Information <span style="color:red"><span style="font-size: 130%;">Overhaul of the front page comming soon<!--size--></span><!--color--></span> meant to give it more organization.
<em>I figure there should be place to rp when you want to, even when no one is around.</em>
<span style="color:darkblue"><span style="font-size: 160%;"> Time skip: 130 Years Later!!<!--size--></span><!--color--></span>
<div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br>
<span style="color:darkgreen"><span style="font-size: 130%;"> It has been 130 years since the destruction of the human city, Gornacaust, by dragons secretly controlled by manipulative power hungry vampire. As the dragons were killed by humans. The vampire went into hiding, to veiw the affect of his dastardly works. For decades as the humans rebuilt their city, they had lived in fear of the sky. It was only through the courage of one who bore dragon blood to make them see and a way into peace. The vampire's location is still unknown.
The winged girl of legend who brought the dead, dragon and human alike to life, who's kindness and determination has never been outmatched yet, was separated from her companion over the enchanting forest of the north of which the lonely guardians stood watch. The guardian of the silver forest still keeps watch, ever waiting for her heart to be set free.
The dragon rider, the dragon blooded hero of gornacaust could not find his angel winged companion. After a year of searching, he had to go back to the human capital. There, he helped rebuild the city and taught them not to fear the sky. He became a leader and a statue in the square was placed in his honor. His blood allowed him to live a longer life but he was still mortal, passing only recently from a fatal wound, leaving behind decendents that have the same dragon blood and who could speak to and ride dragons.
The elven forest has still been unenterable by anyone, anyone who enters there never is seen again. It is said, only the elves who know the way are able to enter and live. The former queen of the elves who was challenged and banished from her throne still wanders the tranquil plains and the places of the world, in sorrow and in doubt, and only the immortal life of the elves keeping her from dying in greif.
This is 130 years into the future, who knows what light and darkness will awaken!!! The story continues...
<!--size--></span> <!--color--></span>
<span style="font-size: 140%;"> Note!!! YOU MUST READ! <!--size--></span>
<div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br> I need the people who were rping the most in the last days of this club to pm me their character's story, as in what they were doing, what happened in 130 years, where are they now, and do they have decendents? So I can update the time skip details to include this in the history.
Those people include:
<span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Aurion<!--strike--></span>
<span style="text-decoration:line-through;">WolfWarrior<!--strike--></span>
and others, you know who you are
<img src="" border="0" />
<span style="color:cornflowerblue"><span style="font-size: 130%;">Like the title says this is a fantasy rp, you can rp as anything you would like to ^_^, do almost anything you would like to.<!--size--></span><!--color--></span>
<span style="font-size: 120%;"><span style="color:orange"><u><strong>Rules:</strong></u><!--color--></span><!--size--></span>
<div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br>
1. No fighting outside threads lol though comic fights of short nature is ok. ANY Fights that cause drama will result in temporary or perminent ban
2. Ask either I or the admins before making a new thread.<span style="color:red"><span style="font-size: 120%;">Admins!!:<!--size--></span><!--color--></span> please pm me if someone requested a new thread from you. You don't need my approval to approve them. I just want to know. thanks.
3. Respect others, and if that means keeping your thoughts and hands to yourself, do so.
4. No god-modding or overpowering yourself.<span style="color:red">That means you cant control all the elements!!No death touch and no cheap tricks like permenent paralysis, there has to be a time limit. you can't be a god<!--color--></span>
5. No spamming, spammers will get yelled at.
6. Make sure your character is approved before you rp, please!
7. Have fun!
-Abide by the thread rules!- If the thread says only good allowed, then if your character is evil, you cant post there. Such as the fairy sanctuary, only characters who are of light and good nature can enter there.
-Also your character can't be in more than two threads at the same time (including those with instant teleportation or super speed or cloning, or limited time warp.)
---- Note: because of the time skip you are allowed 2 more characters, IF you choose to have your characters be deceased from the 130year skip. IF you choose to keep one of your characters that counts as one of your 2 main.
----There will also be a non main character (NPC) sign up (soon). They are killable and NOT exempt from character power regulations. You can have as many NPC's as you like, but you can only control one per arc/area climax/story climax.
