal: To explore the world and obtain knowledge about it. Kino's Journey is much more focused on these aspects, while in Golden Boy Kintaro gets sidetracked quite a bit with his lustful actions and gets himself into various ecchi situations of comedy gold.  
report Recommended by ZachM
Based on novels by the same author, both feature the wide-shot traveling scenes (including motorcycles) and have a calming, thought-provoking atmosphere 
report Recommended by 011253
Both animes are about girls who were saved from being killed by a man, after that they decide to be stronger and take the man as a role model. They also go on journeys in order to save others the way they were saved. Both main female characters are tomboyish and strong willed. Both animes have their own imaginary world setting. If you enjoyed Seirei no Moribito you will definitely enjoy Kino no Tabi as well. 
report Recommended by -Hotaru_
At first glance different, but: both are influenced heavily by philosophy and have a slow but natural pacing that gives plenty of time for the viewer to process the plot. Apart from that, both anime feature great atmosphere and ambiance (and in fact rely heavily on them); Texhnolyze especially, but Kino does not falter behind e.g in sound direction. Also, the anime tells the events from a neutral perspective, in order for the viewer to make their own conclusions from what is presented. As a matter of fact, they are from the same season, Spring 2003.  
report Recommended by Krankastel
both are about protagonists traveling the world, exploring different cultures and civilizations. they both have a philosophical feel to them and deal a lot in human nature and the nature of existence. 
report Recommended by ATCkit
These series are similar in that they both have a very similar focus. Neither series are really made to just entertain the viewer and to merely tickle us with animation, action, comedy and other forms of vibrato. Instead Gunslinger Girl and Kino's Journey share the same motive of simply making us think. Both series will continue to provide various situations with each episode, which consist of conflicts of similar themes, but neither really end with any suggestion as to what the resolve should be, thus leaving it up to the viewer. If you appreciate the challenge of watching Kino's Journey, Gunslinger girl will surely give you  read more 
report Recommended by Julius_sleezer
Young girl traveling on her motorcycle. While both share the themes of the attachement of the rider to the machine, Kino's Journey is overall more serious while Super Cub is more moe. 
report Recommended by abystoma2
- strong female caracters - travels to a lot of places - great reflexive atmosphere 
report Recommended by andypnuts
Both have similar components - a meaningful and endearing journey coupled with a climactic and philosophically important ending. Charming art-styles, great VAs, and the whole nine yards of production quality are met as well.  
report Recommended by Sagaxus
Both are about the adventures of two young girls who ride motorcycles. Kino no tabi is definitely calmer while Michiko to Hatchin has quite a bit more action and drama, but both of them make you feel like you got more out of them than just entertainment. 
report Recommended by animedork95
Both series have the different story per episode going on, with an overall poetic and dark tale, similar pacing & length too. Although Boogiepop is more sci-fi/horror, where as Kino is more of a classic morbid fairytale type. 
report Recommended by Vesey
"Kino's Journey" and "Now and Then, Here and There" are similar in a lot of ways. While at first they seem to be very different, they are alike. For one thing both series are very "simple" but not overly simple. Hard to understand eh? Like for example both series have simple, un-complicated plots, that will just stun and amaze you. Both series also have modest, and simple artwork and animation, yet still look very nice and not cheap at all. Some other things that are similar are they are both very dark, in tone and atmosphere (Now and Then is much darker though) and very  read more 
report Recommended by Prede
Both anime travel to different places and meet different people. Tsubasa Chronicles has more of a focus on the storyline and Kino's does not have a objective. The adventure of these animes are both very similar as they go on there journey... 
report Recommended by y0l3itches
- Both are episodic in nature - Both involve traveling to various places, often in "Europe-ish" style - Both involve solving problems of different kinds - Both use quite varied backgrounds from episode to episode - The protagonist of both series is quite versatile regarding physical and intellectual skills 
report Recommended by Estefan
Similarities: • Both anime are stories that mainly focus on the characters and events surrounding their main characters, rather than the main characters themselves. • Both shows put great emphasis on atmosphere. • Both are short series with stories of varying lengths. • Both anime explore a range of different themes through the characters encountered in them. • Both have self conclusive stories that won't majorly (or at all) overlap with the other stories. Differences: • The art style of Kino no Tabi is simplistic while Mononoke's art style is quite experimental and out of the general norm. • The main character of Kino no Tabi's reason for travelling is explored while  read more 
report Recommended by ItIsIDio
- Poetic - Rich with metaphors. - Thought provoking. - Tsumiki no Ie has no dialogue and more of beautiful music. 
