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Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant - Ashu Tokuiten III/Ashu Heikou Sekai - Shizan Ketsuga Butai Shimousa no Kuni - Eirei Kengou Nanaban Shoubu
Jan 10, 2023 4:36 PM
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All Comments (13) Comments
I know a few people who hate Hachiman and yeh they seem to have the same opinion as yours and it's completly understandable. For me, I like Hachiman because I find his pseudo intellectualism funny and hilarious rather than annoying.
for males, I don't have a lot of fav male character, but I guess I like antiheroes
for girls, I like tsuns but also the straightforward and teasy types
and yeh, I'm not much into the nerdy female characters, I like the fashionable ones
I like moe characters too
I think I'll get the new DBZ game when it's out, been also thinking of getting DoA 6
I'm not a fan of playing multiplayer shooter games alone either
also just started Nioh yesterday, pretty good game, but I think I'll put it on hold for now, will go back to it after I finish with GoW
other than that, there isn't much free time to do more stuff, is there? lol
what about you?
I just want to mention that I'm not a fan of reading stuff from where the adaptation left off, so I read the whole thing starting from the very first chapter, just saying.
Nisekoi isn't exactly my fav RomCom, but one of the reason I love it so much is Chitoge lol
and yeh I get your point about Chitoge lol
her rescue arc is for me the best arc in the whole manga, she's got some pretty good character development, and I like her character so much. But too bad for her, there is Chitoge, a much more superior girl out there