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Alternative Titles

Japanese: CLAYMORE
English: Claymore
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 27
Chapters: 159
Status: Finished
Published: Jun 6, 2001 to Oct 4, 2014
Genres: Action Action, Adventure Adventure, Fantasy Fantasy, Horror Horror
Theme: Gore Gore
Demographic: Shounen Shounen
Serialization: Jump SQ.
Authors: Yagi, Norihiro (Story & Art)


Score: 8.281 (scored by 9095990,959 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #3372
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #35
Members: 211,963
Favorites: 13,831

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Violent action sword fighting manga that is extremely well drawn. 
reportRecommended by xeroxedechidna
Dark histories in the world filled with wonders and unknowns. People must stick together during hard times without any thought of selfish desires. 'Claymore' signify friendship and teamwork in the midst of chaos. No matter how strong one is, there comes a time where they need to reach out for a needing hand. 'Shingeki no Kyojin' convey on dominance and total control where the King decides all. What is truth? How do you define good and bad? The answer to those questions are not as simple as it seems. 
reportRecommended by ShanaFlame
There is a lot of fighting in both stories. In Bleach every shinigami has his/her typical zanpaktou technique, the same goes for Claymore (but with swords). In both stories the characters fighting against some kind of evil creature (in Bleach: hollow; in Claymore: youma). The main characters (Ichigo (Bleach) and Clare (Claymore)) are similar in that they want to became stronger for some reason (in Bleach Ichigo wants to become stronger to protect his friends; in Claymore Clare wants to become stronger for the sake of her revenge). 
reportRecommended by Hiraga
Has to do with hunting and killing evil man-eating spirits and beings that are hiding in among people in various towns and cities 
reportRecommended by RazorToTheRosary
Both Claymore and Freezing are in a world were female warriors accept flesh in their bodies to obtain powers strong enough to save mankind from "demons". Both female main characters are these warriors and, at first, cold and cruel towards everyone. The male main characters both believe that these girls are really kind and chose to help them. And the cruel warrior girls seem to loosen up and become more kind towards this guy. 
reportRecommended by DroefNai
Humans fighting monsters by transforming into semi-monster forms, plenty of monster on human and monster on monster violence in both titles 
reportRecommended by AfterGlow
They might not take place in the same setting but both series has a familiar feeling when it comes to some concepts. The main character isn't entirely normal (non-human) and in fact possesses superhuman abilities. Throughout both series, we see their inner struggles and coping with their newfound life. They do possess some human traits, mostly in terms of their behavior though. The stories are also grim and tells of tragedy when it comes to various events that often revolves with horror, violence, and death. I recommend Tokyo Ghoul and Claymore for those into supernatural horror. 
reportRecommended by Stark700
Both have human turned monsters, and they eat humans. Both have organization specialize in killing them Both main chars' family/loved one are killed by monsters, thus making them to join the organization Both main characters travel around wherever the missions lead them 
reportRecommended by hokaru
Both share semi-realism art style, gore and dark athmosphere. 
reportRecommended by twy
Both feature gory sword/melee combat scenes and journeys of warriors who grow mentally and physically strong yet must make sacrifices to survive. While Claymore's art suits its fantasy setting, Vagabond uses a hyper-realistic art that reinforces its historical context. 
reportRecommended by Deagle_zero
Both have woman who fight and aren't human, and a human guy with dead parents as one of the main character. Both are pretty dark and gory and have no clear line between the good and the bad guys. 
reportRecommended by Lynx1712
Violent sword fighting manga with well drawn fight scenes. Both have similar types of large monster/demon creatures that the characters fight against and have similar systems of humans gaining power by sacrificing their humanity. 
