Fullmetal Alchemist

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Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Hagane no Renkinjutsushi, FMA, Full Metal Alchemist
Japanese: 鋼の錬金術師
English: Fullmetal Alchemist
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Type: TV
Episodes: 51
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Oct 4, 2003 to Oct 2, 2004
Premiered: Fall 2003
Broadcast: Saturdays at 18:00 (JST)
Studios: Bones
Source: Manga
Genres: ActionAction, AdventureAdventure, Award WinningAward Winning, DramaDrama, FantasyFantasy
Theme: MilitaryMilitary
Demographic: ShounenShounen
Duration: 24 min. per ep.
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)


Score: 8.111 (scored by 910795910,795 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #5162
2 based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #83
Members: 1,511,575
Favorites: 26,295

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Both shows take place in about the same time period (early 20th century for FMA, late 19th century for D. Gray-man) in Europe in a world similar to our own. They are both about unique abilities, with an organization of alchemists in FMA and an organization of exorcists in D. Gray-man. They are Shounen as well as some comedy mixed in and are both very enjoyable to watch. 
report Recommended by Hemsko
Both series are about alchemists fighting homunculi 
report Recommended by Mante
I found Soul Eater to have the same atmosphere as FMA. There are some episodes that are hilarious, and some that are just creepy. There's great character development in both of these along with epic fighting. The first few episodes are the intro, and then the story takes off afterwords. The art work is amazing (at least in HD) It's dark, comic, 3d, 2d in a 3d environment, and colorful. I'd say the main difference is that Soul Eater isn't as depressing. Both of them are great series to watch. 
report Recommended by Manga_sama
Alchemy seems to play a role in a different twist. both shows have addicting characters. 
report Recommended by jushin
Somehow..they just feel similar.. xD like one major plot, revolving around a main character manipulating others.. Both have some sort of alchemy in. 
report Recommended by Eternal
I'm an addict for series that follow a pair of brothers. For me Ao no Exorcist and FMA fall in the same category. Hot headed older brother, check. Reasonable, level headed younger brother, check. Supernatural elements, check. You could basically exchange the Exorcists for Alchemists, alchemy for magic, and homunculi for demons and have a pretty close to the same type of story. And did I mention the brothers and lots of brotherly love, angst, family bonding moments in both? I've made my point. Though not like anyone whose watched Ao no Exorcist will have not watch FMA. Seriously if you haven't you really shouldn't  read more 
report Recommended by harmony_kh_kairi
These two series are very similar as to how the story is portrayed. Both are phycological and twisted in the same ways, you never know what's going on and the story keeps building up and putting things together. FMA is full of humor and it can even pop up in the middle of a serious moment. Evangelion has ecchi humor that appears in its own time. And they both are considered one of the best anime.  
report Recommended by DarkRoseOtaku
If you liked Fullmetal Alchemist, then you might also like Code Geass because of the genres that are similar to both animes. They both deal with the male protagonist having to deal with the military, fantasy like mecha items and tons of action involved. And the best part in my opinion is that there really aren't many fillers in these animes so it makes it worth watching =] 
report Recommended by Skoki
Perhaps it's the distinctive blue uniforms and mixed public attitude towards a prominent government agency that early episodes portray the main characters trying, and eventually succeeding, to join, each for their own personal motivations - but Tegami Bachi gives me the same sort of vibe that the earlier episodes of FMA did. Either way, both are good, not-too-ridiculously-long series with a shounen bent that can still be enjoyed by members of both genders. Both feature unique fantasy settings derived from similar real life time periods, as well as extensive travel through these places as part of the plot, delving into the lives of  read more 
report Recommended by EnigmaticPenguin
after picking up FMA, it's difficult in finding an anime with such a riveting storyline and appealing characters. Naruto was the series managed to satisfy a new anime craze for me. Admittingly enough the story is not as tight as FMA, there is somethign about the series which draws you in and it's worth picking up 
report Recommended by buttybutt
Very similar in which include dark story lines surrounding two innocent children who quickly have to grow up and seek out revenge for what happens to them.  
report Recommended by Lil_Slugger
They gave me a simmilar feeling. Both animes deal with death, revenge, goals, etc... the story is not simila, but,i tink if yo like one you will lik the othr, probably. :) 
report Recommended by nexi
There's a lot of action! and a lot of fighting scenes. Has to do with 2 seperate worlds. Human vs. Fantasy. Main character has a close person thats almost always with them. Kagome / Inuyasha and Al / Edward. Both of the main characters are looking for something/items. On their adventures they make friends that help them along the way, and of course enemies which they are determined to defeat. At the same time they're making sure to keep their loved ones close, and take risks for one another. 
