Information Welcome to the Club. ^_^ It's for Soul Reapers/Shinigamis, Quincies, Vizards, and Espadas out there who wants to RP. The same as Bleach and the original's club but there are few differences. The seats are for you to fill without taking up the name of the actual Bleach characters and for you to create your own character for that seat. Seats are first come first serve. So, on to the rules.
<div style="text-align: center;"><strong>Rules</strong><!--center--></div>
- You must create a character
- Up to 2 characters only
- Whichever seat you are and if you want to challenge the person in the seat above you, you are allowed to do so to gain that seat and the person who loses goes one rank below.
- If you are a Captain, you will have to create the thread ONLY for your squad and if you want your own Office, you are allowed to create it.
- Espadas of the #s 0-9 are allowed to create the thread for where you stay along with your Fraccions if you chose to have a Fraccion.
- Challenges are to take place in another thread created by one of the two challengers and it's to say you vs. the opponent. (New Rule)
<strong>And overall, HAVE FUN! ^_^
P.S. I know there will be questions so ask away and we'll try to answer you asap. ^_^ So, if you have any questions you want to ask, go here: <!--link--><a href="">Administration Office</a>
<div style="text-align: center;"><u><strong><span style="color:#F63817">Character Creations</strong></u><!--center--></div><!--color--></span>
<div style="text-align: center;"><strong><!--link--><a href="">Soul Reaper Character Creation</a></strong><!--center--></div>
<div style="text-align: center;"><strong><!--link--><a href="">Vizard Character Creation</a></strong><!--center--></div>
<div style="text-align: center;"><strong><!--link--><a href="">Bounts Character Creation</a></strong><!--center--></div>
<div style="text-align: center;"><strong><!--link--><a href="">Arrancar/Espada Character Creation</a></strong><!--center--></div>
<div style="text-align: center;"><strong><!--link--><a href="">Human Character Creation</a></strong><!--center--></div>
<div style="text-align: center;"><strong>Soul Reaper/Shinigami Squads and Seats</strong><!--center--></div>
<div style="text-align: center;"><div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br><img src="" border="0" />
<span style="color:#54C571"><div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br><strong>
Division Specialty: No special duties have been noted for the 1st Division, other than their Captain being the Commander-general of the 13 Court Squad Guards.
Flower: Chrysanthemum
Meaning: Truth and Innocence</strong>
Captain: Hiro Yakashi (Kibora)
Vice Captain:
3rd Seat:
4th Seat:
5th Seat: Captain Z (deceased)<!--spoiler--></span></div>
<img src="" border="0" /><div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br><strong>
Division Specialty: No special duties have been noted for the 2nd Division, other than the 2nd Division being directly tied in with the Special Forces, each of the top 5 seated officers is in charge of a certain division of the latter. For example the 3rd Seat is in charge of the Detention Unit.
Flower: Tulip
Meaning: Seeking Nothing</strong>
Captain:Legacy Knight
Vice Captain:
3rd Seat:
4th Seat:
5th Seat:<!--color--></span><!--spoiler--></span></div>
<img src="" border="0" /><div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br><strong>
Division Specialty: No special duties have been noted for the 3rd Division.
Flower: Marigold
Meaning: Despair</strong>
Captain: Buwie Shingo (buwie) -> Vice Captain and 3rd Seat are chosen/appointed by Buwie. 4th and 5th seat are open to anyone.
Vice Captain:
3rd Seat:
4th Seat:
5th Seat:<!--spoiler--></span></div>
<img src="" border="0" /><div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br><strong>
Division Specialty: The 4th Division is the medical/supply division. They are responsible for both treating the injured and doing most manual labor such as cleaning Seireitei. The 4th Division is further divided into teams that have specific assigned jobs.
Flower: Bellflower
Meaning: Those who grieve are loved.</strong>
Vice Captain:
3rd Seat:
4th Seat:
5th Seat:<!--spoiler--></span></div>
<img src="" border="0" /><div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br><strong>
Division Specialty: They are the messenger squad of the Gotei 13, and many of its members appear to be skilled in Kidō.
Flower: Lily of the Valley
Meaning: Sacrifice, Danger, and Pure Love</strong>
Captain: Shido Sabi (Kanon_Daioh) -> Vice Captain and 3rd Seat are chosen/appointed by Shido. 4th and 5th seat are open to anyone.
Vice Captain: Ren Yasashi (ren9)
3rd Seat:
4th Seat:
5th Seat:<!--spoiler--></span></div>
<img src="" border="0" /><div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br><strong>
Division Specialty: No special duties have been noted for the 6th division.
