All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 75.4
Mean Score:
- Watching50
- Completed173
- On-Hold15
- Dropped19
- Plan to Watch28
- Total Entries285
- Rewatched0
- Episodes4,516
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 118.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries408
- Reread0
- Chapters21,293
- Volumes768
All Comments (7) Comments
More or less, i could not find all of the manga as well, but ef - a tale of memories is one of the nicest romance drama's i've seen. You really have to check it out, read comments/review here if you want.
ef- a tale of memories it deserves the rank of 41 that it has!
Ok then, ef - a tale of memories is a good one to watch, especially since you gave Kanon (2006) a 10, you will give ef - a tale of memories at lest a 9, that is my guess...
As for others, how about OnePiece? if you really have nothing to watch a you want something BIG, full of lovely action, comedy and bit of drama, One Piece is amazing.
One Piece also follows the manga faithfully with the exception of a few filler episodes, and its a better watch than Naruto or Bleach as an ongoing series.
Your giving me something hard then...
Something with everything, except SoL...
I just finished yesterday watching Utawarerumono, and i really like it.
Even though they say its a harem anime, it not to that extent, its mainly strategy and war. Fighting bigger enemies, gaining some allies, and comedy as well :P (+Mystery of some peoples past)
And its similar to TTGL that it slowly gets bigger and better as it progresses, but not as epic as TTGL.
If you like Code Geass's Zero you will probably like Utawarerumono!
How about some more stuff!? You want magic? old age swordfighting, mechs, guns, lots of deaths, comedy, love story, etc
Thanks for the message :P
I'll check it out, seems weird, but i might like it...
Are you looking for something? Gender?
Well hello there and welcome to MAL :P
Ask on anything you dont understand and check the forums :P
I liked your religion part, I liked your view and share part of it.
P.S. I dont know if its best to give too much detail about your family for everyone to read.
You can write the family part on your blog for your friends to read only, or just remove it.
That is only an advice!