The movie RP is like it says a RP for movies to start the first 2 weeks is where we find pur cast then we try to develope a storyboard and then that movie is 'shot' for 2 weeks during those two weeks we will be find the cast for the next movie.
1.If you are picked for a lead role you may only have 1 charcter.
2.If you are picked for a supporting actor you may have two charcters.
3.Try and make sure the movie makes sense.
4.If you are picked for anything less then a supporting actor you may have 4 charcters.
5.If it's an action movie no god modding.
6.If you are not picked to play a part we are terribly sorry and maybe next time.
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Members: 18
Pictures: 0
Category: Other
Created: Dec 22, 2011
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