Information New Years Cleaning Check List
- Re-evaluate Officers/Admins [ ]
- Re-evaluate Club Goals in the club description [ ]
- Update discussions [ ]
- Update relevant information [x]
This club originally was meant as a software club but I'm going to expand it to software in general with a focus on whatever is needed. In particular my own focus will be on programming and software, originally it was just general help on software.
To help realize this I have changed some things around.
1) The Club name...aka I accidentally changed it and I assume I typed it differently.
2) The Club Description - With a focus on software applications I have changed it to software in general
3) Private -> Public Club - After considering, this is a club that is meant to help others and provide a learning environment for others. Having members needing to ask and only officers to invite goes against this so I have moved to a Public club. Now anyone can join and invite others to join.
4) Forum Posts - I have moved to allow non-members to post on this club. Having an exclusive club also goes against the goals I set for this club and as such I believe anyone should be able to post, not just members.
_Updated [2017-01-04]_
Club Members Club Pictures
Displaying 5 of 10 topics | See All Club Discussion
Club Comments
![]() Club Stats
Members: 474
Pictures: 6
Category: Other
Created: May 5, 2009
Club Staff
TheUnknownMerc (President) aoikishu (Secretary) Leah (Secretary) TheWanderingEye (Secretary) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |