Vinland Saga
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Vinland Saga

Alternative Titles

Japanese: ヴィンランド・サガ
English: Vinland Saga
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Type: Manga
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Apr 13, 2005 to ?
Genres: Action Action, Adventure Adventure, Award Winning Award Winning, Drama Drama
Theme: Historical Historical
Demographic: Seinen Seinen
Serialization: Afternoon
Authors: Yukimura, Makoto (Story & Art)


Score: 9.081 (scored by 141677141,677 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #72
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #17
Members: 327,986
Favorites: 35,847

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Both are violent and got nicely done action scenes and interesting flashbacks. Berserk is set in a more fantasy medieval world while Vinland Saga follows the life of Danish Vikings. Berserk Golden age part is very similar to Vinland saga, both is about a strong young boy who is a part of a mercenary group and got full respect from the leader who gives him the most important missions. The art in the two are very close, tho Vinland Saga is a more clean while Berserk is more sketchy and more detailed. 
reportRecommended by exylex
Both are historical mangas with a great focus on the details to each titles respective eras, the detail is so good that sometimes it will make you wonder if these titles were produced and or directed by members of the history channel, discovery channel or national geographic. Both titles show considerable amount of action and violence and both titles don't make use of super powers or special moves but rather focus on technique to keep the action going (although vinland saga has some characters that posses super human strength)  
reportRecommended by kuglefang
The concept of warfare with involvement of a main protagonist in conflicts strikes a cord throughout both series. There is the theme of revenge explored and intent to gain vengeance. At the same time, characters are well fleshed out with clever writing and details. They also earn both friends and allies throughout their experiences. Although Vinland Saga takes on a more adventurous journey, both series' setting has historical landscapes with rich details. Recommended for fans of historical action and drama. 
reportRecommended by Stark700
Well both of then are set in the Middle Ages and have interesting storylines. Although Ookami no Kuchi is a little bit tragic, its still a great read and will appeal to the readers if Vinland Saga becuase both stories are about vengence and retribution. 
reportRecommended by Gangankuroi-sama
Otoyomegatari and Vinland Saga has familiar historical context and also contains some mature themes with its story. Both series are also known for their character growth. While their storytelling aren't similar, they both feature a memorable story about its character themes in particular with relationships and their lives. 
reportRecommended by Stark700
-Both are absolutely brutal and gruesome historical dramas. -They both have very intense, bloody action filled fight scenes. -They both have casts of characters that are pursuing a certain goal. -The characters in both series undergo very long journeys that take unexpected twists and turns. 
reportRecommended by alpha_shadow
Both have a historical context. However while the focus in Historie is more on the intellect of Eumedes and the historical context, Vinland Saga focusses more on the battles, suffering and development of the main character. However if you like either one I am pretty sure you will find the other one entertaining as well :-) 
reportRecommended by roger007
Grand existential adventure action manga set in medieval times that speaks to the human condition with strong interpersonal relationships. Vinland Saga is 100% more violent though. 
reportRecommended by TheNoobAtThis
The main character of each story wants revenge for the death of a family member. Both stories have lots of action and are well written. 
reportRecommended by Jackson_H
The thing that these both mangas has in common are the leading personages - young boys that got separated from their familys in a weary young age and people around them involve them in their illegal affairs. If we take into account that both mangas are done by different artists the illustrations are identical. 
reportRecommended by Dille
Magi and Vinland Saga explores an epic adventure with great storytelling. Both series has war themes that has influenced many characters' past, present, and future. The main male protagonist from both series has a troubling past but hopes to build a better future for themselves. From the start of the present story, they travel and becomes involved in dangerous circumstances. However, they also meet others along the way that they befriend and learn more about the world around them. As such, expect a lot of world building as well as characterization. Both series also has themes of revenge. 
reportRecommended by Stark700
Written by the same author, they have the exact same character design and character development and stories are somewhat similar even though the settings are really different. 
