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Blade Runner: Black Out 2022
Blade Runner: Black Out 2022
Mar 28, 6:45 AM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 8
Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte
Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte
Feb 19, 9:28 AM
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Sousou no Frieren
Sousou no Frieren
Aug 21, 2024 5:49 AM
Completed 28/28 · Scored 9
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Ningyou no Kuni
Feb 16, 2022 3:55 AM
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Chainsaw Man
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May 31, 2020 3:24 AM
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svchost Feb 22, 2013 2:25 PM
hehe. dzīve ir pārāk īsa, lai cilveki būtu pacietīgi :D

ja tā padomā, tad tik daudz laika ir pagājis kopš tā laika, kad vēl biju adminu rindās un tik daudz kas ir mainījies, ka pilnīgi bail paliek :? bet čuš, šī manas pagātnes daļa ir zināma tikai retajam (in particular, manam kolēģim - peleeciitim!)
svchost Nov 5, 2012 1:40 AM
Jā, es nebiju domājis, ka pēc tik ilgas pauzes atkal ienākšu šeit.

*Atbilde tieši ar 3 gadu aizturi* :D
zurpy Feb 16, 2011 9:19 AM
Pēc būtības ja nebūtu slinkums updeitot listu tad esmu iesācis gandrīz visas mangas, kas man ir plan to read sadajā
zurpy Feb 16, 2011 9:17 AM
hm mans reading lists... es lasu pēc alfabēta, kas man ir listā takā :D pašlaik nav īsti laika lasīt tāpēc ir tas reading lists kāds viņš ir :D pamatā lasu vai nu seinen vai arī pareju uz romance/drama... kad besis lasu visu nešķirojot pēc žanriem
zurpy Feb 16, 2011 7:56 AM
ups sory nezināju ka tur nevar ar garumzīmēm rakstīt...
īsuma "Meklēju anime&manga guru un tu tiec tam pieņemts... :D "
carloraisin Jan 8, 2011 5:29 AM
Ah that's too bad, B&G doesn't have much in terms of redraws. Where were you when I was doing Ciguatera! ;-) You can still pm me your e-mail address though, I don't have translations for B&G right now, but I expect those to come in at any time really. Or if I end up with another project that might interest you, and I could use your help, at least it'll be easier to contact you.
One chapter a week sounds pretty darn fast though. ;-)
carloraisin Jan 7, 2011 5:22 AM
Haha yeah I'm the same myself, but I remember your name from some scans I've read and I also believe you've hosted some of our stuff on bakabt if memory serves me right. So that's why I added you. (great Kurosawa avatar too ;))
I am indeed working on Baka & Gogh, and yes! It definitely could use an able editor. I'm trying to shift my focus on translating, so I don't know much photoshoppin's still left in me ;) are you interested in helping out?
Ideal Dec 16, 2010 7:03 AM
Hi :D
I just sent you a friend request using another account "Idealist" but sadly someone hacked my e-mail and changed it's password >_>
it's weird since he\she are not actually using it >_>

anyways, I've been using BakaBT for quite sometime now and I've been downloading every manga you've uploaded there since it seems we have tastes manga (XD) so now I found your MAL account which was like.. an amazing source for mangas :D
but I've stopped reading anything new after getting banned in BakaBt and having to raise my ratio with my slow uploading connection XD
< ignore the ranting XD
so anyways now that I found some direct download websites i found out that your manga recommendation list is gone or deleted or something =(
so i was just wondering what happened to that list =(?
peroxid Nov 1, 2010 10:00 AM
Curious that you mentioned summit of the gods, as I just picked up the second volume that I'd ordered. Can't wait to read it. Also I picked up vagabond of tokyo, which is a classic in japan of over 20 volumes. The french edition though is a compilation of some chapters. I'm really curious to read it.

