Revenge, compassion, humanity, love. Pointy weapons making minced meat of people.
Vinland Saga almost has nothing in common with Makoto Yukimura's previous much praised work, Planetes, except for his passion for technical realism. He grounds his work with research, yet at the same time leaving it open for creative exploration. It’s not dry and lifeless, and at the same time it’s not completely in the realm of fantasy. Vinland saga walks the thin line well. Razor blood soaked thin.
This manga is brutal. More brutal than Berserk, Vagabond or anything of that ilk. Not to slight those manga, but one
is a fantasy and the other is an adaptation of a romanticising novel. This manga is brutal because Vinland Saga's atrocities are reality-based and certainly not romanticised, whereas other manga usually are more fantastical or divided clearly between good and bad, right and wrong, black and white, or simply 'here is the protagonist, just root for him'. Not so in Yukimura's love letter to old fashioned beheadings, as Vinland is about Vikings.
Vikings pillage villages, they rape and plunder. There is no mercy and no survivors if they can help it. There is no such thing as a Viking displaying the positive nouns mentioned in the first sentence of the review. If Vikings arrive in your village, you will be killed or if you’re extremely lucky sold onto slavery, no matter if you’re young, old, man, woman or child. Based in reality and unflinching, our youthful protagonist, Thorfinn, is a passive-observer to atrocity and active-partaker to violence when it’s in his best interest, to further his goal. Revenge for his father.
Yukimura gets Thorfinn's flashback out of the way early in the story, and it’s a good decision as the boy is so fresh-faced, so loveable and innocent; his love for his father so pure, that to suddenly cut from the flashback back to the present and all the while leaving an essential gap in-between; the question that’s on the reader's mind for most of the manga is: how the hell did that young boy end up like this?
The flashback provides us with the motivation, the reasoning, but doesn’t reveal the details, the important montage of scenes showing a boy growing up and losing his humanity in the process; we don’t see it seep out of him gradually, which would be fascinating and make for great drama. As of this review, we have yet to see this transition from normal child to adult killer, but I have no doubt Yukimura will provide us with more glimpses of what that boy went through to get to where he is when the story begins.
Thorfinn is a jaded efficient killer. Silent and moody, he rarely speaks and when he does he is blunt and to the point. He watches the world burn and die around him without blinking because he is already burnt and dead inside. He can walk past a woman getting beaten and raped without a care in the world; this is the protagonist we're meant to root for. Yukimura doesn’t go all out and have Thorfinn inflict misery on innocents, which would make the manga even more interesting, but would also alienate a large percentage of readers too. As it is, as mentioned earlier, Yukimura walks that thin line with skill.
What Vinland Saga is more about than anything else is revenge. It is one of the best ideas to base a story around. Not the 'man on a mission' revenge, but the exploration of the concept, the idea of it all. Yukimura occasionally takes a break from the main story to focus on the concept via random characters, most humorously with a Christian priest who attempts to teach some Vikings about the concept of 'love' which they just don’t get. This side-plot not only explores revenge and forgiveness, but dovetails into Thorfinn's own predicament neatly, forcing him to reflect on what he's doing with his life.
The main story follows Thorfinn’s target who he sticks to like glue, always ready to challenge him to a duel to the death, his only requirement for completing his revenge. The brunt of all this rage and inexplicable adherence to honour, is an ambitious man seemingly lacking any of it himself, Askeladd seeks to rise in power through convoluted means and avoids becoming a cliché or a bore. His design is almost amiable at times, with a laid back expression on his cunning face belying his actual ruthful nature to achieve his goals. In short, he is not a one-note villain; he is many faceted like a few characters in the manga. Yukimura flips in and out of actual history through this man’s arc, giving the reader cliffs notes on the politics of the time.
