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Aug 10, 2019 5:56 AM

May 2018
GenesisAria said:
@alshu anyone who has any remote clue about current events should know exactly what i'm talking about

Naaah, you sound like "All europeans are seig hiel-ing them instead of greeting" without you having the slightest idea is that true or not.

GenesisAria said:
like the internet copyright shit

This is about money and some european companies wanting piece of the internet pie. It's an economic step. Nobody is stopping publishing political, religious or other non commercial stuff.
Nothing authoritarian in that only greed.
Maybe your politicians are saying that this it's a step toward fascism or something...only a rhetoric. They are pissed of that some of your companies are screwed up.
They will call anyone who they dislike a nazi.

Give me some real authoritarian stuff - denying freedom of thought, freedom of religion ect.

GenesisAria said:
and people are pretty apathetic to political shit here

I actually have some ex compatriots in Canada and they tell me that your internal political life is OK in comparison to our...still I am not talking about the whole EU, just about my little eastern europeanian country.

GenesisAria said:
anyway, gonna just end the topic.

OK but believe me or not calling the whole EU orwellian nightmare is a bit of a stretch.
Also there are some pretty OK countries which are not part of EU like Switzerland, Iceland, Norway ect.
alshuAug 10, 2019 6:00 AM
Aug 10, 2019 7:53 AM

Apr 2012
@TheDeedsOfMen People just need to understand that the world hasn't really changed, and the so-called "progressive" views have simply become new moral dogmas that are imposed on people regardless of whether they need it or not. I don’t want to say that “oh my god, gay conquered the world” or some other shit like that, just for some reason, people think that bad things like censorship or imperialism will cease to be bad if we replace bad motivation with relatively good ones.

For example, if earlier censorship and the war against freedom of speech were justified by various conservative nonsense, now they use concepts like “hate speach” and “Russian intervention” for this. Or, for example, in my country, politicians simply replaced the standard accusation of anti-Soviet propaganda with vague "extremism".

Right, left, this is just an actual labels. Real politics remains exactly the same.
Aug 10, 2019 10:49 AM
Dec 2018
TheMytherion said:
IRON_FIST1984 said:

intersex is so rare that its obvious they shoved it to glorify transgenders. sjw reasons. no there wasent any reason for luca to show his tits and reveal hes intersex. nothing to do with whatever his father likes him or not. of he dident liked him he wouldent adopt him. this was shoved for sjw reasons for sure.

Wow you really are dumb. You fail to understand a plot that even gradeschoolers are able to understand. You're obsessed with "sjw" (who even says that word unironically), that you can't see reason in the most reasoned things. You're bringing up ridiculous arguments, that you are presenting as facts.
You're behaving like a clown, get out.

i see the little snowflake cant take it that not everyone cheer for his trashy new age sjw nonsense. but you will get over it my little snowflake friend
Aug 10, 2019 12:14 PM

May 2014
RobertBobert said:
@TheDeedsOfMen People just need to understand that the world hasn't really changed, and the so-called "progressive" views have simply become new moral dogmas that are imposed on people regardless of whether they need it or not. I don’t want to say that “oh my god, gay conquered the world” or some other shit like that, just for some reason, people think that bad things like censorship or imperialism will cease to be bad if we replace bad motivation with relatively good ones.

For example, if earlier censorship and the war against freedom of speech were justified by various conservative nonsense, now they use concepts like “hate speach” and “Russian intervention” for this. Or, for example, in my country, politicians simply replaced the standard accusation of anti-Soviet propaganda with vague "extremism".

Right, left, this is just an actual labels. Real politics remains exactly the same.
Regardless of whether any of this is right or wrong, what does this even have to do with my post? What does any of this have to do with whether the EU is fascist or not?

The institutions of the European Union don't write hate speech laws. They don't even have the legal jurisdiction to do so. The member states are the ones responsible. The same with dealing with Russian influence online: it is the member states, not EU institutions.
TheDeedsOfMenAug 10, 2019 12:19 PM
Aug 10, 2019 12:44 PM

Apr 2012
TheDeedsOfMen said:
RobertBobert said:
@TheDeedsOfMen People just need to understand that the world hasn't really changed, and the so-called "progressive" views have simply become new moral dogmas that are imposed on people regardless of whether they need it or not. I don’t want to say that “oh my god, gay conquered the world” or some other shit like that, just for some reason, people think that bad things like censorship or imperialism will cease to be bad if we replace bad motivation with relatively good ones.

For example, if earlier censorship and the war against freedom of speech were justified by various conservative nonsense, now they use concepts like “hate speach” and “Russian intervention” for this. Or, for example, in my country, politicians simply replaced the standard accusation of anti-Soviet propaganda with vague "extremism".

Right, left, this is just an actual labels. Real politics remains exactly the same.
Regardless of whether any of this is right or wrong, what does this even have to do with my post? What does any of this have to do with whether the EU is fascist or not?

The institutions of the European Union don't write hate speech laws. They don't even have the legal jurisdiction to do so. The member states are the ones responsible. The same with dealing with Russian influence online: it is the member states, not EU institutions.

I want to say only that "fascism" is an obsolete cliche that has lost any meaning now.
Aug 10, 2019 1:14 PM

Dec 2009

Stop the political shit everybody, it has nothing to do with the episode or show anymore.
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Aug 10, 2019 3:14 PM

Apr 2016
This episode was interesting, I really like it. This series is convincing me more and more. Nice.
Aug 10, 2019 3:19 PM

Dec 2018
suprised at Luca being intersexual, i thought he was one hundred per cent a girl lol. It was all fine but when Luca was spilling the tea, however, i couldn't ignore how japanese animes love to portray out of spectrum people as stereotyped subjects common people would do:" let me show some tits to prove my point and y'all gonna believe me". Though i never expected this show to be conscious, but cant stand at this.

Putting it aside, that's not my only complaining of the way this anime is going to. Are they rruning out of ideas? i've seen these types of plot twist, sad stories as Ulgar's backstory every year and guess i will see exactly as they depict in another shows. Please come up with something new, it isn't that hard
Aug 10, 2019 4:45 PM

May 2014
RobertBobert said:
TheDeedsOfMen said:
Regardless of whether any of this is right or wrong, what does this even have to do with my post? What does any of this have to do with whether the EU is fascist or not?

The institutions of the European Union don't write hate speech laws. They don't even have the legal jurisdiction to do so. The member states are the ones responsible. The same with dealing with Russian influence online: it is the member states, not EU institutions.

I want to say only that "fascism" is an obsolete cliche that has lost any meaning now.
Then why are you trying to argue with me specifically? I am not the person who initially started using the word "fascism." Direct your arguments to them, not me.
Aug 10, 2019 11:52 PM

Dec 2014
nice to see a character like this...truely enjoying the series
Aug 11, 2019 3:06 AM
Oct 2014
IRON_FIST1984 said:
TheMytherion said:

Wow you really are dumb. You fail to understand a plot that even gradeschoolers are able to understand. You're obsessed with "sjw" (who even says that word unironically), that you can't see reason in the most reasoned things. You're bringing up ridiculous arguments, that you are presenting as facts.
You're behaving like a clown, get out.

i see the little snowflake cant take it that not everyone cheer for his trashy new age sjw nonsense. but you will get over it my little snowflake friend
you really are ignorant. Even spelling it out for you wouldnt help. I can see why Myth didn’t bother explaining it to you
Aug 11, 2019 6:01 AM

May 2018
GenesisAria said:
You missed every point worse than missing the broadside of a barn. You said a whole ton of stupid that forced me to reply one last time smh.

Yeah, calling your opponent stupid will convince him/her.

GenesisAria said:
The internet stuff IS denial of freedoms of expression first and foremost, because it denies the ability to reliably do simple things such as review content or anything on the subject even.

- You obviously rely on a skewed interpretation about what those regulations mean. You can totally express your opinions on everything, just not exploit it's content for money.
- Many non european companies react the same way and ban YT videos left and right because they [eventually] exploit too much of their can even say that way way more North American and Japanese companies do that.
So you guys can do it but when we do the same "Ewww, fascist scum!".
- Actually making money from other people's product, even a flowed one is not exactly freedom of expression.
Some warnings about it being hazardous or misinforming or whatever would be welcome...and preferably for non profit purposes.
- Actually you are commenting (while being misinformed) on only a small fraction of those regulations.

