Soul Eater

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Alternative Titles

Japanese: ソウルイーター
English: Soul Eater
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Type: TV
Episodes: 51
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Apr 7, 2008 to Mar 30, 2009
Premiered: Spring 2008
Broadcast: Mondays at 18:00 (JST)
Licensors: Funimation
Studios: Bones
Source: Manga
Genres: ActionAction, ComedyComedy, FantasyFantasy
Theme: SchoolSchool
Demographic: ShounenShounen
Duration: 23 min. per ep.
Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older


Score: 7.851 (scored by 871865871,865 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #9202
2 based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #64
Members: 1,690,381
Favorites: 28,530

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Both are generic shounen series on the surface, but are enjoyable regardless. They both take place in a school dedicated to defeating the supernatural and both stories revolve around the students, mostly. The main characters also both deal with being demonic. 
report Recommended by RedBardIsCool
Both anime are about "gods" (Soul Eater: Shinigami). In both anime, some characters can change into a weapon and be used by their partner. In both anime, the "gods" (can) fight some sort of a monster that isn't human or another normal animal. They're also fun to watch. :) 
report Recommended by SD_CV
They have an quite similar overall feeling. Both mains are fighting with there friends against an enemy using somekind of super power.  
report Recommended by WeebByNight
Both have two guys that seem to hate eachother and are constantly trying to beat eachother, but when it comes down to saving the things they care about these two main characters make an unstopable force. there is also a ton of random things that will make you laugh in both series.  
report Recommended by mav419
Simular setting as soul eater: Shinigami fighting monsters who feed of human souls. Comedy, action and romance elements are also present in both series. The animation style is different though, soul eater has cartoonesk elements while bleach has a more common animation style 
report Recommended by terramore
- Both have a Halloween-like theme to it filled with supernatural creatures galore. - Both are shonen fighting anime. - Fanservice galore in both - Similar humor - Soul and Staz both have really similar personalities - The art style to Blood Lad is strikingly similar to Soul Eater's in a way. I actually believed that both of them were by the same creator when I first saw Blood Lad! So if you like the art style in one then you might really like the other.  
report Recommended by nyarawr
Both are adaptations of action manga from the same creator, Atsushi Ohkubo. Both have outstanding animation on a consistent level. Both have incredibly imaginative settings, top tier character designs and great art direction. 
report Recommended by alpha_shadow
I found Soul Eater to have the same atmosphere as FMA. There are some episodes that are hilarious, and some that are just creepy. There's great character development in both of these along with epic fighting. The first few episodes are the intro, and then the story takes off afterwords. The art work is amazing (at least in HD) It's dark, comic, 3d, 2d in a 3d environment, and colorful. I'd say the main difference is that Soul Eater isn't as depressing. Both of them are great series to watch. 
report Recommended by Manga_sama
Both of these series can be very serious and very funny at times. They give off similar vibes about never giving up and how important friendship is. 
report Recommended by Chicken008
Both have the same shounen-ness to them and they both deal with characters searching for power 
report Recommended by RedBardIsCool
Both have merged souls into weapons and such. 
report Recommended by PandaPuff
Both series have often creepy atmosphere, good and well developed characters, good mix of humour and drama (tough SE is a bit more centered at humour while Pandora is a bit more centered at drama), girls with Scythes, cool-headed male leads, interesting monsters, insane villains and are great at storytelling (in different style and with different topics, tough)... and there are even more similarities. If you have watched one of these shows, it is highly recommended to watch the other as well! 
report Recommended by Nayrael
FMA:B Also deals with the idea of "human weapons" and competing factions who are not always as they appear. Both have humour on the side as well. 
report Recommended by Amarrez
Both of these animes are pretty similar, they have partners that change into weapons. Also it seems that the weapons and person controlling the weapon seems to develop a love interest with each other. 
report Recommended by y0l3itches
This is similar in style of action and comedy... if you want thrill seeking action scenes with brutal detail of the fights wath this anime and it's outstanding comedy and plot... Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann will captivate your anime attention much like Soul Eater with great characters and almos unlimited action... 
