Appearance: Average-sized legal loli Fuel: Rice and meat Speech: Monotone, Sharp-tongued Storage: Black hole stomach Vocabulary: Memes
▌│█║▌║▌║ Music ║▌║▌║█│▌
Ao no Exorcist OP 1 - Core Pride
Boku no Hero Academia ED - Heroes
Durarara!! OP 2 - Complication
Gintama° OP 2 - Pride Kakumei
Haikyuu!! Season 2 ED 1 - Climber
K-On!! Season 2 ED 2 - NO,Thank You!
Kyoukai no Kanata ED - Daisy
▌│█║▌║▌║ Score ║▌║▌║█│▌
Anime is beautiful. Anime is life.
(based on enjoyment)
10 - satisfied, no complaints 9 - amazing but not satisfied :'( 8 - reasonable 7 - good 6 - tolerable 5 - slightly painful to watch (auto-Drop/Delete* from this point) 4 - I regretted this decision 3 - "really??? you are still continuing?" 2 - "are you a masochist or something?" 1 - "stop watching it, like seriously."
0 - no comment
*Drop - already invested so much emotion to delete it
*Delete - I don't like listing trash
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-----Kawazoe Kumiko
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Well I did finish TnK, at first I rated it around a 8ish but when I rethink the series I actually enjoyed it very much and the plots and setting were very unique. Setting in an arcade area rather than being stuck at a school or at a house makes it much well thought of. So seeing how much I enjoyed it and because of its unique settings and ideas I decided to give it a 9. I usually don't give high ratings tbh, as you can see my mean is 6.02 which is pretty low.
As for Tokyo Ghoul S2 I finished it like a year ago, I remember the ending was a killer and everyone decided to fight even the "owl" it had quite the action for this series and I gave it a 10/10. Mostly because how much change kaneki has been through!
OMG, yes, Arata is so irresistible inside out ( I always get candy -eyes whenever I see him: he's so dreamy and I want more* blushing and smiling scenes of him: he brings the best of the manga, lol) XD
LOL!!! I know I was ranting here and there and now I'm so calm about the whole situation ( especially in what's to come, YAY!!!!) :D let's stay positive and focus in what's the truth in how passionately both Chihaya and Arata feel for each other where the love surrounds their entire world of happiness: instead rely on the situation where we see characters being in misery all the time ( like you said the characters can't stay in suffering forever: that one point things will get settle into the right direction where everyone can finally be happy: that includes Taichi as well) : WE WANT MORE CHIHAYA X ARATA MOMENTS: speaking that, have you already knew what happened in ch 158-160? *ESPECIALLY CH 160:OH YES!!!!!!!!!!!* Since you know: You're going to love this news I'm so positive you will. MORE CHIHAYA X ARATA MOMENTS: HERE WE COME, OH YES!!!!!!!!! XD
These chapters aren't translated yet but are the ahead chapters of the manga after the latest chapter was translated (ch 157) I really those get translated very soon: they translate two chapters a month or so: a new chapter comes out every two weeks in Japan.
OMG, yes after a lot of years of waiting and waiting I'm sure it will be worth it in the end: all the Arata fans are the most patience fans I ever seen ( I never been so patient in any of couples of a certain anime/manga title in my life: it's because I really treasure Chihaya and Arata relationship so much: I can't imagine them no being together after everything they went through to get this far: all this is the test of their love if they overcome all the obstacle together they both will reach the goal: the goal where their love will finally blossom for all eternity: all this will create their love even more stronger in the end), I noticed that Suetsugu-sensei loves keeping them (and us fans) in the wait, always keeping us in suspense in every direction but I'm sure all the patience she putting them (and us) through will become very worth it when the time comes we get to see Chihaya & Arata's love will finally blossom: there all Chihaya x Arata fans will be victorious in the end: exactly what you said. xD
Oh yes, Arata voice is so sexy and very attractive: there are times when I have to rewind Arata scenes again when I watch the anime itself: seeing Arata in the screen really gets me so excite and happy: he's so awesome, LOL!!!!!
Yeah, after a while it gets very tired seeing Taichi's annoying face of seeing him getting all emo when it comes to Chihaya and Arata being together: he irritates me so very much: he's such a drama queen getting all the attention: seeing hsi selfish and possesive side of him who thinks Chihaya already belongs to him without her consent: ENOUGH WITH THE DRAMA: WE WANT ROMANCE, LOL!!!!!! XD
If Chihaya ends up choosing a loser as her lifetime partner, she'll regret it and she'll live a life of suffering by that jerk side. I don't want to see Arata in suffering anymore: he already suffered enough for almost throughout teh whole story: always alone far away from Chihaya physically and I don't want to see that coming from her heart as well: that will be so cruel indeed: and I do hope suetsugu-sensei will prove to everyone that healthy relationships always WINS and he really deserve to grant his happiness next to the person who he loves and loves him in return: TRUE LOVE ALWAYS REVEALS!!!!
