Back to Arturo_Plateado's Profile Arturo_Plateado's Profile

  1. alone for good
  3. °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜VOMIC - °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
  4. ¨°º¤• Kira Izuru FC •¤º°¨
  5. * Bleach RP *
  6. *Vessel Of Villains*
  7. *~Anime/Manga Club for ALL~*
  8. -Accumulative Claim- [DEAD]
  9. -amaya- Fan Club
  10. -AVI Shop-
  11. -Obsessions club-
  12. -Pokemon World Online RP-
  13. .;~*♥Shroom Kingdom♥*~;.
  14. .hack rp (OLD)
  15. .Your Anime Heroes.
  16. .~;*☆Wolf - Club☆*;~.
  17. A Dark Light
  19. Academy of Magic
  20. Adopt a Pokemon
  21. Advertise!!!
  22. Afro Samurai Club
  23. AlienWare Users & Fans Club
  24. All Anime
  25. Amusement Park (RP)
  26. AMV Club
  27. AniMania
  28. Animēshon Podcast
  29. Anime & Manga Recommendation
  30. Anime Addicted
  31. Anime Afterlife
  32. Anime Card Obsession (A.C.O.)
  33. Anime Consulting Group
  34. Anime Couple Fanclub (A.C.F)
  35. Anime Game Specials club
  36. anime lovers aparel
  37. Anime Lovers in the Central Ohio Area!
  38. AnImE lOvErZ!!!
  39. Anime Series Cards
  40. Anime Song Fan Club
  41. Anime/Manga RP
  42. Another School Romance rp
  43. Area 51
  44. arrancer club
  45. Ass Backwards Anime Podcast
  46. Avatar rp
  47. Avril's Legacy
  48. Awesome Club
  49. A~World Game's Room
  50. ☽○☾Book of Shadows☽○☾
  51. ☆ 2009 Anime Oscars ☆
  52. 倶楽部
  54. Bananasdaughter Fanclub
  55. Battle Arena
  56. Battle Crusades
  57. Bax fan club
  58. BL Obsession
  59. Bleach Club
  60. Bleach Rise Of The Revolution (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
  61. Blood Spill
  62. Blueruby67's fan club
  63. Boarding School High ~RP~
  65. Bounty Hunters of London rp
  66. Bring Back -Syn-!
  67. Cafe Bonheur
  68. Cal's Fc~
  69. Capital R lowercase u Capital S lowercase s lowercase i Capital A lowercase n Capital B lowercase l lowercase u Capital E.