reportRecommended by Eziprez
North, South, East, West. In both mangas, there are four big shot bad guys that dominate each of the four sides of the globe, and they all act independent of each other. There is also one organization whose primary focus is to take down these big shot bad guys, as well as their loyal yet powerful subordinates, and protect the ordinary people at the same time. In Claymore, the bad guys are Yoma. In Witch Hunter, the bad guys are witches. Also, both mangas seem to make a significance in gender in that it is relevant to the premise of power. In Witch Hunter, obviously,  read more 
reportRecommended by conker7777
While eventually Claymore and Kiba no Tabishounin diverge into totally different directions, they both start off similarly: two young boys are bereft after their families are killed, and the female leads take them in under the guise of making them their servant. The boys are initially a bit weak, especially compared to such strong women, but the during the long, hard journeys they face, they show remarkable growth. The female leads themselves both appear cold, indifferent, and, at times, morally ambiguous. They look out for the boys in their own way. They're also both part of a larger organization that dictates their actions and gives them  read more 
reportRecommended by journeycat
Both are set in Western fantasy settings, and have revenge as a main theme. The fight scenes are also focused around swordsmanship, much like Claymore. However, Ubel Blatt has many more mature scenes with full frontal sex. 
reportRecommended by Cheesyhoboe
Strong female leads, many different characters, friendships, swords, duties. And finding out the ugly truth of the past. 
reportRecommended by macrocozmic
There's an instinctive to craft a story with powerful female fighters in both series. While they follow a different premise with a contrast in their settings, both series unifies the concept of fantasy/supernatural horror. The main male female characters from both series possesses incredible powers that are capable of superhuman feats. Throughout both series, we learn about the most prominent of these fighters including their personalities, origins, and even some background story. Both series also relies on flashbacks to tell events from the past that has profound influence relating to events of the present.  
reportRecommended by Stark700
Highly recommend Kubera and Claymore. If you like one, you definitely need to read the other. Similar dark fantasy medieval world with killer monsters/demons. The main character is another girl setting out for revenge against a strong monster who took away everything. Both starts out weak but eventually grows stronger as the story progresses, possibly becoming one of the strongest. Meets plenty of friends/comrades and powerful enemies. There's also a bit of romance. Plenty of action and a good story. The art is great, especially later on. (Kubera is fully colored) Claymore starts out not that great with generic weak guy following strong girl,  read more 
reportRecommended by SunsetChaos
Violent action sword fighting manga that draws you in and is really fun to read. 
reportRecommended by xeroxedechidna
Girls are taken in at a young age, often in dire and hopeless situations, and modified into soldiers/warriors according to the "mysterious" Organization's purposes. At first it seems like the girls are saved from whatever tragic and painful experience they had but there is a deeper truth behind the Organization's plans... Both are expected to die in battle and can be easily replaced. 
reportRecommended by xxxATiON
Both have the 'fighting monsters of insane size and strength' going for them If you like Blood and Gore If u like limbs getting cut off But in the end all amounts to an awesome piece of story and art!! 
reportRecommended by fullmetalpower
While Blaster Knuckle is a Western & Claymore being a dark fantasy, their similarities include the main characters being on a revenge journey while facing demons who can disguise themselves as humans. Towards the end of Blaster Knuckle, an organization is introduced whose purpose is to train children into demon hunters much like the organization found in Claymore. 
reportRecommended by THEAnimeHERO
In Claymore there are monsters, called Yoma, that can only be killed by warriors known as Claymores. It's similar to Trace. 
reportRecommended by gooygreen
Set in a fantasy world, both Claymore and Nanatsu no Taizai involves a main character who experiences dark events in their lives. But despite this, they possesses incredible powers for combat and survival. Built on mysterious origins, we see how much the past influences their present self. At the same time, both series tells of their journey and relationship developments with others. There is a decent amount of action in both series. However, do note that Claymore indulges readers with more graphic violent while Nanatsu no Taizai depicts more of shounen. 
reportRecommended by Stark700
both main character used to be human, but now they are half-demon, half-human. They try to preverve mankind from the real demon, thanks to a mysterious organisation. it's gore, violent and pretty sad... 
reportRecommended by Normandwizard
The design of youma and monsters from Tokko is pretty similar and both feed on human flesh. Also both claymores and hunters from Tokko has a part of their enemys in their bodys that gives them all the abilitys they have. 
reportRecommended by Dille
Both series involve women learning to control their murderous blood-lust as they execute monsters for the greater good. Claymore focuses more on action while Devilman Lady contains psychological horror. 
