"Facts are now subject to change."
Alright! ok! time to get this stuff down!
right now i am like in school learning. something some people should try out some time.
but right now i use a Zune after using ipods they were less than i wanted. then the zune came out and it was being hit in the face. it was hell.. it is better then the ipod.
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[url="[url="]"[/url];]<img src="" border="0" />[/url]
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Create your own visitor map!
ok so like i know i should add some stuff but... i can't think of what to add... so ill just put this here for now because it is impotent that people know of rules...:
Rule #1: Do not talk about /b/
Rule #2: Do NOT talk about /b/!
Rule #3: We are Anonymous.
Rule #4: Anonymous is legion
Rule #4.2: Anonymous is Sparta.
Rule #4.2: Anonymous is MADNESS.
Rule #5: Anonymous never forgives.
Rule #6: Anonymous can be a horrible, senseless, uncaring monster.
Rule #7: Anonymous is still able to deliver.
Rule #8: There are no real rules about posting.
Rule #9: There are no real rules about moderation either. Enjoy your ban.
Rule #10: If you enjoy any rival sites, DON'T.
Rule #11: All of your carefully picked arguments can easily be ignored.
Rule #12: Anything you say can and will be used against you.
Rule #13: Anything you say can and will be turned into something else.-fixed.
Rule #14: Do not argue with trolls. It means they win.
Rule #15: The harder you try, the harder you will fail.
Rule #16: If you fail in epic proportions, it just may become a winning fail.
Rule #17: Every win fails eventually.
Rule #18: Everything that can be labelled can be hated.
Rule #19: The more you hate it, the stronger it gets.
Rule #20: Nothing is to be taken seriously.
Rule #21: Original content is original only for a few seconds before getting old.
Rule #22: Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality.
Rule #23: Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality.
Rule #24: Every repost is always a repost of a repost.
Rule #25: Relation to the original topic decreases with every single post.
Rule #26: Any topic can easily be turned into something completely unrelated.
Rule #27: Always question a person's sexual preference without any real reason.
Rule #28: Always question a person's gender - just in case they are a man.
Rule #29: In the internet, all girls are men and all kids are undercover FBI agents.
Rule #30: There are no girls on the internet.
Rule #31: TITS or GTFO - the choice is yours.
Rule #32: You must have pictures to prove your statements.
Rule #33: Lurk more, it's never enough.
Rule #33.2: Also known as MURK THE FUCK LOAR.
Rule #34: There is porn of it. No exceptions. (this is the most well known rule)
Rule #35: The exception of rule 34 is the citation of rule 34.
Rule #36: If a porn of something cannot be found, it will be made.
Rule #37: Anonymous does NOT forgive.
Rule #38: A cat is fine too.
Rule #39: One cat leads to another.
Rule #40: Another cat leads to Zippo Cat.
Rule #41: It needs more Desu. No exceptions.
Rule #42: It is delicious cake. You must eat it. (cake is used to make images "work safe" so they are edited over penis)
Rule #43: It's a trap. (all trap related rules are variations of this one)
Rule #44: /b/ sucks today.
Rule #45: Cock goes in here.
Rule #46: They will not brink back Snacks. (4chan mod who is no more)
Rule #46.2: Moot should be charged with ****
Rule #47: You will never have sex. (unrelated pun)
Rule #48: ??? (underwear gnomes)
Rule #49: Profit. (underwear gnomes)
Rule #50: No matter what it is, it's somones sexual fetish. No exceptions.
Rule #51: There will always be even more fucked up shit than what you just saw.
Rule #52: You cannot divide by zero.
Rule #53: No real limits of any kind apply here - not even the sky.
Rule #56: Nothing is impossible.
Rule #57: F*ck Gaston.
Rule #58: Nothing is sacred.
Rule #59: The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt it.
Rule #60: Even one positive comment about Japanese things can (and most likely will) make you a weaboo.
Rule #61: When one sees a lion, one must get in the car.
Rule #62: There is always furry porn of it.
Rule #63: There is always a female version of a male character. No exceptions.
Rule #64: It's been cracked and pirated. No exceptions.
Rule #65: It needs more pumpkin. No exceptions.
Rule #66: If you /r/ it and Popcorn Mariachi!9i78bPeIcI does not have it, end yourself.
Rule #67: The pool is always closed.
Rule #68: There is no cure for Space Aids.
Rule #69: Zombie Jesus loves you. (note this can also be Raptor Jesus)
Rule #70: France will own EVERYONE one day.
All Comments (14) Comments
i think the best of this story is the feeling of "whoah, makes sense" in the end of each arc... and kino is a really cute character >O<" but i like hermes too... xD
sorry for my english D:
Would you like to join the "Nun and other religous figures FC"club
btw there will be meteor shower tonight
i bet does it does XD,
i never imagined darth vader would do dances like that(he is now offically the coolest fictional character EVA) 8D