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Always looking for people who wanna hang out, maybe talk some science or something else, talk about anime and akiba-culture, or maybe play games on occasion, if you're wanting to make friends.
ロリがすごく大好き、めちゃくちゃ大好きです。新旧のすべて友達は私が大切にしている。私は存在感と寄り添うが好きですが、でも、私は少しちょっと変です、いいえ、まじ変。(日本語がよくわからない) Whether things we like are simple or complex, we all have simplex reasons we value them, even if we don't admit. "Nature speaks truth. Humans are interpreters of truth. Humans do not speak truth, as they interpret." "The most beauty is in the ability to recognize the beauty in everything." "The meaning of life is to live on and pass on." –GenesisAria [Spoilers] Kimi no Na wa. explained! Plot-holes filled! My response to Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight and links to highly detailed video analyses. There needs to be more proper cute yuri anime... Like romance ones, not derpy ones or boring ones. Girls are adorable, precious and beautiful; two girls together is just all the more beautiful〜 My ratings are all inaccurate, i'm just going to say that right off the bat. I don't believe in this popular trend of subjectivism, nor do i support the people who think there's a concrete singular objectivity to a work of art. I'm not an opinion preacher, nor an anime analyst. By my life's work and my nature, i'm a philosopher. Philosophy is not truth or claimed to be so, but rather the pursuit of truth. Neither opinion nor mechanical constitution represent truth. The truth of art is that it's an organic and dynamic existence which constantly changes to various consensuses and perspectives and trends. There's far more to the beautiful and grand world of fiction than opinions, and it's not so materialistic and petty as it's materialistic constituents. I understand my own opinion of each particular work, such as a fellow like Digibro, who knows his own tastes well, but i'm also very comprehensive of a multitude of opinions and perspectives, as well as the grand picture, the panscopia. In a sense i would label myself an "Anime Philosopher". I should also mention, that despite what my ratings of anime might suggest, i am very critical of fiction in general. When i see most things people make, i'm always thinking "is this really the best you can do?" It needs to be known that you can understand what fiction can do beyond most or all things you've seen, without disliking everything that doesn't meet that standards. I have INSANELY high standards, but i can still enjoy mediocre or trashy shows by finding merits in them. If i had my way there would be 2 ratings for every series, one for my personal opinion and enjoyment, and one for the the more widely inclusive perspective in an ontological sense. Unfortunately, i have to average these two sides of the coin into a single rating, and that's what i base my values off of, hence why they're inaccurate or misleading. ⑩ [If you don't watch, you are a blasphemous heretic] → Profound, no unnecessary flaws, has a lot of messages, philosophies and fantastic presentation of story & characters ⑨ [Absolutely need to watch] → Excellent, few issues at all, many messages and/or philosophies and great presentation of story & characters ⑧ [Exceeds expectations, worth watching] → Good, few significant issues, has good things to say, might have the odd moment of brilliance, decent presentation and stands out from the standard ⑦ [Average anime, watch or don't at discretion] → Not bad, has some issues, or not, but nothing overly special nor has anything particular to say necessarily, average enjoyment, standard anime ⑥ [Don't watch unless appeals to you specifically] → Not very good, something was definitely sorely missing. ⑤ to ① [Run for your life] → Trash on one level or another. ...Enjoy arbitrary approximations. I can only use it to balance shows relative to eachother, not on a total scale. Scroll down for more genre/thematically specific favourites etc. -------------------------------------- GenesisAria #5237 Favourite Colour: 🌸 Pink (soft, #FFA6C3) Favourite Subject: Φ☯ Unified æther (dielectric / incommensurate) field theory ⚡ Favourite Food: 🍜 (pending) Favourite clothing/fashion: 👘👢 Lolita fashion (incl. subgenres), thighhigh socks, laced or buckle boots, zettai ryouiki, pleated short skirts, qipao, short yukata, nopan, corset-style, nekomimi, large headphones, bracers, long gloves, sailor fuku, toggle coats, and more Favourite Place (fictional): 🌌 Mahora Academy, Mundus Magicus, (from my own story: Promi`etheia, Xerra, the meta-verse) Hobbies: 🔫🔭🎧🎐 Anime, socializing & cuddling in VR, making VR avatars, studying æther/dielectric/unified field mechanics, experiencing music, philosophizing, cosplay (pending), customizing things, non-medieval LARPing, weapons, collecting things i think are cool (be them sciencey or models/figures, or asian items), stargazing (hardly ever actually do it though) Aspiration: 🎯 Building a story (series) with a cohesive universe of immense detail, scale, and realism, and crosses over many genres and countless themes. Project name: Cosmogenesis Goal: Discover and bring true future sciences to fiction. Story stuff: - How far would you go if you were guaranteed success? - We (humanity) are destined for the meta; the manipulation of and existence within the truly universal principles (the ones that span across all physicality and concepts). There is no grander legacy. - Some people call it magic, others call it god, i call it what it is in reality: the meta. - The real thing isn't as interesting as the story... Unless the story becomes the real thing. (For more faves and reasons for them, look below the science stuff!) #HelpKyoAniHeal -------------------------------------- I should probably tell a bit more about myself than just faves and such... I have an eye for the stars and beauty, a heart for the serene, and a passion for the adventurous and magical. To start off, i'm as much Akiba-kei as you can get without actually being in Akihabara. The whole subset of Japanese popular culture that formed it's nexus in Akihabara has evolved into something that is definitively a culture of it's own. This culture is what i live for. Not necessarily the anime or games or whatever themselves, they are means of entertainment, but the philosophy, the metaphysical netherworld we all desire that manifests within the countless tales in all the games, manga and anime. Akiba culture is a mash together of a bazillion jobs, hobbies, perspectives, and interests that share a vision, a vision we can't quantify. It's a way of life. It's no longer just the Akiba-kei of Japanese pop culture, it's the Akiba-kei culture. The reason why i say this is because it's gone way beyond what it used to be. Akiba culture is significantly contrast to Japanese culture and any other culture, has spread across the globe, and has spoken to so many in that shared vision; a dream of utopia in a way. ...That was a bit of a mouthful, but this is something i love and live for, and when watching an anime, you should be aware that you aren't just watching a tv show from another country, you are witnessing a whole culture in it's infancy. Ever been there watching anime and almost forget it was even Japanese, just saw it how it was? That's what i'm talking about, it stands apart. -------------------------------------- I do a lot of in-depth and outside the box thinking... There's a lot of stuff that we as humans are always doing that don't make sense, and are even contradictory to our own emotions. Why do we get all these silly ideas about what's right and wrong, acceptable and awkward? If you want to cuddle someone, why can't you cuddle? You don't have to be lovers to cuddle. Yet it's awkward and unusual, why? Contact is so emotionally beneficial yet we resist. Why do people make things harder for themselves? We all hate paperwork, so why do we all still stubbornly use paperwork instead of making stuff flow better? So many people don't just go and do what they want to do, so many people jump at others for being different instead of investigating why. Sometimes (i can relate) we're limited by elements outside our control, but there's always ways to make the best of it; there's always ways to find a love of things. Here's a lesson: Starting with an example, i used to think nekomimi was the dumbest thing ever. Then one day, i saw a certain iteration of it, and everything clicked. I understood why this weird concept was liked so much, now i love it to bits and find it so adorable. Preferences are never set in stone, you can change them. After the epiphany, i started applying that understanding to all the other instances of the same, and it changed how i felt about all of them. If you dislike something, but have no honestly justifiable reason to, find a version of it where you can contemplate it and grasp redeeming values of it. Take those values and compare the to the rest, and you can develop an appreciation for something new. -------------------------------------- The more you can appreciate and like, the happier you can be. After all, the happiest you can be, is then you can love and see the beauty in everything... I'm on a quest to see the beauty in as much as i can, and the contexts in Akiba culture are the perfect medium to do this with. Akiba culture, the world's most successful yet unintended utopia project. That was all pretty long winded, but i'm a person with a lot of long-winded thoughts. That's an introduction to me and my inseparable relationship with philosophy, science and Akiba culture, よろしく。 I'm a metaphysicist and natural philosopher who has been working to derive Unified Field Theory from the universal energy, most frequently seen in the form of electromagnetism, for many years. All observed phenomena are represented in mathematics as vector effects, and it is possible to comprehend this without the need for particle analogue psychosis. -------------------------------------- There are three camps of science: Pseudoscience: Things like General Relativity. There have no experimentation or empirical facts and are merely anecdotes of the universe. Quasi-science: Things like Quantum Mechanics. There are numerous experimentations and cases of empirical evidence, but the models only supply descriptions without explanations. True Science: These are the kids who play