Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku, Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World Recommendations
"Kino's Journey" and "Now and Then, Here and There" are similar in a lot of ways. While at first they seem to be very different, they are alike. For one thing both series are very "simple" but not overly simple. Hard to understand eh? Like for example both series have simple, un-complicated plots, that will just stun and amaze you. Both series also have modest, and simple artwork and animation, yet still look very nice and not cheap at all.
Some other things that are similar are they are both very dark, in tone and atmosphere (Now and Then is much darker though) and very
sad (Now and Then is much sadder). Both series are short anime series that you will wish lasted a lot longer. Both series use their opening and closing themes to their advantage (and it helps that they are all great songs). Both Kino's Journey and Now and Then, Here and There prove that gimmicks are not needed to create great anime series. Both series are "different" then the norms of anime, but very amazing, perhaps because of it. If anything else connects the two series, is that they are both anime masterpieces not to be missed by anyone who even remotely likes anime. If you have not seen one of these series, you owe it to yourself and humanity to watch it. Both series put the medium of anime to great use, perhaps better then anything else I've seen. Live action, or novels would not do these series justice (although they would still probably be great,, it’s important to note Kino’s Journey is actually based off a Japanese light novel series written by Keiichi Sigsawa).
There are a lot of differences however. For instance "Now and Then, Here and There" is one story throughout, while "Kino's Journey" is episodic in nature, only Kino and Hermes (the motorcycle) are in all the episodes. Kino's Journey is very philosophical, psychological, , deep, and simple to understand, without being stupid (in fact being brilliant!). Now and Then, Here and There is just a very powerful story, that's simple to understand, but does not delve much into Psychology or philosophy, yet still is very good. It has a message though, and does make you think. And Kino's Journey make syou think as well. Still Kino's Journey has some powerful stories to tell too, and never fails to amaze. Kino's Journey is very slow (yet never boring or bad, just takes it's time with the paceing, which works well for the series), while Now and Then, Here and There is a little faster paced, yet not action packed or anything. Now and Then may be a little too dark to watch for some people, but most mature viewers could watch Kino's Journey, while it is dark, it's not as bad as Now and Then is, nor is it as disturbing, or twisted. But don't expect flowers, sunshine and rainbows either...some messed up stuff does happen.
I think both series seem to be liked by the same type of people. Anyone who likes Now and Then, Here and There, would like Kino's Journey and vice versa. Both are top-level anime, for more mature audiences, that will amaze you, and make you wish they went on a little longer.
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• They both deal with mature and dark themes.
• They both have simple artwork, which deliver the story in an optimal and enjoyable way.
• They both have children as protagonists.
• Both are short series.
• They both deal with war and tirany as a theme, although Kino doesn't have it as a constant theme, while Now and Then, Here and There does.
• Kino no Tabi's episodes are conclusive within of themselves, while Now and Then, Here and There episodes don't reach selfconclusive.
• While both series use characters to develop their themes, Kino no Tabi uses the change of setting as a tool of presenting new themes,
while Now and Then, Here and There does it through its characters only.
• Most of the characters in Kino no Tabi are episodic. Most characters in Now and Then, Here and There are not.
• Kino no Tabi is mostly done with a theme after one episode, while Now and Then, Here and There continues and develops on them further as the series goes.
• Kino no Tabi puts a great deal of focus on its atmosphere, while Now and Then, Here and There puts a great deal of focus on the events happening in the series.
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