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Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta...
Aug 5, 2020 3:47 PM
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Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
Jul 30, 2012 4:53 PM
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Anyway, you might think Im just one of those OPtards preaching like a madman haha. Sorry about that. :p I have Naruto, Bleach and FT rated as 7, 5 and 4 respectively iirc. First is so high because, well, it was my childhood. Others I saw recently and have judged more fairly lol. Just to tell you that no, I'm not one of thos mindless shounentards that give everything action-y a ten. :p
anyway, I see you liked LWA. I personally loved it too. And the fact that it was so beautifully animated just showed how talented trigger really is. They just had to work on a budget with KlK.
But from what you do say about OP you clearly haven't seen enough of it. Or just are missing the point when it comes to it. Look, I see shit being dragged worthlessly and I call it milking. Naruto does it, Bleach does it and most of the popular seemily neverending shows do it. They're cash cows. But One Piece is different. It is an adventure - it was always supposed to be a long journey unlike linear shows that crap out arc after arc and run out of steam but still serve people steaming piles of shit just because people eat them up. Its length is daunting, yes, but it just is NOT like the other shows that it so often is brought up with.
Although, the anime adaptation IS being milked now, it isn't because the author is adding content just to milk it, no, but rather because of how cheap the animation and the pacing has been for a few years. The content itself is great. It has a large cast which it manages to balance nicely (unlike naruto and bleach), it doesn't have rule breaking inconsistencies (like fairy tail or take any crappy popular shounen that is style over substance) and it has downright amazing world building (yet to see a series come even close. Even friends who have seen 600+ anime agree). Which is why seeing it have a 10 is understandable in my eyes.
Anyway, I lurk around the Kill la Kill boards. And I see you there all the time. One particular statement you made in a post of yours irked me, though. One user claimed that there's no hope left for KlK. And you responded by saying how he's merely trolling and him having One Piece as a 10 is somehow an indication of it. That doesn't sit right with me, sorry. The anime as of now is sucking major balls with the horrible pacing and animation it has. But it was a great show for a long while. And I honestly don't know if you have watched it or not, but it is a far cry from your average shounen battle series. It is leagues above Naruto, Bleach, FT and the like when it comes to plot consistency and world building. Heck, even attention to characters.
In light of its recent episodes, the anime deserves a 7 at best. But there are those like me who marathoed it and enjoyed the story immensely. And have it at 10 for how great the experience was. So I honestly don't think it being a 10 on someone's list automatically translates to them being a troll or lolnoob.
In any case I really really look forward to what Trigger produces in the future, such an awesome animation studio.
Here's my profile.
However, I'll keep an eye on that thread. As expected, cohesive and good discussions there. Even people who were disappointed by the show brought up good points.
I'll check out your profile once I get on in a bit.