report Recommended by LenDrizzle
I'm surprised nobody has recommended Kuroshitsuji yet as an alternate anime to FMA. While Kuro was produced by A-1 Pictures and FMA was produced by Bones, they've got a LOT in the way of similarities. 
report Recommended by defunctmaluser
Both series heavily feature sensationalised science (albeit FMA's is more fictitious) and they both also have young prodigy main characters who have a deep understanding and innate talent for this science. Both MC's have important family ties that connect them in unique ways to the world around them. 
report Recommended by JVskunkape
Similar in telling a story that ends up on a much larger scale than it started! World and existential issues caught up in a coming-of-age type story. Both have lots of relatively complex minor characters. And both are frequently funny, while also tackling some deep stuff! 
report Recommended by Curuniel
I kind of like to describe Pumpkin Scissors as FMA without the alchemy. I think it's a really underrated series that should be taken a closer look at. Both series are very enjoyable to watch in my opinion, and they also have very similar military themes. Their worlds are pretty close in terms of technology as well. If you enjoyed watching FMA, then I think you'd enjoy Pumpkin Scissors since it does have a certain charm to it. Although I have to add, the ending for this series might let you down. 
report Recommended by AtomicNerd
Both feature quests for undoing what was done. For Fullmetal Alchemist, the journey is that of recovering what was lost; for the protagonist of Monster, it is to end a life mistakenly saved. Although their plots diverge a fair bit, the overall feel is similar. There is great optimism and philanthropy in both, and although FMA has more levity to it, they contain a similar balance of tragedy and happiness. They are both works of immense quality and dedication, similar in length and pacing, with an extensive cast and great characterization. 10/10 for both. 
report Recommended by Arachneia
In both, the characteres use similar magics, magic circlues and others.. The principals have a journey to follow during the anime.. who likes one, will like other.. 
report Recommended by Vinny_
Like the law of Equivalent Exchange (The rule that alchemists in the series consider to be the foundation of Alchemy, or even the fundamental law of the world: to obtain, something of equal value must be lost.) in Full Metal Alchemist; Darker than BLACK has a similar form of "payment" as a form of a contract payment or remuneration in exchange for their superhuman powers. 
report Recommended by alugirl613
If you like fullmetal alchemist then I promise u will get stuck through every episode of this anime. Just like fullmetal alchemist, characters are well developed and there are no fillers. In fma we have Chimeras and in blood+ Chiropterans. Chiropterans are undead monster with the ability to disguise themselves as human. They live by feeding on peoples' blood. There is a secret organization called the Red Shield that exists to hunt down the Chiropterans.  
report Recommended by ninja-san
Both are different world shounen type titles. Someone who has like one on the two will definitely enjoy the other suggestion^^ 
report Recommended by faye
Similar fantasy-style plot with underlying sci-fi - and both reach about the same level of epic-ness by the end. 
report Recommended by davidros
SHounen, both have a good splash of comedy mixed in with the seriousness of it as well as action sequences that are all different, complex, yet easily understandable. They all hold that rheum of fantasy. And I just find that people who liked DBZ typically like FMA as well. 
report Recommended by ElderElric
Demon Slayer and FMA have similar character roles and fights against demons but the atmosphere isn’t the same. After the death or disappearance of their entire family, the main characters (Tanjirou/Edward) share similar goals, to search for a way to return the body of their younger sibling (Nezuko/Alphonse) to normal. (Tanjirou/Edward) fight side by side with their younger sibling (Nezuko/Alphonse) and the bond they share is admired by others such as (Mitsuri/Armstrong) not to mention (Giyuu/Roy) the person who lead the way for them to be what they are in the story(military alchemist/demon slayer) also share some characteristics like being cold but considerate and protective  read more 
report Recommended by mneav3
Both have some mystery and Xam'd also have something similar to alchemy. 
report Recommended by loku1993
Both plots revolve around an amputee main character trying to get his body back. Both anime have a lot of action and fight scenes. Both main characters use their prosthetics as weapons. Both main characters have a younger "sidekick" whom they travel with. Both anime involve a lot of traveling with mini arcs centered around the places they visit. Both anime deal with morals and politics. Both main characters have complicated relationships with their estranged fathers. 
report Recommended by Frankencanon
Both shows revolve heavily around the concept of equal exchange, and both follow the adventures of one boy (xxxHOLiC)/2 brothers(FMA) on a quest to get their original bodies back(FMA)/lose a curse that has plagued them(xxxHOLiC). 
report Recommended by RoarkTenjouin
Both have the same kind of moral ambiguity in the characters. Both ask philosophical questions(Fullmetal Alchemist: What is life? Should mankind imitate God? Black Jack: Is it right to give up on life for the sake of ending pain? Is it right to operate above the law?). Both can be very sad at times. 
report Recommended by PequeninoMikhail
Both are fantasy shows written by Hiromu Arakawa. The character artwork looks very similar and both shows involve a main character who is out to change the world after witnessing the brutalities that other kingdoms have suffered through wars and other conflicts. 
report Recommended by GridironOtaku
The reason why Fullmetal Alchemist is similar is because they both have alot of action and some comedy in them.But they do also have there sad moments.When they are in a action like situation it will keep your eyes glued to the screenThere's always something interesting going on in these anime's,I think there fantastic and hope that you find them the same way as i do. 
report Recommended by TomoyaandNagisa
The theme of everlasting brotherhood: brothers that would willingly die for each other. Brings a tear to my manly eyes, it does. Two brothers - more emotional older; calmer, more rational younger duos - travel together in search of what they have lost, knowing full well the price of what they can never get back. The mothers of both duos died when they were young; the deaths acting as catalysts for the respective journeys that would follow. What is more, both sets of brothers have fathers that mysteriously vanished and play pivotal roles in what unfolds. But, in the beginning, the brothers are something akin  read more 
report Recommended by AironicallyHuman
The "encodes" used in Dennou Coil are very reminiscent of the enigmatic style of alchemy seen in Fullmetal Alchemist. Interestingly the symbols and patterns, despite being apparently pretty much just magic, are justified as "science" and technology in both series. Like Fullmetal Alchemist, Dennou Coil is also very much a "coming of age" story that has somewhat darker tones occasionally, especially towards the end. I would recommend that fans of Fullmetal Alchemist watch an episode or two to see if they enjoy it.  
report Recommended by Qwerkzy
The Main charchters are somewhat similar and they're both set in fantasy worlds 
report Recommended by zi_exe
Technologically the worlds are similar to our history in the begining of 20th century, a lot of action is around military people, however in FMA the military use alcchemy instead of guns to fight ... 
report Recommended by Turanic
They both have an amazing storyline and attract about the same age group. The characters are the strong points in both series. They are emotionally touching and action packed, at times they can be a bit slow, but they always make it worthwhile. 
report Recommended by AstuteOtaku
Both Potraits the usage of Magic/Alchemy and the consequences of its usage/misusage, resulting in creaton of Homonculus in FMA and Demons in Strait Jacket with their own story and setting. 
report Recommended by ragonzul
Both have to do with magic (where Slayers has different types of magic, including alchemy), both have villains of demonic origin (mazoku vs homunculi), both can be funny and dramatic (Slayers funnier than Full Metal Alchemist) and both have main characters who are made fun off because of their "size" (Edward for being short and Lina for...umm..having small assets). 
report Recommended by DolorDecorus
Both series deal with mature teenagers going through a great struggle to achieve some bigger goal, going to particular adventures, fighting for their lives. All the hardships they go through, together with friends and comrades, is in both series almost similar. Sometimes the characters are a bit more childish in FMA², but both series deal with alot of the same elements. 
report Recommended by Ilyaoh
Believe it or not ... It is a bit like Death Note. I feel like some of the themes are the same. "Every one loses" is one of them. It feels ... gritty ... but clean at the same time. And I feel that the elements tie together into one big great anime.  
report Recommended by Simpleandclean93
Both are rather similar to period pieces. While FMA focuses largely on shounen aspects, Gosick airs more closely to the political aspects. Both have elements of suspense and mystery- Gosick specifically is a mystery in itself, but the sense of suspense which pervades throughout the course of both shows is very similar.  
report Recommended by greatsailorman
both are shounens about boys looking for their fathers that turn into something much darker, theres a lot of fighting in both and theres a compelling story. the characters are well written in both, and youre sure to enjoy both.  
