Welcome to my page! Was it serendipity or passing fancy that brought you here? Have a seat, have a chat, have a cup of tea. ^_^ Beinvenue! About Me "The sound of the bell of Gionshoja echoes the impermanence of all things. The hue of the flowers of the teak tree declares that they who flourish must be brought low. Yea, the proud ones are but for a moment, like an evening dream in springtime." - Kuno Tatewaki , age 17 [/i] (English translation of Heike Monogatari) "Unearthlier happy is the rose distilled, Than that which withering on the virgin thorn. Grows, lives and dies in single blessedness" - Kuno Tatewaki , age 17 (Variation of A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act 1, Scene 1) Confession: I have a huge crush on Tatewaki Kuno. Any boy who still practices calligraphy (and keep an ink stone with him at all times in case of any surges of romantic compositions) and can recites passages of Heiki Momogatari or Shakespeare by memory is quite the catch. Not to mention he has a good leg and money enough in purse. He would make an excellent match for Beatrice. <3 I enjoy a series that makes me think or feel on multiple levels, such as Eve no Jikan, Ergo Proxy, Kino's Journey, Higashi no Eden, Revolutionary Girl Utena, or Sensekai Yori just to name a few. I also love iyashikei, slice of life; dreamy, think pieces with wonderful character development and rich backgrounds. I particularly enjoy leaning a great deal about how the world the anime is constructed in works and what life would really be like for someone who lives there. The ARIA series, Mushishi, Studio Ghibli's vast works, YKK, Haibane-Renmei, Please Save My Earth, Juuni Kokki, Tortov Roddle are just a few of these. I like anime whose story has paid attention to details or is told is a unique way, such as Haruhi Suzumiya or Juuni Kokki. Details really make a anime and its characters for me, so if it doesn't give me enough of them I tend to get bored easily! I want it gorgeous and well thought out! Unique ideas for how to portray a scene or experiment with a new style of art never hurts though... The last important factor to a great anime to me is the Music. In many ways, music is the most defining factor of how a series or film will impact me. There have been several things I've seen that would likely have only received mediocre grades, but for their excellent and/or moving OSTs. I also watch A LOT of short and independent films and animation from different countries. While I understand the importance of keeping MAL 'Japanese-friendly,' I wish another site existed like it that allowed me to catalog ALL of my favourite animations instead of just those that are Japanese and Korean. [size=150]You can find many of my favourite songs from Anime and Video game OSTs here:[/size] Fezzik's Journey to Skyrim House of the Rising Sun This is another "best of" anime playlist - mostly OP and EDs in this one while the one below has more soundtrack feels. My "best anime OSTs playlist.” Lots of Yoko Kanno and Yuki Kajiura on this one. Some Joe Hisaishi and other great composers as well. Evolution Punks of ANime Kiss Kiss ~ Fall in Love! A lovers playlist [size=150]Please join me for some lovely conversation in [url=http://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=19257] [/url] Animation of the Week Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet (Release Date August 7, 2015 ) Inspired by the beloved classic, Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet tells the story of an unlikely friendship between a young, mischievous girl and an imprisoned poet. Hailing from a number of countries, Canada, France, Ireland, Lebanon, Qatar, United States, the art styles in this film were really what brought it home for me. The images below are a competent demonstration of the eclectic beauty of the film. Fans of Shaun Tan, Chagall, Klimt, and Symbolism out there are likely to enjoy this film. The music alone is worth the journey. Watch the trailer [url= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwQbMxDcRGE[/url] For fans of: Art or [i]The Arrival[i]; The Thief & the Cobbler; The Man Who Planted Trees; The-Rabbis-Cat;The Secret of Kells; and art house/foreign animations. 15 Favourite Short Anime (from Japan or Korea): --Work in Progress-- 1. Tsumiki no Ie (La Maison en Petits Cubes) 12 mins. total 2. Glassy Ocean (Shigeru Tamura 1998) 22/mins. 3. Eve no Jikan (Yoshiura Yasuhiro) 17 mins. per episode x 6 4. Aru Tabibito no Nikki (The Diary of Tortov Roddle, A Traveller's Diary) 3 min. per episode; 6 episodes = 18 min. total & Aru Tabibito no Nikki Specials 4 min. per episodes; 3 total = 12 min. total I am SUCH a sucker for travel anime, but doubly so when it comes to those that look hand painted by water colour! 5. Chumon no Oi Ryoriten (The Restaurant of Many Orders) 6. There She Is!! [SamBakZa / Amalloc 2003] 5 mins./5 [25 mins.] ONA 7. Rain Town (Ishida Hiroyasu/ Kyoto Seika University 2011) 10 min. 8. Inaka Isha (Yamamura Koji) 21 min. 9. Ame to Shoujo to Watashi no Tegami (Rain, the Little Girl, and My Letter) [Empire Boy 2005] 6.30 mins. 10. Kigeki/ Comedy (Nakazawa Kazuto/ Studio 4*c) 11 mins. 11. 自主制作アニメーション『待ち時間』Waiting Time (Takuya Hagihara 2011) 3.30 mins. Watch here: 12. Tooi Sekai (Other Worlds) [Makoto Shinkai 1997] 1.30 mins. 13. Hyakko OVA (Nippon Animation ) 9.48 mins. CAKE! 14. Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko (She and Her Cat) [Makoto Shinkai 1999] Ties for 15: Universe [Maaya Sakamoto/Production I.G. 2007] 5.05 mins. Cremona [Ishizuka Atsuko 2004] 3.35 mins. Tsuki no Waltz (Waltz on the Moon) [Ishizuka Atsuko 2004] 5 mins. [b]Honourary Favourite by Yamamura Koji[/b]: Bavel no Hon (Bavel's Book) [Yamamura Koji 1996] 5 mins. 15 Favourite International Animations: --Work in Progress-- 1. The Man Who Planted Trees [Frédéric Back, Canada 1987] 30 mins. 2. Hedgehog in the Fog [Yuriy Norshteyn, Russian 1975] 12 mins. 3. The Lost Thing [Shaun Tan, Australian 2010] 16 mins. 4. The Reward [The Animation Workshop, Denmark 2012]: Mikkel Mainz; Kenneth Ladekjær; Glenn August; Jonas Andreassen; Josefine Hannibal; Karen Bennetzen; Ole Christian Løken; Paolo Giandoso; Tanja Nielsen. Watch it here or read about the process here 5. The Rabbi's Cat (French: Le Chat du Rabbin) is a 2011 French animated film directed by Joann Sfar and Antoine Delesvaux. Based on the graphic novel(s) by Joann Sfar. 6. La Sorcière from Prince et Princess (6 shorts originally from Ciné si) [Michel Ocelot, French 1989] 11 mins. 7. Tír na nÓg [Fursy Teyssier, Le Discrets, French 2007] 4 mins. 8. [Tie] The Old Man & the Sea/My Love - [Aleksandr Petrov, Russia/Canada/Japan 1999/2006] 20/26 mins. 9. The Monk and The Fish [Michaël Dudok de Wit, The Netherlands 1994] 6.5 mins. 10. Phantom Inventory - L'inventaire Fantôme [Franck Dion; Les Armateurs, French 2004] 9.44 mins. 11. L'acteur [Jean-François Laguionie, Les Studios du Languedoc French 1974] 6 mins. Seen here: http://vimeo.com/9745073 12. Kérity, la Maison des Contes/Eleanor's Secret [Dominique Monféry, La Fabrique, Franco-Italiano 2009] 80 mins. 13. The silence beneath the bark / le silence sous l'écorce [Joanna Lurie, France 2010 ] 11 mins. Visit her website to see all her lovely short films! 14. La Leyenda del Espantapájaros (The Legend of the Scarecrow) [Carlos Lascano/Marco Besas, Elemental Films Spain 2005] There is a particularly cool blog entry about the "Making of" this animation by Carlos Lascano here, for those who are interested in such things. Top 10 Childhood favourite anime: 1. Sirius no Densetsu (The Sea Prince & The Fire Child) This was the first anime I saw as a child and it changed me completely. This movie was my first lesson in how to feel and has some of the richest and most beautiful music I have ever heard. It is FAR better than Romeo & Juliet and to this day I cannot hear the words "Piale loves Malta" without feeling tears well in my eyes. 2. Andersen Douwa Ningyo Hime (The Little Mermaid) My second lesson in how to feel, I have always identified with the character of Marina/the Little Mermaid and was convinced for years that I would die as foam on the waves. I learned to play the harp because of this film. 3. Sekai Meisaku Douwa: Mori wa Ikiteiru (12 Months) One of the very best tales I ever heard. This was one of my first lessons in being a good person and friendship. I learned about my name in conjunction with the galanthus (snowdrop) flower in the film not long after seeing it for the first time, so it will be magic to me. 4. Unico - I still sing Katy's song all the time. When I grew up I wanted to be a kitty witch 5. David the Gnome - This isn't included on this site, sadly, but it is one of the most awesome children's series ever created. First of all it a Spanish animation studio produced the thing AND it is based on a Dutch book about gnomes. Not a faerie tale or a story, but just one of those books about gnomes. Like Lady Cottington's book of fae but for gnomes. How awesome is that? It's a great series and still so much fun to watch! 6. Sekai Meisaku Douwa: Hakuchou no Mizuumi (Swan Lake) One of the best renditions of a ballet into story that I've seen. 7. Sekai Meisaku Douwa: Hakuchou no Ouji (Wild Swans) Another favourite tale, beautifully done here. 8. Ranma 1/2 This was my introduction to the world of anime as actual Anime so I will always love it and still find it immensely fun to watch. It's also one of my favourite OP's in the history of the world. Watching Ranma 1/2 is like eating cake with boba tea - it's sweet and fun and delicious and a little bit fluffy. 9. Hoshi no Oujisama Petit Prince (The Little Prince) My favourite book as a child and one of the only things I was allowed to watch on television (of the non-PBS variety). I tried re-watching it recently and it was not watchable for long than about an episode :( But it still holds a place in my heart. 10. This was hard. It is a toss up between Paddington Bear and Belle & Sebastian. I think I will vote for the latter since this is an anime site afterall. 10. Meiken Jolie (Belle & Sebastian) Long before the awesome band there was a show (and books!) which I would watch religiously along with David the Gnome on Nickelodeon (gods bless you 1980's tele producers for being so goshdarn smart!) <3 I was only allowed a very limited TV period, so I had to make it count. And this always won (well, and the BBC). Some “Favourite People” who should be on my list, but are not: These are usually the amazing people behind the scenes, such as art directors. An abridged list of favourite works will be be added in Italics next to their name. Ogura Nobutoshi - Gankutsusou, Higashi no Eden, ROD OVA, Shinsekai Yori, Utena, xxxHOLiC Rou, Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei (Tatami Galaxy), Fuujin Monogatari I suspect he might be the one responsible for the art styles I’ve been so impresses with in each these series. Kobayashi Shichirou - Nodame Cantabile, Otogizoushi, Utena, Tenshi no Tamago, Tenshi no Tamago, Unico, YKK, Fuujin Monogatari Kuri Yoji - What hasn’t he done that isn’t incredible? OK, names: Fuyu no Hi, Stamp Fantasia, Love of Kemoko, Fashion… really this list just keeps going. Just do yourself a favour and watch his works. Kawamoto Kihachiro – because he is awesome and designs some of the most beautiful bunraku in the known world. Some features include: Chuumon no Ooi Ryouriten (Oni, House of Flames, Hanaori, Fuyu no Hi, Dojoji Odera [Temple], other various, amazing bunraku (puppet animation) projects. Okamoto Tadanari - Chuumon no Ooi Ryouriten (Restaurant of Many Orders 1993), Okonjoururi, and various bunraku (puppet animation) projects. Shigeru, Tamura - Glassy Ocean, Ursa minor Blue, Phantasmagoria Besides being one of the first female Japanese animators, Okuyama Reiko also worked on: – Andersen Douwa Ningyo Hime, Grave of the Fireflies, Chuumon no Ooi Ryouriten (Restaurant of Many Orders 1993), Fuyu no Hi, Nakamura Ryutaro - Unico, A Journey Through Fairyland, Colorful, Kino no Tabi, Lain, The Life of Guskou Budori, They were 11 and also for his use of sound to enhance the overall work. One of the best Manga-ka EVER: Nakamura Asumiko - Copernicus no