GenesisAria said:
Plus you're being a complete dimwit with this nonsensical false dichotomy logic.

Oh thank you!

GenesisAria said:
I never said anything about nazi shit, i never said anything about dystopian whatever... I don't give a fuck about politics

Yet you made some generalizations on the whole Europe (which is small but ridiculously fractured) even talked about "dominating issues".

GenesisAria said:
i despise all of it, i hate hate hate it, so i intentionally forget it all.

I also hate it but we are all forced to deal with its consequences.

GenesisAria said:
All i know is i saw plenty of signs of it LEANING to pro-authoritarian and having fascists leaking into the political stage; i know plenty of people in the EU who would very readily agree that it's getty pretty hairy with the policies and shit that keep getting pushed.

As I said before the things are definitely going in that direction due to internal problems, external pushes (some from good "friends") and everybody's desire to mainly go for some fast dirty money...but not there yet.
Are you telling me that it's that much different in North America?

GenesisAria said:
Nobody believed that bills like the copyright one would get passed, but it did.

The funny thing is that you even don't know what those bills mean...still ready to shit on everything european.
By the way just a couple of year ago EU signed some preferential contracts for Canadian import...which kind of messed some local businesses...was that an authoritarian act?

GenesisAria said:
I never said anything about seig heil-ing or whatever...

You called all of us fascists or something.

GenesisAria said:
You've being ridiculously hyperbolic. Stop assuming shit and labelling everything ffs.

You do it first man...I am just mirroring you.
Aug 11, 2019 6:27 AM

Jan 2016
didn't expect Luca to be intersex. I guess I was wrong that Luca was the enemy, but there is no way that Charce isn't the enemy after that face.
Aug 11, 2019 2:17 PM

Oct 2018
IRON_FIST1984 said:

i see the little snowflake cant take it that not everyone cheer for his trashy new age sjw nonsense. but you will get over it my little snowflake friend

-has to cry over every small thing because he's so fragile
-can't handle facts
-doesn't understand the simplest story
but calls other people snowflakes

TheMytherionAug 11, 2019 2:27 PM
Aug 11, 2019 3:22 PM
Apr 2019
Kerozinn said:
i wish i could agree with all those 9/10 reviews for this show but sofar is just mediocred as fuck to me.

You could always trying getting some taste
Aug 11, 2019 10:09 PM

Jul 2016
This show's gimmick is really mediocre. Each character is a stereotype and each of them get a paper-thin backstory, and their personal issues get resolved in a single episode. Isn't this suppose to be a sci-fi survival series? I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up.
I guess next episode is stereotypical pretty boy's episode. Can't wait to see what sob sorry they cook up for him.
Aug 12, 2019 3:09 AM
Feb 2019
I thought Luca was a girl anyway /:
Aug 12, 2019 9:57 AM

Jan 2011
EcchiGodMamster said:
Pikslap said:

Actual, biologically, Intersex people exist. I'm sure a lot of them don't want to be associated with SJW crap. They can't help they were born that way. And they can't help that their problem is being appropriated by mentally ill lunatics. Don't fault Luca for something he can't really help.

i never implied they didn't exist and i never said anything of the sort lol

Pikslap said:

I feel you man. PC culture has ruined so much for me. I just want to take things at face value again. The people on Twitter are mostly very plastic, and will eat anything like this up. You just have to work on ignoring it. It is hard, but it's easier if you take breaks from the internet, which is where most of these poor mentally ill folk spend their time pushing uniqueness. Living in a small town helps too, as most of these people live in big cities. Just don't let it take over your mind. There are still plenty of sane communities out there.

its quite unfortunate that all companies seem to be seeing online are the radicals who push for shit NO ONE asks for

QWERTYFish25 said:
Rage harder.


not until you bait harder :D

No politics is politics. Every story, work of art and form of expression is a means of protest against the status quo or against it. People can delude themselves into being apolitical if they want. But the fact is we question our surroundings with every aspect of our being. Even your speech about a SJW agenda is a form of expression aimed at resisting a point of that you feel is being forced upon the population. An implied affirmation that our society in part, at least, is better off without those messages.
Aug 12, 2019 10:20 AM

