An introverted bookish pseudo-intellectual who wants to be intellectual through anime, or what anime wants to teach me.
The first anime that I've watched and opened me to this whole new medium was Cowboy Bebop.[/size]
I admit, watching did not fully make me view the anime as a medium that is totally remarkable. Being new to everything anime, I saw it merely as a sci-fi story. But when I look back on it now, it truly did something great because it totally created a different world that was ultimately about people striving to adapt in their very dynamic setting. Whether these characters are the main ones, or secondary or tertiary - most, if not all, show that they are flawed.
With a focus on the characters and story, I then head on towards anime that focus greatly on characters rather than setting or even plot, and with that - I was introduced to a variety of animes such as Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Mushishi, Angel Beats!, Toradora, Planetes and so on. One anime that made me fuly embrace the anime as a medium of telling great and universal stories, is Clannad: Afterstory

This anime truly changed my life and made me long for more romantic-drama animes (although honestly, none made me feel the way that I did in Clannad AS).
As time passed, I branched out from the romance, and mainstream anime (FMA:B, Soul Eater, Code Geass) towards other critically acclaimed anime of other genre. I fell in love and questioned what morality is through Monster, felt the loneliness, longing and warmth in all seasons of Natsume Yuujinchou, felt the nihilism and darkness of the soul in Madoka Magicka, got mindfuck in Serial Experiments Lain, laughed so hard and appreciated friendships in Azumanga Daioh, understood the complexity of human relationships (along with several innuendos) in the Monogatari series, etc. I still long more for more anime that would make me feel different kinds of emotion, and I appreciate it as a medium as whole.
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Yes, but one does it in a good way and the other one does it in a bad way.
And then...
**Kyoto Animation FC** is under construction! The club has been inactive for the past few years due to inactive admins; however, we have now over 1000 members and new KyoAni animes are produced every year so we don’t want this club to be closed down or inactive. We want members to join us on discussions bout KyoAni work and have fun.
In order to continue our activities and maintain the club alive, [u]we need new ADMINS [/u]: recruiters, card makers, entertainer , game and discussions admin .So if you would like to join us as an admin, please leave a comment at the following link:
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