<span style="color:green">The rules are there so that things go smoothly ^_^; please follow the rules, while I still have only one gray hair. Read them.<!--color--></span>
<span style="color:red"><span style="font-size: 120%;">WARNING, any pictures not pertaining to the theme of fantasy WILL BE REMOVED!!!<!--size--></span><!--color--></span> (if you think the pic is ify then send it to the creator, and you shall get an answer)
<span style="font-size: 120%;"><span style="color:blue"><u>Characters</u><!--color--></span><!--size--></span>
<div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br>
Character name (Username)
Name: Akira (broly294)
Race: Half angel/half demon
Name: Light (Wolftigerking)
Race: Angel
Name: Artemis (Xxshaku-chanxX)
Race: Angel
Name- Mikazuki Morie (stryker15)
Race- Vampire
Name: Ryuu (dragonlord0593)
Race: Half-dragon
Name:Kyo (Zeadrick)
Race: Archangel
Name: Kira (RhytmxBeat)
Race: Half human/half demon
Name: Ali (Drrakkarr)
Race: Human
Name: Ramzeke Leviathan (Ramzeke)
Race: Wood Elf
Name: Niko (Niko_Hakubi)
Race: Half human/half yoma (demon)
Name: Tyrano (tyrano1402)
Race: Demon
Name: ??? (GrimReaper2M)
Race: ??? (humanoid shape)
Name: Margrethe (Vonkejser)
Race: Valkyrie
Name: Hedgehog B. Rebecca (Hedgie-chan)
Race: Cyborg
Name: Angie (Cutieangel)
Race: Vampire
Name:Akane (Blackdeath89)
Race: Half angel/half human
Name: Zel (Kirzel034)
Race: Half angel/half grim reaper
Name: Zang (Zang3t5u)
Race: Half human/half angel
Name: Wulf (Beowulf-)
Race: Werewolf
Name: Nirika (Raykina)
Race: Vampire
Name: Amelia (9000Miles)
Race: Death God
Name: Tenshi (Kiyomigirl)
Race: Half human/half angel
Name: Milly (xTheMentalist)
Race: Angel
Name: Dark (Darkdragon)
Race: Demon
Name: Sheep (Shepperoni)
Race: Half human/half demon
Name: Mei (Blueruby)
Race: Wind Spirit
Name: Falis (LacusClyne_Sama)
Race: Vampire
Name: Mike Sorry (Mike10)
Race: Werewolf
Name: Hawkeye (unohana)
Race: Elf
Name: Alice (JinxedFox)
Race: Fox Demon
Name: Konagra (anime-luv336)
Race: white wolf
Name: Hunni-chan (Hunnibunni)
Race: Demon
name: Dante (baxter09)
Race: Ancient vampire
Name: Rector (Linette)
Name: Spooky (Spooky13)
Race: Demon
Name: Tsuki (x_yuka_x)
Race: Doppleganger
Name: Zosine Shiraka (Zero-Morisane)
Race: Half human/half demon.
Name: Kratos (Aurion)
Race: Dragon rider
Name: Kira (Kannei)
Race: Ayakashi (half vampire/half demon)
Name: Zwolf (Wolfwar)
Race: Wolf demon
Name: Kazuki_Niwa (Nguyenkid)
Race: Empath
Name: Cutter (D-V)
Race: Unknown
Name: Daichi Aozora (DaiNew)
Race: Human
Name: Paladin Solo (MajorKusunagi)
Race: Human Knight
Name: Tai (DoragonKaze)
Race: Human
Name : Last Standing (Thunderknight50)
Race : Half human/half demon
Name: Nero Czan (Neronian)
Race: Human
Name: Alexander Kolovski (Kazuki_Takahara)
Race: Human
Name: Miya Railgun (Another_railgun)
Race: Half Human/half Witch
Name: Sapphire (x-Melon-chan-x)
Race: Vampire/Human
Name: Rosemary (rose_of_hearts)
Name: Amble (trytosmile)
Race: neko
Name: Mikinu, Keishi (sweetchan14)
Race: Angel
Name: Shuna (unohana)
Race: unknown
Name: Tsubaki (bloodrain)
Race: unknown
Name: Mizore (Hime-sama)
Race: half werwolf/half vampire
Name: Nightfall (hawkeye_)
Race: leopard
Name: Nathan (BlazingDevil)
Race: Half Demon
Name: Pixie (Tsubasafan)
Race: Angel
Name: Anna (x-Melon-chan-x)
Race: Vampire
Name: Buwie (Buwie)
Race: Half angel/half wolf