Kokyuu, Le Théâtre de A et B, Utsubora (among countless other great works). Isamu Hirabayashi - 663114 Yabuki Kimio - Twelve Months Yusuke Kishi – author of Shinsekai Yori. Ōmori, Takahiro - Director, Storyboard writer, Screenplay writer. Stage Director, &/or Key Animatior of Aria the Natural, Kuragehime, Haibane Renmei, Hotarubi no Mori e, Hell Girl, Natsume's Book of Friends, Baccano!, Durarara!! and Samurai Flamenco. Also want to give credit to a certain manga-ka I’ve recently become obsessed with: Matsumoto Jiro , who is best known for such works as: Jigoku no Alice, Manga of the Dead, and Becchin to Mandala. Lastly, I want to shout out to a few favourite studio producers while I have a moment: Studio 4°C, Shirogumi, Brains Base, Madhouse Studios, Ai ga areba Daijobu, Tamura Shigeru Studio, Studio Deen, Toei Animation, ViZ <3. Among my Favourite Anime not mentioned in my Top Five: *Howl's Moving Castle (really should be in the top five because it fluctuates between HMC and Spirited Away *Juuni Kokki *Clannad (recently bumped)/ After Story/ all the in-betweens *R.G. Utena *Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei / Tatami Galaxy *Princess Mononoke *Natsume Yuujinchou *Haibane-Renmei *Spice & Wolf *Gegege no Kitarou *Shinsekai Yori *Seirei no Moribito *Eden of the East *Baccano *Durarara!! *Hunter x Hunter *Kyou Kara Maou *Gintama *Princess Tutu *Attack on Titan Other Favourite People: 1. Akino Arai [size=180]There are SO many anime and independent works I've not mentioned here that I am working on lists for so I hope you will be patient with me as I ever so slowly catalog them properly!! I deeply hope you enjoy your stay and come by for a chat again soon![/size] Seriously, HOW can you not love this face?! |
All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 162.7
Mean Score:
- Watching128
- Completed614
- On-Hold172
- Dropped38
- Plan to Watch1,905
- Total Entries2,857
- Rewatched20
- Episodes9,686
Anime History Last Anime Updates

Chuuzenji-sensei Mononoke Kougiroku: Sensei ga Nazo wo Hodoite Shimau kara.
Mar 17, 7:54 PM
Plan to Watch
· Scored
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 16.3
Mean Score:
- Reading206
- Completed22
- On-Hold16
- Dropped1
- Plan to Read491
- Total Entries736
- Reread2
- Chapters1,279
- Volumes200
All Favorites Favorites
Anime (18)
Aria the Natural
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Ookami to Koushinryou
Arete Hime
Yuuki Bakuhatsu Bang Bravern
One Piece
Juuni Kokuki
Mob Psycho 100 III
Mahoutsukai no Yome
Clannad: After Story
Mononoke Hime
Feng Ling Yu Xiu
Cowboy Bebop
Aru Tabibito no Nikki
Shoujo Kakumei Utena: Adolescence Mokushiroku
Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Manga (12)
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Omoide Emanon
Marie no Kanaderu Ongaku
One Piece
Sasurai Emanon
Mahoutsukai no Insatsujo
Fumetsu no Anata e
Juuni Kokuki
Light Novel·1992
Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Tongari Boushi no Atelier
Character (20)
Hatter, Sophie
Howl no Ugoku Shiro
Juuni Kokuki
Hatsuseno, Alpha
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Mizunashi, Akari
Aria the Animation
Gozen, Eboshi
Mononoke Hime
Readman, Yomiko
R.O.D: Read or Die
Sirius no Densetsu
Kunou, Tatewaki
Ranma ½
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto
Dungeon Meshi PVs
Fullmetal Alchemist
Ibuki, Fuuko
Harvent, Miria
Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen
Claes, Catarina
Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta...
Tenjou, Utena
Shoujo Kakumei Utena
Ookami to Koushinryou
Roddle, Tortov
Aru Tabibito no Nikki
Morow, Hisoka
Hunter x Hunter
People (20)
Katou, Kunio
Miyazawa, Kenji
Yamamura, Koji
Kawai, Kenji
Kanno, Yoko
Kajiura, Yuki
Hisaishi, Joe
Suzumura, Kenichi
Nakamura, Yuuichi
Hirasawa, Susumu
Kamiya, Hiroshi
Narita, Ryohgo
Norshteyn, Yuriy
Miyazaki, Hayao
Ogata, Megumi
Satou, Junichi
Kurosawa, Akira
Hayami, Show
Koyasu, Takehito
Takahashi, Hiroki
All Comments (616) Comments
So how are you doing this spring? It's been getting really sunny around here.
