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Bocchi the Rock!
Bocchi the Rock!
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Mar 12, 1:55 AM
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Tokidoki Bosotto Russia-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san
Tokidoki Bosotto Russia-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san
Mar 11, 2:38 AM
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Wagatsuma-san wa Ore no Yome
Wagatsuma-san wa Ore no Yome
May 10, 2016 7:35 PM
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Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari
May 10, 2016 7:08 PM
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Yotsuba to!
Yotsuba to!
May 10, 2016 6:52 PM
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Konik Feb 10, 2016 6:38 AM

Miya- Jan 9, 2016 10:25 AM
Nice profile picture! Didn't expect to see something Star Wars-related on here. Anyway, just profile-hopped my way here to say that. Have a good day!
SerasAshley Feb 7, 2015 5:28 PM

Konik Oct 21, 2014 9:58 AM

Sarinda Aug 27, 2014 4:45 AM
Okay, now's my turn! It seems like we're competing to see who can write most ;) Anyway, I'll say that I'll try to keep it short, but it has been a while so maybe it'll be difficult to be true to my word. In any case.

The month of July was really interesting and full of new experiences. To be honest, many things were so different I found it hard at first. Obviously, the food is the main thing. Hardly having any lunch and eating dinner at 6 pm was ridiculous to me, not to mention my family only ate frozen food or burgers....but well, I got used to it. It was also a bit weird going to church though I did find curious just how many people seemed to be happy once they believed in God and all. Over here nobody really thinks about religion, and we don't really speak about it much, especially because after the Civil War religion was imposed on all the spanish citizens, so when the dictator died, it was hard to keep being religious because it reminded harsh times.

Oh, I went to Victoria one day! So at least I can say I crossed the border to Canada ;) it was only 3h away from where I was staying :)
I also got to shot a rifle. Now, that was weird. Oh, and we went to a drivin'! Like in Grease, hehe. I didn't really go much to Seattle the city, but it was nice.
Lastly, I went to a summer camp, which was the best part of the whole month. It was so crazy in there, and there were so many things to do (cowboy night, county fair, cars, cycling, zip line...). And yes, I went with a friend as well, and she was just about a half an hour from where I was staying and we got to meet up every now and then. And we were together at camp as well :)

Oh, I put quite a lot of pictures on facebook, so I don't mind your looking at them. Though better if I send you my facebook details by PM.

Worst part was that once I came home I had the jet lag for, like, 3 days. If only a portal could be invented to go through one country to another in just a matter of seconds....

As for the rest of the month of August, we had the huge festival week here, full of concerts and activities, and I practically stayed till 4:30 am every night, so that was pretty crazy as well. Oh, most people here think 4:30 is early to go home, btw, and rather stay up till 8 or so and have breakfast and all before heading home for a looong nap.

Now I'm getting ready to go to college, which I start on the 4th of September. But I need to go on the 2nd because we have are going hiking with all the people of the students residence. To get to know people, they say, though personally I'd rather do that over a meal, rather than walking for 5 hours. I'm a bit nervous, sort of, because I don't really know anyone...and especially because I know my life will change from then on.

Oh, did you do the Otakuthon thing? how did it go?? I've missed taking time for anime, really.... and I get the feeling I won't get much time for it from now on. How about your progress in your job? Still getting nightmares over it? Haha, I happen to know that friend of yours, I have been getting to know him quite a bit this summer as well, especially during the flights which helped me stay awake.

Oh, so you have some history with WoW. Well, parents aren't really the best when it comes to games or any other electronic devices...still, that sucks. Huh, it does seem like they've made quite some changes. I don't get the obsession many companies have on "improving" their stuff if gamers don't really of them as improvements, though. I've actually dropped WoW for now since I don't get much time to play...and I was getting rather obsessed with leveling up my character. Besides, I don't want to miss it when I start college. Though I'm sure I'll start again soon, no matter what I say, when Warlord of Dranenor comes out, at least.

