All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 460.0
Mean Score:
- Watching10
- Completed1,900
- On-Hold62
- Dropped281
- Plan to Watch1,110
- Total Entries3,363
- Rewatched0
- Episodes28,075
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 467.7
Mean Score:
- Reading109
- Completed767
- On-Hold157
- Dropped388
- Plan to Read1,226
- Total Entries2,647
- Reread0
- Chapters67,506
- Volumes6,733
All Comments (7603) Comments
As for Iruma-kun, I see you've given it rather high praise! I currently find it a pleasant read, but it isn't blowing me out of the water.
How are things with you?
What's bothering you?
Kingdom can run for another 5-10 years.
Conan and Ippo for me. I guess Kingdom now too, even tho I just started at the end of 2017/beginning of 18.
Why before OP ends? 😅 Oh noo...don't do it.
Bruh 😭 Fr, when One Piece ends it will hit sooo different. Imagine all the people who grew up with it, watching it religiously since their childhood or for many years. Taking that away is almost like losing a close friend or family. Post animanga depression on another level xD