I'm looking for to making my bearing steel knife. I'll be profiling it with my big half-round file with coarse teeth.
I'm still thinking of watching Mospeada some time this year.
As for video games, I look forward play Astria Ascending having similar aesthetics to Odin Sphere and Grandia 3.
Right after replaying Arc The Lad 2 and playing Grand Knights History in its only language, Japanese.
As for previous drawing, I'm glad you like it and I hope that it gave you a Ghost in the Shell manga feel. It's actually based on the 1998 game with Toshihiro Kawamoto's character designs. Yes, the Cowboy Bebop character designer and someone asked why Motoko looked like Faye in this retro game. Very different artstyle than other adaptations, from the 1995 movie to Arise series stuff.
Speaking of cyberpunk, I really can't wait to delve into Tokyo Ghost. Think Dot Hack with the consequences of untested experiments of Steins;Gate. That's the indie graphic novel that I'll delve into besides a plethora of space western comics not known to everyone. I still want to check out Wanted that I saw in a Screenrant article about comics that deserve adaptations.
To be quite honest, more adaptations of indie comics would be great. Too many superheroes and remakes in the big screen.
I'm surprised Warner hasn't adapted Transmetropolitan yet (typical Hollywood ignorant of graphic novels beyond Marvel and DC). Very different than conventional stuff, so yes, not cyberpunk in the traditional sense.
I'm pretty sure that I saw Solty Rei break the mold as well and I cried (OK! Maybe not in the traditional sense) when several characters in this underrated cyberpunk anime died for good. One stabbed, one shot to death and another that lost blood somewhat long after a catastrophic event.
Silent Möbius also broke the mold while it was inspired by Blade Runner. The beginning had a cultist summoning monsters from another universe like Hellboy. It was also supernatural long before Bleach and Yu Yu Hakusho existed.
A world with demons summoned from another universe would be scary. We have enough abnormal creatures in this universe already. Ranging from ghosts to semiconductor lifeforms (aliens, possibly ruling hot exoplanets having robust, metalloid body parts and capable of outsmarting our cutting-edge computers) to bigfoot.
I might have to check out that 80s anime you mentioned some time. I'll definitely do that as I wait for future Macross movies as I delve into indie comics besides Copperhead (big fan of space westerns).
As for mecha, I find the war story of Zoids Assault to be significantly deeper than all of Gundam combined. Except G Gundam, which doesn't revolve around war, but a fight to save mankind from some kind of threat that's never been seen by most which is rare in that universe.
Zoids Assault should have gotten a sequel ages ago and it should revolve around saving prisoners of war, which would be Rambo 2 levels of epic. The weapons used in that game are as real as military grade stuff we see in real life rather than weapons used in sci-fi, like the Death Star (no beam weapons, but that citybusting Deathsaurer cannon was something devastating) . Yes, Zoids Assault is a whole other universe and that universe should have been continued.
It should have had a broader soundtrack, but at least the opening was catchy as well as the endgame mission one. Using a very small squad to fight a big army the most strategic ways possible. Behind those big armies are fishy schemes being planned by rich people, warmongering usurpers attempting dictatorship, that is. Trying to ravage the lands via exploitation or worse.
Joker did once say that people in power like the mayor and police department always have plans. Auron once said that those with power seek to use it. Misuse of power is that theme Zoids Assault delved into.
As of late, I've been playing Lunar: Silver Story and its got a powerful conjurer more evil than Exdeath. Like Justin from the underrated Grandia, Alex has to save his girlfriend from bad guys.
Yes, I go big plans this year and I hope that this year will be better for my friends as well.
Said shoujo fangirl and Sagittarius friend Elise should definitely play Star Ocean 2. Second Story R, that is, even though my favorite character Chisato Madison got nerfed in battle. She was a more powerful ally in the original that helped me defeat Gabriel and his crew. A sexy warrior in the original as well.
Chisato Madison like Lois Lane has good knowledge of martial arts, as you can see.
Another friend of mine is thinking of playing that remake because of Nurse Joy's original dubber Megan Hollingshead having been the witch Celine. She also did a great job as Susie Evans and was a perfect match for the Squad 7 character.