report Recommended by Rodskape
Like I totally understand that every person that watches BNHA would think, "Oh hey! Super heroes... One Punch Man!" but I'm truly surprised that not many individuals have brought up a show that is similar in almost every aspect excluding it's whole superhero concept. Soul Eater. First of all, the main similarities between the two for sure lie in the plot lines. The plot in both series revolve around teenage characters set in a school setting catered towards those with supernatural abilities and from there the overall action-packed, comedic atmosphere provides more evidence to their similar traits. I find the characters in both shows generally  read more 
report Recommended by Sho
both have quirky similar random humour (which is at excellent quality) and has simiar strange atmosphere to it, where it (in soul eater) is in a different gothic world whilst kuroshitsuji is normal life with many dark supernatural aspects (which also seem quite gothic). lots of action, some drama, lots of humour and great general anime :D 
report Recommended by sugarplumfairy
-Both series have powerful academies, students and teachers with Crazy Abilities -Both series have Badass villains -Fan service here in both series but mainly kill la kill pushes that boundary much further -Characters Having Tons of Mad Random moments -Ryuuko and Senketsu = Maka and Soul -Characters wield Deadly Weapons -Soul Resonance and Goku Star Uniforms are kinda similar power ups too -Both Obviously have over the top action  
report Recommended by Soul_Punisher
If you liked Naruto you would like Soul Eater because Its a bout 3 kids which are meisters and 4 weapons. Naruto is similar to the Character Black*star because Naruto claims he is going to be hokage and Black*star says he is going to surpass God. Also the Main Character, Maka is similar to Sakura. They both Bully their closest friends like how sakura punches naruto and Maka bullies her partner,Soul Evans who is similar to Sasuke also, Death The kid is sort of similar to sasuke. I don't want to spoil but it is really a good anime and you might be freaked out  read more 
report Recommended by Aquasoul
Both feature unconventional styles, fast pacing, and humor through exaggeration, as well as an abundance of hard rock music. Both also induce the same kind of "drug trip" sensation. 
report Recommended by mr_utopia_man
Same concept of partners fighting together. Soul Eater is about humans who are also weapons while Absolute Duo is about humans who wield their souls. Romance abound in AD while comedy is littered all over Soul Eater. 
report Recommended by LoidNerdy101
Soul Eater is much longer and will probably reach its intended end (or at least I should hope so) while Zombie Loan was cut short and is uncertain, but Zombie Loan has some of the same elements such as a team working toward a goal to fight evil through supernatural weapons and powers, though in Zombie Loan it is to pay back a loan and in Soul Eater it is to become a Death Scythe. Both shows have shinigami and dark themes. The style of Zombie Loan is more typical of anime while Soul Eater has a Nightmare Before Christmas atmosphere with its bloody grinning  read more 
report Recommended by r3c0rk33p1ng
While both series of the supernatural have different plots and stories, one thing I found to be very similar was each others character design and atmosphere. If you liked the art and animation of Soul Eater, then you will most likely enjoy Yumekui Merry. 
report Recommended by Scrypt
I get similar vibes from both animes: -Unique and different style -Amazing animation -Maybe the soundtrack  
report Recommended by Kasura
- People can change into weapons - Pasts come back to challenge a few 
report Recommended by Raey_H
Celty has a death scythe and so is the other characters of "soul eater". It also has that same feel because its also a bit Gothic and a little weird and scary. Once you watch Soul Eater you should also watch Durarara! because these two are both good and awesome anime! 
report Recommended by connielas
both are supernatural action themed shounen series with lots of nice to look at visuals,animation and art as well too. 
report Recommended by Disapeared_Ghost
Soul Eater and Servamp each have premises that, on the surface, may seem kind of silly to viewers but are actually quite dark and interesting. Soul Eater is about Meisters and their living Weapons attending school, while Servamp is about Eves and their Servant Vampires (shortened to Servamp) fighting bad guys. Both stories turn dark and become much more violent and scary than initially anticipated. If you like how Soul Eater became complex and messed around with themes other anime are afraid to tackle, this is for you. In addition, these anime both have manga series that went on for much longer than the shows that  read more 
report Recommended by wolfstar96
Both action both except HXH is better simple 
report Recommended by RagonWest
The drawing style isnt that different, and it also takes a non-serious approach for the protagonist to accomplish their jobs. In both cases, it also involves non-stop fighting between the lead female and males and also has a no brainer loud mouth as one of the main characters and other crazy, wacky supporting aspects. 