reportRecommended by Jacut
Have historical theme,violence and war. 
reportRecommended by Melisandre
1) Both stories are set in a medieval setting 2) Both main character's parents were murdered by mercenaries 3) Both main character growth to get vengeance 4) Both main character are cold and focused 5) Both main character are very strong 
reportRecommended by Kiakrre
Do you like historical fiction, gorgeous artwork, bone-shattering violence, and philosophical brooding? If yes, then here are your manga. 
reportRecommended by PowerUpOrDie
Both have similar redemption arcs, both seek revenge for their family members. Both have vows of non-violence and grows the main characters across many chapters 
reportRecommended by Ships_R_Us
in innocent the mc is fragile and weak, but with each chapter, he grows stronger, his concept changes, sees the world in a different light. in vinland saga, the mc is reckless, brave to a fault, but hes strong gotta give him that. but he also progresses to become wiser and some might say even stronger. they're both graphic. oh and they're both historical with a touch of fiction which is the case for most historical mangas 
reportRecommended by Fapiano
Ichigeki is the Vinland Saga of the Edo period, with mercenaries, sword fights and peasants, even though the MC of Ichigeki is more of and anti-hero than a hero like Askeladd.  
reportRecommended by txrxgxu
While both manga have their differences, they are surprisingly similar. Both are historical and have a message of nonviolence. Kenshin and Thorfinn have almost identical backstories. SPOILER: However, while in Rurouni Kenshin we are introduced to Kenshin, who has already come to his decision to embrace a pacifist lifestyle, Vinland Saga is about how Thorfinn arrives at the same conclusion. Both manga are top quality with an enticing plot, wonderful characters and great action sequences. However, it's important to note that Rurouni Kenshin is shounen and Vinland Saga is seinen. If you're new, that means that RK is aimed to an audience of younger teenagers  read more 
reportRecommended by eccomi
the first 55 chapters of vinland saga reminds me alot about juujika cuz theyre both about a child wanting revenge for their parent/parents and theyre both kinda gore 
reportRecommended by sinanC
Both historical manga involving children with talent for fighting in ancient Europe. They are surrounded by misery and extreme violence in a world were slavery, political conspiracy, greed and wars are prevalent. Unfortunatly the roman boxer Cestvs is really underexposed so if you enjoyed Vinland saga, think about giving Cestvs a chance one of these days.. 
reportRecommended by MichaelJackson
If one is looking for manga with historical settings outside Japan, then "Vinland Saga" and "Me and the Devil Blues" are top options. Richly-detailed artwork and writing capture the look/feel of the medieval Nordic countries and the Depression-era Southern US. The authors certainly did their research on these foreign times and places. 
reportRecommended by Quetzal_dactylus
Both are historical fictions, both stories are about MCs creating humanity in savage eras in Europe & in China. In Vinland Saga 1st arc, MC takes a defending village where it was previously difficult for an entire army. In Bokkou 1st arc, MC successfully defends a city with the help of 1000 villagers against a 13k army. In Vinland saga, after all the problems MC wants to create a peaceful country in unreached land called America & In Bokkou after seeing many wars, MC goes to unreached island called Japan. Before they reach their goals they see similar things like foolish kings, slavery, wars, etc. Art  read more 
reportRecommended by hmmer
Both anime's main point is showing the growth of characters, similiar to Vinland Saga. Both Rudeus and Thorfinn shows big character developments in the series, both mentally and physically. 
reportRecommended by PattisL
Vinland Saga and Madou no Keifu (truth weavers) share similar ideas and assessments about about war and violence, with characters struggling to have pacifist ideals in a cruel world. 
reportRecommended by elvishawk
Fullmetal Alchemist and Vinland Saga both follow the story of a boy that get's dragged into a military association after the loss of a close one. Also note that both protagonists (Edward Elric and Thorfinn) both joined their respective ''army'' so that they could achieve their own personal goal. And lastly, these two stories take place in ''Europe''.  
reportRecommended by lysanthrope
The MCs in both Mangas go through significant development, and yet are polar opposites. While Kaneki wavers between his original kind self and the emotionless, crazy side that turns on when he flips his switch, Thorfinn continues down his path towards redemption without ever straying. Vinland Saga starts out as an action-packed historical adventure, then becoming a simpler story where he seeks to achieve his dream as peacefully as possible, while Kaneki abandons that side of him to change things the hard way -- because he lives in a cruel world he has to be just as cruel. Thorfinn goes against that logic, and despite  read more 
reportRecommended by Animer05
Both have great protag with similarities of having really heavy character development. SBR and Vinland are 2 of the greatest pieces of fiction I've ever read. 
reportRecommended by AFGR16
MC goes for revenge at a young age. Suffering everyday for their revenge. However, it comes differently than expected. They then go through many changes and are looking for the way through life for them. 
reportRecommended by Dustyacer
Both Manga have similar seems of Pacifism in brutal worlds although they have different character start points I really believe that their the seems overlap a lot especially towards the end of maximum and the middle of Vinland Saga 
reportRecommended by KuroGFX
Just as brutal and descriptive, very different stories but if you enjoy one you will enjoy the other. Slightly more gore and tragedy in Vinland. Vinland is not finished. 
reportRecommended by OKusernameihope
Who loves revenge stories. Journeys about beloved getting revenge on an organization or individual. Green blood is sorta similar to a revenge story like Vinland Saga except for the setting. The setting takes place in the reconstruction era in the U.S. It has a lot of action and the characters go on a journey like Vinland Saga to carry out their mission Without saying anything else it's a good and short read.  
reportRecommended by lumi-nescent
Both are set in Europe, during the middle ages (yet, Divci valka starts in Central Europe a few decades prior the early modern period, while Vinland Saga starts in northern Europe). Main characters are kids (Thorfinn and Sarka) who enroll in the army after experiencing some traumatic event involving their families and their physical integrity (in case of Sarka). Both kids will follow some experienced mentor with brains for war: Zizka and Askeladd. Their methods are, of course, controversial. Both kids develope some talent for war: Thorfinn for close range dual wield and knife throwing, and Sarka, with early european firearm. 
reportRecommended by MichaelJackson
Protagonist born into violent times has a gift for fighting but starts to prefer trying to make peace with the antagonists instead. Reader is likely to enjoy the Vinland Saga's take on this storyline more though. 
reportRecommended by abystoma2
While they are very different Thorfinn could be considered one of Fuuta's past lives. At least that is what I felt while reading Spirit Circle. They center around revenge, and have great character development as the main matures. Sometimes for the worst and other times for the better. If you are like me and enjoy the past stories of Fuuta Okeya you will love Vinland Saga. If you enjoyed vinland saga and the roller coaster life Thorfinn lived you may also enjoy Spirit Circle. 
reportRecommended by MinM66
"Anuki"'s atmosphere is similar to that of "Vinland Saga". Moreover, both main characters have lost their fathers at a young age. They are also very determined and strong-willed. Finally, both series have a war theme. 
reportRecommended by Zakuro1
While Vinland Saga takes longer time to establish it's ultimate themes and morals it is not too unlike Buddha. Both main characters live to see great deal of war and destruction and how it effects the world around them and develop their own philosophy of pacifism to either change the world for the better or to save victims who have lost their place in the merciless world. 
reportRecommended by Drugzy
Both series adapts a war-like atmosphere as the main characters experiences loss and sense of tragedy early on in the story. Their experiences causes them to develop strong motivations as warriors and throughout both series, we follow their epic journey. Both series has war themes in their time of era. At the same time, there is historical content and adventure-like feeling with a decent amount of world building.  
reportRecommended by Stark700
Both have great pseudo-historical stories, art in both of them extremely detailed. Characters are likable, but in Vinland they are better developed throughout the stody. 
