All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 281.9
Mean Score:
- Watching5
- Completed4,093
- On-Hold22
- Dropped0
- Plan to Watch240
- Total Entries4,360
- Rewatched23
- Episodes22,580
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 50.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries466
- Reread0
- Chapters7,449
- Volumes733
All Comments (810) Comments
much appreciation for the thoughts and effort you put into making my present.
As much as I am open to anything, I'd love to see different points of view, especially recommendations for good stuffs. My apology if it might have been a hindrance.
This is sadly a failed exploitation from the creator.
I feel sorry that you had to dust off my P-t-R just for me to burn it down once for all. This one is (not) regrettably a dishonest and incompetent stab at whatever it aimed at. Rarely have the quiddities of pushing forty been explored with more brain than heart or bone (or muscle) in this industry. I just had to wonder how the author could have pushed himself to U70 with that mindset.
Anyways, that's enough of tearing things apart, as Chikan Otoko is something I rather enjoy and haven't had to crash my ideology with. Therefore, it's my much appreciation for you to having made parts of my holiday, and my wish for your plentiful achievements in 2025.
All the best.
HAPPYćNEWćYEARć2 0 2 5 š
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The explanations are a cool addition too! I like it dude very subtle way to write an about me
You picked quantity over quality of your anime list! ą«®āĖ¶Óļ¹Ò ā āį
Do you enjoy watching anime shorts or are they just for numbers?
HAPPYćNEWćYEARć2 0 2 4 š
Nice to meet you :)