All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 255.4
Mean Score:
- Watching18
- Completed1,025
- On-Hold23
- Dropped42
- Plan to Watch373
- Total Entries1,481
- Rewatched0
- Episodes14,971
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 129.4
Mean Score:
- Reading44
- Completed166
- On-Hold27
- Dropped9
- Plan to Read138
- Total Entries384
- Reread0
- Chapters20,712
- Volumes1,154
All Comments (49) Comments
Not very interesting at all, it only turns the tables on what was previously common sense in this world, and puts the MC as the intersection of two very different worlds, and then they start to grind on one another, and who did I say that was in the middle?
As far as character development goes, Bell will have to change his views and he will have to take actions, which will have consequences, and the writer did no shy away from them, it is a shitstorm.
Now, if that isn't already by itself more interesting than previous seasons, do watch the next episode to get a reality check, the writer took this theme seriously, this wont end like you think.
Btw, fyi, if you ever heard of it and if you like BunBun, Yuusha de aru might be the one for you, because i walked into Yuusha de aru fanbase, they REALLY LOVE BunBun instead of Yuusha de aru's original creator Takahiro, because of Yuusha de aru's character design maker (a.k.a BunBun), and tbh, i absolutely ADORE YuYuYu (eventhough it has some flaws).
So, if you like BunBun, you may check out YuYuYu.
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Yet this sentence comes from a big fan of Berserk (you can see it on my favorite lists).