Clannad: After Story

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Alternative Titles

Japanese: CLANNAD〜AFTER STORY〜 クラナド アフターストーリー
English: Clannad: After Story
German: Clannad ~After Story~
Spanish: Clannad ~After Story~
French: Clannad ~After Story~
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Type: TV
Episodes: 24
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Oct 3, 2008 to Mar 27, 2009
Premiered: Fall 2008
Broadcast: Fridays at 01:59 (JST)
Licensors: Sentai Filmworks
Studios: Kyoto Animation
Source: Visual novel
Genres: DramaDrama, RomanceRomance
Duration: 24 min. per ep.
Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older


Score: 8.931 (scored by 677934677,934 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #162
2 based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #120
Members: 1,234,579
Favorites: 71,578

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Same feels and void. Both have really good character developments for main male MC. Similar kind of lesson too. As a character, i think female MC in Shigatsu is better than Nagisa. And I think that the story progression in Shigatsu is a tad better. I would say Shigatsu is kind of slow but if you enjoyed the pacing of Clannad, then it won't be considered slow. Beautiful soundtracks in Shigatsu also. Another difference is the seriousness in Clannad usually progresses. In Shigatsu it sometimes gets cut off by some gag humour. But when Shigatsu has to be serious, it does it really well.  
report Recommended by Jonahtang
Both will make you cry with their tales of love and loss. With the help of a supernatural force, the characters learn to cope with their grief and accept the fate of their situations. 
report Recommended by Mauru23
All characters in both series have some tragic past, accident or something tragic will during the series to them  
report Recommended by Bladeguy
Both stories are about the joys and pain of falling in love throughout their lives from high school to marriage. The concept of family is realistically strong from both of them & characters will face the trials of hardships and sadness. Though this is more lighthearted. 
report Recommended by IchiroEX
If you like Clannad, you definitely have to watch Kanon, since it's the predecessor and a true masterpiece. It's similar in many ways, but it can score with great characters, great comedy, cuteness, tear breaking drama, overflowing happiness and some really really fantastic and intelligent story arcs.  
report Recommended by Forever
As a fellow *KEY anime*. Same Authors, Similar situations but different Endings. I really recommend all those who watched Little Busters Refrain to watch Clannad After story (Although I recommend the the opposite direction with percaution: don't get angry while watching Refrain!) Also, both shows need tissues. They are recommended for all the family, especially teens and post teens. 
report Recommended by lightningfalcon
- Family. - Responsibility. - Coming to terms with taking care of a child. - Heartwarming. - Slice-of-life, comedy, drama. - Good parent/guardian. - Adorable daughter. 
report Recommended by DraconisMarch
Although at the beginning of CLANNAD ~After Story~, it starts off as mostly a comedy, it gets much more deeper. They both have the same pain of losing the person you love, have the same feelings and emotions. To be honest, Tomoya reminded me of Takaki in the way they dealed with everything. They also both have absolutely beautiful backgrounds, although 5 cm Per Second's was a bit more detailed. and the last thing, they both make you want to cry. 
report Recommended by TheFukoMaster
Violet Evergarden is the return of KyoAni's glorious heartfelt and grounded Storytelling sense Clannad, more specifically AFTERSTORY: -they both are animated by the same Company KyoAni -both have grounded emotional weight in its story -follows the story of an extremely empathetic lead with troubled past seeking some form of redemption and/or consolation in life. -taps into complex emotions and experiences that permeate throughout its narrative. -has an episodic pacing to its shows structure for ease of watching. -are known for exposing viewers emotions into physical manifestation more commonly known as Tears. 
report Recommended by Japahispasian
If you loved clannad you'll also like myself yourself. Because both of these anime series have similar drawings, sad background stories of characters and hopeful expectations from the future and a big romance  
report Recommended by sosruquo
Also romance,drama,and also you can feel the life from this anime!Also,like Clannad,Kimi ga Nozomu Eien is full of feelings to friends,who later become lovers. In Kimi ga Nozomu Eien Haruka is similar to Nagisa. 
report Recommended by Kawabe-kun
If you watched Clannad you have to watch Toradora. They are very similar story-wise and the characters are sort of similar too. I would say Toradora had more entertainment while maintaining the I-love-her-and-she-loves-me-yet-other-girls-like-him-too sort of atmosphere. Yeah it'll most likely help you get out of the sadden state if you watched Clannad. 
