Information <div style="text-align: center;"> <span style="color:purple">
<li>Name: Dj
<li>Age: I'm 17 years old.
<li>Favoitive things to do: I like to draw/ sketch. I also like to cook and bake. I swim daily and of course I love anime and manga
<li>Favoitie Food: Her answer was "Umm I don't really have one I like lots of things ^_^"""
<li>Dislikes: Liars, ppl who starts drama, ppl who spread rumors, ppl who yell at her for no reason, if someone hurt her family or her mal family
<li>Race: vampire :[ i want to suck you blood! :[
<li>About dj: she is very nice n lovable, she is sweet n kind to alots of ppl n always try her hardness in school. She work for As n Bs all the time in school n she support her sis in swimming n she swims herself. Plus she is a shy but fun girl so plz be nice^^
<li>What she like to be when she grows up: She wish to become a Lawyer/ diplomat.
<li>Her year in school: Um.... what else.... I'm goin into my senior year of high school...and.... im in alot of clubs and lot of things with school.
<li><u> My MAL family
Some pretty cool videos :D
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some of my favorite songs :D
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Members: 125
Pictures: 8
Category: Other
Created: Nov 9, 2009
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overlord-dante (President) -amaya- (Secretary) Tamoball (Secretary) Xxxemo-angelxxX (Secretary) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |