Maid, Butler and Master RP Club

Ever joined an rp club with maids, butlers and masters, ready to roleplay to your heart's content? And then you find out that no one is active on there anymore? It's like trying to play catch or soccer with yourself; fun for about 5 minutes(if that) but for the most part, pretty freakin boring, right? Well never fear, that is why this club is here! Sure, it's not that flashy, but I'm workin on it. Bear with me and together we will try to not be one of those clubs that die fast!!! And having fun would be a plus, too. Welcome to the Maid, Butler and Master RP Club!!! <span style="color:green">~~~~~~~~~<!--color--></span> Well heres an update. I have been gone for a while and now Im back(yaaay!) and I would like to start appointing club officers. I anyone is interested in helping me keep this club alive and well, please go to this thread and see the details. <a href="" target="_blank"></a> Also, Im getting kind of tired of this layout(anyone agree?), so Im going to try and change it up now that Ive learned a bit about the cool tools for editing on photobucket. It wont happen all at once, mind you, but I will try my best and make it look presentable. Look foreward to them! Story so far: <!--link--><a href="">Prologue~Please read this</a> Create your characters here below. <!--link--><a href="">Maids</a> <img src="" border="0" /> <!--link--><a href="">Butlers</a> <img src="" border="0" /> <!--link--><a href="">Masters</a> <img src="" border="0" /> <!--link--><a href="">Normal People</a> <img src="" border="0" /> Oh, and another thing. If while creating your character you want to give them powers, make them not human, or anything like that, by all means please do! That'll make the rping so much more exciting!!! <span style="color:green">~~~~~~~~~~<!--color--></span> After making your character, decide where youll be living. <!--link--><a href=""><img src="" border="0" /></a> <span style="color:green"> moving on~~~~~<!--color--></span> Ill put in some rules as soon as I come up with them. Dont worry, I wont be strict. I just dont want there to be more confusion as to how to separate mansion from mansion, maid from butler, and all that jazz. Believe me, I dont like rules either, but sometimes there has to be some kind of limits to avoid misunderstandings. Here are the rules so far!!! <span style="color:purple">1. You can cuss, but not every 5 seconds unless it is your characters personality. 2. Invite anybody you want. 3. Your character can be a neko, vampire, mage, etc. with powers, weapons, fighting expreience etc. and will be accepted as soon as you post your character. 4. If you wanna fight, then take it to the courtyards unless its okay with the owner that half their house gets shattered. 5. The mansions will be a meter or two apart from eachother so visiting people at their mansions is more convenient. 6. Its okay to have more than one as long as you label which one you are at the time of your post. 7.Its okay to post another RPer as your maid, butler, or master as long as you have the consent of said RPer That is all I can think of right now. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this. Enjoy RPing~~~<!--color--></span>

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Displaying 5 of 21 topics | See All
Club Discussion
Regular characters
yukinothekoneko - Dec 20, 2009
5 repliesby Sam_the_proxy »»
Jun 16, 2014 1:49 AM
Living arrangements
yukinothekoneko - Dec 21, 2009
13 repliesby LylithHellborne »»
Dec 27, 2013 4:54 AM
Maid Characters
yukinothekoneko - Dec 20, 2009
10 repliesby LylithHellborne »»
Dec 27, 2013 4:39 AM
Men's Hot Springs
yukinothekoneko - Dec 21, 2009
3 repliesby hellsing34 »»
Jul 21, 2011 10:57 PM
Pairings, for lack of a better word...
haninozukahinako - Feb 11, 2010
4 repliesby hellsing34 »»
Jul 21, 2011 7:48 PM

Club Comments
snowbunny13 | May 22, 2014 7:48 AM
hello *blush

yumiyukifan1 | Nov 16, 2013 6:50 AM
Ima new user but I'll join..don't mind my noobish ways xD

futaluver | Jul 2, 2011 3:22 AM
This club looks sleepy :( Well i've joined anyways cause it looks like a good place <3

spyro4ever | Mar 7, 2011 8:59 PM

ASCIt | Mar 6, 2011 8:29 PM
Also, welcome.

ASCIt | Mar 6, 2011 8:12 PM
Not sure if slowly dieing is correct. It's more like the place is a zombie that just sort of sits here until we remember to look again.

spyro4ever | Feb 24, 2011 1:51 AM
Hi I just joined.

blacksama | Feb 10, 2011 8:46 AM
club slowly dieing

Club Stats
Members: 200
Pictures: 13
Category: Anime
Created: Dec 20, 2009

Club Staff
yukinothekoneko (President)
ASCIt (Secretary)
haninozukahinako (Secretary)

Club Type
This is a public club.
Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not.

Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here.

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