report Recommended by shunyuto
Both anime came from the same studio (Bones), and both have very similar OST. Although there is no plot, or setting connection between the two, they still feel very close to each other. if you liked the first FMA series, you should definitely watch Zetsuen no Tempest 
report Recommended by omega123
These two series feature fictional worlds that are strongly reminiscent of real historical periods. I wouldn't consider them in the historical genre, but both give off an air of the past. The two main leads in each hold a different kind of power than usually found in fantasy: Lawrence and Holo with bartering skills and Edward and Alphonse with alchemy. By the end of both, however, these characters discover that everything isn't always equal in economics or alchemy and trying to trump the rules of money/trade and equivalent exchange have consequences. Both feature characters trying to "return" - Holo to her homeland after fading as  read more 
report Recommended by peacenotus
Automata are very similar to Homunculus in that they're non-human artificial beings. In that sense I guess Shirogane's are similar to Alchemists too. Both are also shonen with super powered battles. Both have great art styles and character designs. 
report Recommended by JVskunkape
Fate/Stay Night and Fullmetal Alchemist are very similar to each other. Both series are about a dark plotline: In FMA, they seek the philosopher's stone because it is said to hold to power to grant wishes without equivalent exchange; in Fate/Stay night, they seek the holy grail, which will grant both master and servant a fulfillment in any desire they wish. Both plotlines have twists and curves you don't see coming, and both end up realizing what they seek isn't all it's cracked up to be. They both focus on solving a certain mystery and to do so the heroes have to explore their world  read more 
report Recommended by Rikudo14
These anime are very similar when you are looking at the magical aspects and the style of fighting. They are both very good series that are worth the watch. Even though Full metal they practice alchemy, the style of magic practiced in kurokami is similar and the power used is similar.  
report Recommended by lovelydeath
The stories aren't really anything similar however, if you are looking for a great anime with a epic story, loveable characters and excellent writing 12 kingdoms is definitely the anime to watch if you enjoyed fma. Personally I find it even better. Both stories are absolutely incredible and transport you into another world and have well woven themes. 
report Recommended by DarkInu8
Both are really good series, I guess I find it similar because of endings, the way people fight with each other, and the feeling of it. 
report Recommended by goldzioch
Certain episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist focus on a manipulated religion and its effects on the people. New Fist of The North Star also revolves around a similar premise as the people are being deceived by fake Gods and are willing to commit murder for their religious beliefs. 
report Recommended by THEAnimeHERO
Serious and often bloody political intrigue in the background with slap stick MacGuffin chasing in the foreground. They both eventually intertwine as the series go on. 
report Recommended by NeoRinTinTin
Both shows feature a intelligent story and take themselves seriously .Both are long and a bit slow paced epic sagas .Both have excellent character development and both touch the surface of many philosophical questions/ideas. Fullmetal is a bit more relaxed and shounen-like but should you like the one you will most likely like the other one too . 
report Recommended by allos
Both consists of fantasy worlds, stylish characters, awesome sidekicks, and memorable stories. 
report Recommended by Taichi_EX
Eventhough the genre in these two shows are different,there are some similarities in it. -Both shows involve siblings on a quest to obtain something in exchange to get something that has been lost to them -Both have heartwarming moments -Both have tragic endings 
report Recommended by Infinite_loop
The similarities between FMA and Hitsugi no Chaika are numerous. Both shows are set in an alternative fantasy universe, where a supernatural technique is used in everyday life, as well as in battling bad guys and, most importantly, in warfare. The main character cast is journeying to achieve a goal, even though the exact details of this goal are shrouded in mystery. They are also followed by mysterious side characters that all have their own hidden agendas. Both shows feature a pair of siblings that share a humorous but overall a sweet and a genuine bond. In addition, both of these anime have skillfully balanced  read more 
report Recommended by mimiiria
You might be surprised to find Fullemtal Alchemist and Durarara!!! both much alike. First, they both have a lot of things going on. For example, the overarching plot lines which Durarara and FM did marvelously on. One thing happens and it leads to another, when show does not reveal the character until somewhere throughout the story fills much mystery to the watcher. Izaya is an information breaker for Durarara!! that controls his pieces is shown in the first episode has an easy going guy but dangerous as Masaomi Kida puts it for his friend Ryuugamine Mikado who is entirely new to the city. The further  read more 
report Recommended by Akira_Tsukino
- Both involve rather dark themes - Revelations are uncovered throughout the series - SSY and FMA are both thought-provoking - Main characters are roughly the same age and they mature as the show progresses - Both shows have quite complete stories (no questions unanswered) 
report Recommended by joeywerepyre
This is probably the weirdest recommendation ever, but I think FMA is the most iconic 'dark shounen' that borders on seinen while Nana is the 'darker/realistic shoujo' that borders on josei. The reason both are not actually seinen nor josei is because of the comedy, targeted towards a younger audience. That's why they actually both have fairly diverse fanbases, because they managed to hit the sweet spot for target audience, for better or worse. Just my opinion anyways. Park Romi is the seiyuu for the MCs of both too! 