Flower: Camellia
Meaning: Noble Reason</strong>
Vice Captain:Zero (Phntm_Knt_Zero)
3rd Seat:
4th Seat:
5th Seat:<!--spoiler--></span></div>
<img src="" border="0" /><div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br><strong>
Division Specialty: No special duties have been noted for the 7th division.
Flower: Iris
Meaning: Courage</strong>
Captain: Kinji Hayashida (HaremAllMighty)
Vice Captain:
3rd Seat:
4th Seat:
5th Seat:<!--spoiler--></span></div>
<img src="" border="0" /><div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br><strong>
Division Specialty: No special duties have been noted for the 8th division.
Flower: Bird of Paradise
Meaning: Everything is Obtained.</strong>
Captain:kaii narita(-kaiikun-)
Vice Captain:
3rd Seat:
4th Seat:
5th Seat:<!--spoiler--></span></div>
<img src="" border="0" /><div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br><strong>
Division Specialty: The 9th Division is known to be in charge of the Seireitei news magazine. All the Lieutenants of the Divisions of Gotei 13 hand in their report to them.
Flower: Buttercup
Meaning: Oblivion</strong>
Captain: Seiko (Sound_Oracle)
Vice Captain:
3rd Seat:
4th Seat:
5th Seat:<!--spoiler--></span></div>
<img src="" border="0" /><div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br><strong>
Division Specialty: No special duties have been noted for the 10th Division.
Flower: Daffodil
Meaning: Mystery and Egoism</strong>
Captain: Kaiko shoma (-BrokenHeart-)
Vice Captain:
3rd Seat:
4th Seat:
5th Seat:<!--spoiler--></span></div>
<img src="" border="0" /><div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br><strong>
Division Specialty: The Eleventh Division is the melee combat Division with a specialization in swords-only combat, forgoing the other Shinigami arts. A common theme for the Captain of the 11th Division is to take on the name Kenpachi.
Flower: Yarrow
Meaning: Fight</strong>
Captain: Zaraki Kurosaki
Vice Captain:
3rd Seat:
4th Seat:
5th Seat:<!--spoiler--></span></div>
<img src="" border="0" /><div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br><strong>
Division Specialty: No special duties have been noted for the 12th Division other than the 12th Division's connection to the Shinigami Research and Development Institute. Members are tasked with research and collection of data and samples, and the Captain is the President of the R&D Institute.
Flower: Thistle
Meaning: Vengeance, Strictness, and Independence</strong>
Captain: Conan (Antiman)
Vice Captain:
3rd Seat:
4th Seat:
5th Seat:<!--spoiler--></span></div>
<img src="" border="0" /><div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br><strong>
Division Specialty: No special duties have been noted for the 13th Division.
Flower: Summer SnowFlake
Meaning: Hope</strong>
Vice Captain:
3rd Seat:
4th Seat:
5th Seat:<!--spoiler--></span></div><!--spoiler--></span></div><!--center--></div>
<div style="text-align: center;"><strong>Espadas Ranking</strong><!--center--></div>
<div style="text-align: center;"><div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br>0 - Almaria (Zero-Morisane)
<span style="color:blue">1 - Lord Tora Sabi (Kanon_Daioh)<!--color--></span>
<span style="color:red">2 - Jin Xiayou (FuriKuri)<!--color--></span>
<span style="color:gray">3 - Infierno Sereno (G95)<!--color--></span>
<span style="color:green">4 - Saitoh Bezelheim (khmer2kid)<!--color--></span>
<span style="color:pink">5 - Alcia Rodriguez (Zero-Morisane)<!--color--></span>
<span style="color:orange">6 - Daisuke (ren9)<!--color--></span>
<span style="color:brown">7 - Jaspa Hideyo (Sheridan)<!--color--></span>
<span style="color:purple">8 - Gunxi Szec (PersonaVampire)<!--color--></span>
<span style="color:yellow">9 - <!--color--></span><!--spoiler--></span></div><!--center--></div>
<div style="text-align: center;"><strong>Bounts (nothing about power are they numbered by)</strong><div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br>
<span style="color:blue">leader:zenki(antiman)
<strong>(More places will be made if needed. Any question about Bounts ask Antiman)</strong> <!--color--></span><!--spoiler--></span></div><!--center--></div>
<span style="color:red"><strong>NEWS FROM JINKAZUYA, if there's anyone who wants to know something or want anything added that you would like to have post it in here, <!--link--><a href="">Administration Office</a>, and I will converse with the other Admins and when we come to a conclusion we'll let you know. ^_^</strong><!--color--></span>
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![]() Club Stats
Members: 97
Pictures: 1
Category: Other
Created: Aug 20, 2010
Club Staff
antiman (Secretary) G95 (Secretary) ren9 (Secretary) Sasuke_Hugo (Secretary) Kanon_Daioh (Officer) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. Anime Relations Manga Relations Character Relations