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Mar 14, 2014 6:40 AM

Jun 2013
Sono Chi no Sadame!!! MAAAAAAAAKOOO!!!
Mar 14, 2014 6:53 AM
Jan 2014
Dat Mako entrance at the end got me so fucking hyped right now.

Damn I should have waited and watch this ep around the middle of next week. The hype is killing me.

btw Matoi blushing is so cute
Mar 14, 2014 7:13 AM

Apr 2013
Damn, this entire episode. I don't know what to say. I fucking loved it, ended up watching it twice just because. This whole episode gave me a warm feeling inside.
Nui's hands got chopped off, and finally she's mad as fuck. I guess we won't see that annoying cute side of her anymore. Ryuko saying how Senketsu and Mako are more than just friends gave me a warm-feeling inside.
The part when Satsuki-sama bowed to Ryuko, I couldn't hold back anymore and started tearing up. Satsuki-sama smile and laugh were glorious this episode, we finally see her open up a lot more, to almost every character. The croquette part especially, felt like brief moment of relaxation before shit starts getting real. And don't get me started at the part when Ryuko was trying to call Satsuki-sama Nee-san (or chan, or sama)

Finally, the end of the episode. Wardrobe falling from the sky, cut to the leaf, and boom, punch to the COVERS Kaiju. Bancho Mako is finally back.
Mar 14, 2014 7:13 AM

Mar 2013
BTW have you seen that ?
Mar 14, 2014 7:26 AM
Apr 2013
Mako is back in action!!!
Mar 14, 2014 7:39 AM

Nov 2013
Now, what's this about killing the OLF will kill Ryuko as well? Is that stated somewhere?

There's gonna be a crucial moment where Ryuko will call Satsuki Onee-san, folks. I guess it's too late to ask if Junketsu will speak...? Looks like the Four Devas are getting their Goku uniforms back thank goodness. I won't miss the Nudist beach gear, one. Two I felt they were just for show when we seen them earlier.

Cons? QUALITY parts on this episode i.e. was panicking when she lost her arms it went 'episode 4' on us and some parts had erratic tonal shifts but none too jarring.

4/5 made up for last week's disappointment
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Mar 14, 2014 7:56 AM

Oct 2012
They just lost me with the constant "I want Senketsu but then i don't want him but the i want him again". It's just getting really annoying although we knew that they were going to reunite. Other than that it was a pretty good episode.
Mar 14, 2014 7:57 AM

Apr 2013
Everything about this episode was incredible. Last week's episode was underwhelming, so episode 22 more than made up for that.
Mar 14, 2014 8:24 AM

Sep 2011
Thank god the whole ryuuko vs kiryuuin is over now, it was drag for so long, now for the good stuff!
Mar 14, 2014 8:30 AM

Nov 2012
Dem feels when Ryuko tried to force herself to call Satsuki her sister lmao. Badass Mako is back. Yes.

It was a touching episode. Loved it. Although yes, nui's blood loss was animated terribly. That bugged me a bit.
Mar 14, 2014 8:51 AM

Nov 2013
Fight Club Mako is back, fuck yeah!
You all need to watch Nami.

Mar 14, 2014 9:17 AM
Jun 2013
Till the very end of this anime Satsuki-sama will be the one and true BOSS! She even looks BOSS whatever outfit she wears...or even when she willingly bows or apologizes! ^^ I need more sisterly interaction between Satsuki and Ryuko, but I guess nothing will be sweeter than Ryuko trying to say Nee-chan. Priceless scene! And Soroi there being so concerned for Satsuki..
Really touching ep! I'm glad Satsuki finally showed her gentle side. :)
Mar 14, 2014 9:32 AM

Nov 2011
1-Sisterhood Bond

2-Nui gets thrashed like shit

3-Hakodate and Fukuroda are back after 20 eps

4-Dr Octopus Iori

5-Makotaro is Back

This Episode was the shit
Mar 14, 2014 9:38 AM

Dec 2012

Highly intense episode in preparation for what's to come.
Mar 14, 2014 9:42 AM
Mar 2013
f*cking epic episode!

mako saving the day lol
Mar 14, 2014 9:49 AM

Jun 2012
Redmyr said:
BTW have you seen that ?
Maha, good find, nice little detail.

Aaah damn it's coming to an end soon, I don't want it to end.
Mar 14, 2014 9:55 AM

Apr 2011
BRSxIgnition said:

It begins.