The art, to be blunt like an axe disintegrating your face, is fantastic. There is a leap in quality from the first volume to the second, and it is maintained consistently throughout thanks to Yukimura and his budding assistants. There are plenty of memorable action sequences that are staged perfectly; lots of scope and perspective, and the composition is visceral. The violence is in your face and disgusting. Knife and sword thrusts are at times awkwardly landing into skin; fingers are thrust knuckle-deep into eye sockets. It all makes you squirm but you love it because you're reading it in the safety of your own 21st century home.
So the violence is remarkably gross and blunt, sometimes gratuitous to please the crowd, but mostly it’s just disgusting. The gore-hounds reading this will love it for that, but everyone else will feel repulsed, but in a good way because this is a story set amid war and conflict in the 11th century. What do you expect, bloodless elbows into the ribs?
The story travels around Europe, from Denmark to the UK to Wales to Iceland, we watch the invasion of England affect different players to the drama and pull them in towards each other through interesting means. There are sieges, manhunts, duels, chases, explosive action, edge of your seat tension, backstabs and unexpected partnerships, Vinland Saga has it all and is addictive reading while educating you along the way with its detailed depictions of an old way of life, from clothes, weaponry to customs and traditions.
Yukimura yet again uses the manga form to bring readers something a little different, a little more reflective of life outside of the pages. Vinland Saga is a dirty mirror of a past raged by a war not remarkable for its reasons or details, but for the ancient race that battled passionately in it. Vikings. Seriously, don’t mess with them.
Alternative TitlesJapanese: ヴィンランド・サガ More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Apr 13, 2005 to ?
Afternoon Authors:
Yukimura, Makoto (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #72 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #17
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Filtered Results: 69 / 85
Your Feelings Categories Jan 24, 2009
Revenge, compassion, humanity, love. Pointy weapons making minced meat of people.
Vinland Saga almost has nothing in common with Makoto Yukimura's previous much praised work, Planetes, except for his passion for technical realism. He grounds his work with research, yet at the same time leaving it open for creative exploration. It’s not dry and lifeless, and at the same time it’s not completely in the realm of fantasy. Vinland saga walks the thin line well. Razor blood soaked thin. This manga is brutal. More brutal than Berserk, Vagabond or anything of that ilk. Not to slight those manga, but one ... Aug 3, 2023
"Idealistic, but not realistic" that is the core problem of Vinland Saga.
It is nothing more than an overrated manga that presents itself as a realistic, and historical take on pacifism, and the Norse setting only to fail horribly. Characters: -Thorfinn, the main character is nothing more than wasted potential. He starts off as a person who is fueled by revenge towards Askeladd, the mercenary who killed his father, Thors. Not once during this period does Thorfinn ever ask himself the question of "who is the person that hired Askeladd to kill my father?" As a result Thorfinn wastes a decade of his life for ... Mar 15, 2016
I'll keep this review brief.
I started reading this manga because it was part of the recommendations for the "Kingdom" manga. Let me tell you for anyone who wants to read this for the same reason; there's so little similar about the two mangas you'll probably end up as pissed as I am. I've never wrote a manga review before, but after reading about half-way through I got so annoyed by the complete and utter genre change from action/drama to a buddhist/hippy/drama, I just had to write my first one. The manga starts off about a young boy thats struck with hardships and turns into a hard ... Jan 7, 2009
Looking for an intelligent manga with intense violence, action, complex character development with a little bit of viking touch? If you answer yes then this epic manga is a must read.
The story is set during the golden age of the Vikings (11th century) particularly during the invasion of England. The main story is about Thorfinn's quest to avenge his father's death by defeating Askeladd (his father's murderer) in an honorable duel and he plans to accomplish this by working for him and doing whatever Askelad asks and in return he is granted a chance to kill him in an honorable duel. The story however is ... Aug 12, 2015
Childhood innocence, murder, sorrow, revenge, emptiness, redemption and aspiration. Taking place in the 11th century, the age of vikings, Vinland Saga follows the tale of Thorfinn's path of revenge which ultimately culminates into his redemption and aspiration. From the impressive story telling to complex and deep character development, and least but not less, the art style, Makoto Yukimura manages to create a masterfully written story of the brutal age of the vikings.