I guess if that other way happens, Arata will still be in the market and one of us will have him: this means we really become love-rivals, lol): but I want to see Arata's happiness to be granted in what both Chihaya and Arata desire to spend the rest of their lives together, OH YES!!!!! XD
OMG, YES; I expect a lot of wonderful moments between Chihaya and Arata when they finally play a match together: I can hardly wait for more CHIHAYA X ARATA MOMENTS AND A LOT OF SMILES AND BLUSHING MOMENTS BETWEEN THOSE TWO ARE COMING UP: I CAN'T WAIT ANYMORE LONGER: ALL THIS EXCITEMENT IS REALLY KILLING ME, LOL!!!!! Our long wait is finally here ( almost through teh entire story for this moment: I really hope that Suetsugu-sensei won't disappoint us for their reunion match of their lifetime).
TnK was actually a well developed story, I remember how Haru developed his feelings towards Shizuki. I also liked the setting of the story, how it was in a game arcade rather than a normal house. With unique characters and unique setting, it sets up a high rating for me. Espcially those scences on the long stairs when they confess, it was very nice.
All Comments (81) Comments
now I can keep up
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As for Tokyo Ghoul S2 I finished it like a year ago, I remember the ending was a killer and everyone decided to fight even the "owl" it had quite the action for this series and I gave it a 10/10. Mostly because how much change kaneki has been through!
LOL!!! I know I was ranting here and there and now I'm so calm about the whole situation ( especially in what's to come, YAY!!!!) :D let's stay positive and focus in what's the truth in how passionately both Chihaya and Arata feel for each other where the love surrounds their entire world of happiness: instead rely on the situation where we see characters being in misery all the time ( like you said the characters can't stay in suffering forever: that one point things will get settle into the right direction where everyone can finally be happy: that includes Taichi as well) : WE WANT MORE CHIHAYA X ARATA MOMENTS: speaking that, have you already knew what happened in ch 158-160? *ESPECIALLY CH 160:OH YES!!!!!!!!!!!* Since you know: You're going to love this news I'm so positive you will. MORE CHIHAYA X ARATA MOMENTS: HERE WE COME, OH YES!!!!!!!!! XD
These chapters aren't translated yet but are the ahead chapters of the manga after the latest chapter was translated (ch 157) I really those get translated very soon: they translate two chapters a month or so: a new chapter comes out every two weeks in Japan.
OMG, yes after a lot of years of waiting and waiting I'm sure it will be worth it in the end: all the Arata fans are the most patience fans I ever seen ( I never been so patient in any of couples of a certain anime/manga title in my life: it's because I really treasure Chihaya and Arata relationship so much: I can't imagine them no being together after everything they went through to get this far: all this is the test of their love if they overcome all the obstacle together they both will reach the goal: the goal where their love will finally blossom for all eternity: all this will create their love even more stronger in the end), I noticed that Suetsugu-sensei loves keeping them (and us fans) in the wait, always keeping us in suspense in every direction but I'm sure all the patience she putting them (and us) through will become very worth it when the time comes we get to see Chihaya & Arata's love will finally blossom: there all Chihaya x Arata fans will be victorious in the end: exactly what you said. xD
Yeah, after a while it gets very tired seeing Taichi's annoying face of seeing him getting all emo when it comes to Chihaya and Arata being together: he irritates me so very much: he's such a drama queen getting all the attention: seeing hsi selfish and possesive side of him who thinks Chihaya already belongs to him without her consent: ENOUGH WITH THE DRAMA: WE WANT ROMANCE, LOL!!!!!! XD
If Chihaya ends up choosing a loser as her lifetime partner, she'll regret it and she'll live a life of suffering by that jerk side. I don't want to see Arata in suffering anymore: he already suffered enough for almost throughout teh whole story: always alone far away from Chihaya physically and I don't want to see that coming from her heart as well: that will be so cruel indeed: and I do hope suetsugu-sensei will prove to everyone that healthy relationships always WINS and he really deserve to grant his happiness next to the person who he loves and loves him in return: TRUE LOVE ALWAYS REVEALS!!!!
I guess if that other way happens, Arata will still be in the market and one of us will have him: this means we really become love-rivals, lol): but I want to see Arata's happiness to be granted in what both Chihaya and Arata desire to spend the rest of their lives together, OH YES!!!!! XD
I rated it 9/10 hbu?