report Recommended by choasking990
Realistic, supernatural anime that deal with love in all its different forms. In addition, there are striking similarities between the main protagonists and their respective relationships with their families and their primary love interests. Consider watching the other if you enjoy the exploration of the themes of romance, friendship, family, and the changes in these relationships as time passes. 
report Recommended by ataraxial
Both have similar topics. When a person losses someone they loved and have to raise their childrens on their own. Extremily poweful and heartbreaking. Cute childrens ( ushio, ame) that have sad stories on their own. Both have a fantasy but intead of making the story boring and unrealistic, make it more powerful. If you like it, you will definetly like the other. 
report Recommended by almomizar16
although in the exterior they look very different,Aria and Clannad are quite simmilar Both of them give the viewer that heartwarming feeling after watching an episode. Also both of them teach the viewer morals through the storyline. Aria is anyway much more less dramatic,because while Clannad can be very tense at times,Aria is always laid back and relaxing... anyway,these 2 animes are both a must watch,especially for the comedy/slice of life fans out there 
report Recommended by clannad4ever
Both made from the same company and in similar style. Both are moving and worthful. In Air story of protagonists take place in the past, in Clannad characters get together in other world. If you like Clannad, then you must to watch Air. 
report Recommended by Shifu
Both series focused on personal realization, coming of life and relationships between people that faced trauma in the past. 
report Recommended by Clannadstan
Artwork in both animes is outstanding and avant-garde (same applies to ef - tale of melodies). Both incorporate supernatural characters in surreal settings and heavy doses of symbolism (ef much more so). Ef's characterization is markedly more in-depth. Clannad avoids the ef serie's intense (but well-executed) melodrama, whereas ef avoids Clannad's harem stereotypes.  
report Recommended by Cinnamonsylph
- These anime are about the struggles the male MCs face as they grow up. - Both anime have 'regret' as one of the main themes. - If you felt like crying for one of these anime, then you'll most likely cry for the other one as well. - Both anime are in the world of slice of life. If you're a fan of this genre then you might like both as well. 
report Recommended by aquatar
Ok first of all its very interesting , but in the same time sad , that what it makes it similar to each other , i would recommend whatching both if you like anime that has somewhat sad and happy parts in it ( sorry for my bad eng lol ) its my first recomm to  
report Recommended by unex11
Both approach adult conflicts in a very human way (Clannad AF: aftger episode 8). Both are drama + romance + slice of life and both will probably make you cry...XP 
report Recommended by LuccasDMC
Both endings are really sweet and touching. If you loved Clannad then you will love Kobato too. 
report Recommended by Lylaaz
Nana is about two girl who have a lot of problems in their life and have to keep struggling, just like Nagisa had to. Both anime made me laugh and cry. The first few episodes of Nana may seem childish or boring, but that's the same problem I had with Clannad, however, in the end, they both became my favourite animes.  
report Recommended by xSimone
Both anime have a key emotional event which forms the structure of the main plot. They explore how the protagonists deal with the events and the effects that came from the events. The supernatural element played a good bit in both shows as well. 
report Recommended by chaosflame5
These two animes are "slice of life" types, but they differ in many ways. However, if you seek for a realistic story with subtle and minimal presence of supernatural elements, then both anime's can be a good choice. While "Clannad: After Story" shows a realistic picture of a man who enters adulthood with all its cons and pros, "Golden Time" presents a realistic image of a man who starts his college life, meets new friends, finds love and deals with trauma from the past. 
report Recommended by Adnash
Both have incredibly well-developed characters, and deal with parallel dimensions. NOTE: Watch Clannad before watching After Story 
report Recommended by DrHorrible123
Romance that is building up following the main character who is taking care of a child its a touching anime just like clannad I saw the recommendation of it and I watch Ababy in 2days <3 got to love it 
report Recommended by VinYuji
Both series are technically solid, though plot and character-wise, they are sub-par. Both series have one purpose: To prey on your emotion and to make you cry.  
report Recommended by pollx
Clannad ~AS~ may actually be slower-paced than H&C II, with both being peaceful slice-of-lifes tinged with despair. Very emotional stories, truly masterpieces.  