report Recommended by Reiraku
I am really surprised nobody write this anime. Both has similar tone and episodic. 
report Recommended by alwaysprep
Both series are very chill and episodic. Both tackle mature ideas. 
report Recommended by glassyeyes
In both shows, through their simple presentation, are presented a lot of social parables and dilemmas. In a sense, this short movie could fit in Kino's setting quite well, so as long as one had enjoyed Kino's Journey, you'll enjoy the short movie too. 
report Recommended by Tyrraell
Kino's Journey and Yuru Camp definitely are two very different shows, don't get me wrong. But they've got a similar quality to them, this nebulous feeling of calmness. One is a post-apocalyptic(ish) fairy tale about an androgynous traveller and their talking bike, and the other is some teenage girls camping around middle Japan, but I can say that you have a good chance of liking one if you like the other. Both shows find beauty in the world in understated, small moments, a kind of tranquility that Japanese animation excels at. 
report Recommended by Thedude3445
The pacing, artwork and atmosphere are the similar. They both center around quiet adventures. 
report Recommended by BishoujoElle
There's a similar philosophical vein in Kino no Tabi as in Orb, and there's in many ways a similar atmosphere with different settings, people and cities. There's also a similarly laidback pace coupled with very serious topics which creates a quite different and interesting watching experience.  
report Recommended by txrxgxu
-Similar style of storytelling using elements of sci-fi to create allegories -Stories usually last only an episode and can seem slow or simplistic at times but generally do a good job exploring the idea presented. RD develops a more continuous storyline later though. -Both have young female protagonists 
report Recommended by mtl5059
eat tells the story in an episodic manner and they both keep many details mysterious throughout the show. good for laid back relaxation. 
report Recommended by coros
✓ Traveling. ⍻ Episodic (El Cazador is more linear). ✓ Visiting new places. ✓ Meeting varied people. ✓ Life lessons. ✓ Stong female protagonist with a gun. 
report Recommended by Deago
Both focus on a female traveler who is skilled with a gun but would rather not use it. Kino no Tabi is more philosophical and episodic, while Grenadier is ecchi action/adventure with an overarching plotline. Both have some comedic moments. 
report Recommended by ccorn
Both about traveling the world, where the world is made of weird cultures and both main character have talking frinde that normal must not talk (Animal Bike) 
report Recommended by almozayaf
The girls all go on a journey but in Akatsuki no Yona she goes on a journey to help citizens while in kino no tabi she just does on a journey visting towns 
report Recommended by Rising_Aurora
Exploring how screwed up is an individual vs exploring how screwed up is society overall, with both series having the protagonist as a mere spectator, althoguh Irabu's goal is healing or at least helping people with whatever mental problems they have, while Kino barely intervenes, but both leaving the spectator to reflect on what happens in the series. Both can be resumed as: The world is not beautiful, therefore, it is/You're not perfect, therefore you are. Heavily recommended if you want some thought provoking stories. 
report Recommended by eblf2013
If you like episodic anime where you get to learn the philosophy of life of people and their reasons to live like that, please check the other anime. They're excellent adventure iyashikei anime. 
report Recommended by eblf2013
Both have a similar feel of exploration and learning from your environment, although Kino is a lot more competent than Chihiro  
report Recommended by ChickenClicker
- Protagonist(s) trying to survive in a world full of dangers. - Character(s) travel visiting different settlements each with an unique history. - The traveler(s) are mainly impartial observers who try to keep distance from the places they're passing through and avoid becoming too attached, leaving to continue their journey as soon as they can, although they do get involved in trouble a lot and the series mainly focuses on them witnessing events that occur where they pass by. 
report Recommended by kanata44
Both shows are very chill and melancholic post-apocalyptic stories.  
report Recommended by Mediocre_Artist
What does it mean to be human in the complex world? Where does the line of being human or monster go? Unlike it might seem like in first look, these both shows have surprisingly similar themes and atmosphere to them. For example the uneasy atmosphere and themes of killing people and other heavy subjects concerning what it means to be human 
report Recommended by Tsukke
They may not share the same aesthethic, like one is in apocalyptic world and the other doesn't, but what this two series shared is the theme (I guess ?), where the MC using a motorized vehicle visiting one place / city / community / nation / what have you, to another. And each place they visit have their own quirk and problems - The 2017 one is good as well, it's not exactly retelling the same place, tho some of them is, but there is also a new one as well P.s Sorry if my english is bad 
report Recommended by NecroGanz
While seemingly different in many ways, both anime delves deep into different topics. For Kino no Tabi, it is human culture and traditions. For Psycho-Pass, it is human psychology (specifically what drives someone to kill). The anime are different in pacing and Psycho-Pass has an overarching plot line that connects the episodes. Do note that Psycho-Pass is much more violent than Kino no Tabi. 