So, in this episode:
  • Ryuuko was reunited with Senketsu.
  • Gurren Lagann Callback Transformation.
  • Ryuuko cut off Nui's arms and destroyed them. Regeneration impossible.
  • Nui gets saved by Rei - doesn't like it one bit.
  • Nui swears revenge on them, and also threatens to kill Rei.
  • Iori is a 3 Star - Sewing Spec Uniform. (Order Regalia)
  • Iori alters Junketsu's new form with Satsuki's DNA, as well as Ryuuko's blood and Senketsu's life fibers.
  • Satsuki can now use Junketsu more easily. (Unclear how far this goes)
  • Iori gets to work creating new, fighting-spec'd uniforms for all club captains and others. (YES!)
  • Touching "Forgiving Punch" moment with Satsuki, Ryuuko, and all their allies.
  • Ryuuko and Satsuki put their differences aside and have dinner with everyone.
  • Satsuki explains how Covers replicate and expand throughout the universe by essentially killing worlds.
  • Ryuuko has a moment with Senketsu - teases him about getting lonely.
  • Ragyou hints that the marionette threads must not have been tight enough, just after hanging up on a call about NUI.
  • COVERS and OLF attack the Naked Sun.
  • Ryuuko tries to call Satsuki "Nee-san" (Sister), but is stopped by Satsuki, who says that her blood flowing in Junketsu is enough for her.
  • Broketsu cries.
  • Sister Dual Transformation. Junketsu now has Senketsu's abilities due to the transfer.
  • Combat-spec COVER attacks the Naked Sun - is pushed back by...

    So. That was really. Really. Really. REALLY well done. A lot of exposition and action in the same episode - some clever hints were also dropped that even now, not all is as it seems.

  • 100% agree this epd was really great.
    Glorious Titties Nuff Said!

    Make America Great Again!
    Mar 14, 2014 10:15 AM

    May 2012
    Got a big grin on my face when Mako and her 2-star uniform showed up lol

    Mar 14, 2014 10:28 AM

    Jul 2013
    This was too beautifully epic. So many awesome events in one episode.
    -Ryuko trying to call Satsuki Onee-chan
    -That full duo transformation scene
    - And Goku uniform Mako XD
    Can't wait for next week.
    Mar 14, 2014 10:58 AM

    Jun 2013
    Getting goosebumps all through that episode. The sisters have finally teamed up to take out Ragyou
    Mar 14, 2014 11:09 AM

    Feb 2011
    What an episode, I had chills during that apology, Ryuko trying to say Nee-chan was adorable. Seeing Satsuki the way she is now, it feels nice, she's much less rigid and cold than before, almost human really. Banchou Mako absolutely needed to return, what's Kill la Kill without the Fight Club? Last but not least, Nui! Nui Nui Nui, armless Nui, going nuts on that uniform, I can't wait to see it complete.
    Mar 14, 2014 11:13 AM

    Feb 2011
    so much hype and feels included in this ep that it's gonna be almost sad when it all ends and i know ima feel empty when it ends!
    Mar 14, 2014 11:22 AM

    Sep 2012
    Totally worth it just to see Mako get back into her Fight Club uniform.

    Also, I just realized that Gamagoori is meant to be the embodiment of the 90's. Huge beefy guy, always sneering... and now carrying nine gun barrels on his body.
    Somewhere, there is an unplugged toaster sitting on a Coleman stove.

    Does it feel lonely?
    Mar 14, 2014 11:29 AM

    Aug 2009
    TRI_Mike said:
    I'm really pissed about Nui. This episode is another example that I should never grow fond of villains in any anime...

    I agree, both Nui and Ragyo are villains who are worthy of their role, someone we will love to hate. That's how good their characters are performed. Nui is a cute psycho girl but she's equally annoying when fighting, she always gets away with things too easily. I'm so satisfied seeing her arm-less and broken. Lol at the scene where her blood aggressively sprays at Rei's face and when she furiously attempts to sew with her teeth xD I like her better this way.
    Mar 14, 2014 11:37 AM

    Apr 2013
    Nui is the cutest psychopath I've ever seen :3 (just above yuno :P)
    Mar 14, 2014 11:40 AM

    Jul 2013
    This episode was truly A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Maybe my favorite so far!

    The scene where Ryuuko and Satsuki were having their sister moment really was moving, I love seeing them united like that, along with all the other Honnouji people working as a team! And 'Don't Lose Your Way' playing in the background was a beautiful addition, at the right moment!

    Also, I'M SO EFFING GLAD that Nui was FINALLY bitchslapped really hard (metaphorically). I truly enjoyed it. I was like "EFF YEEEEAH! Whatchu gonna do now, b*tch, huh? Do you need a hand or two maybe?"

    Yeah that wasn't just an episode, it was THE episode. Can't wait for next week! :D

    “In all things, the heart must take precedence. The heart rules over all things, and all things come from the heart.”

