:D Thank you
It didn't happen yet but meh!
already got some red pockets :D ( with money inside, in case you didn't know) :3
sorry me no reply D': but I did find you an awesome souviener <<<er pretty sure thats not spelled right.... oohh its not naruto don't worry :D
paccendale...? 0.0 I thought it was spelled passiondale T^T that would be cooler
YAY for smarticle face xD
._____. who got first?
me back on feb 7
btw, I bought a dragon ball goku keychain (when he's grown up) and he's holding a kamehameha xD err thats prob not the name of the move but...WHATEVER! :D
it was kinda expensive but it kinda wasn't cuz i was paying in chinese money
it was fine, nothing special and fancy, since I don't like to make Birthday parties, imo waste of money and effort :p since I'm greedy bastard I'd better keep all money for all myself :D
Why you didn't got accepted, because of bad grades?Well it's not a world end, you know how they say if someone shuts the door, god leaves open window, though I don't believe in god, but let's just pretend :D and crying won't solve anything, actually my uncle sucked at school so hard, I think he even didn't finished 12 grades, but he was successful in careen and became a chief boss of police department, though now he is retired, my stepfather was bad student, well he wasn't that successful, he is mechanic, but he does get decent money, I think you'll be fine as long as you want for a better job or whatever, for me, I can't wait I'm really great student, unfortunately it was too late for me when I got serious about studies and now catching up is impossible, so I get in math and Lithuanian bad grades, but I still get overall fine grades. Well that's it, and I love how my neko-chan tried to run away from me XD
Poor neko?Poor me, and sorry it's already a year late for that, lol my neko is afraid of me so now he can even recognize my footsteps when I'm coming so he can hide hahahaha.
Just finished "Needless" going to watch new kore wa zombie desu ka anime, and I need to thing about new school to apply too, but it's half a year too early and it will depend on my second semester grades, so you're into art huh, I see, I'm more into new technologies, pretty boyish huh hahaha :DD
Heya, same shit as always, first semester of school year is finally coming to an end, sadly my grades aren't that good :S oh yeah my cat is annoying always jumping on my bedroom doors so I got to kick my neko arse , how 'bout you?
Hiya :3
Like my new name?
You probably don't get it though ^___^
soo... I watch hakouki up to ep. 3
I lol'd so much at the ending (where the two guys were pulling her towards the lantern thing and they were basically BATHED in light xD)
Is it worth watching though?
:/ cuz I only like 2 characters in it and that's kinda sad cuz it's easy for me to like stuff P:
tell me a little bit more about the sequel and if Chiziru ever stops being a al lohnoevertimeifaceabadguyicantmoveandsomesamuraidudehastocomesaveme
All Comments (354) Comments
It didn't happen yet but meh!
already got some red pockets :D ( with money inside, in case you didn't know) :3
sorry me no reply D': but I did find you an awesome souviener <<<er pretty sure thats not spelled right.... oohh its not naruto don't worry :D
paccendale...? 0.0 I thought it was spelled passiondale T^T that would be cooler
YAY for smarticle face xD
._____. who got first?
me back on feb 7
btw, I bought a dragon ball goku keychain (when he's grown up) and he's holding a kamehameha xD err thats prob not the name of the move but...WHATEVER! :D
it was kinda expensive but it kinda wasn't cuz i was paying in chinese money
D': I don't miss school at all but I do miss you
what's up??
and whatcha want? ;)
Just finished "Needless" going to watch new kore wa zombie desu ka anime, and I need to thing about new school to apply too, but it's half a year too early and it will depend on my second semester grades, so you're into art huh, I see, I'm more into new technologies, pretty boyish huh hahaha :DD
Like my new name?
You probably don't get it though ^___^
soo... I watch hakouki up to ep. 3
I lol'd so much at the ending (where the two guys were pulling her towards the lantern thing and they were basically BATHED in light xD)
Is it worth watching though?
:/ cuz I only like 2 characters in it and that's kinda sad cuz it's easy for me to like stuff P:
tell me a little bit more about the sequel and if Chiziru ever stops being a al lohnoevertimeifaceabadguyicantmoveandsomesamuraidudehastocomesaveme