Mar 2012
QWERTYFish25 said:
EcchiGodMamster said:

i never implied they didn't exist and i never said anything of the sort lol

its quite unfortunate that all companies seem to be seeing online are the radicals who push for shit NO ONE asks for

not until you bait harder :D

No politics is politics. Every story, work of art and form of expression is a means of protest against the status quo or against it. People can delude themselves into being apolitical if they want. But the fact is we question our surroundings with every aspect of our being. Even your speech about a SJW agenda is a form of expression aimed at resisting a point of that you feel is being forced upon the population. An implied affirmation that our society in part, at least, is better off without those messages.

Our society IS better off without those messages.. or at least, the tactics that the west is now using to push them

The road to hell can be paved with good intentions

At least anime does it right
EcchiGodMamsterAug 12, 2019 10:24 AM
Aug 12, 2019 12:53 PM

May 2018
IRON_FIST1984 said:
''im going to kill you as a revenge for your father killing my brother''

-''but im a transgender!''

-''okay you get a pass''

lol. like his father not being sad would change anything. what a retarted scene. still good episode

him being a transgender has nothing to do with the plot. they just revealed it for sjw reasons

Nah, it was more like this:

"im going to kill you as a revenge for your father killing my brother''

- [Shows boobs]

- "wtf you're a girl, I can't kill girls"

- "Actually I'm intersex and identify as a boy"

- "wtf is going on?!"

[drops gun in confusion and starts crying because reality is not making sense anymore]
Aug 12, 2019 10:43 PM

Apr 2019
IRON_FIST1984 said:
''im going to kill you as a revenge for your father killing my brother''

-''but im a transgender!''

-''okay you get a pass''

lol. like his father not being sad would change anything. what a retarted scene. still good episode

him being a transgender has nothing to do with the plot. they just revealed it for sjw reasons

it very much has to do with why he didn't kill him
the point was hurting his father, they stated that political positions are hereditary which means the eldest son would inherit the position in their society
since he is not a male he cannot inherit the position

i don't know whats so hard to grasp about that
You son of a .. turtle

Aug 13, 2019 3:06 AM

Apr 2019
here is the preview for ep 7
You son of a .. turtle

Aug 13, 2019 1:54 PM

Aug 2013
Firechick12012 said:
Phasferous said:
I'd like to point out that Luca isn't a Herm. He's a Trannie.

There's a point in the episode that essentially confirms this.

Hard to deny it when there are clear indications when the author inserts like this. "Transient Love"? Nice give away anime...

I don't mind or care if there's a trans, herm, futa or any other gender in a anime or manga. It's when it's so blatantly shoehorned into the narrative like this is where I take issue. Compared to all of the other characters in this show thus far, Luca has actually had the least amount of screen-time or interactions compared to all the other characters.

So this sudden and big reveal reeks of political pandering and real world identity politics in a fictional story and setting. Real great way to disincentivize viewers from continuing a sure fire way to drag the current 2019 political climate into what was otherwise a pretty fun and enjoyable story.

Dude, it's just words on a shirt. Don't read so deep into it. Nobody's shoving political stuff into anything. Intersex people exist IRL, so what's wrong with writing characters who happen to be so? It's not like it's going to take over the story or anything.

Well, I was fine with his development till that shirt appeared. You need to be blind if you really think it's has nothing to to with the whole SJW shit.

My question to manga readers. Is it the same in manga, or they added this 'progressive' trash t-shirt in anime adaptation?
Aug 13, 2019 2:03 PM

Jul 2010
To answer your question, yes, Luca wears that shirt in the manga as well. I checked. And yes, it doesn't have anything to do with any SJW stuff. As someone who was actually cyberbullied by social justice warriors, I can tell the difference. Again, you're reading way too deep into it.