Anime-wise, I'm still waiting for a new Macross movie to come out. Big West and Harmony Gold should be ready to release any future Macross movies worldwide. Macross movies should be better than Star Wars as of late.
I have my half-Asian friend to thank for giving me such news as shown on Den of Geek.
Speaking of space opera, I'm still thinking of reading Paper Girls, Black Science and Saga.
I hope that you'll also have a wonderful Year of the Snake.
I've been so busy with knifemaking and art that I almost forgot about Fafner The Beyond.
I hope that future Macross movies that Den of Geek told me about years ago will start getting released next year. I actually can't wait for Year of the Dragon to end if it means better movies will be made.
One movie from this year that I would recommend to my busy North Carolina friend is Gundam SEED Freedom. Having read so many manga I've never heard of.
I may play around with my charcoal pencils soon enough.
remember to be nice to yourself ;)
I thought the animations (movements in general) in that Wild Arms 3 intro was flawless and that's what I'd like to see more often in anime. The character designs in that game were way ahead of its time. IMO, the 90s didn't end until 2003. In general! More neo-western stuff would be great to see.
The first three Wild Arms are basically a western/steampunk hybrid. They were a new kind of western overall. Kind of like Cowboy Bebop, Trigun and Outlaw Star were several decades ago.
All of a sudden, I'm remembering that Christopher Cross song and that is the kind of song I would play when reading Copperhead.
Said shoujo fangirl or Elise would love to see the return of Wild Arms under a different name too. Will be 38 next month and she's been watching anime for a very long time too. She deserves Armed Fantasia on her birthday.
I also can't wait to read at least 12 other indie comics that are also potentially similar to either Solty Rei or Twilight Venom (Wild Arms in general as well). Definitely around Year of the Snake or next year. After I finish my Devilman kick as well and I'll get into alternate Devilman stories much later (I only need the original, Shin Devilman, Devilman Lady, Devilman Saga and Violence Jack)
We know that there are more indie comics than just Witchblade, The Crow and Hellboy. All of which have adaptations and Witchblade got two.
My supertomboyish, big Virgo friend that likes some of the same light novels as you told me that she hates Brotherhood because of the jarring slapstick humor. So she prefers the 2003 anime and those first two PS2 games' stories. She generally loves sci-fi, psychological and unconventional anime, same with manga.
Megumi Toyoguchi should have had a chance to reprise her role as Winry in Brotherhood, but at least her acting roles are mixed. Kids should know her by now as Dawn.
Other than that, my German-American friend would totally agree with you about Greed.
Sagittarius women seem to have keen interest in art by the way. Said shoujo fangirl or Ellie that I've known for a decade is easily drawn to very beautiful manga art.
I wonder what she thinks of the upcoming Magic Knight Rayearth remake and shoujo is easily her specialty.
Huge CLAMP nerd as well. She should also read Hyper Police between work hours as well because the demon ladies working as bounty hunters are relatable and the artwork is like flawless. I can easily relate to Natsuki's struggles in a racist world that hates talking demons trying to live a humanly life.
That same tomboy loves the fact that Hyper Police's adaptation has Yuko Miyamura and Kotono Mitsuishi (having reprised her role in the recent Gundam SEED movie) in the cast. Yes, huge EVA nerd as well. She loves the Rebuild movies more than literally everyone else.
Most people think that those movies are all style and no substance like the don't know modern blockbusters.
Aside from shoujo manga, that same shoujo fangirl in her late 30s also loves FMA, the manga, that is. She also loves the standalone stories in those PS2 games that Square Enix brought to America decades ago. Crimson Elixir has the best story out of that FMA game franchise.
I look forward to reading indie comics after Oh! My Goddess. Transmetropolitan should be as interesting as The Crow and Witchblade (I love that Gonzo adaptation). Wanted also sounds very interesting which must be cooler than Avengers. Even League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was cooler than Avengers and the MCU.
I haven't seen Bravern yet, but it looks a lot like Sunrise's Yuusha franchise and its got some Dai-Guard vibes too. I might check it out after I finish reading Ah! My Goddess, all 48 of those volumes.
Omoide Emanon sounds interesting and the plot also sounds cryptic, kind of like Armored Core (a mecha franchise that I easily put over Gundam). I might get into that some time after I finish Ah! My Goddess.