with toys, and build things in their garage. The people who experiment with cause and effect in reality and don't impose on it with convolutions. Through abductive logic, and retroduction, these people can find causal explanations. ※Popular-Science is not science, it is journalism. This is made of parroting priests who go around writing articles on subjects which they know little about, either for profit, or because scientists and/or editorial consensus say it's true. -------------------------------------- Can you see the Unified Field? Can you visualize the waves of energy that cross over like a figure-eight to result in particles and time? Can you see the cohesion of the universe as a single whole... as a fractal singularity? Can you perceive (outside) the universe un-bound by time, where any and every time is always? ...These are traits that separate those who understand science, from those who simply read about it. Intelligence or wisdom is measured by the ability to observe phenomena, create hypotheses (by suspecting causes), and measure the likelihood of each hypothesis, and identify the simplest and most likely. This is retroduction (abductive reasoning) in a nutshell. Deduction is the lowest level of logic where "A is C, and B is C, therefore A is B". Induction is average logical ability where "A is C and B is C, therefore A is connected to B because of C". Abduction is the method used by those that conceive knowledge: "A is most likely related to B, because D(inferred)* causes A to be C, and B to be C" and understanding the difference between a necessitiative conclusion vs a sufficient conclusion. Retroduction is producing a multitude of abductive theories and weighing their probabilities on orders of simplicity and necessity, ἀνάγκη (ananke): "A and B are connected because D is necessary to cause C to be both A and B". *D in abduction is a hypothesis with suggestions in probability; in retroduction it is stating that there must be a '1' in place of your '𝒙' for "(𝒙+√5)/2=1.618etc", or layman's terms, there must be a '1' in place for your '𝒙' for "𝒙+2=3", referring to necessitative conclusions, and requiring that necessity for the theory to hold any relevance. “You imagine that I look back on my life’s work with calm satisfaction. But from nearby it looks quite different. There is not a single concept of which I am convinced that it will stand firm, and I feel uncertain whether I am in general on the right track.” –Albert Einstein, on his 70th birthday letter to Maurice Solovine, 28 March 1949 (in B. Hoffman Albert Einstein: Creator and Rebel 1972, p.328) “Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.” –Nikola Tesla Modern Mechanics and Inventions, July, 1934 “The theory of relativity is a mass of error and deceptive ideas violently opposed to the teachings of great men of science of the past and even to common sense... not a single one of the relativity propositions has been proved.” –Nikola Tesla The New York Sun, July 10, 1935. “Einstein's relativity work is a magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king...” –Nikola Tesla The New York Times, (p. 23, c.8), July 11, 1935. “Now a long haired crank, Einstein by name, Puts on your high teaching all the blame.” While listening on my cosmic phone I caught words from the Olympus blown. A newcomer was shown around; That much I could guess, aided by sound. "There's Archimedes with his lever Still busy on problems as ever. Says: matter and force are transmutable And wrong the laws you thought immutable." "Below, on Earth, they work at full blast And news are coming in thick and fast. The latest tells of a cosmic gun. To be pelted is very poor fun. We are wary with so much at stake, Those beggars are a pest—no mistake." "Too bad, Sir Isaac, they dimmed your renown And turned your great science upside down. Now a long haired crank, Einstein by name, Puts on your high teaching all the blame. Says: matter and force are transmutable And wrong the laws you thought immutable." "I am much too ignorant, my son, For grasping schemes so finely spun. My followers are of stronger mind And I am content to stay behind, Perhaps I failed, but I did my best, These masters of mine may do the rest. Come, Kelvin, I have finished my cup. When is your friend Tesla coming up." "Oh, quoth Kelvin, he is always late, It would be useless to remonstrate." Then silence—shuffle of soft slippered feet— I knock and—the bedlam of the street. “I would not give my rotating magnetic field discovery for a thousand inventions, however valuable, designed merely as mechanical contraptions to deceive the eye and ear! A thousand years hence, the telephone and the motion picture camera may be obsolete, but the principle of the rotating magnetic field will remain a vital, living thing for all time to come.” –Nikola Tesla Popular Science Monthly, November, 1928. Pg. 16, 17, 170, 171 “Like his (Edison's) lamp, my induction motor may be discarded and forgotten in the continuous evolution of the arts, but my rotating field with its marvelous phenomena and manifestations of force will last as long as science itself” –Nikola Tesla New York World Nov. 29, 1929, p. 10 col. 4-5 