Ahh Red Colored Elegy, as you can see it it's on my favorites, and it's one of those that I also didn't really get it at first but when I finished it I knew I had read a masterpiece. I would love to see more works by Hayashi published. And I really need to get GoGo Monster, that has been already recommended to me, but I would like to finish first Taiyo Matsumoto's Samurai Bamboo, which is turning out great...
peroxid Oct 18, 2010 9:53 AM
btw I noticed you just finished red colored elegy, what did you thought of it?
peroxid Oct 17, 2010 4:06 PM
Well, the scanlation is a very delicate issue, and I can't really blame them, because not only I read a lot of them back in the days, it's thanks to them they I know manga. So, yeah, I'm grateful for them. But now that I consider myself a big fan of underground manga, I have the urge to buy the books. I admit it, I love manga. And to pay back the mangakas, the least I kind do is to buy the books.

I know this sounds selfish, but personally I don't really care on how the US industry is holding. If they want to continue to read scanlations, then let them. Because since I'm reading n French now, where the manga industry is very stable, the american manga industry wont be of my concern anymore. Of course I which that it raises, but ultimately, the industry exists to feed the fans, and if the fans don't want to be fed, than it's their problem.

I guess that most of the fans can live with only the scanlations, but the issue here is not if the fans can live with it, but the mangaka. They are the ones making a living of it, and the scanlations hurt them, now specially in this time of crisis.

As I said above, I'm not the right person to flame on scanlations, since overall I'm a pirate. I download music, movies, anime, games, software... basically anything besides manga. But there isn't one thing I like as much as manga. Also, while music, movies, games etc are the same content in the pirate version, and the legit one, i.e. there isn't a "feature" that distinguishes the bought product, from the illegal one, in manga there is. And for me to read from the laptop or the actual book is a huge difference. So maybe, deep inside me, the only reason I buy manga, is a egocentrically one, but at least I know, I'm helping the mangaka...
peroxid Oct 14, 2010 12:30 PM
sure, I really understand what you mean, no problem at all.

It's just, that I actually don't approve scanlations, so I don't want this to be a replacement of the real deal. I want this to be more like an incentive to buy the book. And if the scanlations are top notch (or HQ) then I think that the readers wont think that it's of any use to buy the book. As I stated before, want to promote the author, to help her grow oversea's, but if readers only read scanlations of her, that wont help her.

I remember that when talking to Ed Chavez from Vertical, there were people who requested him stuff, asking him for stuff they said that the scanlation is very popular. But Ed said that if a scanlation is popular, than he wont definitely pick it up, and I agree with him. If people already read the scanlation, why would they buy the book? only hardcore fans, but these aren't in a sufficient number to make it yield.

So although scanlations may have help the manga industry grow some years ago, now it's just hurting it.

So in this case I'm almost doing the "shit" quality on purpose, I don't want the people to feel pleased with it, I want them to feel the lack of quality, so they have the urge to get the quality product.

Being a mangaka is a "shit" job, where you work your ass off, and get the minimal payment. But there people who do it, and to steal these piss-poor workers, their product, is pretty lame.

I'm not criticizing you, I just wanted to explain my thoughts on the scanlations issue. If you disagree with it, feel free to tell!
peroxid Oct 14, 2010 9:35 AM
They'll be big, but it'll be a pore quality release. Mainly because this is a book and not a magazine, and so to scan it properly, I would have to fold it, which would ruin the book. And since it was an expensive book, and I like it very much, that possibility isn't going to happen. So the scan will look sloppy like this.

Anyway, I'm not doing this because I want to be a scanlator, it's because I want to promote the artist, and convince people to buy the (french) book...

peroxid Oct 14, 2010 8:53 AM

I'll probably scan it this weekend (I'm terribly lazy)
peroxid Oct 11, 2010 2:02 PM
I think you did :)

I'm scanlating my Akino Kondoh book. It's a relatively short book (~120 pages) and I'm translating it from french into english. I'm having already help from one people cleaning it, but I guess two would always be better.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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