Ohh thanks for offering to help! I'll let you know what I'll cover this year once I start next week, because there're so many things in computers that we could do...
I don't think I need a new laptop right now, because I have a MacBook Pro which I bought only two years ago and seems to be working just fine, but maybe in the future :)

As for anime, I've just finished Magi: the labyrinth of magic, and the kingdom of magic, and strangely enough I've liked it a lot. I thought it seemed very cliché at first, but oh, I just love this shounen type. Now I've started No Game No Life. I'm also watching the second season of SAO, like many people -I won't comment on that, because I don't even know why I'm watching it in the first place-and getting depressed because Hunter x Hunter is finishing in just 4 weeks... any anime of the summer season worth watching?

Time to stop. It's funny because I don't know how much I've written until I click the "submit reply" button, and then I realize how much I've written and I'm, like, OMG. I think I've spent a half an hour writing? less? more? Hum...yup, we should definitely organize this, I think.

SerasAshley Jul 12, 2014 1:51 PM

Sarinda Jun 29, 2014 2:38 PM
Hey hey! I haven't been in MAL for a while and I've been reading my past posts...and I was rather shocked to see just how much I wrote on my previous post, I suppose I intimidated you, hahahaha. Anyway, just to tell you I'm on hollidays already, finished all my exams with great results (13,26 out of 14, I'm so happy!) and I've definitely decided to study biomedical engineering.

I'm leaving to Seattle tomorroooow! I'm so nervous! But it seems exciting, especially because my family has two daughters of around my age (16 and 21). I'll be back in the 2nd of August so it's quite a looong time.

Anime-wise, I haven't really watched much. I'm watching Nisekoi now, but I'm finding it ridiculous. I've been addicted to World of Warcraft, more like don't know if I told you about that... and watching Game of Thrones, for instance. Do you watch it, by any chance? Great show.

Anyway, I hope you're doing well with your studies and all, or if you're already on holidays :) Any plans for the summer?

Sarinda May 13, 2014 2:30 PM
Heyyy sorry it took so long! It's been crazy at school, especially since the end of the year is so close. I've just finished my school exams, but we have our final ones in three week's time, the national ones. They're really important because we have to get a good enough mark to do the degree we want to do at university. Anyway, everybody is just so stressed out it's difficult to stay calm. But well, since I usually organize what I have to do well, I'm taking it okay :)

Oh, well, I guess it's normal that depending on universities for the fees to vary. I guess it's mainly because in American movies I often see people struggling to go university due to financial reasons. Of course, that citizenship counts here as well. I suppose that the public universities here (which cost about 1200 euros per years) are more expensive for foreigners. Actually, I might got to a private one because they don't have biomedical engineering in the public (meaning it's ehh rather more expensive, but since I'm an only child it's no big deal), but they offer special grants for good students so I might get a discount...It's a bit of a shame how some people end up not having the chance to go to university for financial reasons, though. It's a bit ironic, because society always insists that studying is important, but then the fees are so high sometimes!

Hum, Software Engineering. I know I need to study quite a lot of computers in my degree as well, so I might ask you some of my doubts I have any, haha.

Cegep sounds a biiit like what we have here, though it's hard to compare. At what age do you finish Cegep over there? I mean, do you finish high school at 18 or is it at 16?
The thing is that over here "high school" (we don't call it that way, so I don't know if it's the right term for it) finished at 16, which lasts four years. After that the education is not compulsory and some people go to vocational education (specific ones already focused on work-related subjects), while others can continue studying for another too years (the "bachillerato"), which is divided in technical (drawing, maths, physics), health (biology, chem, maths), social science or arts. We all have some common subjects as well (like I said, philosophy, history, the three languages...), but it's more orientated to university. For instance, in this final exams I'm going to have to do the exams for biology, maths and chemistry because biomedical engineering admits those subjects. So, basically, you could say the whole point of this two years is to prepare ourselves for the degree we want to do.

It's so funny how education is different all over the world, though.

Haha, have you had any more snowstorms?? I hope not, spring has bloomed already, hasn't it?? :) :) Weather here's wonderful. Just what you'd expect when I have to spend days studying at home. I'm sure it'll start raining on June the 7th, once my holidays finally begin.