http://teslacollection.com/ for tesla related material “A body cannot continue its uniform motion in a straight line in this radial universe of curved pressure gradients.” –Walter Russell 1953 “Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.” –Henri Poincaré Science and Hypothesis, 1921 “Geometry is not true, it is advantageous.” –Henri Poincaré Science and Hypothesis, 1902 “It is through science that we prove, but through intuition that we discover.” –Henri Poincaré Science and Method, 1908 "There is nevertheless a nagging suspicion among some astronomers, that all may not be right with the deduction, from the redshift of galaxies via the Doppler effect, that the universe is expanding. The astronomer Halton Arp has found enigmatic and disturbing cases where a galaxy and a quasar, or a pair of galaxies, that are in apparent physical association have very different redshifts... ...If Arp is right, the exotic mechanisms proposed to explain the energy source of distant quasars—supernova chain reactions, supermassive black holes and the like—would prove unnecessary. Quasars need not then be very distant. But some other exotic mechanism will be required to explain the redshift. In either case, something very strange is going on in the depths of space." –Carl Sagan (COSMOS) "Never theorize before you have data. Invariably, you end up twisting facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts." –Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes) We live in an (electromagnetic) diElectric Universe. Classic → Modern ⇒ Future Polarization & Charge Dielectricity → Electricity ⇒ Energy Polarization Magnetism Magnetism as dielectric radiation → Magnetism as magic ⇒ Field Polarization Electricity & Other structured energy Electrification → Electromagnetism ⇒ Waveform (polarized macro construct) Gravity & Mass Gravity → Gravity ⇒ Radial Accelerative Polarizing Gradient Matter (all scales) Atomism → Quantum ⇒ Incommensurable/Fractal Polarized Field Condensate Æther → Vacuum ⇒ 1st phase of matter Fire → Plasma ⇒ 2nd phase of matter Air → Gas ⇒ 3rd phase of matter Water → Liquid ⇒ 4th phase of matter Earth → Solid ⇒ 5th phase of matter Magic → Magnetization ⇒ meta phase of matter. Material coalescence = charge (counterspatial) Radiation = discharge (spatial) What is polarity? The forming of anything. The effect of location, force, energy being separated and made active from neutrality which is at rest, inactive, it's literally nothing. You need two things to be able to identify eachother and compare. Therefore, for anything to happen, you need an Eve with your Adam. Polarity is + & -, it's N & S, it's up & down, it's space & counterspace, it's acceleration & deceleration, it's male & female. It is not 2 separate things, but it is 2 sides of one coin. For every force there is a counter-force which is a mirror image of the original force in the opposite direction to form a reciprocal. Polarity is the binary state of æther. What is æther? It's what we call the stuff the universe is made of. When you have no polarization, it's just at rest. Mathematically it's sitting at blank or 0 until you start writing your equations. Zero doesn't mean literally nothing, it means neutrality, rest, inactivity. Polarize the æther, and then you have numbers you can work with. The æther is a self-affirming concept that is irrefutable on any grounds but semantics, as it is the universe definitionally. The æther is the æther, and everything; it is not made of anything, it does not do anything (you can't test it, and don't need to), it is simply the 'stuff' in which everything happens. Æther is incommensurate inertia. What is the Unified field equation? 0+1=1 & 0-1=-1 1 is the unified field, the æther, the fulcrum for that which is. 0 is the state of being neutral to that æther, making it inherently have an ambiguous value of 1. What's the one mathematical equation that you can literally get every other mathematical equation from? 0+1=1 Because once you have 1, you now have a something (unmanifest æther / potential interia). Now you can polarize it, to make two states/dimensions of that something: 1+1=2, and again, 2+1=3. Maybe that's too slow, let's multiply, 3x3=9 (aka 3+3+3=9, or 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=9). Just like that you can build up to any mathematical equation. Confusion arises when you correlate your mathematical equation with the wrong phenomenon. 