If you want something that actually tries way too hard to be progressive to the point that it hurts and actively detriments the media, read Rick Riordan's book The Hammer of Thor, part of the Magnus Chase series. That book's ham-fisted way of trying to shoehorn in a bunch of social issues makes Astra look subtle.
Aug 14, 2019 3:33 AM
Mar 2012
Quite a packed amazing ep.
OP changed quite a bit with Yunhua updates.
Ulgar backstory started funny for the edge & Tooi Kuji clone, but got interesting as their two dads got mentioned, & Luca's secrets. Hinting at much larger politics/dna cloning issues in their conspiracy theories. Aries' biology class board also showed teacher explaining dna structure.
Not sure how the gun survived.
Lol 'transient love' & 'mild thing' tshirts.
Aug 14, 2019 12:22 PM
Sep 2017
If they all survive and, Ulgar and luca don't somehow end up together i'm calling this worst show ever XD, JK I'm loving this show so far
Aug 17, 2019 2:19 PM

Jul 2009
Even before opening this thread, I knew some people would be vocal about Luca's gender reveal. Never change, MAL.

I'm now curious about the 'common thread' linking everyone like what Kanata said. Their relationship with their parents is out of the question since Aries doesn't seem to have issues with her mom (and maybe Charce and his mom too). With the discussion on the genome project and Charce's discovery about fauna in their current planet being clones, I won't be surprised if all the kids turned out to be artificial beings or something like that. Maybe kind of an outlandish theory, but there's some foreshadowing to it. That would also explain why their parents don't care much for them, and possibly why they all have single parents (as seen in the meeting room scene during the previous episode).

Yeah, I'm probably thinking too much into this now lol.
SkittlesAug 17, 2019 2:22 PM
Aug 18, 2019 12:56 PM

Feb 2007
Ooh, a futa character. Nice!
Aug 18, 2019 6:07 PM

May 2010
I didn't read pages 2 and 3 of the comment thread, but it seems like the anime handled this subject pretty tastefully and it really shouldn't be causing this kind of discussion. It's not going the "SJW" route of trying to force opinions on us, nor is it glossing over the difficulties of being intersex. It's pretty well-balanced in my opinion.
“Money can't buy dere”
Aug 20, 2019 5:39 PM

Dec 2009
Let me just state the obvious:

The subjects and views presented in the media are the thoughts and opinions of the author, not political messages.
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Aug 20, 2019 9:27 PM

Dec 2016
That ending with Charce's dead ass stare lmao, another good episode
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Aug 22, 2019 2:25 PM

Jun 2014
Well, we've certainly learned a lot more about Ulgar and Luca. I think the two of them are going to continue to grow closer to each other.

Meanwhile, sexy boy Charce appears to have a secret. Could he be the enemy?

Aug 22, 2019 8:04 PM
Jan 2017
Astra Lost in Space delivers yet another fantastic episode! This show is pretty good at delivering character drama, and this week, we learn the backstory of Ulgar, who gets his fair amount of character development and viewers get to see his actions on a much clearer perspective. Even Luca gets his own chance to shine. Unfortunately, this is not the end of troubles for our merry band of space adventurers, as the reveal from last episode was indeed something to throw viewers off. We are still no closer to uncovering the traitor than we were at the beginning, and the episode ends with the reveal of yet another, equally valid suspect. Astra Lost in Space has proven to be the show where anything can happen and viewers should always stay on their toes.
Aug 23, 2019 2:49 AM

Jan 2014
Carp82 said:
I'm not trying to say that I called Luca being a girl, but I totally did call Luca being a girl... kind of. "My revenge was the closest thing I had to a goal in this trash heap of a life" wins my edgiest line of the season award. Ulgar is cemented as my least favorite character now. He made a serious accusation towards someone based on insubstantial evidence and attacked the family member of the accused. At least that proves he'll have a promising career in journalism. Everyone just being cool with Ulgar still having a gun is stupid too. Just because he's the only one that can use it doesn't mean he should have it. What if he just decides one day that Funicia killed his brother and blows her head off?

Except... Luca isn't a girl?
Aug 23, 2019 2:57 AM

Jan 2014
*trans/intersex character exists*

Everyone: Political! SJW! Forced!

Fucking chill??? Seriously, what the fuck.

Also, Luca isn't a girl. He's intersex and identifies as male. He uses male pronouns. And don't call him a futa either. Fuck.

First anime/manga to actually represent a character correctly and use words to confirm. Dumb fans aside, kudos.
Aug 23, 2019 3:03 AM

Jan 2014
JiangHaoyi1979 said:
Ok, so nither Ulgar nor Luca were the the enemy and we get to know Luca and Ulgar's backstory........were Luca is an intersex, "INTERSEX" don't
they mean hermaphrodite , cu'z that's was he/she was???

Whoa, could he be the enemy?????

It's intersex. 'Hermaphodite' is more of a negative term/slur for it in present day that is no longer used. Also, his pronouns are "he/him".
Aug 23, 2019 3:12 AM

Jan 2014
ex_necross said:
Meta_Yoshi said:
I didn't really expect Luca to be a trans-type of character in this show

He's not trans, he's a hermaphrodite. Don't let the SJWs count this as a win. Unlike trans people, hermaphrodites have a real condition that is the result of a developmental defect.

Intersex and transgender people are under the same umbrella. For example, while in the womb, all fetuses start as female until hormone washes. In Luca's case, his brain developed as male and the rest of his body didn't receive as much testosterone as he should have had during the washes so not all of his body developed as male fully and he ended up having both male/female anatomy. With trans men and women, the brain develops fully as male/female but the body develops separately entirely with either testosterone washes or lack there of.
Aug 23, 2019 9:44 PM

Aug 2017
I think that this episode was hilariously bad. Yeah, we have more information but the characters actions make no sense. Why did Ulgar want to kill Luca in front of everyone? Why he just can't wait to kill Luca's adoptive dad later? Fun fact: he doesn't even have proof that Luca's adoptive dad actually killed his brother. Who would return a gun to someone who just tried to kill one in the crew? What is the gun is still there? I couldn't believe this was actually supposed to be taken seriously. And why a fucking wave appear at exactly the right moment? Luca is a hermaphrodite!

Oh shit, another cliffhanger. Last one was so dumb, please, be better here.
NurguburuAug 23, 2019 10:11 PM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Aug 24, 2019 12:35 PM

Jul 2008
I knew something felt off about Luca. Now I know why.

Also I think we found our mole.
Sep 5, 2019 3:17 AM
☆A-Qing's hair☆

Jun 2008
Short_Circut said:
Tsukizono said:

Nah lol, well I hope not anyway. I'm not intersex (am trans), but I can totally relate to Luca, and I can say that he is a very endearing and likable example of how an LGBT character should be written, especially in a shounen series. It's not the most profound, most respectful writing ever, but I love his character. And I ship him with Ulgar too. They should totally get together.

Yea I do hope stuff about gender doesn't get overly exaggerated/criticized, but you know MAL reviewers gotta find some way to hate on shows. Look at Yuri on Ice for instance lol

Nim0174 said:

Do Ships Sail? Find out here.

To be fair with Yuri on Ice, that show baited and teased gay relationships, baited and baited and... nothing. nada. I personally enjoyed the show, however the people that disliked it due to said bait are completely right about that. I can understand that would piss people off.

Also, it perpetuates the stereotype/myth that all male figure skaters are "the big gay"... though that's more just an anime thing in general (stereotyping/tropes).

Sep 5, 2019 3:51 AM

Dec 2016
Lol this sexual ambiguity revelation felt so forced. Included for the sake of looking thematically important. What was really the need, if the show is not going to be centered around this issue?

Anyway, nevermind. Still fun and catchy, and that's all I care about at this point.
Sep 9, 2019 6:40 AM

Jul 2017
Kimurah said:
Ah Kanata no Astra, "inconsistency" is your middle name.

They clearly stated that guns have been banned for more than 100 years in their home planet, when Ulgar found the gun on board the ship. Now they claim that the only way they can get them is by either stealing/getting them from the police or getting a training gun elsewhere. In the end wich one is it? complete ban of guns or did their world just managed to get a proper gun control on it's population?

I could almost feel my hands bleeding by all the edge Ulgar was emanating from himself.

