You CAN watch Mushishi s2 if you haven't watched Mushishi 1. It's episodic and every episode has its own plot and characters (except for the MC who remains the same), I haven't finished Mushishi 1 either, I watch s1 and s2 mixed up.
I didn't start Kanojo or Black Bullet... but people are angry with Black Bullet, is was hyped so bad and it flops hard from what I've heard.
Bakemonogatari looks awesome (heh, Shaft) but it's too early to have an accurate opinion on it.... I'm only on episode 5.
I'm watching Bakemonogatari lately so I can't say I'm excited about Hahamonogatari since I haven't even finished the entire series and all seasons :P
This season looked very promising and I was very excited about some series but some ended up disappointing me. The best shows are Isshuukan Friends, No Game No Life and Mushishi 2.
I think Akuma Homura is the best thing ever in the series. I fucking love Akuma. She's so badass that way and she gave the girls a chance to live a normal high school life.
Did you love Nana or what? It's the best anime ever. The mangaka is still sick but the anime's ending was pretty satisfying for me, I too wish there would be a new season but I mean it's not like the anime had a cliffhanger ending that NEEDS a second season.
Movix Kameari in Ario shopping center, Adachi Ward, Tokyo.
I happen to be a moderate Japanese fan of KyoAni living in Tokyo.
Don't expect on illegal downloads which hurt the people making the films - but wait for the official BD/DVD release with proper quality plus bonuses. I am not in a position to make moral judgement about "accidental" stream watching if you're outside Japan, though.
In the meanwhile, you can watch the promotional official videos on YouTube- that probably wraps up about what's going to happen. No, there won't be Shafty surprises like Tamako's head bitten off in the first few minutes of the movie...
All Comments (17) Comments
I didn't start Kanojo or Black Bullet... but people are angry with Black Bullet, is was hyped so bad and it flops hard from what I've heard.
Bakemonogatari looks awesome (heh, Shaft) but it's too early to have an accurate opinion on it.... I'm only on episode 5.
I'm watching Bakemonogatari lately so I can't say I'm excited about Hahamonogatari since I haven't even finished the entire series and all seasons :P
This season looked very promising and I was very excited about some series but some ended up disappointing me. The best shows are Isshuukan Friends, No Game No Life and Mushishi 2.
Would you become a mahou shonen for any wish?
Did you love Nana or what? It's the best anime ever. The mangaka is still sick but the anime's ending was pretty satisfying for me, I too wish there would be a new season but I mean it's not like the anime had a cliffhanger ending that NEEDS a second season.
I happen to be a moderate Japanese fan of KyoAni living in Tokyo.
Don't expect on illegal downloads which hurt the people making the films - but wait for the official BD/DVD release with proper quality plus bonuses. I am not in a position to make moral judgement about "accidental" stream watching if you're outside Japan, though.
In the meanwhile, you can watch the promotional official videos on YouTube- that probably wraps up about what's going to happen. No, there won't be Shafty surprises like Tamako's head bitten off in the first few minutes of the movie...