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Printer May 31, 2014 9:16 PM
Happy birthday
RachelPanda May 12, 2014 12:04 PM
To our valued members
Anime Animals/Creatures has members badges, come claim yours now!
Phraze Jun 1, 2013 11:30 PM
You're welcome~
Phraze May 31, 2013 11:25 PM
Hi, thought I could drop by and wish you happy birthday. ^^
Batpuddingman May 17, 2013 6:46 PM
i hope to have many fun conversations with you in the future
Batpuddingman May 16, 2013 9:16 PM
Thank you very much for accepting the friend request, your crieria i found are very interesting and i can agree with almost all of them meaning i do look for most of those things myself. its great to meet you
Moon_Filled_Sky Apr 3, 2013 3:29 PM
Why thank you, for the comment and membership ^_^
I'm quite fond of your serene deer picture.
Maur Feb 24, 2013 3:42 PM
I agree with you o those 3 tropes. They are also annoying/tedious. Of course it could be a very very long list if I went into all the repetitive recycled material that appears in most shows lol
Phraze Jan 2, 2013 9:55 AM
Thanks for accepting the friend request. Happy New Year and have a nice day! :)
Ramfield Aug 28, 2012 4:23 PM
sorry for the late reply and no problem :)
if you look at the comment section on my profile page ( I have like 2 pages of comment , not so much really ) the first two comments on the second page are yours :p
Ramfield Aug 18, 2012 1:57 PM
haha Hi there , remember me ? :p
we used to have more Anime compatibility than 56% xD
Gorim Jul 30, 2012 10:17 AM
I cant understand either people who find it their task to defend their favorite anime or characters in a way that they can't even hear out what the otherside has to say.

I completely agree about Ichimaru being finest character in Bleach, competition is so weak that I highly doubt we will see anyone better ever. It is sad that Aizen was completely ruined after Rescue Rukia-arc because he seemed and was an excellent villain, him turning out to be mastermind behind everything was unexpected and well written. The problems with Aizen as you said started after Rukia-arc when Tite Kubo didn't know what to do with him and how to prolong the story so he could make more money, his inability to write long-term series was what ruined Aizen before that he was one of those villains that I liked someone who is capable of controlling everyones actions in a way that not even the boring main protagonist can stop his plans.
Gorim Jul 28, 2012 4:57 AM
Im never upset for someone holding a different opinion than me, rather than upset Im happy because it leaves room for discussion and keeps conversation up. I can't say I liked any of the characters well except Temari, but I personally think their lacks and faults are minor compared to so many characters. If we take Inoue from bleach for example and compare her to Rukia: all she ever does is chase Ichigo and get kidnapped and say that she wants to help him out but after 13 episodes all she does is get in to trouble and play the role of damsel in distress and be a comic relief. Atleast Rukia does her share of fighting, her fights are interesting and you don't have to watch some FUCKING FAIRIES when she fights, but yes she doesn't fight that often but she does as often as any of the characters beside Ichigo, take even Ishida who's the least useless of the main characters he fights even less frequently / as often as Rukia. Well this is due to lack of Kubos ability to write any other kind of story than damsel in distress arcs. We don't have to take Inoue as an example but Chad as well, because Kubo doesn't know what to do with Inoue and Chad he has made them useless characters that stand in the backround doing pretty much nothing, they make Rukia seem like a major force in the series.

I agree completely about what you said and agree that all of these characters I listed are annoying but I think there are tons and tons of characters more annoying and stereotyphical. That's why I even bothered to notice the whole thing. I think that Rukia is the least annoying of the bleach main characters. Ishida is an angsty-eyeglass character, Ichigo is just another power-up goku without any hint of real personality, Chad.. I dont know why this trusted side-kick character is even in the show and so doesn't Kubo and Inoue.. oh god. With this kind of main cast there isn't very much competition against Rukia, all she had to do is remain level-headed and cool to be the least annoying. As for Temari I agree that she's pretty much plain rude and thus annoying out of the listed characters I might like here the most and I don't really know why; I think it might be because I generally like intelligent characters and she is one (despite after 100 episodes of original series she is left out and becomes forgotten and useless) or because she interacts most with Shikamaru who's the pretty much the only character that I even bother to care about anymore in the damn series.

Morridine Jun 12, 2012 7:48 PM
Hey thanks :D regardless of the fact that probably 80% of the people around threw rocks at my Clannad review, I tried to be completely honest xD
Gorim Jun 9, 2012 5:15 PM
Hi, nice to meet you.

I think that Medusa is one of the best anime villains ever, she's active, intelligent, (hot!), manipulative and doesn't get out smarted easily. She holds everyone as a pawn in her own game, Chrona as well. Her ruthless and cunning strategies make her even more dangerous than Kishin, she plans out everything ahead, even her own destiny. I like Chrona decently and she's very sympathetic character, someone people wish she'd end up happy. I just think that Medusa is original and great character overall I have a tendency to like villains who play their role well. Just like Joker from Batman Dark Knight, Medusa creates atmosphere of a character who just likes to watch the world burn and it works well with her. Definitely interesting character who was created to be hated and feared.

You seem to dislike lot of tomboyish female characters why so or am I just mistaken? Here are couple I noticed: Kuchiki Rukia from bleach (which I think is the least annoying main character in bleach), Temari (Naruto) Ayano and the Nanase from Kaze no Stigma and i.g. Rin from Fate/Stay. Though there were few characters I was surprised at I agreed with many of your hated characters like Kon (bleach), Lyzerg (Shaman King), Misa (Death Note) in example.
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