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Days: 293.1
Mean Score:
- Watching164
- Completed844
- On-Hold4
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- Plan to Watch283
- Total Entries1,295
- Rewatched64
- Episodes16,895
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Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld Reflection
Jan 20, 9:34 PM
· Scored
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Days: 25.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries15
- Reread0
- Chapters4,497
- Volumes164
All Comments (267) Comments
Was browsing trough my friends list and remembered that it existed ,those days when everything media related was still to be discovered and how much of a tight community it was,thanks for the great memories.
I'm wondering if you are watching pokemon subbed or dubbed, if you are watching it subbed would you mind giving me your source? Seems like w/e i search a large portion of subbed episodes seems to be missing.
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