report Recommended by MarshallM
Rei and Tomoya are both guys with troubled pasts who are "saved" by a girl they both care a lot for, Hina and Nagisa. They both also spend a lot of time with families who are not their own but treat them as such, the Kawamotos and the Furukawas. A lot of heart and emotion are put into both series. Even though After Story takes place over several years and Sangatsu only takes place over a few months, they're both equally effective in conveying emotions that anyone can relate to. I see people trying to argue that one is better than the other which makes no  read more 
report Recommended by mushroomcloud
In these shows, an initially apathetic main character is taught to cherish his life and those around him by a sickly girl. Through the moving, and at times silly, experiences of the main characters, these stories show that even though happy times may not be permanent, hardship can happen at any time, and those dear to you will die, every moment is worthwhile. 
report Recommended by SAniyoukoso
-Both animes's setting/story goes by an omnibus format, and have small arcs for each heroine that doesn't diverge from the central plot of the story (with the setting intact) 
report Recommended by MagicFlier
Want story and soundtrack as good as anime you watched before? Watch this. Both anime have a story about raising a child. 
report Recommended by AdityaRizkiS
If you liked very touching stories filled with love, like Clannad ~After Story~. Then Hanbu no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora would make it as another ideal anime that you should watch! Unlike Clannad ~After Story~, it's straight to the point without dragging it too long, explaining the short 6 episodes of the anime itself. A great short story! 
report Recommended by Xerth
I am treating Bakuman., Bakuman. 2, and Bakuman. 3, all 75 episodes, as one series The similar aspects: -Dramatic moments that may or may not make you tear up -Extremely well-written romance -Some incredibly touching moments -Some hilarious moments The different aspects -Clannad: After Story is much more serious than Bakuman. -Without spoiling anything, the final* ending of Bakuman. ending makes much more sense (*Bakuman. 3) -The premise of Bakuman. is overall more Shounen, meaning the Main Characters have a goal, and they're going to make in a reality -Bakuman. has an overall more realistic feel to it In conclusion it is really up to the watcher, however, both shows are perfect examples of very, very  read more 
report Recommended by athenasrage
Cat Daru and Garbage doll from Clannad act really similar  
report Recommended by alexkuznetsov
First thing I would like to let you know is that I am a Slice of Life with romance. 1) I have seen so many anime series of genre Slice of Life but they are 100% School oriented but in these series, Slice of life comes out of School life. 2) Male Main character both suffers and they are not clear out their feeling.  
report Recommended by wasif_khan
If you want a heartwarming story about a family with a strong theme behind it, try watching Tsumiki no Ie. While Clannad is an anime series and Tsumiki no Ie is a 12 minute short, I believe that Tsumiki no Ie presents a uniquely potent story of a caliber similar to that of Clannad After Story.  
report Recommended by RunningShirtGuy
Both these shows feature character development across years (from high school to work, from university to work), incredibly polished slice of life and immaculate drama 
report Recommended by Nick123asdf
Both anime can be very tear jerking and really fun to watch with it's in depth characters 
report Recommended by L-Boogie
Both series contain heartfelt experiences that may or may not make you cry, along with a daughter-father relationship in the works. They have beautiful animation and art style and deal with similar death related themes. Ai from Kami-Nai and Ushio from Clannad also share similar childish characteristics although diverse from their ages. In each world, the characters are also given second chances. In Kami-Nai however, darker themes are discussed and it is more death-related and fantasy than Clannad AF. In Clannad AF, more drama and romance is involved and it is definitely more slice of life with a slight mix of supernatural. 
report Recommended by bishoujobitch
Both of these shows happen after what's usually the end of a romance anime: the two main characters finally deciding to go out. After story is a season 2 though, whereas Tonikawa just starts with the main characters in a relationship. 
report Recommended by Vivalande
You've seen one of these masterpieces and you don't know where to go next? Looking for something as brilliant and perfect which isn't a copy of the anime you just saw? This is it. Both are shinning pinnacles of slice-of-life, which may seem like a genre for which it is easy to produce animes, while in reality it's quite tricky to avoid all the pitfalls of mediocrity and make something so enjoyable and heartwarming as these two. 
report Recommended by jiyuudansei
The artstyle are very similar with the surrealistic drawings that draws you into the scene; very detailed. The stories deal with a normal world and another vaguely explained world. The way everything works is not put in front of you and requires you to activate your brain and think things through; maybe even doing research. The stories are very powerful and both activate emotions very easily. The biggest difference is how Clannad takes the emotions very far and toys with your heart, while Kimi no na Wa takes simple steps to trigger a lesser level of sadness. 
