...so we were in a shuttle, doing a trawl of the exo-atmospheric ring? Scooping up the orbiting garbage? Well we scooped this shit up, this frozen ashy shit, did an analysis on it...and it was Tim Leary. And god help us, we smoked him... (c)
немного о себе:
люблю: психолоту, АБе, драмы, СПГС, гинтаму, киберпанк, триллеры, сейнены в целом, слайсы и чай с тортиками, черный юмор, психодел, лолей, любой артхаус, пародии.
не люблю: тебя, хентай и прочий яой, моэ без меры, шаблонных персонажей, гаремники и иной ширпотреб
Оценки ставлю строго субъективно.
You have good taste as well. And thanks to your favorite manga section I found a manga whose name I had forgotten: Tokyo Akazukin. =) You seem to be a big Abe fan also, you know anythings about Despera? Are they still planning to make it?
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