This is my Rating System! Let me first explain how my ratings work before going into details: (Still in progress..)
My ratings are usually 8-9 for most anime. Anything 8-9 is considered good or great, and anything 10 is considered amazing. Anything 7 and below can be considered bad since my ratings are high. Scores of 6 or below are rare for me because why would I watch something I don't like or want to watch?? I rate my animes based on my enjoyment while watching, and what I liked about that anime. Even if an anime has an amazing story, if I don't enjoy it and feel inclined to continue, I wont. I just want to enjoy and feel happy while watching my anime~
Dropped Anime:
I don't have any dropped anime on my list because I don't want to pack my list with things which are irrelevant to me. I consider anime which I have completed a large portion of or at least half way finished, then stopped, to be an anime I dropped. I don't consider Anime which I watched 1-3 episodes of, then stopped, to be dropped, since that's just me using the 3 episode rule. For animes which I am unsure whether I really want to watch it or not, I watch a few episodes of that anime before deciding whether I'll actually watch and finish it or not. Hope that provides some-what of an explanation.
10 - Amazing Masterpieces
Absolutely loved it in every way possible, had an amazing impact on me, or was able to connect with me in a way 85% of animes can't.
9 - Great anime
Certain aspects had a lasting impact on me, did really well for the genre, had me hooked the entire time, or absolutely loved but not enough to give it a 10.
8 - Good anime
Enjoyed it a lot, made me feel happy watching it, connected with the anime, loved the characters, or in general was just good.
7 - Average anime
Overall okay, really could have done better, but it's not really bad, just average . Executes it's themes and story but not to it's full potential. Not unbearably bad either, and at least somewhat entertaining.
6 - Bad Anime
Below the standards of average anime.
5 - Awful Anime
Just does everything the wrong way, and messes it up with every step.
4 - Terrible anime
Why would you even consider watching it?
3 - Repulsive Abysmal Anime
Why do you even exist??
2 - Disgraceful Atrocious Anime
I just want to vomit even hearing your name.
1 - You were never meant to be
Oh masterpieces of anime, I seek your power! Please grant me the ability to bestow mercy upon this wretched thing proclaiming to be an anime!
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I hope you're doing well :>