report Recommended by snottyhamsterbut
Both are episodic but have an overarching plot. The main theme is understanding the different facets of human behavior and how such behavior was influenced by the person's experiences (whether good or bad) in life.  
report Recommended by tjrq
Both just give me that similar feeling, and i love them both. However, Shinigami no Ballad could have been much better unfortunatly, not living up to the novels. While Kino's Travels does, a masterpiece in everyway. 
report Recommended by Siing
Both are episodic TV series that are very meandering and slow. They both also have a dark view of the world, yet aren't afraid to display its more upbeat moments either. The main character in both series is a serious person who has dedicated their life to one purpose, and they have a more lighthearted sidekick with them. Both series also feature the main character travelling to a different place each episode. 
report Recommended by StephanieRoberts
Kino no Tabi as a TV show and Kara no Kyoukai as a movie series both share atmosphere, different kinds of atmosphere mind you, but certainly they are similar in feeling (for me at least). Both tend to be violent and unnerving as well as "dense" and "thought provoking". However, one is meant to be calm and intriguing, while the other, convoluted and tense. Which one is which? If you don't know already, then you better find out. 
report Recommended by JonGall
Kino has a chapter where she visits a village where certain books are banned for being offensive, looking for a book. There is also a book episode 
report Recommended by jyagan0
Both shows are about a traveling youngster, who learn's more about the world around them as their journey develops. Both have different reasons for traveling, though there's a few similarities with the mini stories that you'll encounter as you watch the two. 
report Recommended by Shiroth
If you like travelling, gunslinging and philosophical story lines then this is the right anime for you! 
report Recommended by IchiroEX
On the surface, xxxHOLiC and Kino's Journey don't look like they would have a lot in common. The characters and circumstances are a bit different, and most of the stories that happen through out each series don't relate to each other at all, but there are some similarities between the two that can be shown through, mainly, the story. First off, both series are very episodic, meaning that each episode could, potentially, stand alone by itself and still make sense to someone that hasn't really seen earlier episodes. Another thing is that Kino, from Kino's Journey, and Watanuki, from xxxHOLiC, develop their characters through the trials  read more 
report Recommended by MoWriter
A story about travelling and meeting people.  
report Recommended by Teddy
both caracters travel with a companion/vehicle with whom they talk about life and traveling 
report Recommended by andypnuts
they both travel ( around the city or around the world ) and discover great stories / backgrounds :) 
report Recommended by sebbu
Within both we have two individuals - one apparently innofensive and one know-it-all, traveling the vast lands together - meeting interesting people and facing challenges along the way. Both have unconventional artwork, feature heavily on scenery and detiled dialogue. 
report Recommended by Gleam_Queen
traveling in the 18 century theme , and have a gun. and have the same sad toon.  
report Recommended by almozayaf
A story about a boy who travels with his Bike companion ( Elan Vital, a high tech bike *fighting Machine*), though it has a plot that follows through all the episodes. It is far from close but they do feel related. 
report Recommended by Pontus
Both of these are fantasy animes about young adults going on a journey and learning more about the world beyond their hometown. Princess Mononoke is more violent and contains a more solid storyline, where Kino's Journey is more philosophical and abstract. 
report Recommended by AngryButler
Both "Kino's Journey" and "A Wind Named Amnesia" have traditional sci-fi elements in them, that one would expect to find in western movies and TV series. However neither would ever be done in the west, but their backdrops have been used multiple times. Both series are about 2 people (well one person and a motorcycle that speaks in "Kino's Journey", and trust me it's not as silly as it sounds), who are on a journey, and travel to many different places that are in contrast with each other, and our world. Both series are journeys in the literal sense, and journeys into the human mind.  read more 
report Recommended by Prede
Both of these anime have a theme of travel and discovery. Whereas Kino is more of a passive, objective protagonist passing through lands personifying aspects of the human condition, Juuni Kokuki, or "Chronicle of Twelve Kingdoms" is seen from the eyes of a much more relatable character, where through her human condition we see the fantastical world she comes to live in. The different worlds in both of the anime are distinctive and compelling, but I would have to say Juuni Kokuki is the more amazing of the two overall. It is condensed epic-ness and ends painfully soon, I felt.  read more 
report Recommended by salomei
Aside from being short, episodic series, both stories feature a strong, interesting lead woman who, along with a fellow companion, whimsically travel to different places. While Kino is more philosophically based, Ran is more action-adventure.  