report Recommended by xKana
both have really good action and comedy. Also both shows have a school exam episode that had me crying with laughter. 
report Recommended by klepohi
Both shows involve teenagers fighting demons. Both "demon groups" start with the letter K(Keeshan in Soul Eater and Kegare in Twin Star). They also pull the occasional boob joke at times. 
report Recommended by Izac_Kak
Tweeny Witches (Mahou Shoujo Tai) is a bit more stylistic than Soul Eater, and with quite a more wild story telling pattern. But what's really striking similar between the two shows, besides dealing with the topic of witches, is the art design. Especially evident in the backgrounds and the ways the cities are drawn. Honestly, this recommendation is more because of the art than the stories or characters. If you're a huge fan of straight up action shounen and not more wild storystelling, you might want to pass. 
report Recommended by BluMeino
master and weapon, solving different tasks (in soul eater for 'level up' purpose, in jing - mostly for fun), fantasy setting, a little similar art style. Both childish but interesting  
report Recommended by irenika
Both anime deal with a servant-master relationship and are filled with references to historical figures, though Soul Eater is a bit more comic. 
report Recommended by Roxanne
Both of these anime’s have magic in them and A similar character and there is humor along with it all.  
report Recommended by Elayrwenchick
Thank you Studio BONES! Soul Eater and Kekkai Sensen have one huge thing in common aside from BONES, and that's style! Both take place primarily in "America" and they share a certain American flair. Beyond that, they each generate there own unique settings that have a feel to them you won't get anywhere else. They also have a similar goofy humor sprinkled throughout. 
report Recommended by EclipsedArchon
I guess if you liked Soul Eater you will like aswell Akame ga kill, with some awesome fights, and interactions of the characters with each others, you will not get disappointed 
report Recommended by deadmou55
Both are: Centered around a female and a male partnering together to save their place/kingdom/world. Have awesome battles. And of course friendship between comrades. 
report Recommended by MechaDevil
Similar art, style and characters placed in a school setting.  
report Recommended by Gin_Blossom
Both have things turning into weapons. In Soul Eater, it's people, and in Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, it's clothes. And both are ecchi comedies. 
report Recommended by HatchetGirl
character style similar, themes - supernatural. Scenery also similar at times. Comedy combined with dark theme.  
report Recommended by Mochiii_
Dragon ball z is the type of show that as you go through it you can attach to the characters and not expect them to die(well they come back every time) Soul eater also falls into that category, and you can tell(or i could) from the 2nd episode what kind of show it was. Soul eater is much shorter so its kind of like 1 or 2 sagas of DBZ. but its still definitely worth watching and if you liked DBZ i think you will like Soul eater. 
report Recommended by FrostediKing
Both have bright and colorful animation styles, they have their funny and serious moments. One has a teacher that is the grim reaper (death), the other is where the students try and to kill their teacher. Both are really great and can give you the feels, I really enjoyed both. 
report Recommended by Ritslou
The idea of souls being eaten is shared by these two anime series with a narration centering on a male and female lead. 
report Recommended by arimakenshin
Soul Eater and Basquash both have a loveable cast of characters, similiar art styles, and fastpaced action. Basquash seems to be aimed at a little more mature audience. Also Dan = Black Star 
report Recommended by Sleezy
Amazing fight scenes, nothing in common with story, but the flow sorta felt the same, and the Maka is alot like the heroine for World Destruction 
report Recommended by Dkosty
Each series has a slightly different take on interacting with the afterlife, yet is action packed. The characters are also their own, but there is also quirky humor. 
report Recommended by Yemi_Hikari
their stories doesn't have any similarity, yet you can feel the similarity in both anime specially in character design and fighting scenes... 
report Recommended by amirhoss
Partner. Soul Eater and Assault Lily have a way of making partners between two individuals the maximal important factor in their respective series. With the idea of partners, it isn't like nakama/friendship either, both kinda jump into a more sophisticated bond with actual meaning that plays later in each series. Soul Eater does with the soul resonance, the very means to connect a weapon and a meister together, in which, any connection by the two already cooperating parties is usually unheard of and doesn't work. Assault Lily does this with the "sister" relationship that Lillies entitle themselves with, a duo like no other in other words,  read more 
report Recommended by NextUniverse
Both of the shows tend to be carried by their settings, which are rich, fun, and thoroughly defined. Unfortunately, they also share the same weak point: contrived boob jokes that only reduce the shows' integrity. 