report Recommended by GiantQAACSleier
The setting and concept is strongly similar yet the direction of the story goes on a different route. If you enjoyed Clannad, you will love this anime because both contains the same 'Key magic' and mysterious elements to the plot 
report Recommended by MagicFlier
This anime is recommended because the story is well made, romance and drama sets you to thinking about real life. Like Clannad this story will touch your emotions. This anime has 26 nice episodes, the after story off this anime isn't shown but its readable in the manga. Still i recommend the anime and the manga to the fans of Clannad after story! --------Story ----- Yamato Akitsuki travels to Tokyo alone to study in one of the high schools located within the area. He lives in with his aunt who operates a public bath solely for the ladies in the local district and begins his normal high-school  read more 
report Recommended by Drakeson
A show that is very much emotional and heartfelt as the other. 
report Recommended by pyroblage
Both have precious romance, a very dramatic story that will fill your room with tears and a very sadful way to explain how cruel this world is. Also, the romance in both series is very similar, in some ways that I can't tell because it would be spoiler. 
report Recommended by SuzuMine-chan
Without spoiling much, this resembles the last part of Clannad:AS, with cooking as a delicious add-on. 
report Recommended by Arachnophobic
ending makes you cry like a bitch 
report Recommended by Cendervill
both series feature a rude delinquent type outsider who is selflessly helping others and is loved by a weak shy girl who puts up with him despite his lack of politeness...also both of these series are emotional rollercoasters. difference is one is action pack while the other is slice of life 
report Recommended by Josiah-Joestar
At times heartbreaking show that is very deep for an anime show. 
report Recommended by Gafennec
Same slice of life story, that tells about "kazoku" dan the meaning. This story has more light drama than clannad. But all is good story. I recommend it if you like clannad very much.. 
report Recommended by Pria
although the main characters have different reasons of having problems with their fathers and Ontama have a comedic tone while Clannad AS doesn't, in both with an intermediate person, they overcome through their problems, also in both there's a supernatural element involved. 
report Recommended by mhkr
Sola is the first anime created by Hayashi Naoki, former employee of Key studios and original creator of the Kanon visual novel. The signature Key formula is unmistakable.  
report Recommended by epidemia78
Both Anime have the boy and the girl with similar personalities. The plot and story are not similar at all but if you like the characters in Tamako Market, you will like Clannad's too. 
report Recommended by LuminousAnime
The struggles of being a parent. Clannad After Story and Kakushigoto both follow parents experiencing the importance, along with struggles of being a parent. Mangaka Gotou and a deteriorating Tomoya both witnessed first hand how hard it is to raise children as well as keeping their own lives stable. Whether it be lying to protect or a broken past affecting the future, both stories show these characters trying to better themselves and their children. Both are great s.o.l anime about parenthood featuring comedy, with Clannad AS being more dramatic than Kakushigoto. 
report Recommended by NextUniverse
This is for all those who dropped Clannad without watching after story like me I really didn't enjoy Clannad but After Story made it worth it, and don't watch After story without Clannad as you need to watch it to really appreciate the characters, story etc. 
report Recommended by Matt_D_Leo
[First, sry for my BROKEN ENGLISH. You can correct me about a wrong grammar] Both series is a great coming of age series. In these series, you will see a great character development of Tokai Teiou and Okazaki, Tomoya. They had struggled and worked their way through countless obstacles whether they lost something that it's one of the most important things in their life. They have to stand victorious against their past and become success. Both series can make me cry a lot in THAT SENSE. 
report Recommended by Snolled
Both are heavily based on real life struggles both have MC, who is Careless in the beginning but becomes more mature as the time passes by and he faces more problems in his journey both MC have same type of caring girlfriend, who would stand by their side at every point of life Although Clannad is far more better than NHK, still NHK is is good enough 
report Recommended by ilovbewbs
Sequels to fairly popular series which tend to be viewed as the "pinnacle" of the series or the season where the payoff kicks in at it's fullest. Although the prequels should be watched beforehand, they do nothing but justice for the entire series and one minute you could be laughing while the next minute you could be crying. Both also touch on themes of friendship and family through an arc based formula 
report Recommended by ManWild
Both have a more satisfying romance to them. Both having slow moments here and there but with great payoff!  