🔗 Uncovering the Missing Secrets of Magnetism semi-scientific paper Ken Wheeler defines the Unified Field equation as 1/Φ^-3, where 1 is the æther, and Φ^-3 is the angle of curvature inherent to the polarized inertial forces, which necessitatively create a spiralling inverted sphere or toroidal formation that is represented in a magnetic field including all matter and space. Φ specifically is a reference to the golden ratio derived as the simplest explanation of everything together (source: Plato's philosophy). Talking about matter is redundant if we don't know what quanta are. Talking about gravity is redundant if we don't know what gravity is. Talking about the electric universe is redundant if we don't know what electricity is. Talking about magnetic fields it redundant if we don't know what a field is let alone a magnetic one. We need explanations, not descriptions. Occam's Razor is a reference to retroduction, which is the most powerful tool you can have. Quick vocabulary - List of terms to learn (not from google, but from original meaning): description vs explanation connotation vs denotation expressions (ἀριθμός : arithmos - from ancient greek) vs equations (mathematics) retroduction (& abductive reasoning) ἀνάγκη (ananke - from ancient greek) metaphysics æther counterspace inertia dielectric electrification incommensurability coherency (field resonance) Φ (phi - golden ratio / magnetic flux) Ψ (psi - dielectric flux) charge / discharge induction (physics) resistance capacitance permeability permittivity transverse wave longitudinal wave coaxial current (Tesla coil / Birkeland current) cymatics -------------------------------------- “Sufficiency is insufficient.” –Aria (author) “The people who talk of spirit or god are equally as foolish as those who believe they cannot exist. The path of the wiseperson leads to truth: all such categorized perspectives are irrelevant.” –Aria (author) “The delusion of Relativity, is relativity being a new concept, when everything has always been relative since the beginning of conception.” –Aria (author) “I'm not going to work my ass off digging up sources to please you, and i don't want your sources either. I want you to show me you know what you're talking about, by supplying thorough cohesive logic in principle with examples and analogies as if you were the discoverer of this fact.” –Aria (author) “It’s not about the great person – but what ignited the greatness in that person... If we focus on what ignites the greatness in a person, the messenger becomes irrelevant. It’s hard in our culture, that has an inherent way of adoring and focusing on the persona and not the message.” –Alan Watts Support real science, not the established popular paradigm of obsolete Newtonian mechanics, particalism and flawed relativity. See the beauty of atmospheric electricity at work. Volcanic activity reflecting off clouds during Aurora. (Click for full size video) "Where there is distress, therein lies a story. Where there is a story therein lies a will . . . and wherever there is a will, therein lies a soul." –Evangeline A.K. McDowell (quoted by Negi Springfield), Mahou Sensei Negima! >Favourite story of all time: Mahou Sensei Negima! (manga) + UQ holder (manga) Negima (and UQ Holder) is better than every anime i've watched combined, with the exception of Clannad. - I cannot even begin to define this story. Ken Akamatsu (the writer of this series) is a genius of story writing, plot devices, and tropes. He uses them so well that even the most meta of concepts can be played on, referenced, or even applied in the most comedically casual ways imaginable. Even when it comes to really advanced concepts like continuity, and connectivity of elements, he manages to push my own analysis of it multiple layers deep and still leave no conceptual flaws - truly impressive, not just any author, or person for that matter, can give me a run for my money, or actually impress me with fun play with sophisticated intellectual content. The series is brilliant, ridiculous, dark, silly, shocking, cute&sexy, mind-blowing, epic to the extreme, and not to mention the most exciting thing i've ever been witness to. >Favourite anime: (no particular order) Fave romance: Clannad Fave idol: AKB0048 / Love Live! / The iDOLM@STER Fave mahou shoujo: Cardcaptor Sakura / Houkago no Pleiades / Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru Fave ecchi comedy: Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou / Shimoseka / To LOVE-Ru / NouCome / Sora no Otoshimono Fave comedy: Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun / Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai / Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo / Amagi Brilliant Park Fave yuri: Sakura Trick / Yagate Kimi ni Naru / Asagao to Kase-san. Fave tragic: Shinsekai yori / SaiKano Fave "yandere": Happy Sugar Life Fave psychopathy: Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku Fave dark: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Fave friendship: Natsuiro Kiseki Fave moe romance: Mashiro-Iro Symphony Fave animal ears: Dog Days Fave galge-style romance: Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi Fave sport/game: Saki Fave conspiracy/terrorism: Code Geass R2 / Zankyou no Terror Fave swordplay/magic: 11eyes / Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works Fave superpower: Mai-HiME & Mai-Otome / Gen'ei wo Kakeru Taiyou / To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S & To Aru Majutsu no Index II Fave street/NEET: Kamisama no Memochou Fave maid/butler: Hayate no Gotoku! Fave philosophical: Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi / Eureka Seven / Gurren Lagann Fave 'strange-girl': Kotoura-san Fave character-blob: Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon Fave mc: Mondaijitachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sou Desu yo? Fave epic/ridiculous: Medaka Box Fave hyper-realistic: Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 Fave war: Aldnoah.Zero (first cour only) Fave military otaku: Strike Witches / Girls und Panzer / Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio Fave space: Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 / Rocket Girls Fave time travel: Steins;Gate Fave journey: Sora yori mo Tooi Basho Fave movies: Madoka Magica: Rebellion / Kimi no Na wa. / Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu / Glass no Hana to Kowasu Sekai / Koe no Katachi / KanColle Movie / Love Live! Movie / To Aru Majutsu no Index: Miracle of Endymion / Strike Witches Movie Fave remake: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha movies Fave art piece movie: Nerawareta Gakuen Fave magic/intelligent/epic/comedy: Mahou Sensei Negima! Mou Hitotsu no Sekai Chars i most relate to: Haruhi Suzumiya - because of her eccentricity and boredom with the mundane world Chisame Hasegawa - (Negima) - her persistent skepticism and critical analysis of situations, sarcastic humour Yue Ayase - (Negima) - straight-faced adventure seeking, and the desire to have a fresh start in a new world that isn't full of crap Alicia Florence - (Aria the Animation) - see Aria the Origination episode 6: the speech on parenting, she is a perfect motherly angel. Lelouch Lamperouge - (Code Geass) - again boredom of mundanities, but also the desire to flip the world over, fix it's crucial mistakes through dictation, then disassemble the dictatorship Izayoi Sakamaki - (Mondaijitachi) - his attitude explains everything Satou Matsuzaka - (Happy Sugar Life) - how she was saved by finding her love, and the form of that love Ririchiyo Shirakiin - (Inu x Boku SS) - the old fight of inner confidence Shiori Shiomiya (KamiNomi) - constant internal thinking, not much external vocalizing Ryuunosuke Akasaka - (Sakurasou) - his perspective on people, and lack of desire to be involved in nonsense Haku - (Utawarurumono 2) - a sense of good-will and duty, but not cut out for labour Yukari Morita - (Rocket Girls) - arrogance, not overly surprised at unusual logic problems, straight-forward perspective and honesty Inaho Kaizuka - (Aldnoah.Zero) - the sociopathic tactical wit Tanaka - (Tanaka-kun) - appreciating the beauty and bliss of nature, whilst not being well suited for things like work Yuuko Shionji - (KamiMemo) - understanding death and the respect of same Chizuru Hishiro - (ReLife) - the awkwardness of persistent serious demeanor without necessarily meaning it Ririko Oribe - (Sakura Quest) - the seeking to be appreciated for the natural self, as opposed to fitting in to a conformity to be recognized Eishirou Sugata - (SoraOto) - seeking the New World Arisu Kamiigusa - (Animegataris) - seen way too many friggin anime. Reasons for top-10 favourite chars: Nodoka- she's the most well developed and hugely changing character i've known in any anime/manga, and she grows in a way that is so bloody endearing, i love her to bits. Yue - part of the library duo with nodoka, i love her straight-faced adventure-seeking. Kirie - prideful, tsundere, secretly super tough, sarcastic, her determination to solve a problem, and endearing when caught off-guard. Homura - most people know what she's all about, i like her pretty through and trough, even her evil side. Izayoi - he's awesome as hell, and his attitude makes him one of the only male chars i can say is legitimately a favourite. Satou - [redacted spoilers] watch Happy Sugar Life. Eruna - a soliloquous eccentric and open perverted lesbian, what's not to like? Shouko - i'm a sucker for girls who are different, she is so pure and adorable. Medaka - what can i say, she's the impossible girl, everyone needs a medaka in their life. she's an unstoppable force of idealism. Honourable mentions (additional fave chars): ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Fave chars i hated: ![]() ![]() Fave CVs (character voice): ![]() ![]() Click if you dare: |
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Kuroiwa Medaka ni Watashi no Kawaii ga Tsuujinai 2nd Season
Yesterday, 1:41 PM
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Anime (10)
Clannad: After Story
Kimi no Na wa.
Happy Sugar Life
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica Movie 3: Hangyaku no Monogatari
Mahou Sensei Negima!: Mou Hitotsu no Sekai
AKB0048: Next Stage
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2
Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru
Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven
Manga (3)
Character (9)
Miyazaki, Nodoka
Mahou Sensei Negima!
Ayase, Yue
Mahou Sensei Negima!
Sakurame, Kirie
UQ Holder! Mahou Sensei Negima! 2
Akemi, Homura
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
Sakamaki, Izayoi
Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou desu yo?
Matsuzaka, Satou
Happy Sugar Life
Ichinomiya, Eruna
Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku (TV)
Nishimiya, Shouko
Koe no Katachi
Kurokami, Medaka
Medaka Box
All Comments (281) Comments
My kind of person.
have a lovely day ♡
Definetely yes
ps: I only date anime girls
It´s a honour to meet you
She's on your giant "anti-waifu terrorists" image.
(You seem really cool! X3)
you naughty man