~Story~ The story of Vinland Saga is set in the golden age of the vikings, narrating the tale of the protagonist, Thorfinn. Witnessing the murder of his own father Thors at a very young ... Mar 28, 2019
Let me start by saying this is a very good manga, objectively speaking that is. The world of Vinland Saga is one of great depth and one built upon layers of history. The towns, cities, farms and campgrounds feel well thought out and are meticulously detailed, bringing the story to life with a strong sense and feel of believability. Many of the side characters in Vinland Saga seem to have been written to overwhelmingly overshadow the main character, to the point where I had fully believed that the story was in fact NOT about Thorfin, which I believe would have been a good thing. The
Mar 8, 2023
This is one of the comics of all times that is also very ludicrous in several levels, and a rip-off of the Chinese movie Hero (2002).
While there are normal people who get to like this story as they are just history fans that have never watched any anime, there is this pretentious weeb core within this manga that makes some anime fans think now that they heard the most delusional philosophies like ALL lives matter and pacifism can work, they achieved deepness and think this is the most superior and groundbreaking form of thinking never heard before and everything else sucks, when this is just ... Apr 28, 2015
"God's divine creation is so brimming with love... and yet there is no love in the hearts of men." -Canute
I believe this work to truly be the best manga series currently running, and believe I can back this assertion with valid examples. 'Vinland Saga' is available from Kodansha Comics USA in 5 double-sized volumes (containing the first 10 Japanese volumes), with the 6th and 7th double-sized volumes scheduled to come out later in 2015. -Story- This series is brutal and it's mature, but those two things are not the same. There's no shortage of graphic carnage and gory battles, but any mangaka worth his or her salt ... Jun 17, 2022
This is an updated review, and I feel the need to do so because the reviews at the top of the page are over 1 DECADE old.
Did it change much the perception that not only I, but people in general have of this manga? let's see it To take a weight off my shoulders, I LOVE the first two arcs of this manga. It is one of the most moving stories of revenge, coming of age and redemption that exist. easy 9 or 10. Unfortunately from that moment the manga goes downhill. I'm not a fan of manga with pasifist messages; I think that on most occasions ... Jan 4, 2020
Does Vinland Saga live up to all its HYPEEEEEEE? Does it live up to the title "Masterpiece" like Berserk and Vagabond in a similar genre? No, it doesn't. It come closer to Naruto at this point.. Hell, he runs like him and even preaches similar bullshit now.
I'l go over the main problems i had with Vinland Saga. The first problem: Thors, who preaches about his pacifism in a viking setting which for those that are critical of the historical/viking setting will be a huge turn off because it doesn't fit the setting whatsoever. The second problem for some is that he goes around defeating his enemies ... Aug 11, 2019
I really wanted to give this Manga a 10.
It starts out very well, with a plot hook that makes you want to know what happens onward. The reason I can't possibly give this manga more than 6 is because of the characters. Almost all the main characters are so incredibly Japanese. It hurts seeing a character that is portrayed as a Norse warrior do things, and think things, that fits for a Japanese peasant. One comment in particular stuck with me. And this isn't a big spoiler as it comes up very quickly and is often repeated. "A true warrior don't need a sword". How do I ... Jun 17, 2023
To people wanting to get into it would recommend but only the first part after the farmland arc there is a big dip in the story imo. Here are the reason
Art gets worse imo the dark and griddy vibe is gone entirely gone mc gets such a wierd face especially compared to other characters it's like a jojo character replaced him Immature topics sometimes characters used to be so multidimensional but it's like they are given one trait and that's the only thing that matters. Mc becomes increasingly naive it's so frustrating to me i can understand avoiding violence you can make a brilliant story ... Jul 31, 2015
It was a long trek since I started this manga. There were two attempts. The first, I lasted until 6 chapters, the second, with effort and scrolling, I finished 'till the latest update of chapter.