Name: Satsugami (VivioTakamachi)
Race: Fallen angel
Name: Assassin (Assassin_Creed)
Race: Human, shape shifter
Name: Kanou (Arashi_Eishima)
Race: vampire
Name: Mephisto (gayasiankitten)
Race: dog
Name: Hikari Asakura( asianxweirdo)
Race: Human
Name: Arthas (Miharu101)
Race: Lich
Name: Lyza (asianvampbabble)
Race: vampire elf
Name: Kenshi nadare (Codename_Reaper)
Race: unknown
Name: Rin (Wolflover777)
Race: Wolf
<span style="color:blue">2010<!--color--></span>
Name: Alaria (kitty_ninja)
Race: half angel/ half cyborg
Name: Kate (kate_risa)
Race: neko
Name: Reina (Ichimaru-senpai)
Race: half vampire/ half angel
Name: Honey (Honey_)
Race: human
Name: Kusay (WolfWarrior)
Race: Vampire/werewolf/angel/demon
Name: Ruseo (Ruseo)
Race: demon
Name: unkown (keykeeper94)
Race: half vampire/half human
Name: Khrono (FuriKuri)
Race: werewolf
Name: Sorano (NinjaxChick)
Race: angel
Name: Haruka (Fai_D_Flourite)
Race: tengu
Name: Ain (Ain_loves_leo)
Race: vampire
Name: Szec Dahn (PersonaVampire)
Race: demon
Name: Yumekochou Tsukiakai (Tsukiakai)
Race: butterfly demon
Name: Ikuto Tsukyomi (Mika001
Race: demon neko
Name: lucia valentine (iLoveJigoku)
Race: human
Name: Aya (NekoChan89)
Race: Ice dragon
Name: Konata (Dark_pichu)
Race: neko
Name: lincora (majorkusanagi)
Race: fox demon
Name: riku (baxter09)
Race: dragon
Name: Anya (FemmeFatale)
Race: Sorceress
Name: Sen (SinisterRose)
Race: wolf/demon/vampire
Name: Silverys (lys0girl)
Race: mermaid
Name: Shifter Unit Grade A Tuvar Strata (Shifter-Rage)
Race: Bio-mechanical nano shifter
Name: yuri (Himelily8)
Race: sprite
Name: Svetlana (laceddager)
Race: woodland sprite/fairy
Name: Felicia (Drrakkar)
Race: were-bengal tiger
Name: Hatari Namito (XxAoisxXHellxX)
Race: fairy/fallen angel
Name: Chrono (Zeadrick)
Race: jewel summoner
Name: Horizon (DarkstarDemon)
Race: vampire
Name: D-V"puppet master" (D-V)
Race: puppet
Name: Cikos (Nahki)
Race: human
Name: Miyu (Miyuki_Okami)
Race: human
Name: Erii (AnIiTwInK3)
Race: fairy
Name: Anemy (Anemy)
Race: vampire
Name: Chika tanaka (Aaya)
Race: demon
Name: Ankoku (Kaiza)
Race: human
Name: Joey/Jojo (coconut22)
Race: half human
Name: Ryuhada Serpenbane (kalitas7894)
Race: Dragon-kin
Name: Abiel Osmasaul (kazuki_takara)
Race: grim angel
Name: Nerina (ShiroYuki1)
Race: half human/half mermaid
Name: kanama-san (kanama-san)
Race: fox demon
Name: Liza Kamen (silverfang345)
Race: Nyx
<span style="color:darkblue"><u>NEW Character List</u> (after the time skip)<!--color--></span>
<div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br>
Chloe (spyroforever)
Human/dragon hybrid
Anastasia -ana- Lockheart (Zero Morisane)
Nezra Von Kayne (Zero Morisane)
Kusay (WolfWarrior)
Angel/wolf/ Vampire/ Demon
Matthew Acanthus (Retr0 R0b0 5000)
Risa (Kisa28)
Demon wolf
Hawkeye (unohana)
Caelil Baequinddare (ipartynaked13)
Viper (Viper911)
Safa (Safaridor)
Tyrano (tyrano)
Sai (Sariento_Ichi)
<span style="color:purple">^_^ invite your friends too, if you want to play with them.<!--color--></span>
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Club Comments
![]() Club Stats
Members: 363
Pictures: 15
Category: Other
Created: Nov 4, 2009
Club Staff
unohana (President) aquielleoz (Secretary) aurion (Secretary) baxter09 (Secretary) hawkeye_ (Secretary) Safaridor (Secretary) Wolflover777 (Secretary) WolfWarrior (Secretary) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |