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Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World
These are both episodic anime that center around someone who travels from town to town and they usually wind up helping someone through a difficult situation at each stop. While Kino's purpose is only to travel and to see different countries, Ginko's is to find and research "Mushi." Both stories have beautiful animation and offer up "life lessons." Although these lessons may be a little easier to see in Kino's Journey, they're there in Mushishi, as well. Enjoy ^_^
One story per episode, with each episode not having much action in but still has something special about them.
Both of these shows focus on a traveler and the people they meet along the way. In Kino's case, she's simply a traveler with no set destination. For Ginko in Mushishi, he goes around to many different places and helps those who have been effected by 'mushi', which is also his job.
They also both share the same thinking-based mature atmosphere as well, sometimes even delving deep into the way the mind works and peoples own effects on the things around them.
These two rather slow, yet extremely interesting, shows are very alike and if you liked one of them you should definitely check out
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Recommended by TallonKarrde23
Both animes are very philosophical. Both tell the stories of two travelers, what pushed them to travel and what happens during their journey.
With each episode being an incident from their journey.
both are very philosophical and, for the most part, bloodless. . .two highly entertaining series that are great to watch when you want to wind down for the day. . .
Recommended by RecursiveGreen
Both tell the life of a traveller who don't stay for very long on the same place.
Mushishi tends to the supernatural genre while Kino no tabi is just a fantasy genre. The main thing they have in common is that both have really deep stories and don't tend to the comedic spot.
I see so many similarities, I don't know where to begin. Both Ginko and Kino are force to give up there past lives due to something happening in their early childhood, and thus travel around the world. While Kino learns about the cultures of different places in her travels, Ginko's journey is more of one to help others affected by the mushi. Either way, both have episodal storylines. Though frankly I found myself enjoying Kino's journey more, there's no way one wouldn't enjoy both in the same way.
Bothe animes have a separate story for each episode. Both are very deep, and focus on making the audience think. Both are quite good.
Story per episode, not much action, both about forced journey which was started because of some accident, similar beautiful animations, both almost bloodless. If you love one of them you'll love another one for sure.
Episodic series about a perpetually travelling protagonist who moves from one locale to another and becomes involved with its denizens on a regular basis. They both have a fairly laidback pace, and the rather stoic yet softhearted nature of both protagonists begs further comparison. Although Kino focuses more on the travelling and Kino herself while Mushishi brings more attention to the mushi and patients being treated, the similarities are very hard to miss.
Recommended by lithiumflower
Both laid back atmosphere until you get to near end of each episode leaving you to think. Both protagonists are travelers who left their formal selves as their price to where they are currently.
Recommended by KinoDabbles
Episodic anime, very cerebral, not much action but very, very entertaining. It's philosophical, poignant, and beautiful. One of the best shows I have ever watched.
Both have a very calming feel to it and short one episode story lines and both involve traveling to different countries, but don't let that deceive you, each episode is filled with an amazing story and is concluded with an unexpected/philosophical twist that is bound to amaze you. Also the main characters are very similar in their passiveness(or sense of indifference) as well as their inability to settle down in one place.
Recommended by WHATNOWHUH
Both are episodic series involving a traveling protagonist that helps out the people that they come across. They both also have a very similar feeling and style to the other.
Recommended by schmitterling
Episodic nature with a detached main character, that functions more as a narrator or plot device, than a protagonist.
Let me start off by saying that these two are both very excellent series in my opinion. Kino's Journey and Mushi-shi possess a certain quality that draws you into their own world. Kino's Journey gives the feel of being in a slightly dark fairytale, whereas Mushi-shi draws you into what seems like a world of mythology and folklore. I strongly recommend either of these series to anyone who is interested in a story book feel to their anime.
Recommended by AtomicNerd
They both have a similar vibe of unsteady peace and they both follow the lives of people who travel far. They both focus on the observation of aspects of life (Kino's journey is more moral and mental while Mushishi is more physical and natural)
They are also both very earie and inspirational. Highly suggested!
The step up of the both animes are similar, each episode (or short arc) is it's own story and one does not need to watch them in any particular order to understand them (though I think that is the better course). The reason this is possible is because both main characters are travelers who do not take on any new companions for the duration of both series. Their histories are a mystery and little bits of both are revealed slowly in certain episodes. In addition I feel both have interesting and unique little stories for each episode that seem to have a deeper meaning and
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Recommended by Supermariokid
Both anime's stories are episodic with each story arc usually contained to just one episode. In each anime the main character travels around to various towns and cities to observe what's going on and usually lending a helping hand to the residents.
Both are slow-paced and profound series, with own separate story in each episode. The protagonists are also very similiar: they are not good or bad, they are just observers.
Recommended by MinorDespera
These two anime are resembling because of putting more attention to philosophical ideas than to bright actions.
Both shows are about travelers who go ttown to town meeting new people and solving problems or getting a new meaning in life.
Theme of the journey, whereby the MC travels from place to place and helps people along the way; episodic; minimal background music/sounds; monotonous, expressionless MC; beautiful art (more so in Mushishi) and beautiful music (more so in Kino); general quiet, serene, & sleepy atmosphere.
The only difference is Kino is more philosophical, explores the human condition, and is full of life lessons, whereas Mushishi is supernatural, explores the paranormal, and is full of mindfreaks.
The same idea of a non-ending journey, a world and rythm like poetry.
traveler, very unique towns, no antagonist. Mushishi and Kino no Tabi somehow taught me a side of human nature that seemingly indescribable.
Recommended by VictoriaCeles76
They're both episodic anime that center around someone who travels from town to town and they usually wind up helping someone through situations at each stop. Both stories have beautiful animation and offer up "life lessons."
Both animes are slow paced and thought-provoking, episodical in structure and green in look and feel, still, with some drastic shots here and there. Maybe Mushishi is more 'supernatural' whereas Kino no Tabi gets more comical. Both travelling protagonists seem to be fine with solitude, yet accompanied all the time.
Very sad but beautiful stories that are episodic (meaning you don't have to watch in order) and the main characters are calm and level-headed.
Recommended by ShadowJackal35
Both are about a journey, leading to a path of greater enlightenment. Whether it's understanding the meaning of life or just understanding oneself a little better, both tackle philosophical problems of existence and morality while trying to grasp our own place in the world.
Recommended by Gameofficial
Both anime are about a person who travels the world. Mushishi focuses more on beautiful storytelling, whilst Kino no Tabi is more about philosophical hypothesis.
Shows that focus their character development on a solitary wanderer instead of a full cast. The stories the wanderer encounters, however, tell us a great deal about human nature and some very interesting reflections.
Travelling the world on your own. Exploring new locations and meeting new people (and creatures). If this sounds appealing, then these are the shows for you. They both feature solo protagonists who are travelling the world. Each encounter and location is unique and wonderful to discover, and following these journeys makes you feel as though you are truly there. These are the two best travel anime, in my opinion. If you've seen one and not the other, you will surely enjoy it. They give off similar peaceful yet eerie vibes, as most stories have multiple sides and moralities to them. There's often no correct answer,
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It is not close but this is the closest i can get.
Both anime series seems to have a lesson behind every episode.
Recommended by FormerObserver
Both are beautifully serene and go along at a soft pace. In each, though the episodes may follow an overarching theme and central characters, they are individual stories rather than part of one continuous plot-line.
Recommended by icarusonice
In Kino no Tabi we have a calm composed protagonist that travels the world seeing many strange and wonderful things. No matter what her feelings on a matter might be Kino never gets more involved than she has to and refuses to settle down, always traveling.
Mushishi has the same sort of formula with the composed traveler protagonist. However, Ginko cannot settle down due to extrenuating circumstances, also Ginko travels as an expert on a subject and therefor keeps a proffesional distance from his subjects.
The real reason someone who enjoyed Kino no Tabi would enjoy Mushishi is that you somehow experience these two shows in the
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Both have the main character traveling across lands with unique short stories that are highly philosophical.
Recommended by Rance-sama
Both series are episodic and are at their core masterful examinations of culture, philosophy & human spirit. Though they have their noticeable and sometimes profound differences, where Mushi-shi has a far more supernatural sentiment that is a reflection of a cultural spiritual identity, and Kino's Journey has a far more down-to-earth approach enlightening an observation of humanities faults and attributing a very real embodiment of human nature.
Both these marvels take the wanderer/adventure/traveler concepts to a new level. Both are modern classics but with an age-old pacing and ambiance. They showcase why this genre is the most expansive and adept at wholly encompassing all aspects of human nature. These gems are the closest I've ever come to a religious experience, they just reek of mysticism and divinity in the best possible way.
Both of these give off the same feeling,make every episode a new story, and are part of one big adventure. Most likely, you would like one if you like the other.
I think the "flow" of both anime is very similiar, slow plot with a traveler traveling finding new things
Recommended by Shahar_Ben_Noun
Both shows have a similar feeling and are existential. They explore human nature and philosophical aspects of life, death, and living in general. Great life lessons can be scooped from both shows.
Episodic tale of lone (kinda) protagonist seemingly aimlessly travelling through world and interacting with lifes of others. Both works have extremelly well crafted storytelling and even minor characters are well developed, making every story as the protagonist encounters them interesting.
These episodic shows follow travelers and tell the stories of their encounters. Some of the tales told are remarkably similar as well: the origin of a name, the mountain's fire. The characters embody the mindset of a traveler: do not disrupt the flow.
Recommended by DreamInSong
Mushishi and Kino no Tabi are very similar to each other in many ways. The two series protagonists, at the very least, lead similar lives. Both are travelers. Both are detached, unbiased, and unprejudiced. Both also seem content to observe their world rather than preach to it. More broadly, both series use episodic plots to tell fables that are both thought provoking and emotionally resonant.