report Recommended by veemon23
i traveled 10 years back, to feel kyoto animation at its strongest: great story, true feelings, and absolutely amazing art direction. if you like sharp dramas, try this 
report Recommended by kebenaj
They both have similar vibes in my eyes, both being strongly about the sadness relationships bear. They are both deeper than they seem, and sometimes have questionable visuals, but still good. 
report Recommended by Stealth012
Suka suka and clannad is similar animes because lot of things in those animes are little bit similar. For ex- the love story, emotions, feelings. In those animes ending we almost cry. But, in middle part there is lot of fun and other good things which we like it. So i recommend clannad is similar to suka suka.  
report Recommended by -Otaku_SK-
While Clannad doesn't share the mystery elements of Hyouka, I feel like the grounded and slow paces match each other well. Both of these shows were made with the intention of having the audience think a little bit harder about their own lives, and maybe even make some changes. The plot takes time to breathe, and every emotional delivery hits like a truck. They're both tear-jerkers, depending on the episode, and are good watches if you ever want to just contemplate for a while. 
report Recommended by Chrystarii
Reading this you might think 'what the hell is he on about', but I assure you that if you enjoyed clannad after story you will love domestic girlfriend, especially the manga if you are willing to read. First off I gotta say that Domestic Girlfriend was partly inspired by Clannad, there are a few moments that give me a deja vu from when I watched clannad, won't say any of them because no spoilers, secondly I've noticed that among the people who I found watched both of these, people who enjoyed clannad were always fans of domestic girlfriend or at least semi-liked it, no other 2  read more 
report Recommended by Aldo73
A story that dives into the nature of the feelings that we experience every day, the most important of which are happiness and sadness. We learn to understand the importance of love and why we might hate someone. A story that can change your outlook on life. It makes you reflect on your overwhelming feelings that you have forgotten because of the cruelty of life. A story that you live with its ups and downs that makes you realize the importance of friends, family, and a lover, and especially the importance of loving yourself 
report Recommended by Nyyai030
Family and friends. Two beautiful, tear-jerking stories about the importance of these things in the lives of people, which are sure to be highly liked by lovers of innocent yet tear-heavy plots. 
report Recommended by ImNotAnOtaku1
An obscure recommendation, but losing a loved one is a universal feeling at some point in life. Kanamewo, despite being short, has the same power as Clannad AS in conveying such an emotion. Touching, to say the very least. Do obviously watch Clannad then After Story if you haven't seen the series already.  
report Recommended by NextUniverse
Furiko is pretty much Clannad After Story in a nutshell. Same themes to do with time, the effects of ageing and family relationships, hell even characters are similar. If you have 4.5 mins to spend, I would recommend this. 
report Recommended by NextUniverse
Both of them are rare works in this medium by emphasising the lives, daily rhythms and experiences of twenty-somethings' lives. Both are uniquely mature romances, revolving around believable portrayals of adults in relationships. Both are centred around work, going into (and deep struggles adjusting to) the world of work. Both are about finding purpose in life, and both find their answers in work, love and family. Both are in part driven by an emotional core of grief, serving as two of the most powerful explorations of mortality in the medium. Both take place in a world speeding through our protagonist's fingers, with both Rikuo and Tomoya,  read more 
report Recommended by pocketcroc
Story isn't similar to Clannad, but when I watched Bunny Girl Senpai I got similar felling I had when watching Clannad. Similarities are great story, comedy, romance and generally it's really enjoyable to watch. Sakuta (one of the main characters) also reminded me a lot to Tomoya. 
report Recommended by Akix
The 2nd halves of ReLife and Clannad both take attentive detail into the initial MCs that were given at their original start points, the development between the two MCs from here only seems to bloom with great ups and downs in between. Made in a good way nonetheless. Although ReLife Final Arc is faster than Clannad AS. They are both good finishes to the series from what I would say. 
report Recommended by NextUniverse
Drama is a powerful thing, it plays with the very thing that prevents humans from being the consistently logic perfect hollow shell of a being. That is emotion. With such a power, drama is able to truly bring out the most of feels from an individual, is a force to be reckoned with. Clannad AS and Kaigo to Ikiru are dramas that are S-tier in this category. I really believe as Clannad AS is able to have such a huge collection of thoughts correlating to the same thing - a masterpiece - the same is true for Kaigo to Ikiru. Dealing with some unfortunate events in  read more 
report Recommended by NextUniverse
While the plot of both animes isn't very similar, the situation of the characters and the way they come to find resolution bear heavy similarities, and both animes deal with similar topics such as loss, and the importance of family and friendship. Anyone who likes melodrama will certainly enjoy both animes, they also have very similar moving soundtracks and vibrant animations which make the characters feel very much alive. 