report Recommended by ichiban_alex
They both have similar traits but are a bit different if you want a more layed back anime fairy tale is a good chose, but if you want something more serious than soul eater is a good chose. 
report Recommended by Oni_ChanPost
Both have fighting against a specific group/orginization Both have male partners who are the "weapons" Soul eater is a bit less dark They both have psychotic characters  
report Recommended by wolfbreed699
Both deals with Shinigamis, but it shows different plots 
report Recommended by Tappado
Both have really cool sword combat systems and if you are into that then i think you should for sure watch them both. Both are also very action-packed. 
report Recommended by that_seXC_guy
Welcome to Witch Hunters Academy! Here you will find main characters using weapons to kill witches, and guess what - the weapons have also a human form and can talk with their users! Also, get ready for tons of ecchi and oppai jokes. 
report Recommended by Z_Tetriminos
Both have a cast of goofy wacky characters, and a female lead who the show lampoons a bit for not being the typical 'sexy' anime girl. as some of the base comparisons. Honestly, I feel Soul Eater matches Slayers tone well, with it being very humourous and wacky, but also shifting gears and going for a more serious kind of mood. I think a lot of similar character tropes end up appearing in both shows, you got the spunky main girl, a bombastic loud character who shouts from the highest point, the more serious cool character who laments their appearance (though Soul Eater does this more  read more 
report Recommended by nuttins
Chrno Crusade and Soul Eater both revolve around a duo between a demon/human weapon and a human fighting against evil creatures. Maka is pretty similar to Rosette in personality. Both anime also have an organization that’s fighting the good fight. The stories in both are pretty dark with some humor, but Soul Eater is much more lighthearted and over the top than Chrno Crusade. Chrno Crusade is also much shorter than Soul Eater as well. However, I think fans of one series would like the other, as I like both of them. 
report Recommended by SebCyrSC2000
they both have that similar gothic/spooky aesthetic if that’s something you like. they are also made by the same studio. 
report Recommended by santijynx
Shaman King (2021) is similar to Soul Eater because they both revolve around human weapons and the supernatural. Both have very funny moments and have some similar characters. The animation is better in Soul Eater, but both are worth watching IMO. 
report Recommended by SebCyrSC2000
Similarities: - Insanity & complete madness - Blood thirsty beings - War (between humans and supernatural) - Mind-blowing fight scenes - Added humor (Soul Eater has a lot, Hellsing Ultimate with a little) - Masters and servants - Weapons (guns, swords, etc) Differences - SOUL EATER: SHOUNEN; HELLSING ULTIMATE: SEINEN - Soul Eater: demons vs humans; Hellsing Ultimate: vampires & zombies vs humans - Hellsing Ultimate has quite a lot of blood/gore. (: - Hellsing Ultimate: governments and secret organizations; Soul Eater: School - Soul Eater: quirky/funny art style; Hellsing Ultimate: more mature art style 
report Recommended by LittLeMiSsDeAtH
Both series' are comedic yet with monster-butt kicking action. Both series' Masters have a companion, called Weapons while in the other are Promoters are accompanied by Initiators. Both series' are fighting monsters. 
report Recommended by Haruchhiii
Both have characters that turn into weapons and both have gods that play a large role 
report Recommended by Petaso
overall, these two are not entirely similar but if you're looking for something comedic with the serious action, drama and fight scenes in between and also an overall funny and diverse characters, then I definitely recommend. 
report Recommended by __catsukii
One of my more surprise recommendations. Both anime have the main characters attending a prestigious school that's well renown in their respective universes. There's a similar balance of comedy and fanservice in both anime and the supporting characters are colorful and feel lively. Both main characters (Maka and Soma) are trying to achieve the highest possible titles in their school as well.  
report Recommended by Protaku
Both are comedies that have serious moments. Both main characters are not exactly what they seem initially. Both depict charming friendships. 