reportRecommended by THEAnimeHERO
Both series takes place in a more fantasy like setting of the dark ages times. Both series has a lot of action, drama, and involving organizations carrying out certain tasks that are often dangerous and puts the characters' lives at risks. Both series' main female protagonists are tough, independent, and also has a dark past/back story. Both series also has supernatural themes involving with their abilities during various combat sequences. 
reportRecommended by Stark700
Both Main Characters try to stay isolated and away from people and life around them after they experience losing their love ones at a early age. Both Protagonists are very strong and powerful and trouble appears where ever they seem to go. As the story of both Manga's start to reach it's climax, we see a love interest start to develop but also character growth/development.  
reportRecommended by Obeythealfa
Lots of action and character deaths. Both the heroes and villains are formidable. 
reportRecommended by heartwyrm
This may seem like a weird comparison, but both stories have a large, diverse cast of side-characters, who all have fully fleshed out backstories, motivations, relationships, and personalities.  
reportRecommended by Selendia000
As a fun fact , these two are my favorite series ever . . && also some of the first few mangas I read ! These two mangas are very different yet very similar . . Starting off , they are both set in a post-apocalyptic plot in which groups of strong characters who are assigned a number based off of their strength were created in order to protect the weak . They both have a lot of action , however Claymore is way more gory . The main protagonists (( which in the future go on to assist the female )) of both of these  read more 
reportRecommended by riamus
Transhuman warriors locked in a battle for survival against hordes of genocidal monstrosities. Two no-nonsense series loaded with fast-paced action but without the bitter aftertaste of excessive drama and didactic sermons that plague many shounen titles. Both feature taciturn and somewhat amoral protagonists who survive against all odds in order to fulfill their personal missions, with the fate of the world hanging in balance as well. 
reportRecommended by Yuunagi
both about fighting insane monsters, but also has a bit of conspiracy and politics in both of them. the protagonists both use heavy large cutting blades, with very similar fighting styles. kana is VERY similar to claire, with almost an identical back story and also personality, and they also fight with two broad swords in a very similar way, the world building is very different though, one is sci fi and on sea, and one is middle ages and fantasy 
reportRecommended by Neostorm-X
Different time settings but the atmosphere feels the same with the grim reality involving monostrity that threatens humanity's very existence. Claymore and Sidonia no Kishi conveys the very essence of survival. However, there is resistance involving characters who takes a stand and fights for what they believe in. There are mysteries relating to the monostrity present in both series. Furthermore, the main characters themselves are topics of mystery relating to their background origins. There is the reality of horror that becomes pivotal to deliver its message to viewers into both series. 
reportRecommended by Stark700
These two mangas are really different: Inuyasha is more light-hearted, typical shonen while claymore is darker, and the plots are different too. I just feel like the battles are similar, with all the yoma energy stuff and the giant monsters regenerating, if you like those type of battles. Also, both of the main characters are part yoma and part human. They both have swords, and in claymore, the character keeps on learning new sword techniques and in inuyasha, the sword keeps getting new abilities. 
reportRecommended by iBananaMonkey
Both series: * Take place in dangerous worlds full of man-eating "demons" * Have a brave female lead * Take place hidden from the "outside world" * Have humans rebelling against the demons * Non-Japanese ambient  
reportRecommended by JonnyBGud
Very similar set up all around: -Strong female warrior travels around killing monsters for money (Werewolves instead of Yoma). -Young boy travels with female warrior after having been orphaned by monsters. The main twist with Red Hood is that everything so far is fairy tale themed (specifically red riding hood). 
reportRecommended by Fluttershy_Swag
its most similar to claymore cause of all sword fighting and techniques used looks basically the same as in claymore and is very exciting 
reportRecommended by konomasa
They are both shounen manga with a very well built universe and story and a more mature feel. The action is intertwined with the story development and explanations very well and even though at first glance you may say there are a lot of differences between the two (like setting, timeline, weapons, powers...), the feeling I got after reading Psyren is very similar to that from Claymore. They are well written and there is also a lot of consistency to the story in both of them, a characteristic which lacks from many other mangas. The fights are very entertaining and original and never boring. The  read more 
reportRecommended by omoikane
Sword fights and monsters in an ancient civilizations setting. 
