Villetta Fanclub

If you liked seeing Villetta Nu in Code Geass, then this is the club for you! Villetta Nu (ヴィレッタ・ヌゥ) * Age: 26 * Zodiac Sign: Gemini * Blood Type: B An elite Knightmare Frame pilot and a Purist, who appears to be more collected than Jeremiah in battle. She was one of the first to have been under the power of Geass' influence and is one of the few still loyal to Jeremiah even after his fall in disgrace. Shortly after gaining the power of Geass, Lelouch uses it to make Villetta relinquish her Knightmare, leaving her confused as to what happened. Though she dismisses it at first, she begins to suspect Lelouch after Jeremiah experiences similar memory loss after odd behavior. <div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br> When Jeremiah is supposedly killed during the Battle of Narita, Villetta steps up her attempts to find the connection between Lelouch and Zero with the help of Shirley Fenette. After discovering that Lelouch is Zero, Shirley shoots Villetta to protect Lelouch, causing amnesia. She is found by Kaname Ohgi, with whom she lives for a time. He gives her the name Chigusa (チグサ) for lack of her real name. The two fall in love, but after regaining her memory at the end of the season, Villetta is disgusted at the thought that she ever loved an Eleven. She confronts him during the Black Rebellion and reveals her true identity, then shoots him in the stomach. In the second season, her knowledge of Zero's identity and of his Geass has earned a title of nobility. She is employed by Britannian Intelligence to observe Lelouch for contact with C.C. at Ashford Academy, using the cover identity of a gym teacher. Villetta still seems to have feelings for Ohgi, breathing a sigh of relief when he is saved from his execution before quickly regaining her normal composure. After discovering their previous relationship, Lelouch uses the knowledge to blackmail her into hiding the fact he has recovered his memories. When Lelouch leaves to attack the Geass Directorate, Villetta goes to the Chinese Federation to confront Ohgi, intending to kill him to eliminate her links to the Elevens. She hesitates when Ohgi admits his love for her. She is captured after an altercation with Sayoko, but is eventually released and convinces Ohgi of Zero's treachery. She remains with the Black Knights following this. It is revealed that she is pregnant with Ohgi's child and she remains on Horai Island when the Black Knights depart to battle Lelouch. At the end of the series, she is married to Ohgi. <!--spoiler--></span></div> Here are some Villetta Banners! <div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'block';'none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="'none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br> <img src="" border="0" /> <img src="" border="0" /> <img src="" border="0" /> TWO excellent Villetta banners thanks to Zakuraru: <img src="" border="0" /> <img src="" border="0" /> And another set of amazing banners by edge_666: <img src="" border="0" /> <img src="" border="0" /> <!--spoiler--></span></div> Please join our affiliate, the We Love Shirley club! <!--link--><a href=""><img src="" border="0" /></a> and, the LelouchxShirley Fanclub! <!--link--><a href=""><img src="" border="0" /></a> To easily put one of our nifty Villetta Banners on your profile page, just copy and paste this onto your profile: [url = <a href="" target="_blank"></a>][/url] Make sure to remove all the spaces from the above code for it to work! Or, you can substitute the link to the picture with the link from one of the many other banners above.

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Club Discussion
Why do you like Villetta?
removed-user - Dec 17, 2008
4 repliesby hsingh »»
Jul 4, 2011 11:43 AM
The Member Card Thread ( 1 2 )
removed-user - Sep 10, 2009
80 repliesby Roloko »»
Nov 23, 2010 9:19 PM
More Villetta Pictures
removed-user - Oct 30, 2008
25 repliesby Roloko »»
Oct 30, 2010 5:06 PM
The Graphics Thread
_edge_ - Nov 10, 2008
11 repliesby Hannah_Ana »»
Jun 24, 2010 7:28 AM
Completed Member Cards
_edge_ - Sep 14, 2009
1 repliesby _edge_ »»
Sep 14, 2009 7:56 AM

Club Comments
Roloko | May 25, 2020 9:26 PM
Well anywho I like their wedding in the manga version of Resurrection a lot better.

I have to admit I no longer like Ougi or the Villetta x Ougi pairing (which is why I deleted my old posts I blame my best friend on tumblr whos account is long dead for my heel turn cause Ougi was legit the only character he hated in the entire show), but I can understand what they were going a interracial marriage between a Japanese (Former 11) and a Britannian.

I hope in future chapters she is present more since the manga is a bridge from the ending of the TV series (not the trilogy movies) to the Resurrection movie. I really like the way she is drawn in this manga.


I want to make a Shamna fanclub, but clubs are pretty much not as in as they were back in the early 10s it seems most of mine are dead with the exception of a few.

Fayto | Mar 13, 2011 10:30 PM
I like her a lot too. So pretty <3 I haven't seen people hating on her before though...weird.

Roloko | Mar 13, 2011 10:00 PM
Sucks that this place is pretty much dead Villetta is one of my favorite female characters in Code Geass next to Milly and Corns too bad the places I go to she is hated on alot for behind the betrayal with Oughi.

Roloko | Oct 26, 2010 12:07 PM
Villetta is freaking hot with her hair down that is all.

Fayto | Aug 24, 2010 3:19 AM
Happens at a lot of clubs. Pretty much normal these days, annoying as it may be. /shrug

DeadBonesBrook | Aug 24, 2010 1:16 AM
Still, it doesn't count out the fact that there are still requests being made, but no card maker to make them.

Fayto | Aug 24, 2010 12:44 AM

DeadBonesBrook | Aug 24, 2010 12:23 AM
Hah, I like how nobody's gotten their member cards yet.

Club Stats
Members: 315
Pictures: 25
Category: Characters
Created: Oct 10, 2008

Club Staff
_edge_ (Secretary)
DeviantMugen (Officer)
Reiku_Sai (Officer)

Club Type
This is a public club.
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Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here.

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