hi there, MAL's resident byrb of prey here, sportin' that obsessive anime mindset
My current anime consumption arc focuses on extrinsic reading rather than intrinsic, meaning I'm interested in analyzing the historical and cultural context of the work whenever I find an angle, mainly focussed on otaku culture and anime internal references.
I also apparently like fun now, post-elitism is one hell of a drug. Stay woke, be cool, remain epic. (2020)
Anime hasn't really been my main source of entertainment and deep dives for the past 2 years now since I've been completely consumed with watching hololive. Only watching anime sporadically these days. Stopped watching seasonals in 2021. It has been a solid run since 2017 in which I watched pretty much every seasonal that even remotely interested me. (2023)
how my rating system works:
6 - GOOD
4 - MEH
3 - BAD
remember guys, its all subjective.
Favorite videos about de animus on de youtube website.com:
fantastic video series on the beginnings of mahou shoujo anime with lots of context and history:
An absolute giant of a video, full of hype and anime history, just how I love it (Caribou-kun's What Inspired Gurren Lagann should be here but that got copyright-claimed and taken down, apparently, rip):
The quintessential video on slice of life:
Series of videos taking a look at older shows season by season, year by year. pretty much the essential experience for an anime fan whose completely lost in the deep end lol:
Showcase of the craft and art of videos and manmodes masterpiece (so far):
A wonderful retrospective look at a studio that faded from its short time in the limelight (I've also attempted to write some blogposts on arms once lol):
the video is age resticted and won't embed so here is the link to stevems video: https://youtu.be/GhUXM75gR2E
Finally someone did a good video on my beloved claymore:
Bonsai Pop is fucking based and this is a good example of that:
High production value jackisboy slaps:
A lovingly crafted video on one of animes best character pieces:
The quintessential introduction to what makes isekai special and incredibly interesting:
Stand-in for one of CynicClinic's glorious educational videos on anime:
An interesting look at the concept of the otaku database mindset and it's equivalent in the industry (from otakus - for otakus):
The quintessential video on Satoshi Kon, strap in for a heavy ride on this one:
Over an hour of pure joy:
Stand-in for the Cartoon Cipher's many great videos on the (western) anime industry:
The quintessential "digi" video on a particular creator:
The quintessential video on "cartoon degeneracy" (also age restricted so here is the link to beyond ghibli's video): https://youtu.be/ndhN6ZTfOeM
Anime elitism:
An early favorite anitube video of mine, looking at one of the industries greatest creators:
Three examples of what I feel gigguk was always best at (his comedy ain't it):
and gigguk's best serious work:
The first true anitube masterpiece pt. 1:
The perfect medium lengh anitube video, incredible rewatch potential on this one:
context vs content; an important differentiation to consider:
The quintessential recommendations video:
bobsamurai coming through with a guide to enjoying media indefinitely:
the goeff video I remember most fondly:
An example of the power of the small time anitube community <3:
Flug's Anime Experience in 2017:
This List was made on the first day of 2018 and should be viewed more as a timecapsule rather than a definitive list because several ratings have changed since then.
GLT is still aoty tho :3
100th completed anime was Akazuki no Yona
200th was Princess Principal
300th was Air
400th was Fireworks
500th was the Elfen Lied Special
600th was Gurren Lagann Movie 1: Gurren-hen
700th was Gargantia
800th was Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX
900th was Girls & Panzer: Saishuushou Part 3 Specials
Reached 100 days of anime watched while finishing Zeta Gundam on the 9th of october 2019.
I finished the first season. It's great. I don't know if I'm perhaps overstating things a tad but honestly it's pretty close to a 9 for me. Excited for the rest, will try to get to it this month. And yeah, the comedy is great.
Hey Flug. I'm watching Kaguya-sama right now and it's pretty fucking great. What do you think about the new season? And also, do the characters start to have more emotional/dramatic scenes as they go on? I'm surprised how much more of a comedy it is than a romance so far.
That sounds pretty cool. I'll have to check it out sometime. The only vtuber I've watched is the really famous one ... who's name i forget. At least to my memory.
Oh really? Damn. I see it's your favorite anime movie now. Is it (3.0 + 1.0) now your favorite anime or is K-On! season 2 still it?
Oh damn. I have not gone down that hole yet. What's the appeal to you, if I may ask? the good thing about this is I guess I could catch up to you ; )
Yes! I've been watching consistently since late July after not watching any for like two and a half years. It's been nice. I've completed about 40 things since then (all anime included). Also rewatched Evangelion cause as you could probably tell the shows I haven't seen in a long time I've put on a rewatch list. Just reaffirmed how it's pretty much the best thing of all time. Gearing up to watch the Rebuilds this week, never seen them and a little scared because of their divisiveness, but also optimistic.
How've you been bro? Sorry for not keeping in touch.
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Also, what was with the bruh?
That sounds pretty cool. I'll have to check it out sometime. The only vtuber I've watched is the really famous one ... who's name i forget. At least to my memory.
Oh damn. I have not gone down that hole yet. What's the appeal to you, if I may ask? the good thing about this is I guess I could catch up to you ; )
jk never gonna happen
How've you been bro? Sorry for not keeping in touch.