If you liked
Fullmetal Alchemist
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There's a lot of action! and a lot of fighting scenes. Has to do with 2 seperate worlds. Human vs. Fantasy.
Main character has a close person thats almost always with them. Kagome / Inuyasha and Al / Edward. Both of the main characters are looking for something/items. On their adventures they make friends that help them along the way, and of course enemies which they are determined to defeat. At the same time they're making sure to keep their loved ones close, and take risks for one another.
Recommended by LenDrizzle
Full Metal Alchemist and Inuyasha may seem different, though they acually very similar. Inuyasha looks for jewel shards, while Edward looks for ways to save his brother. Both series have a item of power, a jewel shard, and red stones. Also, when Inuyasha is bound to a tree, it's similar to when Alphonse almost dies. They are not too alike but if you liked Inuyasha, I think you will like Full Metal Alchemist + Brotherhood.
Recommended by Johnny-San
FMA and Inuyasha. In both the protagonists look for a powerful stone, which brings misfortune and a great power capable of changing everything. In addition they fight against a group made of this stone, which are almost invincible. Between valuable losses, comic moments, a continuous struggle against the memories of the past that are still present is what these series offer.
Recommended by JuanShot87