"Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty." "One person may even perceive deformity, where another is sensible of beauty; and every individual ought to acquiesce in his own sentiment, without pretending to regulate those of others.” -David Humes
There is no inherent right or wrong in this world, those labels are just artificial constructs. Right and wrong are held by positions of authority. That is the way it's always been, so how then could anyone know this truth you speak of? Don't you see the reality is that truth long ago became nothing more than a shadow of itself; it's a mere echo of the past now... The world is one big moral gray area, it just makes you feel safer that it can be categorized into good and bad, but that's not how it actually works.
How did you learn of the reality that you speak of? The entire world is governed by the reasoning of dirty-minded adults. We're able to obscure reality according to our obsessions. We're never actually shown what reality is. In this case, the reality that you speak of is a half-baked nonsense that has been altered. Trying to conform this bullshit reality into the one you want is like trying to join two pieces of a puzzle that do not fit. Stein
“The perfect being, huh? There is no such thing as perfect in this world. That may sound cliché, but it’s the truth. The average person admires perfection and seeks to obtain it. But, what’s the point of achieving perfection? There is none. Nothing. Not a single thing. I loathe perfection! If something is perfect, then there is nothing left. There is no room for imagination. No place left for a person to gain additional knowledge or abilities. Do you know what that means? For scientists such as ourselves, perfection only brings despair. It is our job to create things more wonderful than anything before them, but never to obtain perfection. Mayuri Kurotsuch
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus
Everyone carries something important enough to die for and they are running around so as not to lose it. So how am I supposed to abandon this? This isn’t an issue of duty or important-sounding reasons. If you want to stand up and fight, I say you should stand up and fight. This is your life right? Then decide for yourself! If you want to protect everything with your hands then do so, if you want to abandon everything then do so. But, what do you yourself want to do right now? Can you really be satisfied giving someone else that you don’t really understand your most important thing? Touma
According to some, heroic deaths are admirable things. I've never been convinced by this argument, mainly because, no matter how cool, stylish, composed, unflappable, manly, or defiant you are, at the end of the day you're also dead. Which is a little too permanent for my liking.
It's two thousand, one hundred and twenty-nine years since Ptolemy died, He was fourteen. Eight world empires have risen up and fallen away since that day, and I still carry his face. Who do you think's the lucky one?”Bartimaeus
I’m old enough to know that a longer life isn’t always a better one. In the end you just get tired. Tired of the struggle. Tired of losing everyone that
matters to you. Tired of watching everything turn to dust. The doctor
It is to surrender yourself, to make yourself a slave to a teaching or belief, that makes it so that belief will always rule you. To believe in an ideal is to be willing to betray it. Kreia
I have saved a few children, but have a kill count that could far exceed that number. I have seen far more extreme contradictions compared to mine. An arms dealer who plunges entire regions into war maybe a child's hero or the backbone of a family. A ruthless entrepreneur may also be a generous philanthropist dedicated to the wellbeing of his home town. And the seemingly innocent refugees shivering in the cold. They'll kill each other for a morsel of food or turn into monsters just to make others feel their pain. Raven
“The world is not beautiful. Therefore it is.”Kino
It isn't just "others". Not "others". It's my Family. I'll force my ideals on my family. And since they're family, I'll lie to them. I'll deceive them. I'll cause them trouble. I'll make them worry. I'll owe them things, things I'll never be able to repay. However, I think that's okay. If you say that being an impostor is evil, then I will shoulder the burden of that evil. If lying is a bad thing, then I'm fine being the bad person. I don't need them to like me. I'm fine with being the worst kind of person. Koyomi Araragi
The fake is of far greater value. In its deliberate attempt to be real, it's more real than the real thing. Deishū Kaiki
People have to save themselves. One person saving another is impossible.-Meme Oshino
[quote] "You know, we have a saying in Belka. 'If you're an emissary of peace, don't carry a spear. -Vita'[/qoute]
There are two ways to escape: escape without a purpose, and escape with a purpose. I call the former "floating", and the latter "flight". You are the only one that decides which of the two your view of the world from on high was. But you don't choose these paths because of the weight on your soul. We don't choose the path we take because of the sins we carry. But we carry our sins on the path we choose. Aozaki Touko
There were two kinds of strength. One was the strength that came with having something to protect. The other was the strength of having nothing to lose. Horo
Greed may not be good, but it’s not so bad either. You humans think greed is just for money or power, but everyone wants something they can’t have. Greed
The life of each human is worth one life, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Bradley
“There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We give them a turn and they make new and curious combinations. We keep on turning and making new combinations indefinitely; but they are the same old pieces of colored glass that have been in use through all the ages.”
― Mark Twain,
"It has only been a few thousand years since humans first developed a language. The amount of knowledge obtained has been incredible. In another five hundred years. I'm sure they will overtake me. Humans will succeed me and complete my search. Human minds are more curious than even mine. Just as I do, they want to know anything and everything. I'm certain silly things like ethics won't stand in their way. They will toy with life. Just as I did. They must know everything. The ones who cannot live, unless they strive to seek the truth and reason behind things being as the are. That's why I love humans from the bottom of my heart. They are comrades who follow the same path as me. And, like me, they hate those who would block them in their quest... The people that assume anything new is a sin. That is why I taught humans how to use fire. Some Goddess in the sky won't save them. Their own advancement will. At the end. I will see. the distances that humans will travel. Will they reach the heights of Gods? I'm sure... They will surpass it... I... Believe... -Promestein
favorite character and shows are only limited to the ones you see due to MAL's limitations they are ones i randomly pick and will time to time change.
Skyrim never felt compelled to complete it I love the mods but good lord that engine is awful. Bethesda needs to update the new engine.
Outside that I have the Trail series but only because I want to play from the beginning I was halfway through Trail in the Sky when they announced the remake that had a cold steel combat system.
I see; I assume it is something COVID-related. Sabre is definitely my favorite (though the epee has the best and most realistic rules, in my opinion). Anyway, I almost never meet people who have tried the sport or know much about it. Glad to see it is not yet forgotten!
back when i was still in school i play fighting games (marvel vs capcom, fatal fury, rival schools, bloody roar, etc), racing games (lets and go eternal wings, need for speed), shooters (counter strike, quake, unreal tournament 2004), RTS (battle realms, warcraft 3, etc) all LAN games
now a days im just a spectator fan that watches my brother play DOTA2 and CSGO and yearly watch The International DOTA2 tournament
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Nice avatar. You like Ein Lee's art, too?
There's no real conclusion and they could very easily make a sequel.
Yeah, working (in retail) is awful. I hope it is something short-term.
Sharing this song with my friends.
Love memes.
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now a days im just a spectator fan that watches my brother play DOTA2 and CSGO and yearly watch The International DOTA2 tournament