Come sit, and listen to my whole story, while I'm gunpointing at an obvious innocent that has nothing to do with my butthurt

Corny sob flashback √
Resentment and daddy issues √
Brocon syndrome √
Another sob resolution to finally trigger the inner edge on Sasuke /Ulgar
Cliche shonen shout at the end of the story √√

Ulgar's theory and resentment toward Esposito is just retarded as it is his character, and just for the record, this isn't particularly criticsm just pointing out how blindsided Ulgar is, by claiming that the events of his brother's death makes esposito the immediate culprit of it (even his theory that depresed people don't buy gifts to their beloved ones before commiting suicide, when Koe no Katachi is a good exaple of exactly that)

Now lets get back to the planet and the Tsunami. The wave looked quite tall, lets say 15 to 20 meters tall. But by the time it reaches the beach it's tame enough not to at the very least knock the lights out of Ulgar & Luca whom were hit (not to mention that a wave that tall, should have also hit the whole spaceship and dragged it along).

The last loophole in this episode, is how the heck did they get the gun back from the beach? everyone ran for their lives and boarded the ship when they saw the high wave reaching them. Ulgar still has the gun when he picks up Luca, but the gun magically disappears when both are trying to reach the landing platform of the ship.

Every character in this show has an IQ score of 50.
Sep 9, 2019 1:46 PM

Mar 2012
Shingster said:
The insight into Ulgar's past though was pretty interesting. Even though to his family Ulgar was more or less an outcast the bond that he shared with him can be seen to be a strong one. Ulgar's motivation for revenge sure mixed well with the revelation about Luca's gender though. Looks like family issues are still quite prevalent in the future as well. As is the belief that only man can inherit positions of power. In a way it can be said that Luca and Ulgar are very similar in the pain that they feel from their families. The tidal wave though sure presented quite the unique situation for the team and for Ulgar and Luca though. In the aftermath its nice to see both break out of their shells and reveal their true self to the team. Though Luca seems to enjoy this the most by her teasing. Overall a solid ep that did well to expand upon both Ulgar and Luca's characters while also advancing the main plot. The last revelation though was such an interesting cliffhanger. Can't wait to see what happens next ep.
His teasing. Luca is a he. He identifies as male. Can't wait to see your reaction and others come episode 12 (distant finale). You people are so close minded.
Sep 10, 2019 8:25 AM

Dec 2010
Noooooooooooooooo, 2nd best boi is the bad guy? ;_;
Sep 18, 2019 10:11 PM

Mar 2010
So that's why I got confused with Lucas gender

Charce lied :0
StardewSep 18, 2019 10:19 PM
Sep 20, 2019 4:36 PM
Mar 2018
I am so glad I did not give up on this anime after the first two crappy episodes! It keeps getting better. I want to know more about Charce...
Sep 22, 2019 6:54 PM

Jul 2019
Ulgar & Luca backstory episode. I enjoyed the exchange between the two, very tense and not super cheesy, and the bonding feels genuine. All of the characters are starting to feel more like real characters. Also as a side thought: An anime about a journalist would be pretty cool actually. Someone who gets into deep situations in order to break stories.
Oct 4, 2019 4:04 AM

Nov 2018
Ulgar taking it out on Luca for what his father did is still wrong even if Luca's father won't be sad if he died.
Kanata and Ulgar's hug was hot.
That "aye, yeah." was so awkward with that timing, but nice to see Ulgar's character development.
I see how Ulgar and Luca is the led on ship for either of them.
Charce does seem shady. Let's see where it goes.
Oct 4, 2019 3:46 PM
Apr 2016
Well! That was definitely the best episode so far, without a doubt! Let's start by saying that Ulgar's actions were morally incorrect, it was Luca's father who did the potential perfect murder, Luca was not guilty of any crime. The wave was unexpected, and looking at it's size, realistically Luca and Ulgar were not supposed to survive. Charce turns out to be the real enemy, but what really is a mystery is how Aries until now didn't say a thing about him, WHILE having her photographic memory.
Oct 7, 2019 12:33 PM

Apr 2012
@Phasferous Such a reading contradicts the plot itself, since Luca directly says that he is both a man and a woman thanks to his intersex body. This is his unique nature, not a question of abstract identities.
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