report Recommended by ImNotAnOtaku1
Two small-town coming-of-age dramas about finding purpose. While their settings might differ, these anime develop somewhat similarly and allow us to see how their teenage characters grow as they find themselves at the doors of life. Their visuals and soundtracks are beautiful, and there's bound to be some tear-jerking both ways as well. To add, both anime have a palpable atmosphere of calmness, nostalgia and melancholy: a mix of feelings that provide a sense of tranquility but also emotional turmoil. Perfect for those who like media that appeals to their feelings. 
report Recommended by ImNotAnOtaku1
These both share some focus on the relationships between parents and their children. These sequels in the respective franchises bring further development of the romance between the leads, and have some moments with the female supporting cast. Plots both feature supernatural elements 
report Recommended by 5hadow17
Both animes portray the struggle of human relationships, especially those family and marriage related. 
report Recommended by Clannadstan
Of course you will have to watch the first season before Bakuman. 2 or Clannad: After Story but these anime were so amazing!!!! (Even the first seasons) You watch as the characters mature. There were many emotional and heartwarming scenes. Whenever a character feels a certain way, you can't help but feel the same. Again, these were masterpieces and if you haven't seen these series, SHAME!! 
report Recommended by Haru1011
Both are poignant and dramatic animes. we see how the characters struggle emotionally and how they overcome their troubles throughout. Overall both very heartfelt :') 
report Recommended by AutumnXSecret
They both involve similar animation and depp plots that make you wanna cry at the end but then end with a smile. they both are the deepest anime i have ever seen and teach you how to be a better person while giving you the entertainment of a extremely well written romance, comedy, drama. 
report Recommended by Krombopulos
-Both animes's setting/story goes by an omnibus format, and have small arcs for each heroine that doesn't diverge from the central plot of the story (with the setting intact) 
report Recommended by MagicFlier
Someone loses someone that they love and involves an dues ex machina ending as well. 
report Recommended by Jmac
Both series tackles the importance of family. 
report Recommended by mlcdl
worte by the same guy. top show  
report Recommended by RevM
Both are about abandoned children and they both have a touching story. You will shed manly tears by the end of both of them. 
report Recommended by ManlyTears
YU-NO was originally a 1996 visual novel, and was hugely influential, inspiring numerous visual novels and anime shows. One of the VNs and anime shows inspired by YU-NO is Clannad. The author of Clannad, Jun Maeda, cited YU-NO as inspiration for Clannad. In particular, the latter parts of both YU-NO and Clannad After Story have a similar tragic plotline involving a father, mother and daughter.  
report Recommended by Jagged_85
-Both animes's setting/story goes by an omnibus format, and have small arcs for each heroine that doesn't diverge from the central plot of the story (with the setting intact) 
report Recommended by MagicFlier
-Both animes's setting/story goes by an omnibus format, and have small arcs for each heroine that doesn't diverge from the central plot of the story (with the setting intact) 
report Recommended by MagicFlier
Both shows deal with the topic of family bonds and how important they are. If you look for something more in anime than just comedy or action, then both of these masterpieces are labelled 'must-watch' for you.  
report Recommended by chvdy
One of the stories in Clannad: After Story bears a striking resemblance to what might have been the after story of She & Her Cat.  
report Recommended by starshinesMonet
The side story in Clannad of the girl in the lost world coincides with the storyline of The Place Promised in Our Early Days. They carry the exact same sad empty atmosphere. Both also regard young men going through hardships due to lost loves. Ah, serious complicated love. 
report Recommended by sugarplumfairy
If you liked the sort of melancholic atmosphere in Clannad, you'll probably enjoy the atmosphere in Cross Game. Also Baseball 
report Recommended by unknuckable
Both revolve mainly around a tragic romance but contain more to the series, making it all the more charming. 
report Recommended by Kippercha
This anime also depicts the true love between the protagonists in my opinion.. But,CAS is far better than True Love Story in romantic concept.. 
report Recommended by Nira_kun
Both of them are very touching, and they have similar ending. 
report Recommended by KennyInDrAke
They both have that calm feel to it. They talk about important values and they are both one of those nice, gentle anime. 