Oh yes, Psycho-Pass 2!! I'm thinking of rewatching the first one again so as to refresh my memory. Looking forward to the new Fate as well. Though I'd like to finish another route of the VN before... No, I haven't really had the time, sadly. That's the first thing I want to do when summer comes: play VN.

By the way, I just had the meeting about my summer vacation last week and it seems it's going to be Seattle in the end :) I'm soo excited about it! The worst part will be the flight, is soo long: first to Madrid, then to Chicago (about 9 hours?) and then to Seattle. Not to mention there's a 9 hour time difference. But I suppose the jet lag will be harder on the way back... Ah I don't want to think about it.

Anyway, I guess the most interesting part will be to get to know more about the culture over there. It seems to so different, and I'm a bit nervous... I mean, for instance, over here we eat so much and so well (I just love the food here) that I don't what I'll eat there, or the fact that many families seem to have dogs (I hate dogs), or how everything is so far away that you need to get a car to go anyway, or the fact that my family is catholic and I've never even met a religious person in my life... But well, it's a new adventure to get to know all of this new things :)

Ohh and I might go to Canada one day, since Vancouver is only about 3 hours away from Seattle :) I guess Quebec is right at the other side of Canada though.... Unfortunate.

In the end did you choose some anime films? I haven't watched many, I'm afraid, just movies the are connected to a TV series (Gurren Lagann, Evangelion, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica...).

Ah, and one last thing: do you happen to play World of Warcraft?? I just started recently and I'm soo hooked on it...

Anyway, it seems my replies are even larger than yours and it's getting late. Oh my gosh it's already 23:30 and I still have school work to do.... ahhhhh I hate school......

noireau Mar 31, 2014 10:57 PM
Yep, je l'avais deja vu. C'était bizarre de revoir la série, mais sur l'angle de la fille et la fin est bien vu que c'est du nouveau lol, c genre un recap + 1 new episode = film, weird je trouve x) Après avoir vu récenment la série, j'avais pas trop apprécié le film excepté les ptits moments de la série que j'ai bien aimé revoir

Et Naval strike est sortir today =3

Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais mes genre 3-4 last animes sont comme too good for me lol, je les aime vraiment. C'est fun vu que tu veux toujours voir la suite =3
noireau Mar 25, 2014 10:32 AM
Argg shiit men, je viens juste de voir ça aussi, je m'étais préparé mentalement pour ce soir, come on EA. " We’ve detected an issue and it needs to be solved". Mais bon, je préfère cela, car si l'expansion est sortir et que cela plante à chaque 2 seconde ou même juste qu'on ne peut même pas y accéder. Je préfère attendre lol. mais veux pété des titans (T_T) et les maps looks awesome ! J'espère que ca va pas être trop long (u_u)

Je ne sais pas si tu écoutais Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai!
En moins de 24h, je l'ai tout écouté, je l'ai super adoré !!!
J'ai vu Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo?
Que de Awesomeness <3 J'ai bien aimé la lapine (☆^ー^☆) hehehe xd

Et Je viens de voir ta liste et c'est vraiment nice le style. J'aime bien voir les images des animes et j'ai remarqué que tu n'as pas de note sur certain anime Completed (O_o)
noireau Mar 20, 2014 7:49 AM
Hummmm je viens de remarquer cela, Naval Strike sort le 25th mars pour le premium. Je ne sais pas comment ta faire pour l'avoir si tôt, mais shiiit son, OP....hax
noireau Mar 19, 2014 7:31 PM
OHhhh goood, je vais le downloader aussi. Il y a un gun pour le débloquer, il faut tuer 20 boats lol, J'ai hâte de pété des titans ;P et lala me manque D:
Sarinda Mar 9, 2014 9:19 AM
I see! An Anime Club sure does sound nice! I wish I could join in, haha, since we don't have any clubs like that in our school. I went to an anime convention last year, but that's pretty much everything anime-related that I've done (besides watching it, of course).