  70. Car Fanatics of MAL
  71. Character Manager
  72. Church of Violence (CoV) {Black Lagoon rp}
  73. Claim a Anime Brother Club [CLOSED]
  74. Claim A Bleach Character
  75. Claim A Cute Character Of Anime.
  76. Claim a Manga Character
  77. Claim a Manga ~ MAL Manga Tournament
  78. Claim a power
  79. Claim A Psycho.
  80. Claim a Video Game Character v.2
  81. Claim your Current Character Obsession [C.C.O.]
  82. club for me and my anime char friends XDD
  83. Club/Profile Helper!
  84. come to wonderland
  85. Content Creation
  86. Cooking Club!
  87. Court of RP's!!!
  88. Covenant of the Fallen Ones RP
  89. Cowboy Bebop RP
  90. Create Your Band
  91. Cross Academy
  92. Cutest Girls of Mal
  93. Cutest! Sexiest! Ecchiest! Anime Girls!!!
  94. Dante club
  95. Darkdreamer Fan Club
  96. Darker than BLACK - Ryuusei no Gemini Official FanClub
  97. Dead Fantasy
  98. DeadMan Wonderland Rp
  99. Death Academy
  100. Designers Graphics [D.G]
  101. Detective Conan (Case Closed) FC
  102. Devil May Cry
  103. discrimination haters
  104. Dollhouse
  105. Dragon Ball(RP/DISSCUSION)
  106. dragon rp
  107. dragons of legends
  108. Dreamscape RP
  109. DURARARA!
  110. emo vampire rp
  111. EONA
  112. ER
  113. Eternal Sorrow
  114. Fairy Tail RP
  115. Fallout Rp
  116. Fantasy Rp
  117. Feena's Fudgy Goodness
  118. Female Badass!
  119. Fighter Girls FanClub
  120. FLCL ulitmate
  121. Full Metal Alchemist: Rise of New Alchemy
  122. furry rave club
  123. Futuristic ~RP
  124. Gaea, The Malicious Tale
  125. Gaea, The Sinful Fable
  126. GaKuEn AniMe_SpeCial
  127. Geass an Anime Character
  128. Good Vs. Evil
  129. Graphics Club
  130. Guardians Academy
  131. gundam fan club
  132. Haji's Fan Club
  133. Halloween Fun
  134. Halo rp
  135. Hamtaro Role Play~
  136. Hatsune Miku - the Goddess ~FanClub~
  137. Heart no kuni no Alice
  138. hellwolf club ^~^ XD
  139. hero's dark side
  141. Hidan Fanclub
  142. Hime and Viper's Palace
  144. How to Find Anime
  145. How to Watch Anime: Relaunched
  146. Hueco Mundo: Battle Crisis >RPG<
  148. Hyuuga Fan Club
  149. I Hate Fillers Club
  150. iCards
  151. Ichi-chan Fan Club
  152. Ichimaru Fanclub
  153. Ichirou Nishikawa FC
  154. Infamous
  155. Into the land of Aurora
  156. Island in the Sky
  157. Ivorykeys Fan club
  158. japanese fan
  159. Japanese Language and Culture Club
  160. Jmacs Creative Corner (J.C.C.)
  161. Josei no Ken 女性の剣 (Female Swordsmen) Club
  162. Just Family
  163. Kaji's Kick Ass Club
  164. Kallen loves Foxs
  165. Kan'u-prime fighter
  166. Kanetsu_Hoshi FC
  167. katekyo hitman reborn rp
  168. Kimi-chan's fanclub
  169. Kingdom of Cards (KoC, K.o.C.)
  170. Kings of Shounen
  171. Kira Izuru~FC
  172. kirzel034 and all his friends
  173. Kitty, and darks place
  174. klub of weird PPL!!!
  175. Knights of Chivalry
  176. Kururugi Suzaku Must Die
  177. Kyro17 and sarahxjin's FC
  178. L0G1C P4RK
  179. lazy ppl will command earth
  180. Left 4 Dead
  181. Lelouch vs Suzaku, The Ultimate Rivalry
  182. Lelouch X C.C.
  183. Lelouch's Lover ♥
  184. Liar Game Tournament.
  185. Life<3
  186. LilyRein FanClub
  187. lucky star rp
  188. Mad Tea Party
  189. Maes Hughes Fanclub
  190. magical RP
  191. Maid Cafe RP
  192. Maid, Butler and Master RP Club
  193. MAL Claim a Member
  194. MAL Honorary Awards
  195. MAL Marriage
  196. MAL Member Socializing Club
  197. MAL Ninja Village
  198. MAL Parenting
  199. MAL Residents
  200. MAL Shonen/Shojo CLAIM Office
  201. MAL Tech Support
  202. MAL Updater 2.96 - Anime/Manga tracker
  203. MAL User's Marriage club!
  204. MAL's "Marry Me"
  205. MAL's Bookclub
  206. MAL's Claim a Video Game Club - Closed
  207. Mal's Dessert Shop
  208. MALMSC Contest Club
  209. Manga Recommendation
  210. Manga Vs. Comics
  211. Manganinjapickle FC
  212. Mech World RP
  213. Mecha Kingdom メカ王国
  214. Member Cards Addiction
  215. Monster World
  216. Motionblue's FC
  217. Movie RP (now in color)
  218. Music Lovers
  219. My Ineffective Club
  220. my real big family
  221. my wolf pack
  222. Naruto: Ninja Battles
  223. neko clan
  224. neko land rp
  225. Neko-Mimi Lovers
  226. Nel x Ichigo {Nelichi}
  227. New Friends Club
  228. Nyu Lucy 'Nyucy' Fanclub.
  229. Old School Club
  230. Olympians collide. (working title.)
  231. OMG! I Got Kidnapped by Kyuu XD
  232. One Divine
  233. Otaku Fan Club
  234. Otsuki Academy RP
  235. Our home and hangout
  236. Ouran high school fan club
  237. Pandemic
  238. Paradise Land
  239. Princess' Castle
  240. Psynergi Fanclub
  241. Puppies and Kittens
  242. Random Anime Claim Club
  244. Reaper's Return
  245. Rockers Club
  246. royal city
  247. Run away Rp
  248. RWBY
  249. Ryouta Project (Roleplay Club)
  250. Saint Seiya
  251. Sakura Academy Rp
  252. samurai battles rp
  253. Scream out, and Laugh
  254. Secret Art RP
  255. Seiyo Academy
  256. Sekirei RP
  257. Shakus Fanclub <3
  258. Shin Megami Tensei Class room
  259. Shinigami Academy
  260. Shinigami Love: 13 Squads
  261. Shinobi World: A New Beginning (Naruto RP)
  262. Shiroi's Card Party
  263. shojo beat!