    Mar 14, 2014 11:56 AM

    Sep 2013
    Nui won't get any love? I can see satsuki dying with nui telling her she loves her, if this happens I don't even know what I'll do.

    Satsuki - respect.
    My man Gamagoori preach on.
    Satsuki and the elite 4 <3
    Iori - DAFUQ?!
    Ryuuko blushing - THE FEELS!!!
    Jojo Mako is back.
    Mar 14, 2014 12:13 PM
    Jan 2010
    where the fuck did that closet come from
    why the fuck did the sword scissor not hurt nui when it first impaled her but later on completely stopped her regeneration
    there should be an explanation to this kind of shit no matter how asspulled it is
    even ttgl had explanations regardless of how contrived they were
    this show is just beyond asspull now
    Mar 14, 2014 12:17 PM

    Dec 2013
    Can this get any better?
    FragOutFire said:

    Why am I a Berserk fan? All I ever experience is pain.

    We are in the eclipse and Miura has sacrificed us
    Mar 14, 2014 12:21 PM
    Jan 2014
    StardustReverie said:
    where the fuck did that closet come from
    why the fuck did the sword scissor not hurt nui when it first impaled her but later on completely stopped her regeneration
    there should be an explanation to this kind of shit no matter how asspulled it is
    even ttgl had explanations regardless of how contrived they were
    this show is just beyond asspull now

    It might have something to do with Senketsu, Ryuuko seems to be able to absorb life fibers when she's wearing him.
    But then why did she lose her eye against Sōichirō ?
    Mar 14, 2014 12:34 PM

    Apr 2013
    StardustReverie said:
    where the fuck did that closet come from
    why the fuck did the sword scissor not hurt nui when it first impaled her but later on completely stopped her regeneration <---- the closet

    Might have something to with Ryuko using both sword scissors at once, to answer your second question.
    Powerful eyebrows.
    Mar 14, 2014 12:48 PM

    Apr 2011
    All dat blood, damn :D The arms just popped right off too, I thought she was going to reattach them but Ryuko dissolves and devours them. Nui's really met her match. I'm sure she's gonna come back with some weird Life Fiber mutation, and Ryuko will get to execute her once and for all. She has both Scissor Swords now, which is bad for Nui's continued existence.

    I really adore the Four Divas. Gagamoori has quickly become my favorite secondary character in this show.

    Simultaneous sister transformations, very nice. Loved Ryuko stumbling over 'nee-chan'. She might not want to pound Satsuki's face in anymore, but she's still not ready to call her 'sister' yet.

    Can't wait for Mako to kick some ass next week, and for the sisters to pull off some amazing shit. I'm hoping for at least one more power-up to defeat Ragyou once and for all.
    Mar 14, 2014 1:02 PM

    Jul 2013
    Damn! Words I can't describe how freaking epic each episode gets.

    Nui looks seriously pissed off when she was defeated by Ryuko lol, but too gory when her arms are bleeding out.

    How cute of Ryuko calling Satsuki her sister :D Glad that they are working together and taking out Ragyo as sisters :D

    And yet that freaking ending scene, why did it have to end it there. I can't wait for next weeks episode. Also Mako surprise me about her uniform... everyone is becoming badass :D

    Mar 14, 2014 1:08 PM

    Jan 2014
    StardustReverie said:
    where the fuck did that closet come from
    why the fuck did the sword scissor not hurt nui when it first impaled her but later on completely stopped her regeneration
    there should be an explanation to this kind of shit no matter how asspulled it is
    even ttgl had explanations regardless of how contrived they were
    this show is just beyond asspull now

    Someone should have paid more attention.
    "Let Justice Be Done!"

    My Theme
    Fight again, fight again for justice!
    Mar 14, 2014 1:09 PM
    May 2013
    Kill la Kill saving anime one episode at a time
    Mar 14, 2014 1:11 PM

    May 2012
    It was so heartwarming when Senketsu reunited with Ryuuko. Just imagine how lonely Senketsu was without Ryuuko for the last two episode.

    He even shed waterworks.

    StardustReverie said:
    why the fuck did the sword scissor not hurt nui when it first impaled her but later on completely stopped her regeneration
    there should be an explanation to this kind of shit no matter how asspulled it is

    If you watch when Ryuuko slashed Nui arms off again, you'll notice she slashed her arms multiple times which cuts all the nexus threads connection to her body. So when they are not connected to her body, her arms won't regenerate. Ragyou explained the concept a few episode earlier when Satsuki slashed her head off.
    SoulfulMar 14, 2014 1:29 PM
    Mar 14, 2014 2:16 PM

    Jan 2014
    Indeed a very heartwarming episode, such glorious details in this episode. I was completely blown away when fight club mako showed up.
    The feeling when ryuuko slashed off Nui's arms and she realized that they were cut off entirely from her body with no life-threads to regenerate :3