What are you going to study in university?? I'm surprised to hear you'll be only one to go. I've heard that universities over there are quite expensive, is that one of the reasons?? I mean, over here practically everyone will go to university, but the public ones are quite cheap so it's quite easy to go if we get a good enough mark. (Oh, wait a second, you talk about Cegep. Is that a special kind of university of Canada??)

Still, even if we go to universities, we're going to different places...some will stay in the city, others will go another province...But well, they're all quite close, even if we have to live out of our house, like is my case. I'm quite nervous about it, because none of my friends are going to the one I'm going to, but well, it's also a bit exciting to think that nobody knows you, and thus you can start once again and get to know knew people.

Ahhh -30!! I can't even imagine it! And here people complain because it's raining and windy all the time and it's 5ºC... I feel embarrassed. What's the point of closing the school that late?? So those who had gone had to go back home?? Weird...

I have Noragami in my PTW list so I might watch it soon :) As for Log Horizon, I'm liking it quite a lot. Or rather, I was, because I'm finding more and more flaws as more episodes keep airing. I'm especially pissed because they try to include comedy and romance (the reason why I hate Akatsuki. I mean, I can't help but think she's a pointless character that's just there to make it more moe). The plot is somewhat getting rusty as well. But I suppose that the main reason why I like it is because it's not SAO. I just really don't like SAO, so I'm glad it's so different to it. I was expecting something like SAO, so of course, I didn't have many expectations.

I've just finished watching the epilogue of Kara no Kyoukai! And agreed, the fifth one is the best :) The sixth was a bit of a let down compared to it. As for the seventh, I was confused with Lio Shirazumi because I couldn't remember him from the previous movies (though I think he appeared in the second movie). But I still found it pretty good.
I especially liked the relationship between Shiki and Mikiya and its development, and how Shiki's different personalities work out.
I'm thinking of reading the novels sometime in the future...have you read them??
Ohh and I see there's an 8th movie as well, I have to watch that one too...

We'll be going to the USA in July, and stay for the whole month :) We still don't know whether it'll be Oregon or Washington, but they'll tell us soon, and later on, the exact location. My friend is also really excited because she's going to return to the same host family she stayed with last year. The good thing about this program is that many teenagers from here go in a group, so once every few days, we also do group activities. So it's not just being with the family, but we also have guaranteed that we'll meet people our age :) My friend even visited Canada with her family so I hope I can do that too :) The worst, I think, will be the journey...

I hope I can get my friends to Japan as well!! Maybe next year, haha. And of course, I'd have to start saving money...

Anyway, the weather is great right now, sunny and rather hot (surprisingly), so I might head to the beach! Not for a swim, haha, since the water will be freezing cold, but just to lie down perhaps... I hope it stays like this for a while...
noireau Feb 10, 2014 9:34 PM
Ouais, j'ai trouvé cela weird de la part de steam, de mettre les meilleurs jeux en ventes. On dirait qu'il n'avait pu d'autre jeux à mettre sur steam en rabais lol.

Présentement, je regarde Ookami to Koushinryou II (Spice and Wolf II). Je l'ai vu sur la liste à Jesus (qui était 10/10 !) haha. À date, je préfére la saison 2 que la saison 1 =3
La louve est trop adorable >.< C'est une de mes personnages d'anime préférés. Juste pour l'information, je ne compte pas les personnages masculins lol, donc j'ai seulement des personnages féminins. Entouka

Je me demande quel(s) demande(s)/quel(s) conseil(s) que tu veux avoir de moi O_o

Free Tip : ( ̄^ ̄) Reste toi-même <( ̄︶ ̄)>

xD, mais juste à me le dire, je verrais si je peux y répondre (=^・^=)
noireau Feb 7, 2014 7:54 PM
Wow, thanks pour m'avoir montrer Sora no Otoshimono.
La saison 2 est trop nice O_o
Pour l'instant, j'aurais dis que ça dépasse de loin High School, mais je peux pas trop le confirmer, car cela fait un bout de High School.
Entouka, t'avais raison que c'était bon =3
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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