  264. Showstopper And Friends
  265. Software Club - Theory/FAQs/Tips/Tutorials/Sharing
  266. soul calibur holders
  267. Soul Reaper/Shinigami (RP)
  268. Star Ocean: Uncharted
  269. Star Trek Fanclub
  270. Summon an anime character
  271. Supreme Seireitei
  272. Sword Art Online
  273. Synthetic Imperium Nemesis Empire
  274. Tea House
  275. Teacher Blowout!!!!!
  276. Teachers and students romance school
  277. Team Fortress 2
  278. The Anime Gardens
  279. The Battlefield Club
  280. The Calm Lands
  281. The Cleveland Show
  282. The Club
  283. the club of mellowness
  284. The Court of Souls: A Bleach RP
  285. The Devoted to Sake and Alcohol Beverages Club
  286. The Elfkin- RP
  287. The Espada Fanclub
  288. The Fantasy World RP
  289. The God's World!
  290. The Journey - A One Piece RP Club
  291. The Land Of The Angels
  292. The Life of the RPer!
  293. The Little World of Random Roleplaying
  294. The Mistress Of The Undead Clan
  295. The Momo (Zero-Morisane) Fan Club :D
  296. The Naruto World RP
  297. the new world rp
  299. The Pervert Kingdom
  300. The Pokemon Village
  301. The Rukia_23 Fanclub
  302. The school of lust for love and power
  303. The Secret Society Group
  304. The slave girl CC (CC with memory loss) fanclub
  305. The TakuTaku Fanclub
  306. The Triforce Deciples
  307. The True Badass Club
  308. The Ultimate .O.T.A.K.U. Organization!
  309. The Ultimate Claim Club (The UCC V2)
  310. The Vongola Union
  311. The Wasteland Rp
  312. The Wii Tournaments Club
  313. The World of C
  314. The World of Harvest Moon
  315. The Yazona House
  316. Toga's FC
  317. Toradora! Official Fanclub!
  318. Town Square Club [TSC]
  319. Toxic Anime Clan
  320. Truth of The Shinobi
  321. Twilight Saga RPG
  322. Umbrella Corp: A Resident Evil RP
  323. Unified Alliance Against Spite Claiming and Duplicate Clubs (UAASCDC)
  324. Vergil Club
  325. Villetta Fanclub
  326. Viper911 Fanclub
  327. War For The Holy Grail (a Fate RP)
  328. We Wuvies Wingzies (FreedomWingz) W.W.W
  330. Wielders Reign
  331. Winter & Spring 2025 ANIME
  332. wolf and ruseo home
  333. Wolf Babes
  334. wolfs hangout
  335. Wonderland Cafe
  336. Worlds Apart
  337. Yagami Light Fan Club
  338. Yazawa Nico Fan Club
  339. You can be my Anti-Hero ;)
  340. Youkai Academy School For Monsters
  341. Your Family RP.
  342. Your IDOL Claim Club! [Closed Until Further Notice]
  343. Z's Fanclub!!
  344. Zero's Bodyguards
  345. [Facial Hair]Sexy[/Facial Hair]
  346. [RP]Highschool Wars III <Reworking>
  347. [Spring Tournament RP]
  348. ~*MAL'S Claim an Anime Show Club*~
  349. ~Anime guys you know you want ;P <3~
  350. ~Arturo_Plateado's Fan Club~
  351. ~Bleach Rp Club~
  352. ~Emma Watson club~
  353. ~Fallen Seireitei~
  354. ~GAIA~
  355. ~Haruhi~X~Tamaki
  356. ~Honorable Villains~
  357. ~My Story~
  358. ~Request Paradise~
  359. ~Sakura Hills Fighter School RP~
  360. ~special gakuen club~
  361. ~Supreme Seireitei~ Jimi_Uchihaeyez and Special Force
  362. ~Vampire School RP~
  363. ~Vampire University Rp~
  364. ~Veneficus Magus Academy~
  365. ~World of Shadows~
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