    I'm just so sad because it's almost over ;_;
    What am i going to do with my life after KLK is done D:
    Mar 14, 2014 2:19 PM

    May 2011
    YESSS ALL THAT MAKO HYPE AT THE END! I'm so glad they brought that back... as awesome as this episode was, the ending honestly triumphed everything. :D
    Mar 14, 2014 2:20 PM

    Jul 2013
    Dooont looose your waaaaaay !!!
    Mar 14, 2014 2:36 PM

    Oct 2011
    Time to get what I have to say out of the way.
    Was the episode overall great?Yes,yes it was...........................BUT,there were things I didn't like.Though,the things I didn't like were more so my problems with the overall series rather than just this episode.
    Best parts:
    -Double transformation sequence
    -Finding out more about Life Fibers
    -yeah that's it for me.
    Also,BACK TO HONNOUJI ACADEMY AGAIN?!?I totally didn't see that coming -_-.An example of one of my problems with this series that was in the episode.
    My Devianart

    Oh & Space Brothers is still the best anime ever,in my opinion.Even when competing with Attack on Titan.
    Mar 14, 2014 2:37 PM

    Aug 2009
    dunsparcedude said:
    Mar 14, 2014 2:59 PM

    Oct 2011
    migohunter said:
    StardustReverie said:
    where the fuck did that closet come from
    why the fuck did the sword scissor not hurt nui when it first impaled her but later on completely stopped her regeneration

    Might have something to with Ryuko using both sword scissors at once, to answer your second question.
    This is my idea as well. When she stabbed her both times, it was with the red blade. When she cut off her arms here however, it was with both blades - specifically the rounded blade, which has yet to fail to kill life fibers permanently. (The "different use" hypothesis" has yet to be proven wrong and is greatly implied to be correct.
    "Evidently... There's no such thing as 'meaning' in this world. But that in itself is wonderful... isn't it? Since if there isn't a set meaning, then you can just find one on your own."
    - Filicia Heideman, So Ra No Wo To
    Mar 14, 2014 3:08 PM
    Jul 2018
    Btw, Ryuko tried to call Satsuki with "Neesan" was a pretty cute scene. Hnngh.
    Mar 14, 2014 3:18 PM

    Dec 2013
    I've seen that gattai sequence somewhere before...
    Mar 14, 2014 3:39 PM

    Dec 2012
    This episode was insanely cheesy, it was hard to watch at times. Jeesh. I don't respect the use of screenshots where unnecessary either. Never been a fan of cut corners, though I've come to expect it with KLK. And the way Ryuko talks still irritates me, figured she would after she came back to her senses. Suppose the writers are just trying to hard to make her sound "cool"

    That aside they at least went through a fair bit this ep. Interested how it is gonna conclude. Are they gonna go for something just massive scale like how TTGL ended, or are they gonna go for something smaller but intricate. Eh, well I can appreciate either kind of ending if pulled off properly. Haven't taken mentioned how they can potentially fuck things up also... I reeeeally hope they don't
    Mar 14, 2014 4:15 PM

    Dec 2013
    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!! I WAS WAITING FOR IT UNTIL NOW. SATSUKI AND RYUUKO FIGHTING TOGETHER (sry for caps) but I'm soo f*cking excited. This is definitely the best anime 2013-2014 season, and probably in whole year. Love IT SO MUCH.
    Mar 14, 2014 4:41 PM

    Jan 2014
    One word I have for this episode, EPIC !!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY put Nui in her place by cutting of her arms, tired of seeing that stupid laughing face all the time >__>. 4 Deva's, VERY HIGH respect for them, they are truly honorable people, (Gamagori is the best btw :P ) Hearing Satsuki's speech about the beautiful world and how it needs to be protected, saying that its not all about clothing, And bowed down before Ryuuko, I just said WOW :O I never expected see this day. and the best part about this episode was when Ryuuko and Satsuki were synchronizing at the same time with the epic music, MMMMMMMMMM Kill La Kill is GOD MODE RIGHT NOW. I can't wait for next weeks episode :D !!!!!!!!!
    Mar 14, 2014 4:58 PM

    Oct 2011
    Ryuko trying to say nee-chan and return of kamui Mako ,this episode was awesome ,i was pretty sure this will be the end of Nui but it seems they still need her for ultimate kamui plot.
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    Mar 14, 2014 5:14 PM

    Apr 2013
    DarkCyclone said:
    This episode was insanely cheesy, it was hard to watch at times.

    Seriously though, shows that are fueled by over the top everything like Kill la Kill and Gurren Lagann are cheesy throughout. This hasn't really changed.
    Powerful eyebrows.
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