report Recommended by sheepish_threads
okay now this may seem insane but hear me out similarities: - humans (not really humans but close enough) attending special schools to learn about supernatural things (LWA: magic, SE: how to kill Kishin) - main antagonists are 'scientists' who sneak into the schools as staff to get close to MCs - halfway through both series, things get less episodic and the plot becomes clearer - the MCs are teenagers who act and look THEIR AGE - while the art styles are not too similar, both are cartoon-like and the way movements are drawn is similar - there is no CGI in either show (which is really refreshing and rare nowadays 😭)  read more 
report Recommended by ray1627
Young people are teamed up in male-female pairs to battle the forces of evil. Both Darling and Soul Eater explore the dynamics between these types of partnerships. 
report Recommended by Dewelleric
Both are shinigami themed stories as well as focusing on a ya cast with a lot of stylish action in it. 
report Recommended by Disapeared_Ghost
Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba) and Soul Eater share several similarities: - shonen anime that focus on fun action; - each characters has their unique style; - a hunting demon organization. I think that if you liked one you'll probably like the other. Different: -Demon slayer is more gory than soul eater 
report Recommended by Ian052503
Both the shows revolve around a relationship between a weapon and the user of the weapon. I take similar themes such as human hunting various supernatural creatures for many reasons such as revenge, gaining strength and etc. Personally I feel both the shows have similar stories but with the use of different genres.  
report Recommended by Ian052503
Both mangas are made by the same author. It is easy to tell the similarities in art style and humor, and this shows how connected the two are. This season of Fire Force also holds references to Soul Eater with the most noticeable one being the smiling moon in episode 24. 
report Recommended by master54871
Both anime have crazy art styles that blend rock and punk aesthetics although Dorohedoro is more cyberpunk while Soul Eater has a gothic horror and Halloween cartoon style to it both shows genuinely have crazy worlds of supernatural magic, madness, and demented horror that lurks under the skin and uses comedy as a method to mask it all. 
report Recommended by KuroGFX
Both have supernatural types of beings fighting each other and both have a gothic stylization in its art,story and themes and also both were from manga that were still being made during the time of its production. 
report Recommended by Disapeared_Ghost
Black Clover and Soul Eater envision a universe where normal everyday people are bestowed with magic, making the supernatural an almost mundane occurrence. The latter is considerably faster paced, but they share similar larger-than-life characters and a dedication to light-hearted comedy. 
report Recommended by gangstabrainsick
Both have a similar "hunter or solider" vibe. Along with both having two main characters as a pair working together( or at least will in the later episodes). They both fight a lot and have a action packed yet mysterious tone. 
report Recommended by Cody_Banks
Both series: - Have stylish transforming weapons - Have an emphasis on action - Are in an academy/school setting  
report Recommended by DankSpinach
It might be just me, but Dead Leaves feels kinda like a more adult Soul Eater to me. The art styles are kinda similar and Retro and Soul have similar personalities. The vibe is also similar, and there’s a lot of action and comedy in both anime. Soul Eater’s not as strange as Dead Leaves, but I think both anime are somewhat similar, so check them out! 
report Recommended by SebCyrSC2000
Both involve a school featuring demon like individuals. Though one school is in the human world and the other in the demon world. Also one is obviously more comedic than the other. 
report Recommended by ALittleBitofJean
- Sobrenatural comedy; - The Protagonists are similar; - The Secondary although it does not appear much more you can understand that are the same "style" Soul Eater; - Both Live in a school; - The Protagonists have idiots parents.  
report Recommended by A-yaBokukakkoi
Both are action packed supernatural stories that focuses around the characters taking on various misadventures and share a ya cast in them. 
report Recommended by Disapeared_Ghost
It takes place in a futuristic world where a group of people are at war with the world in order to save the humanity from extinction. They fight an evil organization that is the cause of it all. 
report Recommended by x-seion5
Both shows involve "spirits" and souls as the main component of the show.  
report Recommended by SeasideLua
If you are looking for more content related to students who have super powers Soul Eater, is the perfect anime for you. 
report Recommended by Nownownownow
using weapons irregularly and similar styles and colours should allow the comparison to be apparent. 
report Recommended by Ninja77721
Both shows have a very unique setting and archetcture. With a very unique night time setting (Whether it be moons and suns with spikes and faces - SE or a manmade sun - TB). Both have a blonde and white haired boy and girl who each serves as a loyal fighting weapon sidekick to one another while both shows have the main character attending a school / workplace while fighting various monsters throughout. 