reportRecommended by kuglefang
Both are by the same mangaka, and they have a similar theme of discrimination against kind and good people, and the acceptance of the outcast / outcasts by certain people. The setting is vastly different. Even if both have action, Angel Densetsu has a focus on delinquents, school, romance, comedy and slice-of-life, while Claymore focuses on adventure, action, supernatural and tragedy. 
reportRecommended by Dunkjoe
Both titles are full of characters that are easy to get along with. Both have a lot of action and violence but also have moments of comedy. They each have plot twists that make you keep thinking and theorizing on how something happened or will turn out. Over all, they are both titles that are hard to put down, they make you want to keep reading. 
reportRecommended by SneakyPoptart
Bouth of them are darker mangas whit monsters and have main character that turned from human to something inhuman just to be able to live on. Bouth characters search restlessly for power, but they are forgeting that power is inside them and all other think that they are uselless since they have low ammo of energy , but they are blind to their growth and potencial of thair unique existance. 
reportRecommended by jack4s
Even though they're not the same, they're both similar in the fact of someone hunting down creatures that even though have a human body are flesh eating monsters in reality. 
reportRecommended by HazukiSama
Claymore and Chrome Shelled Regios have many common things - like special warriors fighting monsters to protect humanity. The works are really similar and give off the same feeling. Chrome Shelled Regios isn't as dark as Claymore, but you get pretty much the same feeling from it. By the way, you'd better watch Chrome Shelled Regios's anime version if you want to get something similar to Claymore's manga. 
reportRecommended by criver
Fighting,woaaaa <3 The story isn't that much incommong,but some fragments are - demons,big swords,,the main characters try to find a reason to fight,rather than just for surviving and,well..let's face it - both have awesome battles =D. That's all I can say. 
reportRecommended by Saiyaku
Both are similar in that they concern yoma, action and discrimination. The settings are vastly different though... Rosario to Vampire's discrimination is against humans, and the only one affected is the main male character, while Claymore's is against half-yomas, and affects the entire Claymore Organisation. Rosario's setting is mainly in a school, with harem, romance, comedy and school life while Claymore's is between cities, with adventure and tragedy. 
reportRecommended by Dunkjoe
Both have plenty of fight scenes and a lot of gore with interesting female lead characters. Perhaps the greatest similarity between these two titles is that they both feature characters that turn into powerful and often times grotesque monsters that are almost guaranteed that you have not seen before in terms of design and that is also one of the best parts in these titles (guessing what kind of creature they'll turn out to be) 
reportRecommended by kuglefang
Fighter girls with weapons. They have to defeat supernatural beings, youmas for Claymore and corrupted souls for Black Rock Shooter, in order to protect the world. But if the girls surpass their limit they turn into one of those beings, becoming stronger than any other. 
reportRecommended by BlindNoldor
Both are about humans who transform into monsters that eat human flesh, and filled with gore scenes. 
reportRecommended by BlindNoldor
Monsters are praying on humanity and it's up pretty girls to stop them 
reportRecommended by AfterGlow
female characters with monsters powers and weapons fighting against other monsters. 
reportRecommended by Valaskjalf
Both action manga with feudal swordplay, some fantasy and a wasteland like world with dangerous and horrifying monsters. While very different, they sword of remind me of each other. Both also have great art and interesting characters. 
reportRecommended by noirgrimoir
- Very similar monster designs - Both very brutal and have cool fights - Both are dark fantasies - In both you have a mysterious organisation behind - Some parts in Chainsaw Man really made me think again about Claymore 
reportRecommended by Griff-ith
Both have similar settings and both have intense monster battling action. Perhaps the most significant difference between the two titles is that Monster Collection is only 6 volumes long and is more suitable for people who have little patience because the series has already ended whereas Claymore is still being published and has at least 13 volumes and is more suitable for people who like to read a longer and more epic series. 
reportRecommended by kuglefang
Both are great action mangas. Personally I liked Vinland Saga better because it has deeper character development and a more realistic and impressive fight scenes 
reportRecommended by kuglefang
Both are great action mangas about chicks killing human/demon/things 
reportRecommended by SPlKE