report Recommended by zoefreak
I know it can be weird—Clannad to FMA:B? But I think it's not so stupid. Both these anime are about life. In FMA:B life as a living armor, for example, but you must fight for happiness. In every world and circumstances, normal (as in Clannad) and fabulous (as in FMA:B). 
report Recommended by Sakado
Both are similar in such a way that they started out as a seemingly fun and quirky slice of life anime but quickly downsides into a very sad and emotional second half.  
report Recommended by stephenalbertv
Made by the same creators (Key!), you will absolutely love this show if you enjoyed any of Key's other stuff, but particularly Clannad AS. It is a short, 5 episode series set in a post-apocalyptic world (similar to Angel Beats! but far better). 
report Recommended by DanglesMcNulty
Both are family related drama. These two are recommended for heavy drama fans with some cuteness as well.  
report Recommended by kouteiba
Both have strong themes about family only that Ao Haru Ride adds a love triangle for extra spice. Both will make you take out the tissue box. 
report Recommended by highpriest2500
you will likely feel sad after watching this as well 
report Recommended by ozick3552
-Both have romance -Both have lots of comedy -Both have drama -Both have a different kind of lead heroine in comparison to your typical tsundere -Both get you attached to the characters which makes it even harder to deal with their losses 
report Recommended by thelectricow
-Drama -Supernatural -Damn feels -Same setting -Both mc are rude, but on the other hand also gentle -Similar animation my OP: When I watched Suzumiya I got the same feeling as with watching After story. I thought that everyone got enough screen time and the pacing is really good and both got some surprising elements + fanservice?, that you wouldn't expect. I'm 100% sure, that you are going to like the Suzumiya haruhi series if you liked the Clannad series. And vice versa. 
report Recommended by Duatizer
Do you enjoy watching a romance anime with heart and good character development put into it? Do you enjoy a show laced with beautiful scenery, memorable music and a mix of FEEELS? Both these shows left an impact in me, and their difficult themes and catchy opening songs haunted me long after I had finished watching them. Yosuga no Sora and Clannad After Story deal with dating, crushes and family drama in the first arcs but turn to more mature themes towards the end. Both shows are, in their own ways, absolutely unforgettable. 
report Recommended by mimiiria
You laugh. You cry. You feel hyped. You feel excited. You think. You let your emotions out. Being my favourite and second favourite anime i can certainly say that they bring out everything you have with great characters 
report Recommended by GiantQAACSleier
If you just finished Clannad and your room's filled with tears, try a more upbeat series next. The Familiar of Zero is also filled with romance, though not as much drama, but there are still some moments which give a feel similar to that of Clannad. 
report Recommended by Kkekev
These anime are both very similar in the way that the male and female protagonist meet and an instant connection forms, and it almost seems they were "destined" to meet. Also, as the story progresses you see the relationship grow stronger. Both anime have a very emotional side to them, which really make you connect to the characters and their actions. 
report Recommended by WolfStack
They both have Drama and Romance in there and both are really fun Anime's to watch with True Tears you have alot of Drama that you don't expect and the same happens in Clannad After Story both are very good Anime's 
report Recommended by Mook-Hyang
A series that was already filled with emotion, brings a seccond season even more deep. Maybe Tamayura is not that "dramatic" but is still a hearth warming story. 
report Recommended by Zaraquiel99
Furukawa Nagisa - Konoe Nanami Okazaki Tomoya - Tomosaka Kenji And in both anime the male and female main character make a good couple/really cute couple If you liked one you'll like the other at 100% the only different is the amount of episodes 
report Recommended by martver
The artwork is impeccable. The personality and movements realistic of the characters make a complement of the well worked drama presented in this anime. 
report Recommended by XP-EM
After you watch Clannad you get a feeling in your heart almost like a hole that was left by Clannad and every one just keep on moving on and oblivious to what you just felt and you are in search of some thing to fill that gap. Spice and wolf slowly introduces its charters and lets you get to know them, it starts feels you have become submerged in the story like you have found something to fill that gap once more. you will laugh, you may cry, you may get mad. you will be happy you have walked with Kraft  read more 
report Recommended by sdfxcvgb
I find the part where Tomoya enters the workforce is similar to Rec's overall tone. Both male leads face hardships in their respective jobs and of course, both have romance as the main genre to boot.  
report Recommended by Lord_Odous
Both have a good story to tell of things that must be overcome to continue in life. 
report Recommended by Kyouie