report Recommended by PastiRyokov
Alright so hear me out on this one: the animation styles are VERY similar (look at "Death" and "Sucy") (despite being "Bones" V "trigger") both have humor that are very similar and both have a fairy tale, magical, supernatural part to them. Both are focused on an academy to train the kids in (whatever it is they do). Best way i can describe it is if Soul Eater and harry potter had a baby...? 
report Recommended by doge_desu_sugoi
The protagonist pairs are similar to each other (Riko to Maka, Reg to Soul) and have to fight together facing many dangers in their fantastical worlds. 
report Recommended by bmw830
Sasha's scythe reminded me of the death scythes in soul eater. The partnership between a Qwaser and Maria also reminded me of the relationship between Maka and Soul. They're both really similar without all the ecchi, even though Blair does have her ecchi moments. If you like the action scenes a lot but didn't like the ecchi parts, watch Soul Eater, there are a lot of comedic moments. The art is also really colorful in Soul Eater, you won't get bored! 
report Recommended by adureme
Well, the stories aren't really similar, but... In both animes, the characters are in "pairs", and 2 people are partnered with each other. Whats great is that in both shows, all the partners have a great bond, friendship, and trust toward each other which makes them similar...  
report Recommended by ImNotLulexiaa
Characters have similar attributes (note, I'm only comparing the two main ones) ...and the action / comedy is of equal value. This series isn't long enough to moan about either, give it a shot. 
report Recommended by tubsiwub
In both anime characters have a contract with another. And the more they synchronize the more powerful it is. 
report Recommended by JT08
A much more R-rated version of the insane action and deep conflicts you expect from any shounen. 
report Recommended by Lusulpher
both are supernatural, though Digs is more violent, they are both action packed and have a great plot. 
report Recommended by BeckittLewis
Both are about collecting souls. Boy and a girl team-up. Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai concentrates more on romance, while Soul eater is more action. 
report Recommended by Lylaaz
Demons, weapons and awesome characters with a lot of comedy. 
report Recommended by aceit
Both animes are about pairs of people who have to fight together to defeat Demons/Extradimensional creatures. In Soul Eater one is the weapon and the other the weapon meister. In Freezing the woman can make a weapon and has special abilities while the man/boy can immobilize the enemy. The art styles are different, though, and Freezing is more mature. 
report Recommended by madara1212
The character designs {especially on the henchmen of the "murder princess" the skeleton and purple guy} and most of the Soul Eater world are very similar in design. I get the same fun halloween-y sort of vibe from them, although two very different series.  
report Recommended by AMKR
Even though these animes are completly different genres, they are somehow similar. They are both have violence, and can be serious at sometimes, and funny at sometimes. 
report Recommended by HatchetGirl
WELL, it is obviously going to take some explaining on my part for this: Genre-defyers. Does that make much sense? AzuDai: When you hear "school life", or "slice of life", what do you think? Boring, typical old shoujo-y episodes of girls fawning over boys that never notice them and "schooltime antics" ensuing? Well, if you've ever seen AzuDai, you will know it stretches the "schoolife"/"slice of life" definitions to a breaking point, most with types of humour ranging from dark humour to outright crack. Simply put it is very unique. Soul Eater: YEAH, IT'S A SHOUNEN. But not with overly long story arcs, characters constanlty trying to  read more 
report Recommended by SoneAnna
Both KHR and Soul Eater has a group of main characters who are introduced one-by-one, and got together later because of some incidents. The main characters then encounter problems among themselves, and face-off with a common enemy. Both anime also has the 'work hard/fight for the sake of their friends' theme.  
report Recommended by Kumorin
Both series have people with weapon forms. 
report Recommended by Numi
both have a similar surrealistic style (especially the zombie designs and Opening Animation) and setting, fighting against monsters, mixing of comedy and seriousness, very good animation etc. 
report Recommended by lumi--
Both of them including very good action and advanture. nI both of the series the main characters are in pairs, when someone is the "master" how telling the other one what to do or fighting with the other one, while the other is attacking or turning into a weapon. Both of them really recommended and I gave to both of them 9+ (10 to SoulEater XD) 
report Recommended by Powerslave
Both have a creepy gothic atmosphere (although Soul Eater stresses it more) dealing with monsters or evil souls. On the surface they don't seem very alike but if you liked one you might enjoy the other too. 
