Basically watches any genre but please no wimpy girls who can't do anything but sit down and let their main interest rescue them. Ugh, so irritating!! Prefers action anime (mecha!!!!!!) and anime with pretty, pretty boys. Believe that since anime is not real, why put up ugly characters?
Waaa. I was just browsing thru polls & comments and i saw ur avatar and it caught my attention since it was Nyanko-sensei... Hehehe I loved Natsume series a lot too... ^^
dude the DOGS manga is amazing so amazing its too much for words. and i don't wanna leak spoilers so take a time of and read it, *secret* its like the prequel on steroids, yeah its that good.
the pic is a little too small b/c i had to look carefully after you told me to see him.
i still like CG R2 so much more than gundam 00, but i admit the last episode is cool because allelujah finally pairs up with his marie ^^. finally, a couple in gundam 00 XP
some people speculated it might be a cross-dressing tiera, but i think it could be the other girl who looks like tiera. i am looking forward to the next episode too!
Hi! thanks for your comment! i am fine, my exam is coming up in 2 weeks' time, so i am watching only currently airing animes. did some anime catch up today. so how's gundam going for you?
hi! how are you? i am sorry i did not response to you last week...anyway i watched gundam 00 second episode just now! more setsuna in his gundam and new lockon. was great! i can't wait for menclave and watched it on veoh though. the quality is really bad. i got to rewatch it when menclave releases it later !
yeah, you are right, what is gundam without confusing factions and it happened all the time in other gundam series too ^-^
oh yeah, gundams cannot go without masked men. so the masked man in gundam 00 is graham. i was quite impressed with graham in one of his fights with setsuna towards the end of the last season. i wonder what role will he play this time xD
wow lol our stories are really quite similar... X was also one of my first mangaka's to read by Clamp, but Magic Knights Rayearth is the first I have read, and I am also reading TRC and xxxholic right now.... And I also took a giant leap in watching Code Geass when I discovered the character designs were by Clamp.
I was also taking an interest in that new one Mouryou no Hako or something its called...
X is one of my top favourite manga ever.... and the most beautiful or well one of the most beautiful.
How about them apples lol
I noticed we share some other titles together...
What do you think of Code Geass' the ending?
you are a fan of spinzaku. thats cool
I like lelouch and cc.
All Comments (38) Comments
i've created a new club for West Aussies. I would love for you to come and join :3
dude the DOGS manga is amazing so amazing its too much for words. and i don't wanna leak spoilers so take a time of and read it, *secret* its like the prequel on steroids, yeah its that good.
the pic is a little too small b/c i had to look carefully after you told me to see him.
some people speculated it might be a cross-dressing tiera, but i think it could be the other girl who looks like tiera. i am looking forward to the next episode too!
thanks! it is my japanese exam ^^
oh yeah, gundams cannot go without masked men. so the masked man in gundam 00 is graham. i was quite impressed with graham in one of his fights with setsuna towards the end of the last season. i wonder what role will he play this time xD
I also believe Lelouch is still alive and I refuse to believe he is dead... I just can't do it.... suzaku is really angsty now that I think about it.
I was also taking an interest in that new one Mouryou no Hako or something its called...
X is one of my top favourite manga ever.... and the most beautiful or well one of the most beautiful.
How about them apples lol
I noticed we share some other titles together...
What do you think of Code Geass' the ending?
you are a fan of spinzaku. thats cool
I like lelouch and cc.
do you like anyone besides suzaku?