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Fata Morgana no Yakata: Anata no Genten ni Itaru Monogatari
Mar 3, 6:04 AM
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Hahaha, glad you liked Fata. I still listen to the music. Now you've got "Red's Blessing" buff which will give you luck.
Just finished Door 1 and it was predictable, but I still enjoyed it 6/10.
I suspected there would be an incest after the kids first convo and Neille's excessive attachment to Mell just confirmed it.
I didn't expect the white haired girl to be his half sister and the scene with Neille using her white hair wig was quite amusing.
Aside from fata, have you played any other visual novels? I'd appreciate recommendations if you have any good ones.
Let the philosophizing begin for Despera.
In some ways I liken Ryukishi07 to Chiaki Konaka. Both wrote two very similar stories (Lain and Texhnolyze, where some crazy insane revolutionary that wants to change the world gets absolutely REKT by the main character), and there are very socially sensitive themes in both with Ichise being an abandoned orphan, Lain being a shy and ostracized girl. Maria having autism and fixating on witches, Satoko, etc. Any characters you've come to love or dislike on this reread?
Also, on the same topic, Despera is coming soon, within a few years. I don't know when it will be announced to the public but my source is trustable. Prepare your 9/10!!