report Recommended by Niacinamide
Both have a similar brand of frantic, kinetic action and reveal in a certain level of absurdity and humor.  
report Recommended by internetotaku
Both have ecchi moments ( though Rosario has a LOT more O__O; ) and both deal with paranormal beings ( ex. vampires, shinigami, etc. ) 
report Recommended by RedBardIsCool
Soul Eater and Nobunagun both have a female protagonist that happens to fight with what could be called human weapons. Both series have characters that are eccentric in nature. The dynamics between the main female protagonist and the main male protagonist is very similar. The styles for each series are each their own style, a mix between old school style and a more modern style that doesn't fit the norm by using simple shapes and lines over complex lines. The color schemes for both Anime are the same as is the over all mood, not to mention there is an element of the crack fic  read more 
report Recommended by Yemi_Hikari
Beside Soul Eater being Dark & Negima being happy both deal with the idea of having main fighter & support fighter in a quest of greater power or abilities both are different(mostly main characters) but have the similarity of combat style of the mage/technician & weapon/partner humor is little similar but main similarity is both Technician/mage is looking to surpass there father in power.  
report Recommended by Otarocka626
Soul Eater uses a similar style of humour to Ouran, and this is due to the same staff from both series being part of the team working on Soul Eater. Both series are by Studio Bones. 
report Recommended by Denizen
You'll probably like Toaru Majutsu no Index, if you liked Soul Eater and the other way round. The plot may not be similiar, but they have similar flawless graphics style, cool and funny characters. (Index sort of reminds me of Patty Thompson at some points =D) Also action and humour packed.  
report Recommended by YumeNoTsuzuki
Although this two are not very similar in the plot or characters, they both give you a similar vibe and feelings. Characters fight in pairs and have been born with special powers, about which they were/are learning in special school only for such children. Both anime swing between drama and special kind of humor, sometimes leaving the mine plot behind by adding comedy episodes out of blue, and this exactly why I always thought about Soul Eater humor while watching Hamatora. 
report Recommended by Nanamishi
In both these animes, the protagonist is a female who is hunting demons (or Yoma's in claymore) to keep the world at peace. When Soul Eater goes into the main plot it resembles a lot that of style of Claymore (relatively dark). 
report Recommended by Invensible1
While the shows themselves aren't very similar other than in humor, the main female characters in both are very similar in both personality and appearance. 
report Recommended by noirgrimoir
Both animes have a lot of action and have an interesting story line. I love both of these and find that they have many similar themes and events. 
report Recommended by epic1legend
Both have great over the top characters and both have a great deal of action and comedy. Both also fit into the shounen category. 
report Recommended by jnw93
- Similar art. - In both shows, students from a class have to kill a certain something that isn't human to achieve a certain goal. - The humour is very similar. - Very similar characters. 
report Recommended by pride95
At the beginning they seem to have basic plot lines, though later in the anime it changes into something more.  
report Recommended by Rance-sama
Super powered kids go to a school that teaches them how to fight.Hidan no Aria is more of a harem/action while soul eater is more of a shounen.The school in Soul Eater is always super natural while in Hidan no Aria only a few classes are.And in both shows the main Charcthers take contracts. 
report Recommended by Ozzey
Fighting teens that are badass? Serious but not try hard serious. There's jokes and stuff. Man this review sucks. Just watch it, you'll like it. Side note: the opening theme is pretty good if you liked the Soul Eater one. 
report Recommended by mini3929
Soul and Maka and a lot like Sakura and Li! They have a strong relationship with each other and fight monsters together! 
report Recommended by jessicles
Both shows are about a partnership between the main characters. Also, both are action anime, although Soul Eater is about fighting Kishin and Tiger & Bunny is about superheroes. 
report Recommended by nobodysdawn
has a school dynamic shows relationship between multiple students has cool human weapon relationship 
report Recommended by nerdyalbert
Both stories involve kids going to special schools to learn how to use their powers. Both male protagonists have great potential and hidden abilities that they have yet to tap into. The headmasters of both series are jokesters and very humorist but known to be powerful and formidable. The two series share Action, Comedy, ecchi Fantasy, and Supernatural genre components.  