Recommended by unitedkingdom97
- rather episodic nature with minimal backround story development
- great sense of adventure and mystery of the world
- atmospheric
- rather stoic, capable main character
- In Mushishi the MC is there to help the people while Kino is more of an observer and rarely intervenes
- Mushishi's short stories feature character interaction with great detail while Kino no Tabi is rather minimalistic and puts its focus on showing the system
- Kino no Tabi is arguably darker and mostly shows the ugly sides of humanity while Mushishi has more of a mix
The 3 best words to describe both of these shows? Episodic, dark and calming. Both main characters seem devoid of emotion, have interesting (and dark) backgrounds and travel from town to town learning about their chosen field. Whilst Kino travels to learn about the world ( ignoring the problems she faces) Ginko learns about Mushi, an invisible (to most) lifeform (similar to that of insects) solving the problems they cause people who dont know of their existence. Mushishi is extremely dark and most episodes can leave you feeling bittersweet or on the verge of tears. If you enjoy The Beautiful World, you will no doubt
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Recommended by Jordanious77
Vast world, main character doesn't stay at one place too long, calm toned, similar animation quality, episodic.
both are adventure themed
both are episodic series
both are very philosophical
both have very main characters who have an uncaring attitude towards life
Recommended by Mei-o_Scarlett
The main character of both anime is a travelor. In the case of Kino no Tabi, Kino visits different countries and gets to know people's way of living. Mushishi shows how Ginko discovers the life of Mushi. One difference is that Kino doesn't interfere in the people's lives while Ginko always helps those who are affected by a Mushi. In Kino no Tabi you get to see a few short fights which is not the case in Mushishi.
The theme of the main characters, going on a journey with no clear goal and meeting with different people on their way, makes the feeling of both stories simillar.
Two lone travelers exploring beautiful fantasy worlds and encountering unique characters along their journey.
Both anime give a calm vibe but at the same time, there's always a dark side or dark theme involved.
Every Mushi-related issue solved by Ginko or city visited by Kino have a fairy tale feel.
The protagonist in each anime also share a mysterious aura, are generally very calm or 'cool', and have a background and motivation to go on a journey.
The supportive characters in both anime are also very likable and charismatic.
They are both episodic TV shows, which are depressing + there is a guy wandering around the world. Kino's on his journey and Ginko is looking for and dealing with Mushi.
These shows see the world through the eyes of the traveler, giving an objective commentary to the worlds they visit. Each episode is a self contained narrative and their respective protagonists have mysterious back stories.
Not a discovery, but it is always good to remind how close Mushishi is to Kino no Tabi. Both series are episodic and have a different story in every chapter. Kino and Ginko are pretty similar: cold-minded, warm-hearted characters that are not good or bad, just "they", and in the end the philosophy is somehow the same: everywhere you go you'll find something new and different.
I recommend that if you liked one, you should watch the other, because for me, being a Kino fan, I am enjoying Mushishi.
Recommended by PentagramShogoki
Mushishi and Kino no Tabi are episodic and follow one or two charcters respectively for the anime's entirety. The main similiarity is that both shows excel at developing their calm but interesting atmospheres, which improves them both greatly.
-Both have a character that is on a journey
-They both deal with other people's problems
-Both anime are episodic for the most part
-Very good if you just want to chill
Both are episodic and have a calm relaxing tone. Kino's Journey is more psychological and the philosophy is about traveling and how you can't change cultures as a traveler. Mushishi is more about solving the issues between the supernatural and humans. Kino and Ginko both have similar backstories as well.
These two anime are both episodic and have similar pacing. As much as I love mushishi I believe Kino's Journey has more to offer. Kino's Journey touches on many topics Mushishi doesn't such as human ideology, culture, and much more in just 12 episodes. Kino is also an amazing character with phenomenal writing. All and all if you enjoyed Mushishi I believe you would enjoy Kino's Journey just as much if not more.
Recommended by sanity-san
I found it hard to find some as calm yet dynamic as Mushi-shi, but Kino no Tabi gave me that similar feeling. In both shows the only thing they ties each other all together is the main character, Ginko or Kino. Kino no Tabi replicates the feeling that Mushi-shi gave- a world outside the main character. Both have beautiful animation and episode to episode plots. I still prefer Mushi-shi, but Kino is still an amazing show that is worth checking out.
Recommended by DozedAndConfused
Both are about exploration and human nature, I also find the main characters to be decently similar in the ways they interact with the world
Recommended by ChickenClicker
They both focus on the protagonist lives traveling on a journey and embarking mysteries. Both series are also deep and have episodic storytelling. The difference is that Kino’s Journey is dystopian rather than supernatural and has darker tone as well as occasional instances of violence whereas Mushishi is the opposite and more relaxing in comparison. If you are looking for an adventure anime with philosophy then these two would be good chocies.
Recommended by PromotiveCat74