reportRecommended by Sicilian
Even though ''Vinland Saga'' is about Vikings, and ''Vinland'' is way more serious, in some scenes ''Sengoku'' battles give off the same ''vibe''. 
reportRecommended by Torff
Both have historical settings. Vinland Saga deals with Vikings while Toujuushi Bestialius (thta's quite a mouthful to pronounce) deals with Romans In both titles a certain Japanese touch is added to very western ideas. In Vinland Saga there are warriors with superhuman strength while the other has a wyvern and several other demi-humans Both contains bloody violent scenes Both titles' main characters' have their fathers killed and they develop a complex "Master and Student" relationship with their fathers' murderers'  
reportRecommended by kuglefang
Both are set during past Europe but in different time periods. They both depict the way of life of the people during their respective periods and depict a violent life. They also share a lot of tactics involved in fighting compared to most other action mangas where the characters rely on sheer force rather than strategy 
reportRecommended by kuglefang
Even though at the beginning it appears to be a simple manga they both develop eventually in political mangas having a greater plot spanning the whole story. They both give off the same vibe and are just superb.  
reportRecommended by Nyquist
Both have a blond, brooding, angry teen protagonist which is proficient at murder and being raised and used by their enemy that they want revenge on. While Banana Fish takes place in contemporary 1985 - 1987 dealing with themes with gang violence, drugs and a political conspiracy affecting the life of former child prostitute Ash Lynx, Vinland Saga is about 11th century Vikings when they were at war with England and the bloody detailed politics of that time through the eyes of a fictionalized version of Thorfinn Karlsefni. Both display amazing character development of their 2 angry protagonist dealing with their sins as killers.  
reportRecommended by MetaKite
if you love war and revenge and blood vinland saga is your type 
reportRecommended by yamiayoub
Seinen, historical, action-packed, medieval age. Both main characters are based on real historical personage. And both of them starts immediately in the heat of siege warfare. Though later in the show they may deviate some more as Vinland Saga focus more on England / Denmark, revenge and exploration(?), while Hawkwood is still centered around battle, warfare and army building. 
reportRecommended by WeiWeiWei
Both are great action mangas. Personally I liked Vinland Saga better because it has deeper character development and a more realistic and impressive fight scenes 
reportRecommended by kuglefang
Seinen manga about warfare with historical setting, that has both great action and character growth and setting exploration. 
reportRecommended by abystoma2
Manga that deal with Viking invasions. Both also have a girl side character that is capable of designing and creating advanced weaponry. 
reportRecommended by abystoma2
both are historical manga,Vinland Saga is definitely the manga that is more accurate when it comes to its story,but still both have good stories,both main characters seek revenge,the thing that is very different between this two manga is the artwork but both art styles look great 
reportRecommended by Zero
The two main characters are traumatized at a young age by extremely tragic events. Due to these events it shapes the way the main characters both behave and drive them to their goals on getting revenge. Both main characters are highly skilled in the way they choose to fight or go about killing their adversary. 
reportRecommended by Obeythealfa
Both these are stories historically related with reference to their respective time and countries. It is quite similar in the fact both start off with a character bent on revenge. If you enjoy manga with a bit of history, both these are the perfect choice. 
reportRecommended by Shirayuki76
Same period, both series have a cast made up of Vikings and priests. Both series try to show the attempts of people at that time to achieve peace despite their differences. Similar art and concepts.  
reportRecommended by shinobiakuma
Both Main Characters are lone wolfs and like to handle dangerous situations alone isolated from the world around them. Both Main Protagonists show amazing skill and natural talent in their stories. Both Manga's show amazing character development as the narrative starts to reach it's climax. These two manga's also have great art work and the detail for each page is awesome. 
reportRecommended by Obeythealfa
Althrough different in execution, both of these have a viking setting with a young boy who is suddenly thrusted into a conflict. 
reportRecommended by abystoma2