report Recommended by Obeythealfa
If Soul Eater have a child, this is it. - same vibes (albeit hanako-kun is tad cuter cos it child) - same colorful and unique environment - supernatural stuff - both MC have a contract with a spirit 
report Recommended by iamiracanlas
Both has shinginams in it that oversees the main Charcthers actions,But other than that they are pretty different.Death Note is mainly a mystery while Soul Eater is more a shounen. 
report Recommended by Ozzey
Both are action-genre animes. I love the sophistication of the effects and settings. Both have the story of pursuing one goal while knowing what magic/powers they have within. 
report Recommended by dropdeadalleycat
-Both have team of 2 who have a goal to fight against an enemy -Both are set in a fantasy world in a school environment -Both have English sort of names (Zero no Tsukaima-Louise,Tabitha, Frederica, Katie) (Soul Eater-Elizabeth, Patty, Justin, Sid) -Both have Comedy, Action and Fantasy -Both have a tsundere female lead (Soul Eater: Maka, Zero no Tsukaima: Louise) who physically hurt their male partner (Soul Eater: Soul, Zero no Tsukaima: Saito  
report Recommended by Cureyurika
Both have eccentric cityscapes and similar feels. Highly likey to be enjoyed by a fan of either. 
report Recommended by Chadrius
Both share a similar feel. Deadman wonderland shares similar artwork styles with soul eater, and is a great anime, as well as soul eater in my opinion. 
report Recommended by Hitokage_Jouten
If you like the scenes in soul eater that were fights involving "Death the Kid" and his duel pistols then you will enjoy Black lagoon as this show is just over the top gun fights (with duel pistols)  
report Recommended by mysmokingbarrel
Both series have humor, a hint of fanservice, serious moments and a ton of action. Outlaw star takes the path of a space-age protagonist on a quest which ends in an epic battle. Check it out! 
report Recommended by rocker12343
In some ways, I find both of these series to be similar in which a human and their partner fights to accomplish their ultimate goal. Both series also have plenty of action although involving different themes. 
report Recommended by Stark700
Both of the main girls are played by the same voice actor. The humor in this show is quiet similar to one another. Both girls are also very peppy and try to keep a positive attitude. They both also keep something to hit someone with. For Sana it's a mallet, and for Maka it's a book.  
report Recommended by happiness_love
Both animes have characters that turn into weapons, while Soul Eater tends to focus more on the fighting and all that Seiken no Blacksmith tends to follow more of the romance part of it while still adding in some good action scenes. So you could think of it like both series are trying to tell certain parts of the same story. 
report Recommended by Saiyokuro
Both Soul Eater and Madoka Magica are different but similar in some ways I know Soul Eater doesn't have magical girls, but both have magic weilding characters and both both take place in a dark and gothic world Madoka is darker than Soul Eater, but I find aspects similar espically with the colorful and misleading atompshere both give off Soul Eater at first looks like your average shounen anime, while Madoka seems like your average magical girl anime but both are not Both have pretty dark and messed up plot twists as well, both involve characters going insane They also both struggle with entities Madoka's being Despair and Soul Eater's  read more 
report Recommended by Hatsumi_Fukuyo
Both Anime have characters that aspire to become a great 'weapon' 
report Recommended by Knightmaretiger
Darkness, battles, and the supernatural; what a combination! Mix in quirky characters, witty one-liners, and colorful art, and you've got yourself Kyoukai no Kanata and Soul Eater. Both have impressing darker themes with entertaining supernatural battles, and there is no lack in the comical relief characters with weird quirks department in either anime. Furthermore, the art style is, to sum up in one word, eye-catching, in both. So if you enjoy intense supernatural battles, but don't mind a few giggles here and there, and you've already seen Kyoukai no Kanata but just can't get enough of it, try out Soul Eater, it could be the  read more 
report Recommended by Snaxia
The large ensemble casts for these series work well because everyone is relevant. Episodes (in the case of Soul Eater) or sections of episodes (Baccano!) tend to focus on a small group (i.e. a meister-weapon pair or Jacuzzi's gang) of the main cast, but when they function strongly as a united whole also. Soul Eater's length allows for more interaction between the many characters, but Baccano!'s multiple time periods gives it the illusion of being longer than just 16 episodes. Both also have a great balance of humor and drama. If you like supernatural without horror, I believe you will enjoy both of these shows. 
report Recommended by peacenotus