report Recommended by Space_Boyfriend
Both address poverty and power abuse of the governing class. Both talk about very destructive wars. Both give the same feeling of sadness and "growing up". Both anime are at the border between shônen and seinen. Both have a very interesting world building and character development. Both are comedic and dramatic at the same time. Both taught me valuable life philosophy. .  
report Recommended by mounachan
Fate/Zero has magic and Fullmetal Alchemist has alchemy. Magic and Alchemy aren't exactly the same thing but they are pretty similar. Both shows also have Homunculus. These two shows are also relatively dark and share the themes of war, idealism/morality and Hope.  
report Recommended by NitrogenAA
One Piece is similar to Fullmetal Alchemist in not only success, but When it comes to being better than majority of anime and When you are looking for that perfect anime I highly recommend One Piece or Fullmetal Alchemist. Why? Both have amazing plots and The plots go deeper within the character design, Both have amazing story lines, and The graphics of both these anime are spectacular, no horried or flawed design within the many frames, and Overall the soundtracks to both of these anime are great!  
report Recommended by TheAnimeLogician
the same contrast between the ancient and the futuristic 
report Recommended by TheKiraGb
They both revolve around a world where people posses a mystical power where they can do powerful things to aid themselves and their friends. This one is a bit more serious than Fairy Tail but still similar in action. 
report Recommended by shroombeard
These anime are about guys whose only wish is to protect their younger sibling and they use every power they've been blessed with to try to make this happen. They have the power to bend things to their will, in FMA this is matter in general and in Big Order this is people. Their main opponents are other people will similar abilities since their powers are not shared by everyone but are common enough that they have a lot of people to worry about. Both of these anime get quite grim and the protagonist doesn't always get what he wants. 
report Recommended by zombie_pegasus
Comeback. Fire Force and Fullmetal Alchemist both follow individuals who have lost family in horrendous ways, searching for the next best thing, the answers, around those who passed away. Fire Force does this with Shinra, after his brother and mother perished in a fire. FMA does this with Ed and Al wanting to resurrect their mother, only to make matters worse by Al losing his body, they go on a quest to find the Philosopher's Stone. Both are great action anime dedicated to the shounen demographic.  
report Recommended by NextUniverse
Texhnolyze and Fullmetal Alchemist have characters that develop by learning and accepting the truth of their respective settings Also both Ichise and Ed have a prosthetic arm and leg and the anime were released in the same year 
report Recommended by Crack
The power of alchemy and harmon are kinda similar, both are set in the past with similar technology and both have lovable characters each with a good backstory. 
report Recommended by itsMSMO
Both have very anti-racism and anti-fascism themes that are done better than average. While both are about very different protagonists w/ different levels of complexity, at their core, they want the audience to feel and know the same thing. Both are well-liked for their soundtracks as well~ 
report Recommended by Space_Boyfriend
they both give me the same vibe 
report Recommended by pufgil
Legendary influential anime that gave way to the beginning of many anime fans 
report Recommended by zNarew
Both stories starts with the search of something ( dragon balls in DB, philosophal stone in FMA) and have lots of adventures, powers and action. 
report Recommended by Franneke
I found that Kurogane reminded me a lot of Ed with his temper... The plot could be compared to FMA's as well-- the main characters spend the series looking for something, in this case memories in the form of feathers (not as bad as it sounds, I promise!) but they often get distracted by little subplots. Like fma, though, the subplots do not get in the way of the big picture. The overall mood of the anime is quite similar. There is some humour in it, but behind that there is darkness and sadness.  
report Recommended by Alayna
The way the main characters travel to different places and solve problems for other people, the desert setting during their travels, the slightly nostalgic feeling sometimes, and the music is very similar 
report Recommended by sillyanna
Both series deal with fictional sciences. One deals with alchemy while the other deals with the study of a fictional phenomenon called "mushi". Ginko, the main character in Mushi-shi, is similar to Edward Elric of FMA in that he is very knowledgable in his respective science. Every episode of Mushi-shi features an interesting and imaginative explanation of the phenomenon of mushi while FMA makes in-depth explorations into the concepts and laws of alchemy. 
report Recommended by Yves
Dantalian' and FMA season one are actually quite similar when you read between the lines... Dantalian: - A blonde bishounen in the pre-technology age aquires basically access to a load of books, these books feature supernatural secrets; they're grimore's, which basically = alchemy - This guy's grandad was the collector of all those books - He is attacked by odd creatures, spawned threw 'alchemy' that can be destroyed using 'alchemy' - His mother died and his father seems to have dissapeared - A religious aspect plays out in the background FMA: - Blonde bishounen in a pre-technology era aquires research material via hard work, he wants to understand alchemy more - This boys dad  read more 
report Recommended by Gleam_Queen
Both anime have lot of humans that get abused/used to succeed with an evil plan in a certain organization with two faces. There are also many chimeras, experiments, humans with different powers and other similarities. If you like adventure and one of them, you may like the other one. 
report Recommended by XzaR
Both animes are about a person doing his best to reach their life aim. But if in FMA you can see that all main hero's attempts to do the impossible are futile, in TTGL the main hero does make his dreams come true, whatever obstacles are hindering him from following the way he had chosen. Also, TTGL may become a real source of inspiration for some sensitive personalities. So to conclude, if you liked FMA with all its pathos and surmounting, you'll definetely like TTGL which in addition will place you in no less mesmerizing universe than the one of FMA. 
report Recommended by lotrus28
both are similar. In fullmetal alchemist, "to gain something you must pay something in same value". the law of ueki also does have that meaning too. like, Kousuke Ueki from the law of ueki loses sth he has for everytime he uses his power. Apart from that, they both have action, comedy and characters have supernatural powers to begin with. oh another thing... both main characters are short & tiny. And hate it when other mentioned it. when that time comes it looks really funny. ^-^  
report Recommended by wenju
Well, they aren't all that similar in their plots or details, just the fact that they both have action and are shounen. The reason why I recommend watching Juushin Enbu if you like FMA though, or vice versa, is because both are created by Hiromu Arakawa. So if you like one of her creations, you'll probably like the other. 
report Recommended by Monkey_D_Luffy
Older brother protecting the younger, great fight scenes, and pretty much awesome all-around. 
report Recommended by RedMageSohma
Fullmetal Alchemist and Kekkaishi are the same in several ways, the only thing that differs them, are the settings, the looks and the theme. Furthermore than that, there are similar characters, battle's and plots going on. 
report Recommended by Ilyaoh
Both Fullmetal Alchemist and Kurau Phantom Memory contain plenty of both drama and action. The main similarity lies in the fact the the drama is centered around the love between two siblings and their commitment to each other. 
report Recommended by spineslayer
Well now lest see here hum........ they are similar because of Harry MacDougall. Since he turns his whole buddy into a mechanical machine. Kinda like the Elric brothers, but at least they don't wont to blow people up. Also by the fact that they both are searching for something, that they really wont.  
report Recommended by shiayame
Other than the scenes of nudity and the extreme erotic scenes of sucking somas in Seikon No Qwaser, both the Full Metal Alchemist and Seikon No Qwaser contains the common factor that the characters have a supernatural power to manipulate elements, ions, and compounds. Both Full Metal Alchemist and Seikon No Qwaser has these science-fictional elements to stimulate action. If the viewers enjoyed (not the perverted scenes) but the actions driven by the chemistry involved in the Seikon no Qwaser, then Full Metal Alchemist the recommended for you.  
report Recommended by OriginGenesis
They both have immersive fantastical european-type setting to it, focusing on sciences and evil military plots. 
report Recommended by MangaPancakes
prodigal kid overcomes obstacles to reach a goal 
report Recommended by lujsy
the main charcters both go on an adventure in search for something and i also think the twos personallity are very simular.also the main charcters match up some what. Al and coud, Cisqua and winry, Ed and Rowen you'll notice simularities in the anime. also both of the main characters weapon is a sword that is "attached" to their right arm. both are very nice shonen anime. 
report Recommended by weimingden
They both have two main protagonists, one of them lost his body and gain afterward a huge strength. Parents are nowhere to be found in both. 
report Recommended by Kanaco
Even tho FMA (fullmetal alchemist) and trinity blood have absolutely nothing to to with each other...they both have that fantasy vibe. i think all fantasy lovers would at least love both of these..due to the fact that they are complete opposites..anyhow they are tied in my top favorite anime...please enjoy :D  
report Recommended by mioni4
FMA03 and MP100 have one really important thing in common, to me: despite featuring characters with awesome superpowers (and therefore potential for dozens of drawn-out epic fight scenes), they have a pointed focus on the NARRATIVE and EMOTIONAL stakes of each battle rather than the scale or badassery. It's a couple minutes of action framed by hours of context, reflections, trauma, evaluation, etc. What ultimately matters isn't the physical strength or creative abilities of the protagonist, but their reasons for acting the way they do and how they deal with the choices they make. 03!FMA is distinctly less prototypical-shounen-y than the source manga or Brotherhood adaptation,  read more 
report Recommended by ArcanaXIX
Both Animes have a sibling bond relationship,Full Metal Alchemist features 2 brothers who committed a sacrifice performing an alchemey and both must get they're original bodies/forms back. Miracle Girls is a slice of life shoujo anime featuring 2 twin sisters who share a sibling bond but sometimes argue and have ESP (Esper powers) to teleport to anywhere. also,both animes's music soundtracks were composed by Michiru Oshima 
report Recommended by ChronoBallX
Although the genres may seem radically opposed, the atmosphere of both anime is very similiar, with them both being set in a western (not cowboys, i mean european) style atmosphere, main protagonists both struggle with the losses they've suffered and try to cure themselves of grief, each in their own way. I believe the art is similiar as well. To sum up, i personally think the story and genre is the only thing separating those two. 
report Recommended by Brutaller
The same creator: Hiromu Arakawa. From character design and humor too. Gin no Saji is a slice of life while FMA/B is action oriented series. 
report Recommended by AnimeFan500
These two series both involves siblings in a strange world where they use their supernatural powers to help others, achieving their goals, and solving problems. In both series, there is supernatural elements (main characters in FMA uses alchemy while the main characters in ROD uses paper). Both of them requires energy and concentration for them to succeed. Both series' siblings bonds are dramatic, comedic, emotional, and loving. They all function well as a team and looks after each others' well being. There is good character development in the series also that also focuses on some of the antagonists and supporting characters. Both series also has action, drama, comedy,  read more 
report Recommended by Stark700
Both of these animes have characters who are very sensitive about their height. 
report Recommended by Spankdatmonkey
The two guys in this anime aren't exactly related by blood (but they're pretty close), and they are looking for "something" that is quite similar to FMA. Also, the story behind the two guys are similar to FMA as well. You'll love this one =) 
report Recommended by junmiyako
Toshokan Sensou is pretty much a seinen version of FMA, in the sense that Roy Mustang is the main character, instead of Ed.  
report Recommended by SamuraiBlue19
Just like scryed in fma they use materialize weapons ,the main character easily get mad and try to fight everyone who challenge him. They live and fight in a imginary world, 
report Recommended by narutoichigo88
Same kind of action/adventure feel going, also both have similar humor. 
report Recommended by l34str0
both have the traveling in like a meidival-ish setting, fighting, lots of charactesr, comedy, story, "cool" factor... 
report Recommended by midori-
Super engaging/amusing/touching Epic Quest fantasy with a ton of awesome characters. 
report Recommended by peabrane
Goverment secrets , great fights , main chracters have goals to accomplish. If you like guys with an ability if fire in therie hands they have it and blood!!! 
report Recommended by RosyXkid
They have the same feel on the sad moments and are both deeply emotional scarring for the characters also it both has such sad moments. Although Ef feels much more like a very sad dream and FMA feels closer to the harsh reality  
report Recommended by SkillsSkull
In both these anime, there are creepy apparently soulless creatures that are difficult to defeat: the Varuga from Karneval and the Homunculus-type creatures from Fullmetal Alchemist. Also, in both anime, there is a strong bond between the two main characters and a tendency to go from bright and cheerful to very dark. 
report Recommended by shadowfireflame
Fullmetal Alchemist and Case Study of Vanitas have a very similar feel to them. They have a primarily serious plot but sometimes dip into silly/zany territory so it doesn’t feel like it’s taking itself too seriously. They both are fantasy anime that mix supernatural and science together for a unique power. They both also deal with secret evil societies that need infiltrating. Visually, some of the more supernatural villains are even similar.  
report Recommended by azumarillo