All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 94.6
Mean Score:
- Watching3
- Completed212
- On-Hold19
- Dropped48
- Plan to Watch180
- Total Entries462
- Rewatched56
- Episodes5,549
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 16.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries174
- Reread0
- Chapters2,258
- Volumes322
All Comments (43) Comments
Nicholas was definitely my favourite.
I want to watch LOGH but idk when I will. An irl friend is pestering me to watch it. I do hear the first 9-10 eps are rather slow, and then it really picks up the pace. Looking forward to it anyhow
For trigun, I'm watching episode 14 and I'm enjoying it thus far. The art and animation are really dated but that type of stuff doesn't bother me, and the sound is pretty good, I can see why people would love it. I like all of the characters, really hoping we get to see more of Nicholas as well as more information on Vash! I don't live him so far, but we'll see how it goes because I know he's very well liked. I do see why people wouldn't like or even hate those episodes, I didn't love them or anything but they were fun to watch.
I'm surprised you dropped logh, considering you loved arslan senki and they were written by the same people. Haven't seen either but I am looking to watch both sometime.
I'm doing really well, only taking a few classes in the summer so it's a nice break. Also got into a new program which is really nice (mechanical engineering - > software engineering), so I'll be taking a software class starting in July, looking forward to it! Really hope I like the program because if not I'm wasting mad cash and time, but can't really hurt to be in such a great field and I like coding, thigh I've only just started.
As for Gintama, yeah I can agree some parts are really bad. It's just that the really good episodes more than make up for those imo. I do think I'm in the minority, because most of the arcs that people consider the best arcs of the series aren't really that great imo. Some stand alone are very hard to finish, whole some have me crying of laughter. What keeps my in is my love for the characters though, I think it has one of the best casts in anime.
I see you've been watching Shokugeki no Souma and Haikyuu, what are your thoughts on them so far? :)
I think anime north is in Toronto every year but Ontario is pretty big so getting there from where I live is too hard :(
Jojo will be great this season too! Loved part 3, especially the second season! :)