The manga details the prologue around the first 50 chapters and after that, the real story. And when it comes to details in the story, well, let me tell you, it equals to describing thick fantasy books. I don't mind this style. I mean, if done well, it could be a great captivating read. You'd bury yourself to the world the manga enforces. It's just that, I've seen this kind. Can't tell you ... Aug 8, 2014
Historical fiction is often a hard subject to tackle, especially for anime/manga. The pandering nature of the medium somewhat limits the spectrum of takes on historical events in a fictional retelling, usually falling into the comedy "parody" or shonen-action genres. Vinland Saga is not either of those. It's everything historical fiction should be. It’s fun, it's sad, it's epic, and it's thoughtful. High adventure, fast paced action and political intrigue are abound in Vinland Saga, balanced out by an equal amount of philosophical introspection and character development. All around, it's an uncommon masterpiece.
Vinland Saga, as stated before, is historical fiction, and set in a uncommon ... Feb 10, 2015
Anime Recommendation and Review.
Manga - Vinland Saga Author - Yukimura, Makoto (Story & Art) Genres - Action, Adventure, Drama, Historical, Seinen. MAL Rating - 8.72 Vinland saga is a Historical Seinen manga based on true historical facts along with . It is more like famous manga Kentaro Miura's Berserk and Takehiko Inoue's Vagabond. If you are a fan of Vikings TV show then Vinland saga is basically a manga version of it with Realistic art, Gore and blood, Tragedy, Self Reflection, Emotions, Adventure, Dreams, War, Conflict and Vengence! Plot summary Thorfinn is son to one of the Viking's greatest warriors, but when his father is killed in battle by the mercenary ... Oct 28, 2021
STATUS: 187 chapters read.
Prologue Arc: 9/10 Slave Arc: 9/10 Eastern Expedition Arc: 4/10 Vinland Arc: (In Progress) Overall: 6/10 ---------- REVIEW CONTAINS MILD SPOILERS - DO NOT READ ARC DESCRIPTIONS IF YOU WISH TO AVOID THEM ... Oct 3, 2014
In a world which knows nothing but violence, war and betrayal, it is still possible to find your glimmer of light.
Vinland Saga takes you away to the 1000s, an old, long forgotten era, where seamen known as Vikings are the ruler of the sea. They murder and plunder without inhibitions. The protagonist of Vinland Saga, Thorfinn sun of Thors, is one of those Vikings. Only with revenge on his mind he travels from battle to battle, day in, day out. However, you will learn that everyone has his own reasons, his ambitions to go that path of violence. And even among those Vikings there are libertines such ... Nov 23, 2014
Makoto Yukimura’s award-winning Vinland Saga is the #1 manga I look forward to reading every every few months when a new volume is released. Why? Well, maybe because it's maybe the best historic - fact and fiction story I've ever read. After all the it's-amazing blah blah blah praises I've heard from the anime community, I finally decided to give this manga a go a couple weeks ago and once I started, I just could not put the manga down. Who knew that a mere manga about Vikings-love-revenge could result in one of the greatest tragic stories ever both inside and outside of the manga
Sep 7, 2019
In my opinion, the manga is very overrated. With a pretense for realism, there is nothing realistic in it at all. The manga is full of convenient developments, plot armor, unbelievable personality changes. Many characters look interesting at first, but eventually degrade into typical stereotypes from a shonen manga, losing any believability. Strategy and politics look realistic only until the main characters are getting involved, then things just start to bend conveniently to make the heroes shine.
The manga is not bad, by any means, compared to other similar works out there, but one shouldn't expect anything more than a viking-themed time-killer, and imho it ... Jan 28, 2020
Don't get it twisted.
This manga is good. For the first half, at least. I first read this manga a few years back, watched the anime that just aired, and caught up to the manga again just now. And honestly, Vinland saga's story gets worse and worse once you get to the part where the anime drops off. It's a whole completely different story. Is it a bad thing? Well, yes. The entire genre of the story is basically changed, and so is the pacing. And if I'm being blunt here, I don't quite like the direction the story goes. The story goes from a hardcore blood and ... |