Anime Stats
Days: 358.4
Mean Score:
- Watching39
- Completed1,222
- On-Hold10
- Dropped38
- Plan to Watch479
- Total Entries1,788
- Rewatched107
- Episodes23,595
Last Anime Updates
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Manga Stats
Days: 193.2
Mean Score:
- Reading112
- Completed204
- On-Hold4
- Dropped7
- Plan to Read139
- Total Entries466
- Reread1
- Chapters25,171
- Volumes1,714
Last Manga Updates
Access to this list has been restricted by the owner.
All Comments (120) Comments
You're Welcome
Pleasure to meet you
My name is Rans, I'm a little lazy and slow to respond, but if you want to talk to me about something or etc.. feel free to ask
thank you so mucccch bro. its so beautiful
I hope your new year has been off to a great start and things only get better from here :D How has it been so far?
It's completely fine, I understand because I've been there too. Take your time.
Haha, you're very welcome I am glad.
YESS! She's a very sweet lady and I love her dynamic with Aleksander the other main character. Their relationship seems like one of comfort and understanding and the gorgeous illustrations you speak of only help enhance to that warm and relaxing atmosphere. It's one of my favourite manga to just look at.
Ah you must've thought about it for a long time if it's something you don't normally do it. For me I always like to organise and categorise things so it's something I used to think about all the time. So you settled on One piece as well, a great choice tbh. I agree with you heavily on that, there's so much to like about One piece, even among other shounen anime it's really one of a kind.
I am really glad you're patient with me and very understanding. Thank you for that.
Have you been watching or reading anything good recently?
Ofcourse I'll join in! I nominated an OP for the tournament, and I'm Watching the topic ^^
Thanks, I sure am🫡
And this little piece of shit something else..
I just watch this Hanekawa scene yesterday. My man saw an opportunity and went for the kill immediately.
afterall I wanted to track my ecchi animes here
so I wanted some recommandations
Anyways thanks again!