report Recommended by Kamikura
both have a very similar climate, where the characters reflect on their actions. The characters are also on a journey that make them go through several different environments. 
report Recommended by rggarou
Both anime focus more on the atmosphere than the story. They're the kind of anime that make you think about things. Ojii-san no Lamp is a short movie/single episode about dealing with the change that comes with time. A recurring theme in Kino no Tabi is how the world is always changing. 
report Recommended by xpaula
Both centered around a child/children with a talking object (Gargoyle/Hermes motorbike) in a fantasy-like setting with underlying dark themes i.e. drugs, cults, and natural disasters. Though Yoshinaga-san is a bit more light-hearted while Kino leans toward adventure; both obscure the line between right and wrong. 
report Recommended by BlueBellBerry
Both have the same relaxing and peaceful atmosphere. Both can also be rather philosophical at times and have slight sci-fi/fantasy elements which fit the world naturally. Kino no Tabi is way better though, just saying.  
report Recommended by Fujaku
So the premise of each story is pretty different. Kino no Tabi is about an adventurer traveling the world, while Popotan is about 3 girls and their android maid traveling through time and space. However, both share a common goal: finding answers. Kino is on a quest for self-discovery; Ai, Mai, and Mii travel to find the answers to their most personal questions. Each episode, with a few exceptions, is a standalone story about the daily lives of the main characters, and while the two shows have fairly different genres, both do a really good job at creating a similar atmosphere. 
report Recommended by -Droid-
After watching Heatguy J for a while, the anime is made up of standalone episodes but each episode has a basic theme people care learn from watching every episode. I think HeatGuy J is more related to Kino's Journey then Ghost in the shell is... 
report Recommended by y0l3itches
a kid have to go away from home and see the best and worst of the world. and the story go on in European regions 
report Recommended by almozayaf
For those who loved the storytelling style of Kino no Tabi, ef - a tale of memories does it quite similarly, but instead of reflecting on the inperfection of humans, ef is catered more to the audience who wants a plot, yet at the same time keep the same style. ef focuses more on the visuals than ideals or the script, so be prepared to think harder if you are not so artistically-inclined. 
report Recommended by Frostea
Both are of the slice of life genre, but both share a dark feeling that other slice of life do not have. The anime focuses on the story of how each main character views their world, both the good and no-so good sides of it. 
report Recommended by HalRyder
While lots of the story material in these series are different, the mood often overlaps. They are both about characters discovering the world, and do so in great detail. Kino is all about seeing many locations, whereas bookworm focuses on just one. The main characters are well-written, believable, and generally very enjoyable to follow in both. As one would hope from shows that focus so much on the world, the world-building in both is top-notch. 
report Recommended by Xaeveax
Intelligent series that challenge the viewer with moral dilemmas in fascinating fantasy worlds. 
report Recommended by Bocknoi
In both anime, we get glimpses of many different places and cultures, all very different from each other. Kino's Journey focuses more on the characters involved in these scenarios, while Phantasmagoria sticks to general overviews of each setting. Also, in Kino's Journey there is conflict, but Phantasmagoria is more like a peaceful slice of life. 
report Recommended by MrEbert
A girl on a journey, accompanied by (a) loyal friend(s), meeting different people and having different adventures/tasks to complete in each episode. The beginning starts off in the middle of the adventure and you learn more about what's going on as the series progresses. Sometimes weird, sometimes disturbing... Strong female leads. 
report Recommended by MeNaK
While the art styles could not be less similar, and Kino no Tabi has very little linear plot to speak of while Madoka is just overflowing with it, they both have a lot of philosophical ideas and points. Both of these anime make you think, question yourself just a little bit, see the beauty of the world as well as all its flaws. It's also very east to form an extreme emotional connection to both these anime, as I have done. 
report Recommended by PuddleBoots
Both shows feature a unique story in a surreal environment 
report Recommended by Dr_Jan_Itor