I started watching japan animation around 2000, mainly from Blockbuster and mostly Studio Ghibli; due to the animation and stories in JRPG's like Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Tales of Series and Silent Hill. Now I enjoy Interactive film games kinda like Life is Strange, Last of Us and Quantic Dream's games.
When peer to peer and torrenting became available the amount of Movies, TV Series and Anime I would watch increased greatly, as well as the amount of games I would download and systems I would mod, but I did not start watching anime regularly until I watched SAO in the beginning of 2016 which caused me to become obsessed with isekai.
Subsequently I started watching seasonal's later that year.
Most of my plan to watch is for my custom lists like Isekai and I have no intention of ever watching most of them.
I hardly drop anything because I know what I'll love, tolerate, and hate, so I choose not to start an anime I know I'll hate and if I do get bored with it, I put it on hold or in drop candidates until I'm in the right mood to watch it or if it turns out I can't even make it through 1-2 episodes then I usually delete it from my list as it's not even worth mentioning, but lately I've been trying to change that.
"People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. People's heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth."
just checked and by the amount oe entries on your acc, you are;t using his bot
I know the ACC of like 2+ people that uses his bot, so if you don't want to talk with purplepi... I can just use the ACC of these users, grab all entries, and somehow add to your ALL acc
JS that would be great, I would just need to switch accounts and run it manually every few days.
I mean, I think that it would need user intervention, everything points to that but I could be wrong though...
"I want the whole DB of anime/manga on the _All_ ACC." Oh okay... that's a whole other thing that I haven't done before.
but purplepinapples has done it and automated it with a discord bot that auto adds new db animes to the discords bot users, if he gives you the endpoint or whatever method he is using I could mimic it with JS, and parse the whole DB (not only new entries like his discord bot does)
Don't your shag ACC already uses his bot? If you do, then I could just try to grab your whole list and somehow add it to your ALL acc
I've done and taken many web classes, some DB, some JS, python, WordPress, and other stuff using cpanel and cpanel ish platforms
They were all very easy to use and had a clear section called cpanel that wasn't hard to use from the little I can remember, but I haven't had to really use those, so I would have to google/ai as much as you too probably.
If you give me a temporary "admin" ACC just to let me check the cron stuff then I can look it up at least.
I would personally use JS for it instead of python, although I could make it in python too, maybe I would take a bit longer to do that in python.
Do you need XML stuff, or just "grab all entries on the ShaggyZE ACC then add it to the ALL ACC"?
1 I've done both in the past, making an array of MAL URL entries, and auto-adding all of them.
2 And also check if it's approved or not with my approved script. (It doesn't work parsing a whole user list though, but maybe I could change that)
Seems like you need both 1+2?
Your script won't work because you need to add OAUTH for that kind of stuff, like modifying a user list I think
Then technically you have to show the MAL approval screen and the user has to click on "YES"
Otherwise, you can't change lists that way.
That's another reason why I use JS, JS fetch/etc auto grabs the current user cookie and sends it in the request, so no need to use MAL API, OAUTH and AUTH screens.
If I had to use python I wouldn't use the MAL API, at least I would try not to...
Have you asked it in the MAL API club? If you really want to figure out the OAUTH stuff and screen they could help I think.
OAUTH is something that I haven't ever messed up with, besides once for the first time in my life last year, but I was following a professors slides, so I haven't learned a single thing actually hahah.
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Do you want me to post images of it working on that forum topic?
I'll check that.
If you messed up adding a site that would be it
Glad that I just had to give you the tip/direction. I may actually be the one to ask you how it works in the future haha.
Do you want to give me low admin access to the crown job tab only so I can google some stuff?
Anything else that you need help with?
I know the ACC of like 2+ people that uses his bot, so if you don't want to talk with purplepi... I can just use the ACC of these users, grab all entries, and somehow add to your ALL acc
I mean, I think that it would need user intervention, everything points to that but I could be wrong though...
"I want the whole DB of anime/manga on the _All_ ACC." Oh okay... that's a whole other thing that I haven't done before.
but purplepinapples has done it and automated it with a discord bot that auto adds new db animes to the discords bot users, if he gives you the endpoint or whatever method he is using I could mimic it with JS, and parse the whole DB (not only new entries like his discord bot does)
Don't your shag ACC already uses his bot? If you do, then I could just try to grab your whole list and somehow add it to your ALL acc
They were all very easy to use and had a clear section called cpanel that wasn't hard to use from the little I can remember, but I haven't had to really use those, so I would have to google/ai as much as you too probably.
If you give me a temporary "admin" ACC just to let me check the cron stuff then I can look it up at least.
I would personally use JS for it instead of python, although I could make it in python too, maybe I would take a bit longer to do that in python.
Do you need XML stuff, or just "grab all entries on the ShaggyZE ACC then add it to the ALL ACC"?
1 I've done both in the past, making an array of MAL URL entries, and auto-adding all of them.
2 And also check if it's approved or not with my approved script. (It doesn't work parsing a whole user list though, but maybe I could change that)
Seems like you need both 1+2?
Your script won't work because you need to add OAUTH for that kind of stuff, like modifying a user list I think
Then technically you have to show the MAL approval screen and the user has to click on "YES"
Otherwise, you can't change lists that way.
That's another reason why I use JS, JS fetch/etc auto grabs the current user cookie and sends it in the request, so no need to use MAL API, OAUTH and AUTH screens.
If I had to use python I wouldn't use the MAL API, at least I would try not to...
Have you asked it in the MAL API club? If you really want to figure out the OAUTH stuff and screen they could help I think.
OAUTH is something that I haven't ever messed up with, besides once for the first time in my life last year, but I was following a professors slides, so I haven't learned a single thing actually hahah.
If you have script questions or something that I can help with let me know and I can give it a shot.